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Year 34 No.

10 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) — Green September 6, 2020

A Debt Never Fully Paid

O ur reflection today focuses
on the brief, yet profoundly
insightful, second reading where
never boastful or conceited…. Love
is always ready to excuse, to trust,
to hope, and to endure whatever
were still sinners” (Rom 5:8). Loving
others is the only way to thank God;
he first loved us—unconditionally!
Saint Paul addresses the Romans, comes. Love never comes to an end”
Paying the Debt. It is a fact that
giving them some very concrete, (13:4-5, 8). “There are three things
paying off debts is a challenging
practical advice. Paul says: “Owe that last: faith, hope and love; and
task; it requires discipline and
no one anything, except to love the greatest of these is love” (13:13).
self-sacrifice. Getting out of debt
one another” (13:8). Indeed, Debt of Love. Loving “one demands self-denial to reach
there is one debt that we will another” includes not only Christian one’s goal. Paying the debt of
always owe and never be able believers; this command extends loving others involves personal
to pay fully. The command to to all people. In his parable of the sacrifice and concrete action. As
love remains constant; love can Good Samaritan (Lk 10:29-37), Jesus the Gospel for today emphasizes,
never say: “I’ve done enough.” shows that the command, “You shall we must take all the concrete steps
A Central Virtue. A glance at love your neighbor as yourself” (Lev available to be reconciled with
Scripture reveals the centrality of love 19:18) extends even to strangers in one another. We ask our heavenly
in Christian life. Jesus commands need. Christians are to love without Father to assist us in paying our debts
his disciples to manifest mutual distinction; it is of no consequence of mutual love and compassion.
love: “By this love you have for one whether people are good or bad,
Love Fulfills the Law. Paul cites
another, everyone will know that you deserving or undeserving, grateful
four of the ten commandments
are my disciples” (Jn 13:35). Paul or ungrateful. We stand in debt
in his message: no to adultery,
tells the Ephesians: “Follow Christ to love them all—unselfishly!
murder, stealing, and coveting.
by loving as he loved you” (Eph Someone may ask: When did I
He also asserts that loving each
5:2); he advises the Corinthians: “Let incur this debt of love for others? In
other fulfills the entire law, all the
everything you do be done in love” Baptism, we received the marvelous
commandments. Interestingly, he
(1 Cor 16:2). John writes: “Whoever gift of God’s unbounded love and
explicitly repeats this insight two
does not love does not know God, mercy; thus, we are obligated to
times (Rom 13:8, 10). Admittedly, we
because God is love” (1 Jn 4:8); generously manifest this same
always fall short of perfectly loving
“God lives in us and his love is made merciful love to others. We did
each other. Yet, we struggle daily to
complete in us” (1 Jn 4:12). not deserve or earn the gift of God’s
live in love, seeking to partially pay
Of course, one can never forget love; it is gratuitously lavished upon
our debt—all with the help of God’s
Paul’s great “love exhortation” us. Our “debt of love” flows from
own transforming love and grace!
in the thirteenth chapter of First God’s superabundant love for us;
Corinthians: “Love is always patient “what proves God’s love for us is
and kind; it is never jealous; love is that Christ died for us while we — Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM

Building Society through Dialogue model of mercy in God himself, the God to whom your
Book gives the very beautiful name of al-Rahman, while
Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM the Bible calls him al-Rahum, the Merciful One. It is
Encouraging Muslim-Christian collaboration, Pope only within this framework of religion and its shared
John Paul II, speaking in Davao, noted: “Society cannot premises of faith that one can really speak of mutual
bring its citizens the happiness they expect from it respect, openness, and collaboration between Christians
unless society itself is built upon dialogue. Dialogue and Muslims. Then comes willingness to work together,
in turn is built upon trust, and trust presupposes not to build a more fraternal society.”
only justice but mercy. Without doubt, equality and “My dear friends: I wish you to be convinced of the
freedom, which are at the foundation of every society, fact that your Christian brothers and sisters need you and
require law and justice.” they need your love.” All desire “fraternal coexistence
“Dear Muslims, my brothers, I would like to add between Christians and Muslims in a modern, believing,
that we Christians, just like you, seek the basis and and peaceful Philippine nation.”
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES P — May almighty God have son of man, I have appointed
mercy on us, forgive us our watchman for the house of
Entrance Antiphon sins, and bring us to everlasting Israel; when you hear me say
(Ps 119 [118]:137, 124) life. anything, you shall warn them
(Recited when there is no opening song.) All — Amen. for me. If I tell the wicked, “O
wicked one, you shall surely
You are just, O Lord, and your Gloria die, ” and you do not speak
judgment is right; treat your out to dissuade the wicked
servant in accord with your All — Glory to God in the from his way, the wicked shall
merciful love. highest, and on earth peace to die for his guilt, but I will hold
people of good will. We praise you responsible for his death.
Greeting you, we bless you, we adore
(The sign of the cross is made here.) But if you warn the wicked,
you, we glorify you, we give trying to turn him from his
P — The grace of our Lord you thanks for your great glory, way, and he refuses to turn
Jesus Christ, and the love of Lord God, heavenly King, O from his way, he shall die for
God, and the communion of God, almighty Father. Lord his guilt, but you shall save
the Holy Spirit be with you all. Jesus Christ, Only Begotten yourself.
Son, Lord God, Lamb of God,
All — And with your spirit. Son of the Father, you take — The word of the Lord.
away the sins of the world, All — Thanks be to God.
Introduction have mercy on us; you take
(These [or similar words] may be used Responsorial Psalm (Ps 95)
to address the assembly.)
away the sins of the world,
receive our prayer; you are
seated at the right hand of R — If today you hear his
P — In the Gospel, Jesus voice, harden not your hearts.
teaches us to help our erring the Father, have mercy on us.
brothers and sisters and lead For you alone are the Holy Sr. M.C.A. Parco, FSP
One, you alone are the Lord,
t hem to co nversio n a n d   
     
