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Safety Tactics for Software Architecture Design

Weihang Wu Tim Kelly

Department of Computer Science, University of York, York YO10 5DD, UK
{weihang.wu, tim.kelly}

Abstract mechanisms to be employed in the context of a

particular system is architectural and thus is crucial to
The influence of architecture in assurance of system the whole software development process. IEC 61508
safety is being increasingly recognised in mission-critical has provided some general guidance on the selection
software applications. Nevertheless, most architectural of these techniques according to the safety criticality
strategies have not been developed to the extent of a software element under design. However, this
necessary to ensure safety of these systems. Moreover, guidance fails to demonstrate further how to exploit
many software safety standards fail to discuss the these suggested techniques to maximise the
rationale behind the adoption of alternative architectural protection against failures.
mechanisms. Safety has not been explicitly considered by ƒ Architectural patterns. Over the last decade, the
existing software architecture design methodologies. As a notion of pattern or style has been widely adopted to
result, there is little practical guidance on how to address aid software architecture design. An architectural
safety concerns in ‘shaping’ a ‘safe’ software architecture. pattern defines the types of components and
This paper presents a method for software architecture connectors and a set of constraints on how instances
design within the context of safety. This method is centred of these types can be combined in a software system
upon extending the existing notion of architectural tactics [13]. Patterns also influence architecting dependable
to include safety as a consideration. The approach systems [10]. Example of safety-related patterns
extends existing software architecture design include Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) [15] and
methodologies and demonstrates the true value of Idealised C2 [10]. However, the coarse-grain nature
deployment of specific protection mechanisms. The of patterns can make it difficult to reason precisely
feasibility of this method is demonstrated by an example. about the safety properties achieved. Figure 1 depicts
a TMR pattern and a possible variation. Although
both patterns share much in common, they exhibit
1. Introduction different safety properties. In order to avoid defining
excessive number of variant patterns in this way, it is
The significance of architecture-based development attractive to gain a more fundamental understanding
has been increasingly recognised in mission-critical of the design principles from which patterns and their
industries. The safety-critical standard IEC 61508 Part 3 variants can be created.
[8] states that: Input 1
Component 1 Component 1

“From a safety viewpoint, the software architecture is Input Output Input 2 Output
Component 2 Voter Component 2 Voter
where the basic safety strategy is developed in the
software.” Component 3
Input 3
Component 3

However, there exists little guidance on how to develop Figure 1. A TMR pattern and a variation
such a basic safety strategy in software architecture
design. Three key issues need to be addressed in order to
improve this situation: ƒ Safety analysis. Although a considerable number of
safety analysis techniques have been proposed to aid
ƒ Design techniques. A vast number of software safety software design such as Software Hazard Analysis
design techniques have emerged in both research and and Resolution in Design (SHARD) [12], there is
practice. Deciding upon appropriate techniques or little analysis work focusing on an architectural level
to aid software architecture design. In particular,

Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC’04)
0730-3157/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
safety is the entire property of a system; it is almost elements form an analytic model for the safety quality
impossible to analyse software safety effectively attribute and thus prompt our consideration of the
without considering system or platform safety. We effective measures against these projected failures. Figure
thus need a safety analysis approach that is able to 2 shows this analytic model in a simple notation, which
model the integration of software with hardware or demonstrates how software-level failures can contribute
other system components and to characterise the to the system-level behaviour. This model is defined in
architectural elements at different architectural levels. terms of software system component and other system
components. The underlying computer hardware is also
This paper describes an approach to software distinguished from the software, since unintended
architecture design for safety-related systems. Our work behaviour of computer hardware can lead to the
was inspired by the notion of architectural tactic [4] hazardous execution of software. Finally, the failure
proposed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at behaviour is analysed with respect to the interaction of
Carnegie Mellon University. The principle of architectural (software) components.
tactics is to identify and codify the underlying primitives
of patterns in order to solve the problem of the intractable 2.1 Failure classification
number of patterns existing [3]. Clearly, there are
relatively fewer tactics to be handled, since there are Systematic failures in software can arise from any
many ways in which tactics can be combined into patterns. stage of the development process, which makes the work
The SEI has proposed tactics for six quality attributes of failure identification almost infeasible. Thus, a better
(availability, modifiability, security, performance, approach is to analyse them and to classify them at an
usability, and testability) [4]. This is inadequate, however, abstract level. Several classifications of failure types exist
in order to meet the need of all the attribute communities. in the literature [6, 14, 12]. We have adopted Pumfrey’s
Safety stands out as an emergent property of a system that failure classification [12] as the most appropriate
should be considered within the safety domain. Based framework. The failure categories we have adopted are
upon the work of architectural tactics, it is natural to thus defined as follows:
introduce the notion of safety tactics that connect
software safety and software architecture. ƒ Service provision: Omission (the failure of an event
The following sections provide a discussion of our to occur), Commission (the spurious occurrence of an
tactical approach to address the above three issues. This event).
tactical approach extends the existing architectural tactic ƒ Service timing: Early (the occurrence of an event
development framework proposed in [1, 2], with a view before the time required), Late (the occurrence of an
to include consideration of safety as a quality attribute. event after the time required).
The approach can be divided into four main sections. ƒ Service value: Coarse incorrect (incorrect but
Section 2 defines an analytic model to analyse software detectable value delivered), Subtle incorrect
safety at architectural level. Section 3 presents the (incorrect and undetectable value delivered).
development of safety tactics. Section 4 illustrates the
tactic-based approach for software architecture design. 2.2 Failure cause
Finally, section 5 demonstrates this approach by means of
an example. The second stage in analysing failures concerns how
are they generated among architectural elements. Again,
2. An analytic safety-attribute model to make the identification work feasible, we also group all
potential failure causes into three abstract types: software
Safety design concerns the identification and itself, its underlying hardware, and its environment, as
management of hazards. Hazards are caused by failures. shown in Figure 2.
A distinction is often made between causes of failures in
physical devices (e.g., random failures) and failures in ƒ The software itself – Software including its
software. Software does not fail randomly; its “failures” underlying operating system is an abstraction. It can
are due to its systematic nature (e.g., design faults). In only contain flaws arising from either incomplete or
software systems, safety is thus achieved by avoiding, or inaccurate specification, or incorrect design and
protecting against, these failures. As a result, the focus of implementation. These flaws can lead to unexpected
attention in our analytic model is the relationship between behaviour that the software exhibits within a system.
the safety attribute and software architecture with respect ƒ Underlying hardware – Even correct software can
to failures. Four key elements are thus identified to still fail due to unexpected behaviours of the
analyse this relationship: failure classification, failure underlying hardware.
cause, failure behaviour, and failure property. These four ƒ Environment – By treating software as a black box,

Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC’04)
0730-3157/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
we are also interested in anomalies that originate 2.4 Failure property
externally to the software and are fed into the
software as inputs. Leveson [11] describes such The final consideration in our analytic model concerns
anomalies as environment disturbance. the properties of failures that can be used to guide the
selection of effective protection mechanisms. Two such
The Entire System useful properties are detectability [6], and tolerability [14].

ƒ Detectability – When treating an architectural

System Component 1 ... ... System Component N
element as the provider of a service or a sequence of
services, failures can be regarded as detectable or
undetectable by its service recipient (another
Failure properties:
architectural element). Not all failures are detectable;
- Detectability
- Tolerability
Software System Component
some failures are inherently undetectable (at least
failure: t failure: v failure: v
within a specific system boundary) [12]. Most
C1 C2
protection mechanisms rely heavily upon the
Inputs generated
from either other
Outputs produced detection of a failure.
by software system
system component
or the external
component to other
system components
ƒ Tolerability – Failures can be tolerated by
system environment
minimising their effects through the provision of
appropriate protection mechanisms.
Figure 2. A simple notation for a safety model
These two properties motivate the organisation of safety
tactics defined in section 3.
2.3 Failure behaviour

