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TEAL Center Fact Sheet No.

6: Student-Centered Learning 2010

Student-Centered Learning
Characteristics of Student-Centered Learning
Student-centered learning is an approach to learning
in which learners choose not only what to study but Do you remember the best class you ever had? The
also how and why. At the heart of the learning envi- class in which you were most confident? In which you
ronment are learner responsibility and activity, in learned the best? More than likely, this was a class in
contrast to the emphasis on instructor control and which you discovered new knowledge and felt moti-
coverage of academic content found in conventional, vated to learn both by the instructor and by an intrinsic
didactic teaching. desire to know more. The student-centered classroom
facilitates learning by increasing motivation and effort.
The student-centered model requires that instructors
see each learner as distinct and unique. This means
About Student-Centered Learning recognizing that learners in any classroom learn at
different rates with different styles, they have different
Student-centered learning has been defined most abilities and talents, their feelings of efficacy may
simply as an approach to learning in which learners vary, and they may be in different stages of develop-
choose not only what to study but also how and why ment. In this model, learning is a constructive process
that topic might be of interest (Rogers, 1983). In other that is relevant and meaningful to the learner and
words, the learning environment has learner respon- connected to the learner’s prior knowledge and expe-
sibility and activity at its heart, in contrast to the em- rience. The learning environment supports positive
phasis on instructor control and the coverage of aca- interactions among learners and provides a supportive
demic content found in much conventional, didactic space in which the leaner feels appreciated, acknowl-
teaching (Cannon, 2000). Additionally, learners find edged, respected, and validated. Rather than trying to
the learning process more meaningful when topics are “fix” the learner, the learner has the power to master
relevant to their lives, needs, and interests, and when his or her world through the natural process of learn-
they are actively engaged in creating, understanding, ing (McCombs & Whistler, 1997).
and connecting to knowledge (McCombs & Whistler,
1997). The student-centered classroom involves changes in
the roles and responsibilities of learners and instruc-
There has been increasing emphasis in recent years tors, in the delivery of instructional strategies, and in
on moving away from traditional teaching toward stu- learning itself; these all differ from those in the tradi-
dent-centered learning. This paradigm shift has en- tional, teacher-center classroom. In the student-
couraged moving power from the instructor to the centered classroom, the learner requires individualiza-
learner, treating the learner as a co-creator in the tion, interaction, and integration. Individualization en-
teaching and learning process (Barr & Tagg, 1995). sures that learners are empowered to create their own
Instructors who deliver student-centered instruction activities and select their own authentic materials.
include the learner in decisions about how and what Learners interact through team learning and by teach-
they learn and how that learning is assessed, and ing each other. During the learning process, learners
they respect and accommodate individual differences integrate what they have learned with prior learning
in learners’ backgrounds, interests, abilities, and ex- and construct new meaning (Moffett & Wagner, 1992).
periences (McCombs & Whistler, 1997). The role of Below are examples of the changed roles and re-
the instructor in student-centered classrooms is to sponsibilities in the student-centered classroom.
encourage learners to do more discovery learning and
to learn from each other; the instructor focuses on Learners
constructing authentic, real-life tasks that motivate • Are active participants in their own learning.
learner involvement and participation (Weimer, 2002). • Make decisions about what and how they will

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TEAL Center Fact Sheet No. 6: Student-Centered Learning 2010

• Construct new knowledge and skills by building on process (McCombs & Whistler, 1997). In addition,
current knowledge and skills. learners who meet with success in assuming new re-
• Understand expectations and are encouraged to sponsibilities gain self-confidence and feel good about
use self-assessment measures. themselves (Aaronsohn, 1996), and learners demon-
• Monitor their own learning to develop strategies strate higher achievement when they can attribute
for learning. success to their own abilities and effort instead of luck
• Work in collaboration with other learners. (North Central Regional Laboratory, 2000).
• Produce work that demonstrates authentic learn- The process of moving to student-centered learning,
ing. however, is not always easy for adult learners. Many
Instructors initially resist what they perceive as the instructors’
• Recognize and accommodate different learning abdication of his or her responsibility to manage in-
modalities. struction; knowing that this may happen can help
• Provide structure without being overly directive. spark a discussion of the changes openly and nego-
• Listen to and respect each learner’s point of view. tiate new roles for learners and instructors.
• Encourage and facilitate learners’ shared deci-
sion-making. Creating a Student-Centered Classroom
• Help learners work through difficulties by asking Student-centered learning has subtle but profound
open-ended questions to help them arrive at con- implications for instructors. To move toward this new
clusions or solutions that are satisfactory to them. model, instructors must be willing to emphasize learn-
Learning is ing while sharing power with learners in the classroom
• An active search for meaning by the learner. (Barr & Tagg, 1995). This can be done in a thoughtful
• Constructing knowledge rather than passively re- way through planning and the use of incremental
ceiving it—shaping as well as being shaped by steps. First, instructors can help learners set goals for
experiences. themselves and can offer self-directed activities
through which learners can build both their self-
Instructional strategies and methods are used to
confidence and their learning skills. As a result, learn-
• Manage time in flexible ways to match learner
ers become motivated to take greater control of their
learning, and instructors gain confidence in managing
• Include learning activities that are personally rele- the new environment.
vant to learners.
• Give learners increasing responsibility for the Next, instructors can encourage learners to discover
learning process. how they learn best and they can apply different strat-
• Provide questions and tasks that stimulate learn- egies suitable for each learner. Sharing decision-
ers’ thinking beyond rote memorization. making with learners helps them become more self-
• Help learners refine their understanding by using directed. When the learner is self-directed, i.e., setting
critical thinking skills. his or her own goals and standards, the instructor be-
• Support learners in developing and using effective comes a facilitator who reviews learner-set criteria,
learning strategies for each task. timelines, lists of resources, collaborations, etc. In the
• Include peer learning and peer teaching as part of student-centered classroom, the learners have choic-
the instructional method. es in their education, they are responsible for their
learning, they measure their own achievement, and
How Can Students Benefit from Student-Centered they have power in the classroom.
Learning? The instructor role changes from “sage on the stage”
to “guide on the side.” Instructors lead less and facili-
Benefits of the student-centered model are often cited tate more, with learners taking on the responsibility for
in the literature. Every learner benefits from effective organizing content, generating examples, posing and
instruction, no matter how diverse their learning needs answering questions, and solving problems. The in-
(Stuart, 1997). Learner motivation and actual learning structor does more design work, constructing real-life,
increase when learners have a stake in their own authentic tasks that encourage learner involvement
learning and are treated as co-creators in the learning and participation. Instructors model or demonstrate

