Assessment 2 EMM209

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Unit/lesson title: Maths Garden Lesson duration: 90 minutes Stage 3 Year 5

National Professional Standards for Teachers: Domain Standard

Professional Knowledge 1. Know students and how they learn.
2. Know the content and how to teach it.
Professional Practice 3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Professional Engagement 7. Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community.
Specific teaching target: Focus area/s
Number and Algebras – Addition and Multiplication
Measurement and Geometry – Length and Area

Rationale Prior knowledge

This investigative lesson requires students to select appropriate problem  Students should use mental strategies to recall multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
-solving strategies and apply existing knowledge and understanding of  Students should be able to complete multiplication and addition problems using
mathematical concepts to solve a problem involving geometry. The appropriate mental and written strategies.
investigation will build on students’ knowledge of factors, multiples and  Students should use technology to investigate mathematical concepts and check
number patterns and explore real-world situations where these concepts can their solutions
be applied helping ‘students recognise the interconnected nature of  Students should use appropriate terminology to describe and link mathematical
mathematical knowledge, other learning areas and the wider world, and idea and give valid reasons for possible solutions.
encourage them to use their mathematical skills broadly’ (ACARA, 2019).
Throughout the lesson students will be explicitly engage with mathematical  Students should have a clear understanding of the distinction between
terminology and use it to describe and justify their solutions. Mental- perimeter and area.
computational strategies are and information and communication technology
(ICT) is developed to assist students in the investigation process. Cooperative  Students should recognise the need for the square centimetre as a formal unit to
and collaborative learning strategies including think-pair-share and mixed measure area
ability pairs engage students and allow them to negotiate shared meaning
and construct their own meaningful understanding of new or challenging  Understanding from Stage 2 that an area of one square metre need not be a
concepts (Ebrahim, 2011). square. It could, for example, be a rectangle two metres long and half a metre
 Students should have an understanding that a factor is a number multiplied by
another number to give a product
Syllabus strand/sub strand
Number / Algebra - Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division

Measurement and Geometry - Length and Area
Working Mathematically – Communicating, Problem solving, Reasoning

Numeracy Strategy Continuum Syllabus content description/outcome

 MA3-5NA selects and applies appropriate strategies for addition and subtraction
AdS6 Flexible strategies with combinations to 10 with counting numbers of any size
 MA3-6NA selects and applies appropriate strategies for multiplication and
MuS6 Flexible strategies for multiplication division, and applies the order of operations to calculations involving more than
Flexible strategies for division one operation
 MA3-9MG selects and uses the appropriate unit and device to measure lengths
NPA5 Generalising patterns and distances, calculates perimeters, and converts between units of length
Number sentences  MA3-10MG selects and uses the appropriate unit to calculate areas, including
areas of squares, rectangles and triangles
UuM7 Using the structure of units  MA3-1WM describes and represents mathematical situations in a variety of ways
Using formal units using mathematical terminology and some conventions
 MA3-2WM selects and applies appropriate problem-solving strategies, including
the use of digital technologies, in undertaking investigations
 MA3-3WM gives a valid reason for supporting one possible solution over

Syllabus Time Content/learning experiences Teaching Class Assessment Resources

elaborations/conten strategies organisation techniques
ELPSARA - Experiences, Language, Pictorial representation,
Symbolic representation, Application of knowledge, Reflection,
T. Teacher S. Students

2 min Engagement Narrative Whole class

Introduce the problem in the context of the broader To contextualise
curriculum. T. As we have been discussing in science, we are the problem E
going to build a school vegetable garden E. On the weekend I
went to the hardware store and bought enough timber for the 8 Ways
garden bed to have a perimeter of 20 metres. Pedagogy 

Land links E
Tuning In Interactive
T. Before we build the garden bed, I need your help to find white board
out what the dimensions and area might be for us to plant in. (IWB)
Display the problem on the IWB and read it aloud L.

We have enough timber for the garden bed to have a

perimeter of 20 meters. The garden bed must be
rectangular. What might the dimensions and area be?

