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Unit 1
Greeting and Introduction

Objectives of this unit: 1. Do greeting and introduction; 2. Describe oneself and others; 3. Do
greeting formally and informally, 4. Use present simple tense

A. Let’s see this picture!

What are they doing?

When are they doing this activity?
Which one is common is your country?

Study the dialogue below and practice it!

Ms. Costa : Welcome to the foreign language club. My name is Ms. Costa. I’m the club
adviser. Please tell me your name and the foreign language you’re taking.
Stacy : My name’s Stacy. I’m studying German. I’m in 11th grade.
Stave : Hi, my name’s Stephan Liu. Stave for short. I’m studying Italian.
Justin : And I’m Justin Carlson. I’m taking French.
Ms. Costa : Justin …..You tutor kids at the learning center, don’t you?
Justin : That’s right. Tom, Nicole, and Stacy are volunteers too.
Ms. Costa : My youngest son, Jesse, goes to the center.
Nicole : I know Jesse. He’s adorable.
Ms. Costa : Thank you, and your name is ……
Nicole : Nicole. I’m senior, and I’m taking Spanish.
Ms. Costa : You and Stacy aren’t sister, are you?
Nicole : No, we aren’t. Do we look alike?
Ms. Costa : A little. Ok, one more person. . .
Tom : I’m Thomas Bryant. You can call me Tom. I’m taking Spanish with Nicole.
Ms. Costa : Ok, first things first. We usually have a party so you can get to know each
other. Anyone interested?
Tom : Count me in!

Comprehension question
1. Who is Ms. Costa?
2. How many students are there?
3. What languages do they take?
4. Who’s Ms. Costa son?
5. Who are taking Spanish?
6. How does Ms. Costa say when she wants to introduce herself?
7. How do they say to tell their short name (nick name)?
8. How does Ms. Costa say to ask more information from her students?

B. Focus of study 1
Formal Informal
Good morning Hello
Good afternoon Hi
Good evening Good day
Introducing oneself Asking someone and Introducing others
 My name is ...  What's your name?
 I am ...  Who are you?
 My friends call me ...  This is ...
 You can call me ...  Let me introduce you to . . . .
 Have we met (before)?  Have you met ...?
Yes, I think we have. Yes, I have.
No, I don't think we have. No, I haven't.
I think we've already met. Yes, I think I have.
 I don't think we've met (before). No, I don't think I have.
 Nice to meet you. (informal) Hello, ... (name)
 Pleased to meet you.
 How do you do? (formal)
 Nice to see you.
 Nice to see you again.
It is common also for us to ask about someone’s condition
Questions Response
 How are you?  Fine, thank you/thanks.
 How are you today?  Not too bad.
 What's wrong with you?  Very well.
 What's the matter with you?  I'm okay / all right.
 Are you all right?  Not too well, actually.
 I'm tired.
 I'm exhausted.
 I've got a cold.
Others expressions
1. How can I address you? 2. Where do you live now?
Is it ‘Miss or Mrs.’? I live in…(Solo)
May I address you with…? I live on…(Jalan Pemuda)
Responses: I live at …(Jalan Damai no.36)
Please address me with… I live at… (Hilton Hotel)
You can call me…
Why don’t you call me…
3. Where are you from? 7. What’s your hobby?
I’m from… My hobby is…
Where do you come from? My hobbies are…
I come from… 8. What’s your favorite food?
My favorite food is…
4. How long have you been living here?
I like …
9. Are you married?
I have been living here for three
Yes, I’m / I’m single
Have you been married?
5. I have been living here since two years
No, I haven’t been married
10. How old are you?
6. Do you like living in this country? I’m 23 years old
Yes, I do. NOTE: asking someone’s age is uncommon
No, I don’t in western culture, but it’s ok in Indonesia and
medical need
It is better for us to close our dialogue by saying goodbye
Good bye. See you tomorrow.
Bye. / See you. See you next week.
See you later. Good night.
See you soon.

Practice the conversation below!

Tiffany : Hi, my name’s Tiffany Smith. What’s your name?

