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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)

Volume 09, Issue 13, December 2018, pp. 1853-1864, Article ID: IJCIET_09_13_185
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


M. Charbaji, O. Baalbaki, A. Elkordi and J. Khatib
Beirut Arab University, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Beirut, Lebanon

Fly ash resulting from Municipal Incinerated Solid Wastes (MISW) can be
potentially reused as cement replacement in concrete. However, treatment of these fly
ashes is found to be pre-requisite for incorporation in concrete as partial substitution
of cement. Previous researches indicate that the use of this type of fly ashes without
treatment causes a drastic drop in the compressive strength due to expansion problem.
The presence of considerable amount of aluminum is the origin of entrapped air
produced when the water is added to fly ashes. This expansion process will continue
during and after hardening of the paste leading to internal pressure and creating voids
in the concrete matrix. In this research the process and the effect of treated MSWI fly
ash are discussed and evaluated. Different methods were experimented using different
chemical agents with water such as sodium hydroxide NaOH and Calcium Carbonate
CaCO3. The cement paste properties were compared in terms of expansion and
compressive strength for the different proposed treatments. It was found that MSWI fly
ash collected from SICOMO plant in Lebanon has an attractive potential for addition
as a mineral in the production of concrete provided that the risk of hydrogen
entrapment bubbles in the fresh cement paste is prohibited.
Key words: Fly Ash, Incineration, Municipal Solid Waste, Treatment, Waste
Cite this Article: M. Charbaji, O. Baalbaki, A. Elkordi and J. Khatib, Processing of
Incinerated Municipal Solid Waste Fly Ash for Use in Concrete. International Journal
of Civil Engineering and Technology, 09(13), 2018, pp. 1853–1864

Municipal Solid Waste management and their environmental effect created a lot of controversy
where millions tons of residues are worldwide produced every year and these quantities are
expected to raise in the near future (World-energy, 2013) [28]. It becomes a major
environmental problem all over the world. Nevertheless, with the increase in the population 1853

M. Charbaji, O. Baalbaki, A. Elkordi and J. Khatib

growth, urbanization and technological/economic development, the disposal of residues is

becoming a more serious issue (Wiles, 1995) [27]. Incineration is found to be an effective
process which allows a significant reduction in the waste quantity (85-90%) in volume and (65-
80%) in mass (Bertolini et al., 2004) [2]. Incineration has been the principle treatment method
that satisfy the goal of “Zero Waste” and “Zero Landfill” in the future. Researches for making
functional eco-material from MSWI ash becomes nowadays a trend. Each read around 1.3
billion tons of MSW are generated, and the volume of MSW globally is projected to double by
2025. In most of the developed countries, scientific waste management protocols are adopted
(Qiao et al.2008, Ferraris et al.2009) [16, 7]. In the past, the majority of wastes were disposed
in the landfills but this has induced severe deterioration of water quality, air quality, and public
health and so on (Liu et al.2015; Gong et al. 2014) [13, 8]. Reduction of vacant land
incineration of MSW has been strongly encouraged since incineration cannot only reduce the
volume and mass of wastes, but also realize energy recovery and disinfection.
The combustion procedure of MSW generates residues, which are divided into incineration
fly ash and incineration bottom ash (Jin et al.2012; Sabbas et al.2003) [9, 20]. From this comes
the purpose of this research: the reuse of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration in the cement to
reduce the consumption of raw materials and the landfills. However, Bottom & Fly ashes are
not produced by an industrial controlled process, thus they have many constituents such as
chlorides, aluminium, sulphates and heavy metals which make them unsuitable to be used in
cement before treatment (Charbaji et al.2018) [3].
In this research a proposed treatment is suggested. The basis of the treatment is the
immersion of fly ash in distilled water first without any chemical agent and second with either
CaCO3 of 2 % concentration or with NaOH of 2.5% concentration .A combination of both
agents was also tried to verify and enhance the effectiveness of the treatment using both


The physical and chemical properties are determined based on a raw sample without being
exposed to a treatment.