8 Planning to Find Out Discussion Whole class Diagnostic IWB

mins T. Ask students what they already know from the information To elicit prior assessment   Markers
provided. E, R & As. knowledge and Questioning to
Ss. Highlight the key mathematical language in the problem understanding determine prior
on the IWB L. as well as knowledge 
We have enough timber for the garden bed to have a
perimeter of 20 meters. The garden bed must be Interactive
rectangular. What might the dimensions and area be? instruction
T. Prompt discussion by asking questions around what these
terms mean, making explicit the definitions L: Whole class
 The perimeter is the total distance around a two-
Use the term dimensional shape Questioning
'dimensions' to To prompt
describe the 'lengths'  A rectangle is a quadrilateral in which all angles are students and
and 'widths' of right angles and therefore may include a square highlight
rectangles definitions
 The dimensions of a rectangle are the length and the
width which form the perimeter Learning
 The area is the size of the surface
10 Cooperative Individual Formative
mins learning Assessment 
Ss. Copy these definitions into their learning journals
Think, pair, Observation of
share student
T. Ask students to think individually for 1 minute about the
participation and

problem. Prompt students using questions such as; contribution in
- Where would you start? think-pair-share.
- What materials might help you to find the solutions?
- How will you systematically record the solutions? Pairs QR code -
- How will the prove that you have found all possible Appendix 1
solutions? Whole class Padlet
T. Display the QR code (Appendix 1) on the IWB
Ss. In pairs discuss their ideas and then use i-pad’s to scan the IWB
QR code and join the class Padlet. Students share and record
their ideas in response to these questions L & R.

T. Display the following questions on the IWB under the

1. What are the possible whole number dimensions of
the garden bed?
2. How can you check that your answers are correct?
Show your working for each answer.
3. Does each set of dimensions have the same area?
Show your working for each answer. Record a method Appendix 2 –
for finding the area of any rectangle. (Students are Solutions
not expected to have a good understanding of the
formulae so make sure to use words for example;
Area of a rectangle = length x width)
Investigate and
4. Which dimensions will give us the largest area to
compare the areas of
plant the garden?
rectangles that have
10 (Appendix 2 – Solutions) Formative
the same perimeter
mins Individual Assessment  Learning
Body Review of journals
Establish the
learning journals
relationship between
Step 1 Finding Out to assess
the lengths, widths
T. Have students get started individually on the questions; understanding.
and areas of rectangles
drawing, recording solutions and making notes in their Have students
(including squares)
learning journal E, P & As. To avoid overwhelming students, independently
display only questions 1 and 2 until students have recorded made a start?
Investigate and
some possible solutions before moving onto questions 3 and Collaborative
compare the areas of
4. Provide the minimum prompts to allow students to make a learning Using

start, if students get stuck remind them to work mixed ability
rectangles that have systematically. Students are not expected to find all solutions pairs and role Mixed ability
the same dimensions at this stage, they should be developing their own problem- cards pairs Role cards
solving strategies. Formative -Appendix 3
Record calculations 15 – 8 Ways Assessment  Learning
used to find the 20 T. After 10 minutes of students working individually, assign Pedagogy  Observations. journals
perimeters of two- mins students into mixed ability pairs with a role card each; Symbols and Are students self- Grid paper
dimensional shapes designer and recorder (Appendix 3) images assessing? Are Colour pencils
Ss Collect materials to manipulate and construct their solutions being Geoboards
solutions suggested materials including grid paper, colour recorded Elastic bands
pencils, geoboards and elastic bands or i-pads with a systematically? I-Pads
Connect factors of a Geoboard app P. Students work through the questions taking Are students Geoboard app
number with the turns in both roles. Students record solutions systematically using 10x10
whole-number on grid paper or in their learning journal S & As. mathematically multiplication
dimensions of T. Encourage students to estimate, notice patterns and see language? square
different rectangles that the dimensions are factors of the area. Make sure
with the same area 5 students self-check to ensure they have found all solutions. Formative
mins Students struggling to identify the factors may be provided Whole class Assessment 
Gives a valid reason for with a 10 x 10 multiplication square. Observations.
Open ended
supporting one Are students
possible solution over Step 2 Sorting Out sharing ideas?
another T. Bring attention back to the centre to discuss the Are students
investigations. Ask students questions such as; R thinking
Use efficient mental - What solutions did you find? mathematically?
and written strategies - How did you find the solutions?
and apply appropriate - How did you record your solutions?
digital technologies to - Did you find all of the solutions? If so, how do you Formative
solve problems know that you found all the solutions? Assessment 
involving addition and - Did you notice any patterns? Individuals or Observations and Learning
subtraction with whole 10 - What did you notice about the perimeter and area? pairs review of journals
numbers mins - Can you describe the relationship between the learning journals. Grid paper
dimensions of the rectangle and its area? Can students Colour pencils
Use efficient mental apply their Geoboards
and written strategies Step 3 Going Further knowledge to Elastic bands
and apply appropriate T. Further challenge students with the following extended more complex I-Pads
digital technologies to questions A, a calculator may be provided for multiplying problems? Geoboard app
solve problems decimals: Calculator

