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Topic 1

“Here are the things you need to know about me.”

Writing about myself always makes me nervous. Truthfully, I am never sure that I am being

accurate. I have two primary interests: music and politics.

Music has been in my life for a long time. The first songs I remember memorizing are kids

shows on Playhouse Disney (now called Disney Junior), Cartoon Network, and Nick Jr. that I use to

watch. At that time, I only cared about these compositions because my favorite characters were

associated with them; the technicalities of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme were not interesting to

me-it was the fact that Mickey Mouse invited me to sing it at the beginning of each show. As time went

on, I started to get exposed to the deeper intricacies of music: how changing the key and tempo can

massively change the vibes of a song, how the percussions of a song can contribute to how a song

sounds, and how notes can sound varied when played in different octaves. Through these findings, I

can discuss my thoughts on songs on a deeper level, and I want to learn more as time goes on. At some

point, I would like to write lyrics and compose songs as well.

Politics is a recent addition to my list of interests, which has developed slowly over my middle

and high school careers. When I was little, I could care less about issues like health care, the education

system, and whatever other issues came up; if I had good food on the table-and if I was at some point

the center of attention-I would be satisfied. Then came the 2016 election, where I would constantly

hear that both candidates were horrible-so horrible, in fact, that they were considered the worst possible

choices out of that election cycle. I was interested in why people had such opinions; what led them to

these ideas. As a result, I started to research different political issues. My findings have somewhat

shaped my political views of the world (though I do not know how much that means anything-in five

years these could change radically). I hope to learn more so I can impact the world in a positive way.

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