An architectural element cannot only generate failures, 3. Safety tactics

but also propagate failures or transform them into another
type. The analysis of failure behaviour prompts our This section describes the development of safety
consideration of how to select appropriate one or more tactics, which focuses on three aspects: elicitation,
architectural mechanisms to handle anticipated failures organisation and documentation.
safely. There are two forms of failure behaviour in our
analytic model: failure propagation, and failure 3.1 Elicitation
transformation [7].
The elicitation of safety tactics was based upon a
ƒ Failure propagation – A good way to illustrate this broad survey of existing software safety design
failure behaviour is using a simple example. techniques used in both research and practice (e.g., [5]).
Consider the example in Figure 2, assuming that the The selection was restricted by considering their
component C2 is responsible for computing the data suitability for architectural design. Defensive
from the component C1 and outputting the result of programming, for instance, is an important software
the computation. If C1 produces an incorrect data for safety design technique, but it is irrelevant for
any reason (say, a value failure arrives at C1), C2 architectural design, since it is focused at the
will also produce a wrong result given that there is no implementation level. One of the obstacles to the
protection mechanism employed in C2 (say, a value elicitation work is the complicated relationship between
failure now arrives at C2). In this case, it’s easy to techniques and tactics. A technique may implement
see that the value failure of C1 has propagated to C2. multiple tactics of a quality attribute. Also a technique
ƒ Failure transformation – For the same example in may package mechanisms that are not related to quality
Figure 2, now assume that the component C1 is used attributes. The main tasks of elicitation heavily rely on
to collect the data from the sensors. If the data from our analysis of the underlying protection mechanisms of
sensors arrives late (say, a timing failure arrives at the each design technique. We have elicited seventeen safety
input of C1), C1 will simply collect the out-of-date tactics, which is sufficient to demonstrate a starting point
data and produce an incorrect output given that there for architectural design in the safety domain.
is no detection mechanism employed in C1 (say, a
value failure arrives at the output of C1). In this 3.2 Organisation
instance, the timing failure has been transformed into
a value failure. Based upon our analytic safety model, the architectural
parameters that safety tactics control can be specified in

Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC’04)
0730-3157/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
terms of failure elimination, failure detection, and failure 4. Deriving safety tactics
tolerance. Safety tactics can thus be organised into three
sets: tactics for failure avoidance, tactics for failure This section describes how safety tactics can be
detection, and tactics for failure containment. To be applied in software architecture and architectural patterns
consistent with the SEI’s tactics work, we also organised definition.
safety tactics as a hierarchy, as shown in Figure 3.
4.1 Properties of safety tactics

