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In the movie Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year, AYS was a services
company. In such a company, essentially employees are important.
However, we can see in the movie that the boss demeans the
employees and they have no dignity. The services being entirely based
on employees, there should be incentives as well. Poor incentives are
also a major problem over here. There is competition between the
employees. The employee driven work force have different goals and
are not interested in working together for the company’s goal.


Causes of lack of employee value

When the leader is ineffective and dissatisfied, the employees are

not dedicated towards their work.The movie shows that
employees felt stuck with few prospects for career opportunities
or development. They felt that they were on a treadmill rather
than a path that was leading them to a desirable career.
Employees felt stuck with few prospects for career opportunities
or development. They felt that they were on a treadmill rather
than a path that is leading them to a desirable career. The
employees felt they are treated unfairly when compared with
others. The employees feel their opinions don’t matter.

Causes of poor incentives

Poor communication about the plan for giving incentives

demoralizes personnel. Management must communicate the
following directly to each participant in the plan. The plan is
ineffective at driving the right behaviors as we can understand from
the movie. The incentive plan causes division and the employees are
focused on their individual goals. Thus, they refuse to share their
customer based and this results in a problem in a services based
company. There is a lack of balance between reward and risk which
also results in poor incentives.


Solutions for lack of employee value

Not only does a comprehensive approach to listening help an

organization pinpoint and quickly address problems, it makes people
feel valued. This in turn brings in employee value. In organizations,
there are barriers to employees getting things done. This effects
employee engagement. Putting the employees in the right role in an
organization is important. This means that all talent acquisition and
retention strategies have to be aligned with meeting company goals.

Solutions for poor incentives

Incentives should be used not only for the end result but also for
achieving incremental improvement targets. We need to ensure
performance targets are challenging enough and that the incentives
offered are desired by a majority of people. Establishing ethical
standards and rules that are meticulously enforced ensure appropriate
practices and correct behaviour for everyone involved.


Empowering the employees and helping them achieve their
personal goals. Also focusing on collaboration which goes beyond
teamwork could engage employees. Incentivizing goals and
clarifying responsibilities could help in reducing lack of employee
value. When individuals are far from meeting targets or know that they
are ranked low among peers, the use of proper incentives could
motivate them. Interactive aspects of peer pressure and competition
are vital elements while designing incentive programs. Also creating
multiple levels of incentives and proper implementation could bring in

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