2.1. Chemical Composition: X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis

The preparation of the material for X-Ray analysis starts by drying the sample at 105˚C till
obtaining constant mass. The moisture content was found to be equal to 1.89 %. A portion of
the dried sample was fused at high temperature. Another portion of the dried sample was taken
to test the loss of ignition, noted as “LOI”. LOI is determined by igniting the sample at 950˚C
until constant mass. The obtained results are shown in Table 1 and Figure 1. The presence of
Si2O3, Al2O3, Fe2O3, and considerable content of CaO (up to 26%) may provide the fly ashes
with hydraulic properties.The summation of oxides (Si2O3 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3) in the sample was
found to be 31.77 %. As per ASTMC 618 classification related to coal fly ash, the sulfur content
SO3 was 3.05% which is in the normal range (< 4%) whereas the obtained Loss of Ignition
(12.05) is greater than 10%. The CaO high contents serves to preserve a high pH solution which
is beneficial for the fixation and stabilization of some hazardous heavy metals, such Cd, Cu,
etc. High concentrations of Cl result from high contents of plastics and food wastes. 1854

Processing of Incinerated Municipal Solid Waste Fly Ash for Use in Concrete

Table 1 Chemical Composition of fly ash

SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO SO3 K2O

14.68 12.74 4.35 26.32 2.25 3.05 4.30
Na2O TiO2 MnO P2O5 Cr2O3 Cl LOI
5.94 1.91 0.05 0.57 0.026 11.77 12.01

Chemical Composition of Fly Ash SiO2

12.01 14.68 CaO
0.026 SO3
11.77 K2O
0.57 12.74
1.91 5.94
4.35 MnO
4.30 Cr2O3
3.05 Cl
2.25 LOI

Figure 1 Chemical composition of untreated fly ash

2.2. Physical Properties

The fineness of fly ash was determined by wet sieving test according to ASTM C430 Standard
Test Method for Fineness of Hydraulic Cement using the 45-μm (No. 325) Sieve. The sample
of 2 g weight was wetted carefully with a gentle stream of water. Materials passed and retained
on the sieve were dried in and the percentage of materials retained on the sieve was calculated..
The results obtained showed that the percentage retained on sieve No. 325 (45µm) was 13%
which are less than the ASTM C618 maximum specified limit (34%) which is the standard
requirement to be considered as natural pozzolan in terms of fineness properties. The real
density of the ashes Fly Ash was 2.56 g/cm3.


3.1. With Water
Water-washing is a simple pre-treatment method for the regeneration of MSWI fly ash (Kirby
and Rimstidt, 1994) [11]. The early researchers for this technique found that the soluble salt
was predominant. Afterward Mulder (1996) combined slight water-washing,
stabilization/solidification with cement and other additional agents to meet legislation standard.
The slight water-washing removed more than 90% of cadmium and chloride, and more than
50% of zinc and sulfate. This treatment can possibly reduce the expansion due to elemental Al
and some soluble salts such as chlorides and sulphates. Elemental Al reacts with water and
releases hydrogen gas in alkaline environment (Saikia et al.2015) [21] as follows:
Al+2OH+H2O (AlO(OH)2)- + H2 PH > 7 (1)
AlO(OH)2- + H2O Al(OH)3 + OH- PH = 9-10 (2) 1855

M. Charbaji, O. Baalbaki, A. Elkordi and J. Khatib

Washing of ashes with water was performed as follows: 500g of ash was mixed with 1 liter
of water and was mixed daily for 5 minutes for 5 days. After washing the samples were dried
in the oven at 105 °C temperature for 24 h.

3.1.1. Effect of Water treatment on Volume change

Blended cement pastes at four different percentage of treated fly ash using water-cement ratio
of 0.32 were made to prepare cubes of 50x50x50 mm dimensions. Following 28 days curing,
the cubes were taken out from water and tested for their volume changed. The cement paste
with the addition of fly ash exhibited a remarkable expansion after setting significantly visible
by the naked eye (Figure 2). The volume was measured for each cube by displacement method.
Table 2 shows the percentage of volume change with the addition of fly ash.

Figure 2. Expansion and Entrapped air due to formation of hydrogen gas

Table2. Volume Expansion

Specimen Percentage of Volume
volume of cube
mm3 %
0% FA 126 100
10% FA 131 103.97
20% FA 134.5 106.75
30% FA 138.5 109.92
40% FA 142 112.7

3.1.2. Effect of Water treatment on Compressive Strength

The table 3 indicates the results of the compressive strength obtained on cement pastes showing
the compressive strength decrease as the percentage of fly ashes increases.