involving 1. If we had another 2 metres of timber (22 metres in
multiplication and total), what dimensions would give us the largest
division with whole garden bed?
numbers *Hint - The timber can be cut into half metres but no
2. What if we wanted to build two square garden beds
with the same timber (having a combined perimeter
of 22 metres). What might the dimensions be? Does
two garden beds give more or less area than if we
only have one garden bed? S.
3. If we had 120 metres of timber perimeter and all four Appendix 4 –
sides were the same length, what would the area be? Going Further
Solve problems S. Solutions
involving division by a 4. A garden bed has an area 54 square metres. If its
one-digit number 10 length is 9 metres, then what is the width? How much Whole class
mins timber would we need for the perimeter? Class discussion
(Appendix 4 – Going Further Solutions) Formative
8 Ways Assessment 
(Step 4 Making Connections) Pedagogy  Observations.
Identify and describe In the last two extension questions students are required to Symbols and Can students
factors and multiples apply their knowledge of the formula and operations to find images apply their
of whole numbers and the solution. Not all students will be immediately able to knowledge to the
use them to solve apply inverse thinking that will allow them to find out; for Direct inverse
problems example, that Length = perimeter – width – width ÷ 2 or that instruction problems? Appendix 5
the area of a rectangle ÷ width = length. Scaffolding
T. Make explicit through class discussion the connection inverse thinking
between inverse operations and the formulae used for finding using enabling
Gives a valid reason for perimeter and area. Use Appendix 5 to visually support prompts
supporting one prompting questions such as: P, A & As.
possible solution over 1. How would I find the width if I know the perimeter
another and the length of a rectangle?
2. How would I find the length of I know the perimeter
and the width of a rectangle?
3. I know the area and the width of a rectangle, how
would I find the length? Individual
4. I know the area and the length of a rectangle, how
would I find the width?

5– Ss. In their learning journal, record using words the method Individual Assessment 
10 for finding the perimeter, areas and unknown dimensions of Inquiry Can students
mins rectangles. A. approach apply their
Students knowledge to
(Step 5 Taking Action/Application) develop their create a
T. Instruct students to come up with their own question to own inquiry mathematically
challenge a peer A. questions  correct problem?
Ss. Come up with their own question, check it is correct and
record their answers and justification of the mathematics
before giving it to another student to attempt. A & As.

Syllabus Time Content/learning experiences Teaching Class Assessment Resources

elaborations/content strategies organisation techniques
Cooperative Whole class Summative Brainstorming
10 Step 6 Reflection, Where to next learning assessment Padlet -
min T. Use Appendix 6 on the IWB to engage students in a Class brainstorm Can students Appendix 6
brainstorm activity of real world examples of where area and apply their
perimeter might be used. A, R & As. knowledge to
other contexts?

Apply measurement Summative Self-

skills to solve problems T. Hand each student a self-assessment sheet (Appendix 7) Individual assessment assessment
involving the areas of and explain that you want to know how well they understood Student self- sheets
rectangles (including the lesson. assessment Appendix 7
squares) in everyday Ss. Have 3 minutes to complete the card before the end of the provides
situations lesson. R & As. feedback to the
teacher about
Planning for Evaluation Questions about Teaching
Were all students’ able to engage with the inquiry?
Were all students’ supported during the learning process? Were students effectively challenged?
Were students’ able to make connections with prior knowledge and between the mathematical concepts?
Were the concrete materials enabling for students? Did ICT use support the students in their investigation?