It should be noted that some of the properties are very

Failure Avoidance Failure Detection Failure Containment
general and can be applicable to the entire set of safety
Simplicity Substitution Timeout Redundancy Recovery Masking Barrier
tactics, or even to other quality-attribute tactics, and
Failure Timestamp
Failure Avoided
or Handled others are only specific to particular safety tactics.
Monitoring Replication Fix The Voting Firewall
Comparison Functional
ƒ Safety tactics can be refined. Like other quality-
Redundancy Reconfiguration
attribute tactics, safety tactics can exist at various
levels of abstraction. For an example of redundancy,
Figure 3. A hierarchy of safety tactics it can be refined into three different forms:
3.3 Documentation replication, functional redundancy, or analytic
We defined a template for the documentation of safety ƒ Safety tactics are not necessarily independent. The
tactics. This template offers a number of advantages over application of one tactic may assume that another
the free-text description presented by the SEI. Firstly, tactic has already been applied. A typical example is
tactics are documented in a structured way that can voting. The application of voting may assume that
facilitate comparison and analysis. Secondly, this some form of redundancy has existed in the system.
structured approach highlights the important information ƒ Safety tactics can be combined. In general, each
(e.g., rationale) that needs to be captured in a tactic. The safety tactic can only address a specific aspect of
tactic template used for safety tactics documentation is safety. However, safety tactics can be combined to
shown in Table 1. An example documented safety tactic, address multiple aspects of safety. Again, for the
rollback, is shown in Table 2. example of voting, it has been known that it can mask
the effect of some faulty inputs. But it also has the
Table 1. A proposed template of safety tactics weak point, which is the voter itself that can be
vulnerable to single-point failure. To enhance the
Tactic Name
degree of safety of this tactic, it is possible to apply
Aim A sentence to summarise the main
redundancy to voting by introducing additional voter
purpose of this tactic
elements, thereby removing the potential source of
Description A description of this tactic
single-point failure.
including the means used to meet
ƒ Safety tactics can be implemented by either
the stated aim
software or hardware. In many cases, an architect
Rationale Claims for this tactic that can assist
has a choice between software and hardware tactic
in achieving the safety goal, which
schemes. A simple example is voting, which can be
are expressed with the Goal
implemented either in hardware or in software. For a
Structuring Notation (GSN) [9]
hardware-implemented voter, it may only require a
Applicability General rules and circumstances for combination of simple single-bit circuits. For a
the use of this tactic regarding any software-implemented voter, it has its own costs in
assumption, cost and other factors terms of development efforts, speed of operation and
Consequences The expected system response to an increase in system complexity. The primary
the arrival of failures considerations here are always based on a trade-off
Side Effects The side effects on other common among cost, performance and complexity.
quality attributes
Practical Some examples of practical 4.2 Using safety tactics to construct patterns
Strategies strategies derived from this tactic
Patterns Any patterns that implement this
It should be possible to construct safety-related
architectural patterns in the context of a scenario, based
Related Tactics Alternative or complementary
upon the collection of safety tactics. Here we chose a

Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC’04)
0730-3157/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
Table 2. An example documented safety tactic
Aim Applicability
To roll back in time to a previous known state upon the The tactic can be applied when the system state is
detection of an erroneous sate and then to retry recoverable. It is always combined with tactics for failure
execution. detection for use in order to activate the recovery procedure.
Description This tactic is more secure as it places no reliance on the
Also known as “recovery-and-retry”, it simply attempts current system state, and it is less expensive than other
to simulate the reversal of time, in the hope that the failure recovery tactics such as degradation and
earlier known state in the new time will not recreate the reconfiguration and tactics for failure masking. But it may
failure. The tactic is applied when a failure is detected. not be suitable for timing-critical systems since re-execution
In practice, this tactic can be applied to multi-version will probably miss the deadline requirements of these
software with the combination of redundancy tactics. In systems. Furthermore, successful rollback does not mean
such situations, rollback retries computation using an that faults have been eliminated; failure may still recreate
alternate version of software that is assumed to work when rolling back and retry again in a new time.
better than the original one.
Rationale Consequences
The purpose of this tactic is to contain failure. This The erroneous state leading to a failure is repaired. But this
forms the basis for presenting claims about this tactic. failure may not be contained successfully and it may
recreate again after rolling back.
Side Effects
The effect of a failiure
has been minimised It will incur penalties both in the speed of system operation
and in the expenditure of resources needed to permit state
S1 C1
Argument over
rollback in design
Design decision
to use rollback
Practical Strategies
Recovery block
Simplex pattern
G2 G3 A1