G Em Am

reform. Let us pray that the you alone are the Most High,   
Jesus Christ, with the Holy  
Lord may soften our hearts If to day you hear his voice,
and fill them with patience Spirit, in the glory of God the
Father. Amen.
and love. And may the Holy 3
     G
Spirit dispose the hearts of        
our erring brethren to our har den not your hearts.
patient urgings and concerned P — Let us pray. (Pause)
admonitions. O G o d , by wh o m w e 1. Come, let us sing joyfully to
are redeemed and receive the LORD;/ let us acclaim the
Penitential Act adoption,look graciously rock of our salvation./ Let us
upon your beloved sons come into his presence with
P — Brethren (brothers and and daughters, that those thanksgiving;/ let us joyfully
sisters), let us acknowledge who believe in Christ may sing psalms to him.(R)
our sins, and so prepare
ourselves to celebrate the receive true freedom and an 2. Come, let us bow down in
sacred mysteries. (Pause) everlasting inheritance. worship;/ let us kneel before
Through our Lord Jesus the LORD who made us./ For
All — I confess to almighty Christ, your Son, who lives he is our God,/ and we are the
God and to you, my brothers and reigns with you in the people he shepherds, the flock
and sisters, that I have greatly unity of the Holy Spirit, one he guides.(R)
sinned, in my thoughts and God, for ever and ever.
in my words, in what I have 3. Oh, that today you would
All — Amen.
done and in what I have failed hear his voice:/ “Harden not
to do, (striking your breast) THE LITURGY your hearts as at Meribah,/ as in
through my fault, through the day of Massah in the desert,/
my fault, through my most OF THE WORD Where your fathers tempted
grievous fault; First Reading (Ez 33:7–9) (Sit) me;/ they tested me though
Therefore I ask blessed Mary they had seen my works.” (R)
ever-Virgin, all the Angels and God calls Ezekiel a prophet Second Reading
Saints, and you, my brothers and watchman to dissuade the
and sisters, to pray for me to (Rom 13:8–10)
Israelites from their wicked ways
the Lord our God. and to lead them to conversion. Paul reminds us of the
All — Amen. In the same way, Jesus invites commandment of love that
us to bring back to the right path fulfills the law. As Christians,
P — Lord, have mercy.
those who have strayed. we are called to life of love. Each
All — Lord, have mercy.
of us must look after the welfare
P — Christ, have mercy. A reading from the Book of of our neighbor.
All — Christ, have mercy. the Prophet Ezekiel
P — Lord, have mercy. A reading from the Letter of
All — Lord, have mercy. THUS SAYS THE LORD: You, Saint Paul to the Romans
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: — The Gospel of the Lord. wants us to be the same to our
Owe nothing to anyone, All — Praise to you, Lord Jesus brethren in sin and error. With
except to love one another; Christ. confidence, we pray:
for the one who loves
another has fulfilled the law. Homily (Sit) R — Lord, hear our prayer.
The commandments, “You
shall not commit adultery; Profession of Faith (Stand) C — Give the Pope, bishops,
you shall not kill; you shall priests, and deacons a heart
n o t s t e a l ; yo u s h a l l n o t All — I believe in one God, that reaches out to sinners
covet, ” and whatever other the Father almighty, maker of so that they may be effective
commandment there may be, heaven and earth, of all things ministers of reconciliation. We
are summed up in this saying, visible and invisible. pray: (R)
namely, “You shall love your C — May all of us gathered
neighbor as yourself.” Love I believe in one Lord Jesus here in the Eucharist see the
does no evil to the neighbor; Christ, the Only Begotten Son wisdom in the words of St.
hence, love is the fulfillment of God, born of the Father Paul today: “Love does no evil
of the law. before all ages. God from God, to the neighbor; hence, love is
Light from Light, true God the fulfillment of the law.” We
— The word of the Lord. from true God, begotten, not
All — Thanks be to God. pray: (R)
made, consubstantial with the
Father; through him all things C — Move judges, soldiers, and
Alleluia (2 Cor 5:19) (Stand) were made. For us men and for policemen, and those working
our salvation he came down in rehabilitation centers to
All — Alleluia, alleluia. God from heaven, temper justice with love and
was reconciling the world to always respect the inviolable
to himself in Christ and (At the words that follow, up to rights of persons. We pray: (R)
entrusting to us the message and including and became man, C — May sinners and those
of reconciliation.Alleluia, all bow.) who stray from the right path
and by the Holy Spirit was come to their senses and ask
incarnate of the Virgin Mary, pardon from the Lord and be
Gospel (Mt 18:15–20) reconciled with the Christian
and became man.
community. We pray: (R)
P — A reading from the holy Fo r o u r s a k e h e wa s
Gospel according to Matthew. crucified under Pontius Pilate, C — May the sick, the elderly,
All — Glory to you, O Lord. he suffered death and was and the homebound see God’s
buried, and rose again on the comfort and the consolation in
JESUS SAID TO HIS DISCIPLES: third day in accordance with the compassion of those who
“If your brother sins against the Scriptures. He ascended care for them. We pray: (R)
you, go and tell him his fault into heaven and is seated at C — Let us pray for the urgent
between you and him alone. the right hand of the Father. concerns of our community
If he listens to you, you have He will come again in glory and our personal intentions
won over your brother. If he to judge the living and the (pause). We pray: (R)
does not listen, take one or dead and his kingdom will
two others along with you, have no end. P — Father, hear our prayers.
so that ‘every fact may be heal our troubled consciences
established on the testimony I believe in the Holy Spirit, and wounded hearts, and unite
of two or three witnesses.’ If the Lord, the giver of life, who us as family in your Church.
he refuses to listen to them, proceeds from the Father and Through Christ our Lord.
tell the church. If he refuses the Son, who with the Father All — Amen.
to listen even to the church, and the Son is adored and
then treat him as you would a glorified, who has spoken THE LITURGY OF
Gentile or a tax collector. through the prophets. THE EUCHARIST
Amen, I say to you, I b e l i e ve i n o n e , h o l y,
whatever you bind on earth Presentation of the Gifts
catholic, and apostolic (Stand)
shall be bound in heaven, and Church. I confess one Baptism
whatever you loose on earth for the forgiveness of sins P — Pray, brethren…
shall be loosed in heaven. and I look forward to the All — May the Lord accept the
Again, amen, I say to you, resurrection of the dead and sacrifice at your hands for the
if two of you agree on earth the life of the world to come. praise and glory of his name,
about anything for which they Amen. for our good, and the good of
are to pray, it shall be granted all his holy Church.
to them by my heavenly Prayer of the Faithful
Father. For where two or three Prayer over the Offerings
are gathered together in my P — God, our Father, is
name, there am I in the midst generous and patient with us P — O God, who give us the
of them.” despite our sins and failings. He gift of true prayer and of peace,
graciously grant that through
this offering, we may do fitting
homage to your divine majesty
and, by partaking of the sacred
mystery, we may be faithfully
united in mind and heart.
Through Christ our Lord.
All — Amen.