What concepts do students’ feel need to be developed further? How can these areas be supported in future lesson?
Did the assessment provide a clear representation of the knowledge and understanding of the student?
8 Aboriginal ways of learning Quality Teaching/Quality Learning Framework
Reference: Intellectual Quality Quality Learning Environment Significance
Deep knowledge Explicit quality criteria Background knowledge
Deep understanding Engagement Cultural knowledge
Problematic knowledge High expectations Knowledge integration
Higher-order thinking Social support Inclusivity
Metalanguage Students’ self-regulation Connectedness
Substantiative communication Student direction Narrative

Appendix 1 – Padlet QR Code

Appendix 2 – Solutions

1. What are the possible whole number dimensions of the garden bed?

1 m by 9 m
2 m by 8 m
3 m by 7 m
4 m by 6 m
5 m by 5 m

2. How can you check that your answers are correct? Show your working for each answer.

The perimeter is equal to the sum of the dimension (sides) of the garden bed.

Perimeter Equals Side 1 Plus Side 2 Plus Side 3 Plus Side 4

20 = 1 + 9 + 1 + 9
20 = 2 + 8 + 2 + 8
20 = 3 + 7 + 3 + 7
20 = 4 + 6 + 4 + 6
20 = 5 + 5 + 5 + 5

1 + 9 + 1 + 9 = 20
2 + 8 + 2 + 8 = 20
3 + 7 + 3 + 7 = 20
4 + 6 + 4 + 6 = 20
5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20

Or, self-check by taking each side away from the total perimeter which should give an answer of zero.
20 - 1 - 9 - 1 - 9 = 0
20 - 2 - 8 - 2 - 8 = 0
20 - 3 - 7 - 3 - 7 = 0
20 - 4 - 6 - 4 - 6 = 0
20 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 = 0

Perimeter Minus Side 1 Minus Side 2 Minus Side 3 Minus Side 4 Equals
20 - 1 - 9 - 1 - 9 = 0
20 - 2 - 8 - 2 - 8 = 0
20 - 3 - 7 - 3 - 7 = 0
20 - 4 - 6 - 4 - 6 = 0
20 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 = 0

3. Does each set of dimensions have the same area? Show your working for each answer. Record a method for finding the area of any rectangle

The 1 m by 9 m garden has an area of 1 m multiplied by 9 m equalling 9 square metres.

1 x 9 = 9 square metres

The 2 m by 8 m garden has an area of 2 m multiplied by 8 m equalling 16 square metres.

2 x 8 = 16 square metres

The 3 m by 7 m garden has an area of 3 m multiplied by 7 m equalling 21 square metres.

3 x 7 = 21 square metres

The 4 m by 6 m garden has an area of 4 m multiplied by 6 m equalling 24 square metres.

4 x 6 = 24 square metres

The 5 m by 5 m garden has an area of 5 m multiplied by 5 m equalling 25 square metres.

5 x 5 = 25 square metres

Area = Length x Width

4. Which dimensions will give us the largest area to plant the garden?

To give the largest area the garden bed dimensions should be 5 metres wide and 5 metres long giving an area of 25 square metres


Appendix 3 – Role Cards


Appendix 4 – Going Further Solutions

1. If we had another 2 metres of timber, what dimensions would give us the largest garden bed?

22 – 5.5 – 5.5 – 5.5 – 5.5 = 0

5.5 m by 5.5 m would have a total area of 30.25 square metres

5.5 x 5.5 = 30.25 square metres

2. What if we wanted to build two square garden beds with the same timber (having a combined perimeter of 22 metres). What might the dimensions be? Does
two garden beds give more or less area than if we only have one garden bed?

Possible dimensions for a total perimeter of 22 metres are:

0.5 m 0.5 and 5 m by 5 m
1 m by 1 m and 4.5 m by 4.5m
1.5 m by 1.5 m and 4 m by 4 m
2 m by 2 m and 3.5 m by 3.5 m
2.5 m by 2.5 m and 3 m by 3 m

0.25 + 25 = 25.25 square metres

1 + 20.25 = 21.25 square metres
2.25 + 16 = 18.25 square metres
4 + 12.25 = 16.25 square metres
6.25 + 9 = 15.25 square metres

The largest area for two square garden beds in 22.25 square metres whereas one 5.5 m by 5.5 m would have a total area of 30.25 square metres

3. If we had 120 metres of timber perimeter and all four sides were the same length, what would the area be?

Each side would be 30 metres


120 ÷ 4 = 30 metres

The area would be 900 square metres

30 x 30 = 900 square metres

4. A garden bed has an area 54 square metres. If its length is 9 metres, then what is the width? How much timber would we need for the perimeter?

