Colours Have Healing Powers - Find Out How Each Colour Works

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Colours have healing powers: Find out how

each colour works

Not just your mood, colours can also affect your physical well-being.

Tags: Alternative healing   Colour therapy   Colours   Healing   

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, makes a rainbow.   Also
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What is a rainbow? It is the visible spectrum of light. In short, visible

electromagnetic radiation, commonly known as VIBGYOR colours. And
then there are the invisible rays such as X-rays, ultraviolet rays, infra-red
rays, radio and microwave. We know how the invisible rays affect us, so it
stands to reason that the visible spectrum also affects us. The good thing
is the visible spectrum does not harm us, rather, the colours in the visible
spectrum affect us in a positive way.

Colour therapy, also called chromotherapy, is a non-invasive therapy that

uses the rainbow colours (visible spectrum) for healing. Colour was
investigated as medicine since 2000 BC. The ancient Egyptians and
Greeks used coloured minerals, stones, crystals, salves and dyes as
remedies. The ancient Ayurvedic physician, Charaka, who lived in the
sixth century BC, recommended sunlight to treat a variety of diseases. The
ancient therapists may have been unaware of biological changes in the
body due to colour treatment but they knew it was intrinsic to healing and
restoring balance in the body [1]. Here is how art based therapy helps in
development of autistic children.

The principle of colour therapy

Chakras, or the spinning wheel of light, are the energy centres in the
human body. There are many chakras in the human body, but seven of
them located mainly on the spinal cord are considered to be the major
ones. From top to toe these are

 Crown chakra
 Third eye chakra
 Throat chakra
 Heart chakra
 Solar plexus chakra
 Sacral chakra
 Base chakra
These seven chakras resonate with the seven rainbow colours, that is, the
chakras and their corresponding colours vibrate in the same frequencies.
Healing therapies believe the disease is caused by the energy imbalance
or some of the chakras (or maybe all the chakras) being blocked. The
colour therapy is thus based on the principle that the qualities of each
rainbow colour brings about a shift in the energy and restores energy
balance in the body, thereby healing the body.
Physically speaking, the light through the eyes reaches not only the visual
centres of the brain but also the hypothalamus that links the nervous
system to the endocrine system and is involved in the key processes such

 Heart rate and blood pressure

 Maintaining body temperature
 Appetite and thirst
 Electrolyte balance in the body
 Stimulating pituitary glands to release hormones
 Glandular secretions
 Sleep cycles
What conditions can benefited by colour therapy?

In recent years, there has been much work on using the full spectrum and
coloured light for mind-body healing.

Daniel Oren, from National Institutes of Mental Health, found that green
light is more effective than red in treating seasonal affective disorder

Coloured light has been found to be specifically beneficial in balancing the

autonomic nervous system (ANS). ANS is crucial in most chronic and
functional disorders as it regulates all of the automatic processes of the
human body breathing, the beating of the heart, the functioning of the
digestive tract and the stress response.

Laser light therapy has been shown to

 Decrease healing time of wounds and ulcers

 Decrease oedema
 Facilitate bone remineralisation
Later in 1980s, a sophisticated system known as Esogetic Colorpuncture
Therapy (ECT), for rebalancing the body s energy and treating specific
disorders, was developed by Peter Mandel in Germany. He used a battery
operated penlight with interchangeable coloured tips for focussing light on
the points. Disorders that are successfully treated with this method are
endocrine deficiency, inflammatory processes and degenerative diseases
such as multiple sclerosis.

A review study in the American Journal of Acupuncture found that ECT

was effective for treating a variety of difficult health problems like
migraines, childhood insomnia, bronchitis, ADD or learning disorders, and
uterine fibroids. [2]

Similarly, in Charles McWilliams system of chromopressure , colours of

the spectrum are used on acupuncture and other pressure points. His
ChromoPressure Unit is solar powered, concentrating sunlight over the
points, and filtered through interchangeable coloured slides. The system
can treat even obesity and chronic toxicity by stimulating lymphatic
drainage. [3]
Colour applications for treating disorders


1. White light (full spectrum) later Neonatal jaundice [1]

replaced by blue light as blue light
was found to be more effective

2. Bright white full spectrum light Treatment of cancers, SAD (seasonal affective disorder, so-called
winter depression), anorexia, bulimia nervosa, insomnia, jetlag,
shift working, alcohol and drug dependency, and to reduce overall
levels of medication. [1]

3. Blue light Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Exposure to blue light for

variable periods of up to 15 min causes significant degree of pain
relief. Treatment of a wide variety of psychological problems,
including addictions, eating disorders and depression. Healing
injured tissue and preventing scar tissue, as well as for burns and
lung conditions. [1]

4. Red light Effective in the treatment of cancer and constipation and in healing

5. Pink light Tranquilizing and calming effect within minutes of exposure. It

suppresses hostile, aggressive and anxious behaviour.

6. Yellow light Stimulates behaviour. Also, treats liver disease, gall bladder
disease, and disorders of stomach and intestine.

7. Green light As effective in treating seasonal affective disorder (SAD) as white

light. [4] Also treats eye diseases and diabetes.

8. Orange light Treats of arteriosclerosis and cardiac insufficiency, and helps in

controlling diabetes. [5]

9. Lemon yellow Lemon yellow is the colour of the pancreas. It is a laxative and
diuretic. It is a stimulant of brain, the liver and spleen. [5]

Light and colour therapy is not a magic solution to diseases but it is

certainly an invaluable asset in the treatment of hormonal and mental

Published : October 19, 2015 7:06 pm | Updated:October 26, 2015 9:44 am

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