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Biologic Basis for Maxillary Osteotomies

Division of Oral Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern
Medical School, Dallas, Texas 75235

ABSTRACT Adult Rhesus monkeys were used as experimental models to in-

vestigate revascularization and bone healing in different single-stage anterior,
posterior and total maxillary osteotomy techniques.
Microangiographic and histologic studies demonstrated that intraosseous and
intrapulpal circulation to the mobilized maxillary segments were maintained by
the experimental flap designs which maintained intact soft tissue; the frag-
ments healed by osseous union within six weeks without immobilization of the
The treatment of many severe dental-facial deformities is difficult and chal-
lenging. Functional and stable occlusions with facial balance and harmony have
been attained in many adult patients by maxillary osteotomy techniques.
The Rhesus monkey serves as an excellent experimental model to develop new
biologically sound maxillary surgical orthodontic techniques.

A large proportion of the adult popula- mony was attainable in practically all
tion with dental-facial deformities due to cases.
severe malocclusion may never receive the When maxillary surgical procedures
benefits of orthodontic treatment. Many were introduced to the United States (Kole,
adults object to wearing orthodontic ap- '59; Murphey and Walker, '63; Mohnac,
pliances for the prolonged period of time '65; Obwegeser, '66), the rationale for
necessary to properly treat their maloc- using the various surgical techniques for
clusion. Professional careers preclude correcting dental-facial deformities was
many patients from wearing fixed appli- empirical. Basic questions concerned with
ances. The condition of the periodontium the healing of the surgical wounds pro-
and missing posterior teeth which would duced by maxillary osteotomies had not
usually serve a s anchorage teeth, may con- been investigated. Many surgeons felt that
traindicate treatment by orthodontics the maxilla healed by fibrous union. Devi-
alone. talization of teeth and bone in the mobil-
The goal of surgical-orthodontic treat- ized segments had been reported. Varying
ment of dental-facial deformities is to pro- degrees of relapse subsequent to posterior
vide a functional occlusion with facial bal- maxillary osteotomy (Schuchardt, '61 ) and
ance and harmony. Multiple operations total maxillary osteotomy were reported.
may be necessary to attain these objectives The blood vessels necessary to maintain
as the clinical manifestations of such de- circulation to the mobilized bony segments
formities often defy correction by a single and teeth had not been studied. Conse-
surgical procedure. Unit recent years, quently both one-stage and two stage
surgical correction was focused on the procedures were devised to prevent impair-
mandible and frequently failed. However, ment of the vascular supply to the mobil-
with the introduction of anterior (Cohn- ized dental-alveolar segments (Schuchardt,
Stock, '21; Wassmund, '35) and posterior '54).
maxillary osteotomies (Schuchardt, '61 ) In 1965, a n animal investigation was
and total maxillotomy (Axhausen, '34; designed to delineate the biology of maxil-
Wassmund, '35), techniques which were lary osteotomy wound healing. Since then
pioneered by European surgeons, restora- adult Rhesus monkeys have been used a s
tion of occlusal balance and facial har- experimental models to investigate the re-
AM. J. PHYS.ANTHROP., 38: 279-290. 279

Fig. 1 * Perfusion technique (modified after Rhinelander a n d Baragry). AV, air vent; CC,
cannulated common carotid artery; FA, cannulated femoral artery; Hg, mercury; HP, house
air pressure; M, “U” tube manometer; and P, perfusant.

vascularization and bone healing associ- normal diet.’ Unoperated monkeys served
ated with various maxillary techniques as controls.
(Bell, ’69; Bell and Levy, ’70, ’71). The The animals were killed 1, 3, 6 and 24
Rhesus monkey, Macaca mulatta, was weeks after surgery. Before death each
selected as the experimental animal be- animal was premedicated and anesthetized.
cause of anatomic, physiologic, and dental The right and left common carotid
similarities to the human. arteries were exposed, cannulated, hepa-
Since maxillary osteotomies are usually rinized and perfused with barium sulfate *
performed in adults, large, male Rhesus under a constant pressure of 120 mm Hg
monkeys, 8 to 14 years of age, weighing (Rhinelander and Baragry, ’62; Bell, ’69)
a n average of 9 kg, were chosen for study. (fig. 1) . The heads were disarticulated and
Acrylic splints were made from stone study fixed in formalin. Microangiographic and
models of each monkey’s dentition. Various histologic study was carried out after
one-stage anterior maxillary, posterior 1 Zu/Preem Science Diet, Theracon Laboratories,
maxillary (fig. 3 ) and total maxillary Topeka, Kansas.
2 Micropaque.
osteotomies were performed by various flap Illustrations in figures 1-6 were included in the
designs. The mobilized maxillary segments article, “Revascularization and bone healing after an-
were fixed with acrylic splints ligated to terior maxillary osteotomy,” by W. H. Bell and B. L.
Levy, in Journal of Oral Surgery April 1969. Illustra-
the anterior and posterior teeth with inter- tions in figure 7 were included i i the article, “Correc-
tion of skeletal type of anterior open bite,” by W. H.
dental wires. Because the mandible was B,ell, in Journal of Oral Surgery, October 1971. Copy-
right by the American Dental Association. Reprinted
not immobilized, the animals were fed a by permission.