Width is 6 metres
Area = length x width or Area ÷ length = width
9 x ? = 54 or 54 ÷ 9 = ?

Perimeter is 30 metres
9 + 6 + 9 + 6 = 30


Appendix 5 – Making Connections

12 7

P = 60 ? A = 35 ?

? ?

P = 172
29 A= 1120 310

Appendix 6 – Brainstorm


Appendix 7 – Self-Assessment


Maths Garden Self- Assessment
Name __________________

1. I found the activity (Hard    Easy) to complete because ___________________


2. My favourite part of the activity was _________________________________

because ______________________________________________________

3. The mathematics I used was ______________________________________


4. I need more help to better understand _______________________________


5. I would like to learn more about ____________________________________



Maths Garden is an investigative inquiry that builds on students’ prior knowledge and develops the stage 3 skills and mathematical understandings of the NSW syllabus;
number and algebra and measurement and geometry strands. The lesson begins with a “short, sharp and focused” (Cheeseman, Clarke, Roche, & Walker, 2016, p. 3)
introduction that incorporates explicit cross-curricular links to science to help engage students and elicit prior knowledge. The lesson then guides students to begin the
inquiry independently before allowing students to work collaboratively to develop solutions to the problem and justify their mathematics. Open-ended questions are used
throughout the inquiry to scaffold to use higher order thinking skills that will further student’s mathematical investigations (Way, 2008) .

This investigation builds on the ELPSARA framework (Lowrie & Patahuddin, 2015) and incorporates constructivist concepts which allow students to develop personal
understanding through both individual thinking and social interactions with others. Throughout the lesson student’s engage with mathematical language and pictorial and
symbolic representations, apply mathematical knowledge, reflect on their learning and have opportunities to be assessed through self and teacher assessment. Lowrie and
Patahuddin (2015) state that for full understanding and effective conceptual development language multiple forms of concrete representation should precede symbolic
understanding. To support this idea, the lesson provides students with a choice of concrete materials to use to model and construct their solutions during the investigation.
During the Going Further, Making Connections, Taking Action and Reflections stages of the inquiry students apply mathematical knowledge to related examples which helps
reinforce the underlying concepts and provides opportunity for the teacher to scaffold and assess understanding (Lowrie & Patahuddin, 2015). Reflection occurs multiple
times throughout the lesson as it allows students to assimilate existing knowledge and make accommodations for new knowledge therefore achieving equilibrium (or ‘aha’
moments). Assessment in its various forms; diagnostic, formative, and summative links to each aspect and acts as a form of reflection for students and teachers allowing
refinement and progression of learning experiences.

Collaborative and cooperative learning activities are included in the lesson plan as these activities “lead to knowledge construction as students construct joint explanations”
(Hmelo-Silver, 2004, p. 257). McInnerney and Roberts (2004) define collaborative learning as “working in a group of two or more to achieve a common goal, while
respecting each individual’s contribution to the whole” and, cooperative learning as “working or acting together as one to achieve a common goal, while tending to de-
emphasize the input of particular individuals” (p. 205). Collaborative learning such as mixed ability pairs “has the potential to increase the motivation and social confidence
of students with special needs, and also help all group members—average and special education—overcome their challenges” (Belland, Glazewski, & Ertmer, 2009, p.16).
Cooperative learning such as the Think-Pair-Share teaching method increases student engagement and understanding by giving students opportunities to practice
communication and problem-solving skills (Prahl, 2016).


Information and communication technology (ICT) has been integrated extensively into the inquiry using the Interactive White Board (IWB), a QR code and applications such
as Padlet and Geoboard. Verenikina, Wrona, Jones and Kervin (2010) argue that IWB’s do not always correlate with highly interactive learning practices because for
example, the technology often only allows one student at a time to engage with the board. This has been overcome in this lesson plan through the use of i-pad’s and
interactive Padlet’s which allow all students to interact and contribute to the content on the IWB simultaneously. These ICT activity support the ELSPARA framework with
teaching techniques that effectively integrate them with the pedagogical content.