Preface VI: The pledge of the

eternal Passover

P — The Lord be with you.

All — And with your spirit.
P — Lift up your hearts.
All — We lift them up to the
P — Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All — It is right and just.
P — It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give
you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
almighty and eternal God.
Invitation to Peace THE CONCLUDING RITES
For in you we live and
move and have our being, Invitation to Communion P — The Lord be with you.
and while in this body we (Kneel) All — And with your spirit.
not only experience the daily
effects of your care, but even P — Behold the Lamb of God, Prayer over the People
now possess the pledge of life behold him who takes away
eternal. the sins of the world. Blessed P — Bow down for the blessing.
For, having received the are those called to the supper (Pause)
first fruits of the Spirit, through of the Lamb. Bestow pardon and peace,
whom you raised up Jesus O Lord, we pray, upon your
from the dead, we hope for an All — Lord, I am not worthy faithful, that they may be
everlasting share in the Paschal that you should enter under cleansed from every offense
Mystery. my roof, but only say the and serve you with untroubled
word and my soul shall be hearts.
And so, with all the Angels, healed. Through Christ our Lord.
we praise you, as in joyful
celebration we acclaim: All — Amen.
Communion Antiphon
(Cf. Ps 42 [41]:2–3)
P — And may the blessing
All — Holy, Holy, Holy Lord of almighty God, the Father,
God of hosts. Heaven and and the Son, (†) and the Holy
earth are full of your glory. Like the deer that yearns for
running streams, so my soul Spirit, come down on you and
Hosanna in the highest. remain with you for ever.
Blessed is he who comes in is yearning for you, my God;
the name of the Lord. Hosanna my soul is thirsting for God, All — Amen.
in the highest. (Kneel) the living God. Dismissal
Acclamation (Stand) Prayer after Communion P — Go forth, the Mass is ended.
All — Thanks be to God.
All — When we eat this
Bread and drink this Cup, we P — Let us pray. (Pause)
proclaim your Death, O Lord,
Grant that your faithful,
until you come again. SUBSCRIBE TO SAMBUHAY
O Lord, whom you nourish
and endow with life through DIGITAL MISSALETTE?
THE COMMUNION RITE the food of your Word and For inquiries and orders:
The Lord’s Prayer heavenly Sacrament, may so
benefit from your beloved
All — Our Father… Son’s great gifts that we may
P — Deliver us, Lord… merit an eternal share in his
All — For the kingdom, the life. Who lives and reigns for
power and the glory are yours ever and ever.
now and for ever. All — Amen.
Below is a traditional prayer COVID-19 that has disturbed maysakit upang ang kanilang
of spiritual communion that and even claimed lives. pagkalinga ay malakipan ng
many saints have prayed over We pray that you guide the husay at malasakit. Itinataas
the years. It can be prayed if you people tasked to find cures namin ang mga nagdurusa.
find yourself at Mass unable to for this disease and to stem Makamtan nawa nila ang
receive the Eucharist, or even
its transmission. Protect the mabuting kalusugan. Lingapin
in the midst of your daily work,
medical experts that they mo rin ang mga kumakalinga
lifting up your thoughts to God.
may minister to the sick with sa kanila. Pagkamtin mo
The ultimate goal of our
lives should be communion with competence and compassion. ng kapayapaang walang
God and an act of spiritual We pray for those afflicted. hanggan ang mga pumanaw
communion can help a person May they be restored to health na. Pagkalooban mo kami
draw closer to that goal. soon. Protect those who care ng biyaya na magtulong-
for them. Grant eternal rest to tulong tungo sa ikabubuti ng
Act of Spiritual those who have died. Give us lahat. Pukawin mo sa amin
Communion the grace in this trying time to ang pagmamalasakit sa mga
work for the good of all and to nangangailangan. Hinihiling

