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Welcome to Sufficiently

Advanced Technologies!
The Secret Project Everyone in a high tech industry has

heard of Sufficiently Advanced Tech-
nologies. It’s the impressive little startup
According to the classified briefing that
that snatched up some of the world’s lead-
you received, the product is no less than a
ing physicists.
fully functional teleportation system. Such
a system could revolutionize every single
Led by maverick businessman Alan
aspect of society. No more highway system.
Smithee, the company has been spawning
No more shipping overseas. No more
rumors and buzz aplenty, even without ever
travel by space shuttle. No more border
announcing what it’s been working on.
security. How will it change transporta-
tion? Industry? Urban development? Space
Everyone seems to have a theory
exploration? Warfare?
about what the secret project is. You have
Sufficiently heard several before you were invited
to this presentation. Some theories are
mundane, some are outlandish. All of them
The Facility Advanced were wrong.

Though they are making big promises,

the SAT labs are pretty small and humble. Technologies
Just a single smallish lab and a few other
rooms. Are these three scientists the only
science staff that they have? Did they re-
ally make this amazing breakthrough as a Information packet for
modest little garage startup? You had heard
amazing things about Sufficiently Advanced
Technologies. The reality seems to be... Ibn Da’wud al-Baghdadi
smaller. Not the giant well funded lab that
you were expecting from their press re- The Herrawi Group
Project ISIS presentation

January 22nd, 2021

People You Know
Abu Abdul-Matin Goals
Mr. Manciple - A liar and a cheat. He
You are not the powerful Middle Find the nuclear bomb and re- promised to provide the Brotherhood
Eastern businessman that you claim to trieve it. Get Mr. Manciple to tell you of Global Jihad with a nuclear device.
be. You are, in reality, Abu Abdul- where he put the bomb, and get it away But he instead swindled you, providing
Matin, a Libyan terrorist working for from him. nothing but old pinball machine parts. You
the Brotherhood of Global Jihad.
need to find out where the bomb has gone
The Brotherhood espouses fighting Take any other science items you to, and get it back.
back against Western agression through can find. This teleportation system
violent terrorist acts. sounds like it would be very useful for your Alan Smithee - A loudmouthed blow-
The Brotherood of Global Jihad terrorist group. hard, like many Americans.
had contracted with the American Mr.
Manciple to obtain a nuclear bomb. Get revenge on Manciple. Once you General Duggan - Having American mili-
The Brotherhood paid Manciple, but he have the nuclear bomb again, you want to tary authorities around makes you nervous.
delivered an oil drum full of used pin- see Manciple pay for betraying the Broth-
ball machine parts instead of a working erhood of Global Jihad. Lt. Plinger - Not long ago, you were
bomb. Sources indicate that he probably
training with jihadists in Afghanistan. One
used the Brotherhood’s funds to pur- Find out about The Temple’s Foun- day, your fellow warriors fll into some sort
chase the nuclear device from a black dation. You have heard vague rumors that of ambush placed by the Americans. You
market source, but kept it for himself. the Brotherhood of Global Jihad is a front don’t know what happened in there, but
Because he wouldn’t recognize you, your for something bigger. This secretive group they all wound up dead. As you fled, you
superiors sent you to locate the bomb is sometimes referred to as “The Tem- got a clear look at this American soldier. If
and retrieve it. Manciple must still have ple’s Foundation” in English. You wish you recognize her, does she recognize you?
it here somewhere. Find out where he to know the true goals of the organization That could endanger the entire mission.
keeps it and get it back to Libya for God that you are working for. Do they really at- Keep an eye on her, and if it looks like she
and glory. tempt to bring the jihad to America, or are knows who you are, you’ll have to eliminate
This briefing you received about they using true believers like you as pawns her quickly and escape.
a teleportation device is quite inter- in some larger game?
esting. You see obvious uses for it in
a guerilla warfare context. Using the
teleportation gateway, you could plant
bombs anywhere on Earth from com-
plete safety. If you can recover other
technical items and return them to the
Brotherhood as well, then more glory
will be yours and Allah’s.

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