Maniago Denhur Mresearch Digest

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Maniago, Denhur M


 The least explored is what are the course outline is need to replace or improve the
soft skills of engineering students.
 This study investigates about engineers who often have the more success rates
between having soft kills or entrepreneurial skills.
 3 information:
1. Millennials lacks soft skills that affects their engineering works
2. The unsolved problem with regards to the development of soft skills of
3. The MBA were offered the jobs usually engineers should be in that position
because of insufficient soft skills.
 The important specifics of the tool show what skills is needed to be developed.
 Data gathering procedure:
1. Used other researches
2. Compiled results and conclusion
3. Work experiences
4. Surveys
5. Review of related literatures
 The data is analyzed by the 3 parts; soft skills, entrepreneurial skills and the related
skills of both soft and entrepreneurial skills.

A paradigm shift that motivates engineering students and professionals to improve soft

1. Important explanation:
 The belief of engineers that soft skills are born.
 Importance of adequate and proper education improve the soft skills of
 Millennials are socializing in social media that reduces the characteristics of soft
 The success of an engineer is based from the skills he had, soft skills.

2. Corroboration:
 The improvement if the soft skills of Engineers
 Prioritizing engineering majors while soft skills left behind.
 Attainment of soft skills of Engineers
 The choose of Engineers to entrepreneurial skills rather soft skills
 Entrepreneurial skills connects with soft skills


In conclusion, the Engineer’s success is can be based from both entrepreneurial and soft skills.
Improving this two sets of skills can solve the problem of engineering communities that can aid
engineer’s motivation with regards to the skillset.

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