Following peer and tutor evaluation of my draft investigative inquiry and draft learning plan I made revisions to some of the language and mathematics of my investigation.
Firstly activities have been added or extended to ensure that the lesson meets the 90 minutes requirement. I have revised the wording of the initial problem numerous
times but based on feedback from my tutor used ‘rectangular’ as suggested to describe the required shape of the garden bed. To avoid confusion over whether a square is a
rectangle I have included the problem-solving strategy of highlighting key terms and defining them before students begin the investigation. Jackson, Garrison, Wilson,
Gibbons and Shahan (2013) refer to the development of a common language where multiple students share their thoughts through open-ended questions as being
instrumental to communication in ongoing class discussions and small group activities. The initial inquiry questions has been made more open by changing from asking for
the largest area to What might the dimensions and area be? The prompting questions then guide students through systematically finding the dimensions and checking the
solutions and finding the areas before determining that the largest area is the ‘square’ garden bed.

Additionally, the Going Further questions have been extended, with more concepts added including requiring students to generalise to find the area of a larger rectangle
and to think inversely to find a missing dimension. Other feedback suggested more explicit mathematical reasoning and emphasising the number patterns in the solutions.
Open-ended questions prompts such as How did you record your solutions?, and Did you find all of the solutions? If so, how do you know that you found all the solutions?
have been added to support student’s justifications of why they think they have found all possible solutions. Enabling prompts have also been added to guide students in
identifying the number patterns, in particular the factor relationship between the area and dimension of rectangles. Way (2008) suggests, that when teaching mathematics,
teachers should develop questions that “guide, support and stimulate” children without removing the child’s responsibility for problem-solving (p.23). Differentiation has
also been more explicitly addressed with additional enabling tools such as providing a 10 x 10 multiplication square for students struggling to identify the factors and a
calculator to assist students multiply decimals in the Going Further question 2.


Reference List

Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2019). General capabilities- numeracy. Retrieved from

Belland, B, R., Glazewski, K, D., & Ertmer, P, A. (2009) Inclusion and Problem-Based Learning: Roles of Students in a Mixed-Ability Group. RMLE Online:
Research in Middle Level Education, 32(9), 1-19, doi: 10.1080/19404476.2009.11462062

Cheeseman, J., Clarke, D., Roche, A., & Walker, N. (2016). Introducing challenging tasks: Inviting and clarifying without explaining and demonstrating.
Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 21(3), 3-6. Retrieved from

Ebrahim, A. (2011). The Effect Of Cooperative Learning Strategies On Elementary Students’ Science Achievement And Social Skills In Kuwait. International
Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 10(2), 293-314. doi:10.1007/s10763-011-9293-0

Hmelo-Silver, C. (2004). Problem-Based Learning: What and How Do Students Learn? Educational Psychology Review, 16, 235-266.

Jackson, K., Garrison, A., Wilson, J., Gibbons, L., & Shahan, G. (2013) Exploring relationships between setting up complex tasks and opportunities to learn in
concluding whole-class discussions in middle-grades mathematics instruction. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 44(4), 646-682. doi:

Lowrie, T., & Patahuddin, S. M. (2015). ELPSA as a lesson design framework. Journal on Mathematics Education, 6(2), 1-15. Retrieved

McInnerney, J. M. & Roberts, T. S. (2004). Collaborative or Cooperative Learning? In T. Roberts (Ed.), Online Collaborative Learning: Theory and Practice (pp.
203 – 214). Retrieved from Research Gate

NSW Education Standards Authority. (2012). Mathematics K – 6 Syllabus. Retrieved from NSW Education Standards Authority website:

Prahl, K. (2016). Best Practices for the Think-Pair-Share Active-Learning Technique. The American Biology Teacher, 79(1), 3-8. doi:10.1525/abt.2017.79.1.3

The Math Learning Center. (2017). Geoboard. Retrieved from


Verenikina, I., Wrona, K., Jones, P. T. & Kervin, L. K. (2010). Interactive whiteboards: interactivity, activity and literacy teaching. In J. Herrington & B. Hunter
(Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (pp. 2605-2614). VA, USA: AACE.

Way, J. (2008). Using Questioning to Stimulate Mathematical Thinking. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 13(3), 22-27. Retrieved from



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