An erroneous state The erroneous state

The state is
Related Tactics
ocurring is detected detected is successfully
rolled back in time
A The same set of safety tactics for recovery are:
Fix the errors, degradation, and reconfiguration
This tactic is often combined with tactics for failure
detection in use

simplified Control/Monitor scenario as an example: Control/Monitor Pattern 1

there is a basic safety requirement that the software
must monitor any potentially hazardous conditions so The following tactics may be chosen at this point:
that proper protection mechanisms can be executed,
although there are not detailed requirements about what ƒ Condition Monitoring. It is used to detect any
exactly should be monitored. This must be addressed in malfunction of the actuator by monitoring either the
the architectural design. If we examine the available performance of actuator or specific conditions.
safety tactics in section 3 in light of the above analysis, ƒ Functional Redundancy. We may introduce the
we will find that a number of tactics can be used: additional independent version of the control
detection, barrier, redundancy, and masking (again, function. This significantly limits the opportunities
these tactics can be refined into more concrete forms). for failures of the control function.
Different combinations of these identified tactics will ƒ Comparison. It should be used to detect any
construct different forms of the control/monitor pattern. discrepancy between the two independent versions
We here chose two example control/monitor patterns of the control function by a comparison of their
derived from various combinations of these tactics. outputs. The tactic for stop is associated with it.
Notably, the two patterns are not the only patterns that
can be derived but illustrate two plausible examples.

Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC’04)
0730-3157/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
ƒ Interlock. Correct sequencing of events should be Sensor

enforced. For example, the control function must not Microswitch Battery

produce the next result value without the previous Control

‘ok’ message from the monitor component. Trip Trip

Power Relay Power

Drive motor Drive motor

Then we may allocate responsibilities to the Power Main Battery

architectural elements of the pattern that are associated Brake Brake

Bumper Bumper
with the selected safety tactics.
Figure 5. AGV collision detection mechanisms
Control/Monitor Pattern 2
5.1 Elicitation of software safety requirements
In the above pattern, the responsibility of failure detection
Our software safety design process always starts with
completely relies on the monitor component. And no
the system/platform hazards identified by preliminary
protection is taken against its failure, which leads to a
hazard analysis. Here we considered only one of the main
potential source of single-point failure in the system.
hazards arising from AGV movement operation: AGV
Furthermore, there is a strong dependency between the
systems faulty such that obstacle detection and/or braking
control and monitoring functions, since they both are
does not operate correctly. Thus one of the AGV platform
implemented in the same “Monitor” component. Thus, we
safety requirements is that AGV platform shall avoid
may instead allocate the safety responsibility to both the
collision. Our design process precedes by refining this
“Monitor” and “Control” channels by applying the tactic
platform safety requirement into the lower-level system
for comparison to each component to form cross-
functional safety requirements: AGV shall detect obstacle
checking. Once these two channels do not agree with
and stop in time. Further refinement of this system safety
each other, action should be taken by the “Output”
function requires the allocation of stopping function to
component to ensure that the actuator is stopped in time.
hardware or software. The Substitution tactic tells us
Figure 4 shows the Control/Monitor Patterns 1 and 2.
using simple hardware protection mechanism is safer.
However, there is a domain constraint that revising
Actuators hardware design is not allowed. Therefore a software
Output Output
safety requirement is elicited during the design process:
Monitor Monitor
control system shall output commands in time in response
to obstacle detection. The whole safety requirements and
Figure 4. The Control/Monitor Patterns 1 and 2 design processes are recorded by the Goal Structuring
Notation (GSN) [9]. The above top-down safety
requirements refinement process with hardware/software
5. An example tradeoffs is illustrated in Figure 6, 7.
Our example concerns the design of the control system
5.2 Identification of possible safety tactics
of an Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV). The favoured
system consists of a number of vehicles that navigate
The elicited high-level software safety requirements
using a scanning laser and a loaded map file. The
can be further refined into lower-level software functional
movement of each vehicle is instructed by its embedded
safety requirement and timing requirement. Let us
control system that calculates its position either precisely
consider the software functional safety requirement:
by triangulation or by dead-reckoning or a combination of
control system shall always output brake and stop
both. Figure 5 shows the collision detection mechanisms
commands in response to detection even in the presence
proposed for each vehicle. The braking mechanisms are
of credible failures. Since failures are unavoidable, tactics
hydraulically operated. There are two sensing systems:
must be selected from the categories of failure detection
and failure containment. Obviously, time-out and
ƒ A proximity sensing system where proximity sensors timestamp tactics are irrelevant in this case. The sanity-
signal to the control system that an object is being checking tactic is also rejected, since there is nothing to
approached, with sufficient space to stop the vehicle act on the validity signal. Moreover, the recovery tactics
before the bumpers touch the object set are deemed to be inappropriate simply because any
ƒ Bumpers whose pressure is detected by recovery action cannot immediately stop collision. Finally,
microswitches, which will open if force is applied to the barrier tactics set are not suitable candidates since
the bumpers, cutting off the power to the drive motor they are used as passive protection mechanisms.
regardless of any action taken by the control system. Therefore, possible safety tactic alternatives would be:

Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC’04)
0730-3157/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
PlatCollisionAvoidance SubstitutionArgument CrosscheckingArgument

AGV platform shall avoid AGV shall apply brakes The control system design
collision using hardware devices shall introduce twin cross-
linked channels


AGV shall detect obstacle

and stop in time
HardwareSafer DetectDiscrepancy NoSuchDivsion
Using simple hardware Crosschecking can detect any There is no identical division
protection mechanism is Revising AGV hardware discrepancy by comparing on the entire braking system
Spinal AGVStopping safer design is not allowed intermediate calculation results to act on the redundant
between two redundant channels outputs
AGVObsDetection AGV shall stop in time
AGV shall detect in response to
obstacle ahead detection
Figure 7. Arguments over the Figure 8. Arguments over the use

0730-3157/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE

1-2 use of substitution
Substitution tactic of crosschecking
HardwareStopping Spinal VotingArgument CMArgument
Design decision to
NOT use Substitution AGV shall apply brakes ControlSystemStopping The control system design The control system design
tactic using simple hardware The control system shall shall introduce triple shall introduce enabling
devices output proper commands in modular redundancy monitor channel besides the
Context time in response to detection controller
ArgOverSubstitution 1-2
Arguments over the use
of Substitution tactic

HWCircuitStopping BumperStopping
HighAvailability HighCost AvailabilityCompromised
AGV shall introduce hardware AGV shall revise the bumper
circuit to ensure that the brakes mechansims so that the AGV movements only proceeds
are applied immediately when a movement of bumpers directly
Voting can lead to high There is no sufficiently high The availability of AGV
when enabling conditions exist
microswich is triggered operate the brakes availability of the control availability requirement for movement function is
and the controller has attempted
system the AGV to justify the cost compromised
to comand movement

Figure 6. The top-down process for eliciting software safety Figure 9. Arguments over the Figure 10. Arguments over the
requirements use of voting use of enabling monitor

The control system shall

TimeoutArgument output proper commands in
time in response to detection
The control system design
shall introduce watchdog
DD1 CSFnStoppingTimeConstr DD2
The control system shall aints
Design decision to
always output brake and stop Design decision to
use the Condition The control system shall
commands in response to use the Simplicity
monitoring tactic ensure stop commanding
detection tactic
without delay

Timeout can detect whether the
There is no obvious
stopping operation of the control
timing constraint that can
system meet specific timing ST1
be specified Sn3
constraints Sn1 Sn2 Sn4 Sn5
Crosschecking Twin cross- Triple

Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC’04)
Control + Simple
linked modular software Controller +
channels redundancy design watchdog
Figure 11. Arguments over the use of timeout monitor

Argument over the use of ConditionMonitori
Inputs Outputs ST3 ST6
Crosschecking tactic ng ST5
Critical Timeout
Voting Simplicity
Monitor Context
Enable ArgOverConditionMonitori
ng Context
Argument over the use of ArgOverTimeout
Argument over the use
Condition monitoring tactic of Voting tactic Argument over the use
of Timeout tactic

Figure 13. The initial design of control system

(software) architecture Figure 12. The top-down process for selecting safety tactics
condition monitoring, comparison, voting and software safety alongside hardware during design
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0730-3157/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE

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