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Synthesis Paper

Midwestern State University

Throughout the world, there are so many different and dynamic cultures that are present.

Due to multiple characteristics outlining all the unique cultures such as class, race, language,

religion, and geography just to name a few, no two cultures will ever be exactly the same.

Defining what culture is and what it means to the specific population will be included throughout

this paper.

Different cultures handle situations differently more often than not. When discussing

protective measures in regards to a worldwide pandemic, such as Covid 19, cultures were

surprisingly showing a lot of similarities. Almost all cultures were doing the same protective

measures throughout to stay safe and protect their loved ones.

Through multiple outlets, data was gathered regarding cultures and the significance

Covid 19 has played on them. One of the many aspects focused on was that of religion and how

Covid 19 affected the cultures and how they are maintaining or practicing their religion

throughout the worldwide pandemic caused by Covid 19.

Religion can be addressed in a vast variety of ways throughout different cultures.

Religion may be the same denomination, but practiced differently between two cultures.

Religion can bring people together from all walks of life, especially during hard times.

Throughout the world, when Covid 19 first presented itself, there were multiple news stations

streaming downtown New York City. Every evening, at the same time, residents would gather

and say a prayer for both healthcare workers coming off their shift and those heading in for the

night. They continued this practice for the next two months. It brought a sense of calm and

peace within the city and their residents as it brought the city together, they were fighting this as

one. Whether residents were super religious, or never attended church in their life, throughout

the Covid 19 crisis, prayer brought them closer together.

Cultural Autobiography

When discussing religion between that of Mexico and the United States, there were quite

a few similarities. Although they do differ in many other aspects such as class, race, ethnicity,

language, and geography. Both regions were similar in that the majority of their regions were

practicing Roman Catholicism. Even though they were both practicing Catholicism, there were a

few differences. When Covid 19 hit throughout, residents were coming up with several ways to

still be able to practice and pray as they both agree that prayer was what their people needed.

Academic Analysis

Religion plays a huge part of culture for both the United States and Mexico. “About 20%

of all Americans identify as Catholic.” (O’Loughlin, 2017) Researchers have found that this

shift is influenced by immigration from Mexico and Latin America. In Mexico, it is estimated

that a little over 80% of their population identifies as Catholic. Sometimes, individuals of both
cultures may not identify with a certain religion, but they may practice other customs daily to

pay respect. Between both countries, they hold similar values that are the same as well. Family,

religion, and working are a huge part of their culture and mean a great deal to them. Mexico

slightly differs in a way that they are considered hand to mouth. This particularly means that

their work is very important in a way that the majority of them rely on their farming and then

selling it at the market in order to make ends meet. Due to the impact of Covid 19 and the

shutdown of all public places, including churches, both countries were finding other ways or

modalities to still hold services for worship or praise. Mexico’s culture seemed to be a little

stricter when shutdown precautions were put in place initially.

Field Work

When exploring both Mexico and the United States in regards to adaptations they were making

in order to press on throughout the Covid 19 pandemic, they were extremely similar. Both

countries were shutdown to help decrease the spread or “flatten the curve” of Covid 19 among

their residents. All public places such as grocery stores, markets, shopping malls, restaurants,

bars, and churches were closed during this phase. Grocery stores were only allowing a certain

number of people at a time with strict guidelines in order to stay open as they were considered

essential for the public to survive. There were a few differences found, one of them in regards to

the way that both governments reacted to the crisis at hand. The United States government was

extremely proactive in which they began taking safety measure and precaution almost

immediately to protect their citizens. They remained working very diligently around the clock to

make sure no rock was left unturned. Mexico on the other hand, did not have their citizen’s best

interest as a priority from the very beginning. In fact, most of the Mexican citizens were having

to rely on information they were finding from social media from around the world. When the
Mexican government questioned about what they were doing to protect citizens, they barely

acknowledged what was actually happening. Citizens began preparing for the shutdown

themselves, when finally the government came on board and made it well known. The

healthcare system was also at risk as the government was known to underfund and underprepare

their system. They were already out of supplies before the pandemic took place, so naturally

their fear and lack of trust in their government resurfaced.


In conclusion, culture and the way the community as a whole does play a huge role in

how each population responds to Covid 19. Both cultures took safety measures such as the

“shutdown” of all public places as well as advising their citizens to practice social distancing.

Later on, both regions told citizens to protect themselves by wearing masks should they need to

go out in public. They were offering multiple ways throughout both countries of ways to not

only practice social distancing but also ways to stop the spread or “flatten the curve.” Most

business were in trouble due to the economic hardship that came with the shutdown. Mexico

was a little behind the rest of the world as their government was trying to not acknowledge the

worldwide pandemic and that it was actually happening. The Mexican government did a very

poor job when discussing communication between then and their citizens. In the end, both

countries were able to step up and protect their citizens the best they possible could.

Although the Covid 19 pandemic is still at large, both societies are continuously working

to help improve ways to protect their citizens. Government for both countries have stepped up

and tried to relieve some of the burden in which the citizens are currently facing and coming up

with ways to help with future burdens. As long as both countries remain strong by both being
prepared as a whole and keeping their religion and faith strong, they are more likely to make it

through this present crisis known as Covid 19.


Clarke, K. (2016). Mexico is home to world’s second largest Catholic population. Retrieved from

O’Loughlin, M.J. (2017). The U.S. Catholic experience is increasingly Hispanic and Southwestern.

Retrieved from

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