Fig. 2 Microangiograms of 1 mm transverse tissue slices from premolar (A) and

molar region ( B ) of control animal: buccal (B), palatal (Pa), maxillary sinus (MS) and
nasal cavity ( N ) blood vessels penetrating bone and anastomosing with intramedullary
blood vessels ( I ) and periodontal vascular plexus (Pe); P, premolar tooth; M, molar tooth;
T, turbinate.

each maxilla was decalcified, dehydrated, capillary loops of variable length (Bell and
cleared, and embedded in paraffin and Levy, '71). All dental osseous components
beeswax. Serial 1 mm transverse, sagittal received blood from a multiplicity of
and horizontal tissue slices were cut from sources. Gingival, buccal, labial, palatal,
the specimens for microangiographic nasal, and maxillary sinus vessels pene-
study. Each 1 mm tissue slice was then trated and traversed the cortical bone and
cut at 7 for histologic study. anastomosed with the periodontal plexus
encircling the teeth. Dental pulps were
RESULTS vascularized by interosseous dental alveo-
Control animals. The injection medium lar vessels and branches from the peri-
was distributed through most of the can- odontal plexus. Submucosal palatal vessels
cellous intraosseous, intrapulpal and soft anastomosed near the midline of the palate
tissue blood vessels (fig. 2). The maxilla with vessels from the opposite side. Buccal
was vascularized by a highly complex and gingival tissues received blood from
interconnected network of vessels that buccal soft tissues and from intraalveolar
terminated in the gingiva and mucosa as vessels. Soft tissue and intraosseous vessels

supplied blood to the reticulated vascular soft tissue wounds produced by various flap
plexus making up the periosteum. Vessels designs healed by primary intention, with-
of the gingiva, periodontal plexus, lingual out detectable postoperative infection. The
mucosa and labial alveolar mucosa were dental alveolar segments were freely mov-
interconnected by vascular anastomoses. able one week after surgery and slightly
The nasal cavity was lined with a vascular movable after three weeks. After six weeks
net work of variable thickness; the turbi- there was clinical union of the osteotomized
nates by a relatively thick vascular plexus segments. The individual teeth in the mo-
that was surrounded by a thin reticulated bilized bone segments remained stable.
vascular plexus. The avascular nasal There was generalized distribution of
septum was covered by a reticulated vascu- the micropaque throughout the intraos-
lar plexus. seous and intrapulpal tissues of all mobil-
Experimental animals. The surgical ized osseous segments (figs. 4, 5). The pulp

specimens revealed focal areas of intra-

osseous ischemia in the margins of the sec-
tioned alveolar bone segments that were
separated by a n avascular zone (fig. 4).
Within three weeks the circulation between
all of the sectioned bone fragments had
been reconstituted. The raised buccal and
labial soft tissue flaps were reattached to
the underlying bone as shown by the many

e periosteal blood vessels penetrating the

buccal and palatal cribriform plates and
anastomosing with intraosseous blood ves-
sels and the periodontal vascular plexus
(fig. 5 A ) . Histologically, there was a n in-
tense osteoblastic proliferation within the
marrow spaces and around many of the
spicules of the spongiosa (fig. 5B). Mini-
mal osteonecrosis was found throughout
the mobilized maxillary bone segments.
Some empty lacunas were present in the
proximal and distal margins of the bone
Six weeks after the osteotomies there
was no detectable intraosseous or intra-
pulpal ischemia. The reparative response
in the endosteal vascular bed appeared
more intense than it did in the periosteal
vascular bed. Histologically, the proximal
and distal bony segments were united with
cancellous bone.
Twenty-four weeks after maxillary
osteotomies, the periosteal and endosteal
circulatory beds had been virtually recon-
stituted to their normal vascular architec-
ture. The endosteal-periosteal anastomosis
through cortical bone had been restored.
Histological examination of the osteotomy
wounds revealed healing of the cortical
bone and remodeling of the spongiosa.
Fig. 3 Schematic drawing of soft tissue and
bone incisions used for posterior maxillary oste- DISCUSSION
otomy in experimental animals.
The results of these clinically analogous
animal studies indicated that single-stage
canals of several teeth adjacent to the ver- anterior, posterior, and total maxillarv
tical interdental bone cuts were not vascu- osteotomies were biologically sound surgi-
larized because their apical blood supply cal procedures. Preservation of the integ-
was severed by labial and buccal bone cuts rity of the incisive canal or greater pala-
through the teeth apices. The pulp canals tine arteries was not essential to maintain
of all other teeth, however, were viable circulation to the anterior or posterior
and vascularized despite the fact that ver- maxillary dental alveolar segments. The
tical interdental osteotomies were made intraosseous and soft tissue collateral cir-
between closely spaced teeth and subapical culation and the freely anastomosing
bone cuts just above the apices of teeth, gingival, palatal, floor of the nose, maxil-
Microangiographic study of the one week lary sinus, and periodontal plexuses, per-