Table 3 Compressive Strength

Specimen Compressive
Relative Compressive Strength
MPa %
0% FA 48.4 100
10% FA 41 84.71
20% FA 38 78.51
30% FA 28 57.85
40% FA 24 49.59 1856

Processing of Incinerated Municipal Solid Waste Fly Ash for Use in Concrete

3.2. With Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) Solution

Elemental Aluminum reacts with NaOH as per the equation given below. The reaction is much
faster in NaOH than with water due to release of hydrogen gas. This will reduce the expansion
when mixed with cement. The ash samples were immersed in 0.5M solution of sodium
hydroxide for 7 days at 20 °C. Then the samples were dried in the oven, at 105 °C for 24hrs
and then ground in ball mill to fine powder. The following stoichiometric equation (3) is as
follows (Pera et al.1997) [15].
NaOH+Al +H2O NaAlO2 + (3n/2) H2 (3)

3.2.1. Effect of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) treatment on Volume change

The treatment of FA with an aqueous NaOH solution shows a better performance in terms of
volume change with respect to water treatment (Figure 3 a & b). The expansion was noticed
for higher percentage substitution (up to 40%) as indicated in Table 4.

Table 4 Volume Expansion of cement pastes treated with NaOH

Specimen Cube Volume Relative Expansion
mm3 %
0%FA 126 100.00
10% FA 126 100.00
20% FA 126 100.00
30% FA 128 101.59
40% FA 129.5 102.78

Figure 3 (a) Volume Expansion

40%FA 30%FA 20%FA 10%FA 0%FA

Figure 3 (b) Specimens before and after crushing

3.2.2. Effect of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) treatment on Compressive Strength

The average compressive strengths of the blended pastes specimens at four different fly ash
percentage treated with 2.5% NaOH concentrations solution were obtained. Generally. The 1857

M. Charbaji, O. Baalbaki, A. Elkordi and J. Khatib

treatment of FA with an aqueous NaOH solution shows an improvement in compressive

strength with respect to water treatment. It was observed that the replacement by 10% of fly
ash gives the optimal results.

Table 5 Compressive Strength

Specimen Compressive Relative Compressive
Strength Strength
MPa %
0% FA 48.4 100.00
10% FA 48 99.23
20% FA 44.3 91.54
30% FA 37.23 76.92
40% FA 31.53 65.14

3.3. Comparison between Water and NaOH Solution

Figures 4 and 5 illustrate the performance of volume change and relative compressive strength
based on the two proposed treatments.

% Expansion Relative Compressive Strength

120 120
100 100
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
Water NaOH 2.5% Water NaOH 2.5%
0 0
10% FA

20% FA

30% FA

40% FA

10% FA

20% FA

30% FA

40% FA


Figure 4 Relative Volume Expansion Figure 5 Relative compressive strength

3.4. With Carbonate

It is reported in literature that carbonation can reduce the solubility of elemental aluminium in
water, and thus reduce the reaction and also the amount of hydrogen gas produced. This is
facilitated by carbonation of various phases in the ash, encapsulating the aluminium in the
process (Aubert et al.2006) [1]. Carbonation of fly ash was done at CaCO3 concentration of
2% at room temperature. The samples stayed in that condition for 24 hours then dried in an
oven at 105 ºC for 24 hours. The treatment of FA with an aqueous CaCO3 solution shows an
improvement in the paste compressive strength and expansion with respect to water treatment.

3.5. With a Combination of Sodium Hydroxide and Carbonate

In the aim of increasing the effectiveness of the treatment process, a combination of both
Sodium Hydroxide and Carbonate was investigated and compared to the previously proposed
treatment (Figure 6, 7). Forty percent substitution was used to compare the different methods
in terms of compressive strength and percentage expansion. 1858

Processing of Incinerated Municipal Solid Waste Fly Ash for Use in Concrete

Figure 6 Treatment of fly ash with distilled water, NaOH and CaCO3 (left to right)
The percentage of expansion and the corresponding compressive strength results are shown
in table 7 and 8 respectively and Figure 8.