M y Jesus, I believe that

You are present in the
Most Holy Sacrament. I love
help those in need. We implore
you to stop the spread of this
virus and to save us from our
namin ito sa pamamagitan ni
Hesukristo na nabubuhay at
naghaharing kasama mo at ng
you above all things, and I fears. Grant all these through Espiritu Santo, iisang Diyos,
desire to receive You into our Lord Jesus Christ your Son magpasawalang hanggan.
my soul. Since I cannot, at who lives and reigns with you, Amen.
this moment, receive you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, Dumudulog kami sa iyong
sacramentally, come at least one God, forever and ever. patnubay, Mahal na Ina ng
spiritually into my heart. I Amen. Diyos. Pakinggan mo ang
embrace You as if you were aming mga kahilingan sa
We fly to Your protection,
already there and unite myself aming pangangailangan at
oh Holy Mother of God. Do
wholly to you. Never permit ipag-adya mo kami sa lahat
not despise our petition in
me to be separated from you. ng kasamaan, maluwalhati at
our necessities, but deliver
Amen. pinagpalang Birhen. Amen.
us always from all dangers, Oh
glorious and blessed Virgin.
ESPIRITUWAL NA Mahal na Birhen,
PAKIKINABANG mapagpagaling sa maysakit,
Our Lady, health of the sick, ipanalangin mo kami.

A king Hesus, nananalig

akong ikaw ay nananahan
sa Pinakabanal na Sakramento.
pray for us.
St. Raphael the Archangel,
pray for us.
San Rafael Arkanghel,
ipanalangin mo kami.
San Roque,
Mahal kita nang higit sa lahat ng St. Roch, pray for us. ipanalangin mo kami.
bagay at nais kong tanggapin St. Lorenzo Ruiz, pray for us San Lorenzo Ruiz,
ka sa aking kaluluwa. Subalit St. Pedro Calungsod, pray for us. ipanalangin mo kami.
sa sandaling ito ikaw ay hindi San Pedro Calungsod,
ko matatanggap sa Banal na ORATIO IMPERATA ipanalangin mo kami.
Komunyon. Nawa’y tanggapin PARA SA COVID-19
kita nang espirituwal sa aking BE A PRIEST OR
pagnanais na ito at pumasok ka akapangyarihan at
sa aking puso. Niyayakap kita na mapagmahal na Ama,
parang naririto ka na sa akin, at nagsusumamo kami sa iyo If you are a Grade 12
pinagkakaisa ko ang aking sarili student, a college student,
upang hilingin ang iyong
sa iyo. Huwag mong hayaang or a young professional,
patnubay laban sa COVID-19 male, single, and interested
ako ay mawalay sa iyo. Amen. na nagpapahirap sa marami to become a priest or
at kumikitil na ng mga a brother involved in
ORATIO IMPERATA buhay. Gabayan mo ang the apostolate of social
FOR COVID-19 mga dalubhasang naatasan communication, we invite
na tumuklas ng mga lunas you to journey with us.

G od our Father, we come

to you in our need to ask
your protection against the
at paraan upang ihinto ang
paglaganap nito. Patnubayan
mo ang mga lumilingap sa
Visit our websites: or

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