10 Most POWERFUL Military Uniforms in The World

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10 Most POWERFUL Military Uniforms in the World

With the passing of time it has been possible to observe how creative and
resourceful human beings can be when it comes to having a beam up their sleeve
and tactically surpassing their rivals and enemies, every year military technology
evolves vertiginously with the objective to ensure peace and prosperity of the great
dominant nations of the world, in number 10 is the fabulous fantasy without
equipement liaisons integrated an innovative combat suit refracts light, repels
water, is resistant to mosquitoes and all kinds of parasites It is ultra light and
circulates the air to perfection, it also makes the user invisible to the infrared
detection this uniform is originally from the French army, in number 9 is the comfut
project or siscap project, as an abbreviation as a fighter of the future originating
from the Spanish army , the smart textiles project of the united kingdom allow to
transmit and receive information using the fibers of the uniforms as a transmission
res, the fist project, this project will allow the soldiers to have a level of information
never seen before on the battlefield, strategically located sonors exchange
information to map combat zones and discover the location of the target, the ratnik
3 originally from russia It will be a protective exoskeleton for soldiers with the ability
to withstand extreme temperatures with the possibility of dominating any battlefield,
it will be made of titanium and will offer a valuable layer of protection for the
soldier's body, it will depend on an engine that can run for eight consecutive hours
without recharging a soldier equipped with a ratnik 3 will be able to load 150kg of
equipment without feeling wear and tear, on the other hand the Chinese army is
developing an ultralight exoskeleton with a long-lasting load that focuses on
supporting the most vital joints of a soldier (knees, elbows and shoulders) to date is
the most advanced exoskeleton that It is known for the comfort it offers for the
user, the future force warrior project is an alias that has been given to a secret
project of the United States military industries, the project consists of a protective
armor manufactured with the most advanced technology conceivable in Currently
the armor plates will be composed of three capable, a layer that will protect the
soldier as elements of grenade shards, rock fragments, glass among others, the
third layer that goes with the soldier's body will be Kevlar, the engineering German
has taken the level of technology to another level with the ibz-es project, it is a suit
that includes a supercomputer that uses state-of-the-art technology to
communicate with computers in the rest of the soldiers, the United States is not left
behind with the lockheed martin industries that have been offering the best combat
technology for the us army for decades this company is responsible for the major
war machines s advanced of the moment and secretly they are creating an
exoskeleton similar to the one evidenced in video games or fiction, on the other
hand we have the talos project, it is a strap made of a light and resistant material, it
is not yet known that this is a suit quite complete for combat, offering protection
and advantage over the enemy, for these times it is easy to believe that reality
imitates fiction.

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