Table 7. Numerical Volume change at 40 % replacement of fly ash

Volume 40% fly ash Relative Expansion

mm3 %
Control Paste 126 100.00
Water 147 116.67
2.5% NaOH 129.5 102.78
2% CaCO3 137.5 109.13
2.5NaOH+2%CaCO3 127 100.79

Table 8 Volume Change at 40% fly ash substitution

Specimen Compressive Strength Relative
40%fly ash Expansion
Control Paste 48.4 100.00
Water 24 49.59
2.5% NaOH 31.53 65.14
2% CaCO3 26.5 54.75
2.5NaOH+2CaCO3 33 68.18

Figure 7. Physical Comparison of volume change 1859

M. Charbaji, O. Baalbaki, A. Elkordi and J. Khatib








Control paste water submerged 2.5% NaOH 2% CaCO3 2.5%NaOH+2%CaCO3

Relative Volume Expansion Relative Compressive Strength

Figure 8 Relative volume change and compressive strength


4.1. Thermo gravimetric Analysis
The hydration of blended cement paste was studied using thermo gravimetric analysis which
was carried out on samples partially replaced with forty percent of treated fly ash. The water
treatment is compared to the treatment of (2.5% NaOH+2%CaCO3) solution. The samples were
cured in water for 28 days and then grinded into powder for the tests. The results of TGA/DTA
on cement pastes replaced with forty percentages of treated fly ash are given in Figures 9 and
10. The TGA curve shows three major weight loss steps. The first at about 100-200C
corresponds to the drying of water in capillary pore and/or with the dehydration of Ettingrite.
The corresponding peaks are due to the dynamic heating process (Roger, 2001) [18]. This phase
accounts for the major part of the weight loss as it can be seen from the relatively sharp peak
on the derivative curve. The second weight loss step at about 400-450 C is related to the
dehydration of CH as follows:
Ca(OH)2 → CaO+H2O (4)
The third weight loss step at about 700 C can be attributed to the de-carbonation of CaCO3.
The carbonate is however not present in the original mixture and must therefore arise from a
carbonation reaction. Equation (5) shows the carbonation reaction, while equation (6) shows
the subsequent de-carbonation equation (Shafiq and Nuruddin, 2010) [23].
Ca(OH)2 + CO2→ CaCO3+H2O (carbonation) (5)
CaCO3 → CaO+ CO2 (de-carbonation) (6) 1860

Processing of Incinerated Municipal Solid Waste Fly Ash for Use in Concrete

Figure 9 TGA of cement paste containing 40% of treated fly ashes

0.02 DTA 40% FA

DTG %/min


Pure Water











Temp C

Figure 10 DTA of cement paste containing 40% of treated fly ashes

4.2. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy FTIR

FTIR spectra of FA treated by (NaOH+CaCO3) solutions and by only water are shown in Figure
11. It can be seen that the FTIR spectra of FA, are relatively different as shown in Figure 11
and table 9. The appearance of new peaks in FTIR spectra of treated FA indicates that the
treatment is causing change in the chemical structure.
Frequency Mineral
Band (cm-1) Name/component
343153 Montmorillonite (Summer,1995) [26]
2900.3 Organic carbon ( Saikia et al.2008) [22]

1116.95 Quartz (Socrates, 2001; Matrajt et al.2004; Langford et al.2011) [25, 14, 12]
1453.96 Calcite ( Ramasamy et al.2011) [17]
1097.38 Quartz ( Katara et al.2013) [10]
873.92 Calcite ( Dahlan et al.2008) [5]
530 Hematite ( Dahlan et al.2008;Sivakumar et al .2012) [5, 24]
Feldspar ( Farmer, 1974; Clarence Karr1974; Russell,1987) [6, 4, 19] 1861

M. Charbaji, O. Baalbaki, A. Elkordi and J. Khatib

Table 9. Band assignments for different minerals of fly ash in aqueous of (2.5%NaOH+2%CaCO3)

Figure 11 FTIR Spectrum of fly ashes

The MSWIFA were subjected to different treatment methods in order to select the optimal
process. This could be achieved by the proposed treatment which involves the immersion of
fly ash in a solution of both sodium carbonate and NaOH where the reactions leading to gas
development exhaust within the slurry are developed before being added to the cement
Nevertheless, when the hydrogen development in the fresh paste could be avoided, MSWI fly
ash showed a good pozzolanic behaviour after being treated and proved to give a significant
contribution to the development of the strength.

This project has been jointly funded with the support of the National Council for Scientific
Research in Lebanon CNRS-L and Beirut Arab University.
Special acknowledgment are also made to SICOMO management for their support and for
supplying the raw materials to BAU laboratory.

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