Fig. 4 Microangiogram of 1 mm sagittal tissue slice one week after posterior maxillary
osteotomy shows generalized intraosseous and intrapulpal distribution of injection medium;
avascular zone (arrows) between margins of vertical bone cut between premolar teeth; MS,
maxillary sinus; C, canine tooth; T, tuberosity.

mitted many technical variations of maxil- much enthusiasm and confidence in clini-
lary osteotomies, without jeopardizing the cal maxillary osteotomies. Adult dental-
blood supply to the maxillary dental alveo- facial deformities which previously could
lar segments (fig. 6). Intraosseous and not be treated by either mandibular surgery
intrapulpal circulation was not signifi- or orthodontics without severely compro-
cantly altered by interdental and subapical mising the result, could now be treated in
alveolar osteotomies when the bone cuts a practical period of time. Treatment of
were made away from the apices of the such a case (skeletal type of anterior open
teeth; maximal attachment of the muco- bite) is shown in figure 7. Multiple maxil-
periosteum on the lingual or buccolabial lary osteotomies, genioplasty and ortho-
surface of the mobilized osseous or dental- dontics effected a stable and functional
osseous segments was preserved. When occlusion with facial balance in 14 months.
carefully pedicled flaps were used to main- Since 1967, 20 skeletal Class I1 maloc-
tain these attachments, the segments could clusions have been treated by anterior
be mobilized and transposed safely in any maxillary osteotomy, genioplasty and ortho-
direction. dontics (12 patients had no orthodontics;
The encouraging results attained in the 8 patients had orthodontics). The average
animal wound healing studies generated treatment time was approximately nine

Fig. 5A Microangiogram of 1 mm transverse tissue slice from first molar region three
weeks after posterior maxillary osteotomy shows proliferation of endosteal ( E ) and periosteal
( P ) circulatory beds; reattachment of buccal and palatal mucoperiosteal flaps to underlying
bone; vascularization of pulp canal from periodontal vascular plexus and accessory root
canal (arch); Buccal ( B ) ; and palatal osteotomy sites ( P a ) ; nasal cavity ( N C ) ; first
molar tooth ( T ) .

months. Five patients with retromaxillism dontic techniques in a n average of 8.5

associated with mandibular prognathism months.
were treated by surgically advancing the Long-term clinical and radiographic
entire maxilla (total maxillary osteotomy). studies of the patients who have had maxil-
Seventeen patients with bimaxillary dental lary alveolar surgery showed no periodontal
protrusion were treated by surgical ortho- problems and minimal crestal alveolar
Fig. 5B Photomicrograph of buccal bone. Periosteum is thickened by fibrous connective
tissue. Osteophytes are seen beneath periosteum. Osteoid and new bone bridge fragments.
Endosteal osteoid appears limited to proximal fragment ( H & E, original magnification X 8).

Fig. 6 Schematic composite illustration of blood supply to anterior maxillary region

showing freely anastornosing gingival plexus, palatal plexus, periodontal plexus, labial
artery, intraalveolar vessels, apical vessels, and pulp vessels. This vascular architecture per-
mits anterior maxillary osteotomies without compromising circulation to the anterior
maxillary segment and teeth.

Fig. 7A Facial profile before treatment Fig. 7B Facial profile after treatment.
Fig. 7 Case Report. Skeletal type of anterior open bite with Class I1 malocclusion treated in 14
months by surgical-orthodontic techniques. Maxillary canine teeth were extracted to facilitate pos-
terior maxillary osteotomies and retraction of procumbent maxillary incisors. Lower first premolar
teeth were extracted to allow orthodontic correction of crowded mandibular dental arch.

Fig. 7C Occlusion before treatment.


Fig. 7D Occlusion after 14 months of surgical-orthodontic treatment.

of treated cases demonstrated remarkable

stability of dental-skeletal changes effected
by maxillary osteotomies. They also
showed minimal resorption of the trans-
posed mental symphysis bone segments.
The author wishes to thank Miss
Rebecca Sprowls, Miss Judy Peterson, and
Mrs. Dorothy Gilbert for technical assist-
ance in preparing this paper.
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Fig. 7G Cephalometric tracings before (solid

line) and after (broken line) treatment, showing
reduction of anterior facial height, restoration of
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