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TEAL Center Fact Sheet No. 6: Student-Centered Learning 2010

how to approach learning tasks, and they encourage References

learners to learn from and with each other. The in-
structor retains responsibility for maintaining a climate Aaronsohn., E. (1996). Going against the grain: Sup-
of learning. porting the student-centered teacher. Thousand Oaks,
CA: Corwin Press.
Instructors who implement the student-centered mod-
Barr, R., & Tagg, J. (1995, Nov/Dec.). From teaching
el move from whole-class instruction to small-group
to learning—A new paradigm for undergraduate edu-
and individual inquiry. These groupings are heteroge-
cation. Change, 13-25.
neous and require differentiated instruction (see the
TEAL Center Fact Sheet No. 5, Differentiated Instruc- Cannon, R. (2000). Guide to support the implementa-
tion). Rather than keeping learners busy with individu- tion of the Learning and Teaching Plan Year 2000.
al work, the instructor focuses on topics of interest to Australia: The University of Adelaide.
small groups and creates inquiry into those areas. McCombs, B. & Whistler, J. (1997). The learner-
Learners also benefit from reading and using authen- centered classroom and school: Strategies for in-
tic materials rather than textbooks and basal readers. creasing student motivation and achievement. San
Time that was spent entirely on content and memori- Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
zation now balances with time spent learning how to
Moffett, J., & Wagner, B. J. (1992). Student-centered
learn and how to understand content. Assessment in
language arts, K-12. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook
the student-centered classroom relies on portfolios
Publishers Heinemann.
that include both instructor-developed and self-
assessments. North Central Regional Educational Laboratory.
(2000). Critical issue: Working toward student self-
Note that changing the classroom affects relation- direction and personal efficacy as educational goals.
ships, curriculum, instruction, learner grouping, and Available at
evaluation in the following ways: http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/students/learni
• Relationships between the instructor and learners ng/lr200.htm
are more collaborative; Rogers, C. (1983). As a teacher, can I be myself? In
• Curriculum is more thematic, experiential, and Freedom to learn for the 80s. Ohio: Charles E. Merrill
inclusive of multiple perspectives; Publishing Company.
• Instruction allows for a broad range of learning Stuart, A. (1997, September/October). Student-
preferences, builds from learners’ strengths, inter- centered learning. Learning, 26, 53-56.
ests, and experiences, and is participatory; Weimer, M. (2002). Learner-centered teaching: Five
• Grouping is not tracked by perceptions of ability key changes to practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
but rather promotes cooperation, a shared re- Publishers.
sponsibility, and a sense of belonging; and
• Evaluation considers multiple intelligences, uses
authentic assessments, and fosters self-reflection. Authors: TEAL Center staff

Despite the benefits of student-centered learning, the Adapted from CALPRO Professional Development
challenge remains for instructors to be open to
Module, Student-Centered Learning. Author: M.
change and modify their teaching habits. Because
relinquishing control of the classroom can be intimi- Corley (2008). AIR: Sacramento, CA.
dating, it can be helpful for instructors to take small
steps and practice new approaches incrementally; this About the TEAL Center: The Teaching Excellence
can help assuage the anxiety that often results from in Adult Literacy (TEAL) Center is a project of the
abrupt changes. Instructors must remember that this U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational
is a learning process for all—experience and contin- and Adult Education (OVAE), designed to improve
ued practice will contribute to successful change. the quality of teaching in adult education in the
content areas.

This publication was prepared with funding from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education,
under contract No.ED-VAE-09-O-0060. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Page 3
U.S. Department of Education. This document is in the public domain and may be reproduced without permission.

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