Mike : Hi,I’m Michael Wang. Nice to meet you Miss. Smith.
Tiffany : Nice to meet you too, Mr.Wang. By the way, you can call me
Mike : Ok, Tiffany and just call me Mike
Tiffany : Where do you come from, Mike?
Mike : I come from London. And you?
Tiffany : I’m from New York. Do you study here?
Mike : Yes, I take nursing here. What major do you take, Tiffany?
Tiffany : Ow,..I take midwifery
Mike : Sounds great.
Tiffany : Thanks. By the way, isn’t that Prof. Lee over there? He teaches in
your class.
Mike : Sure, so I must go now. See you later, Tiffany
Tiffany : We see, Mike

Fill in the blanks with suitable expressions, and then practice with your
Task 1
• Nurse Mellissa : Hi, what’s your name?
• New Nurse : ………………………………………………………………
• Nurse Mellissa : I’m Mellissa. I haven’t see you before
• New Nurse : ………………………………………………………………
• Nurse Mellissa : Where are you from?
• New Nurse : ………………………………………………………………
• Nurse Mellissa : How long have you been in this country?
• New Nurse : ………………………………………………………………
• Nurse Mellissa : How do you like this country?
• New Nurse : ………………………………………………………………
• Nurse Mellissa : Nice to meet you.
• New Nurse : ………………………………………………………………

C. Focus of study 2
After learning introduction, then we study further about deep introduction by describing
others and ourselves.
In describing people, it has some aspects that we should inform to public. For example:
personal identity, physical appearance, psychological characteristics, hobby, dream,
expectation, strength, or weakness.
Here is the example of describing someone:

Hello friends,
Respected let me
teacher and introduce someone to you. This is our
all of my class-mates.
new partner here. She is a nurse and a mother of two children.
Today, I want to introduce myself to you. As you may already know, my name is Alice.
I am name’s
fromMehta. She’s
California, butfrom
now IIndia.
live inShe’s smart,since 7 years ago. I am 18
years old. and
diligent, I am single.
friendly. She has graduated from nursing
department of Oxford
I am graduated University
from SMAN since three
1 Surakarta years And
in 2013. ago. now
She I am studying in Stikes
Kusuma Husada.
worked at My major
Sugihwaras is Nurse.
Hospital, andI now
like to bemoves
she nurse because
to our it can help many people.
Well AboutHermy hobby
family is background,
going to gym, so are
there shefour
looks so fresh.
members in my family. They are my
father, mother,
Actually, she ismy notlittle
too brother
tall, butand
body. isShe
still in junior high school at
8 grades. My father is an architect and my mother is a chef.
will come here next week, so it will be nice if we have
party strengths
for her. and weakness, I think everyone has some strengths and a few
weakness as well. if I speak of my strengths,1) I always try to find a better and easy way
to do things. This tells me that I am innovative or creative. 2) I try to be as honest as I
can with the people around. 3) I am optimistic. The best example of this is that I don’t do
things by halves. I don’t put off till tomorrow what I can do today. For example, when I
face difficulties with something, I don’t leave that thing as it is, but I keep trying to find
2 for Please
1. that difficulty
create youruntil introduction
I reach a solution. 4)
and thenIintroduce
am hard worker
yourselfwhen I’m of
in front in
class or at work. I work hard
the class one by one!when I’m home as well, for example, I help my mother by
cooking dinner
2. Tryfor the family,
to introduce by washing
someone clothes,in front
to your friend by doingof the the dishes etc.
Here is the example of introduction by describing oneself:
And since everyone has some weaknesses too, I do have some weaknesses as well. If I
• of my weaknesses, well 1) I think my biggest weakness is that sometimes I get
angry easily; however, I try to overcome it. 2) I am not always good when I am working 4
in a group; however, individually I definitely give my best to the work.

Thank you. I'd really appreciate any input from you.

Task 3
Vocabulary building (find its meaning in your dictionary)
1. Originally : 15. Little brother :
2. Graduated : 16. strengths :
3. Major : 17. weakness :
4. Background : 18. honest :
5. Member : 19. halves :
6. Chatty : 20. put off :
7. Friendly : 21. face :
8. Nervous : 22. leave :
9. Brave : 23. reach :
10. Cowardly : 24. dishes :
11. Selfish : 25. neat :
12. Quite : 26. nasty :
13. Rude : 27. easy-going :
14. Untidy : 28. careful :

D. Linguistics feature
The way in describing oneself and others, we can use simple present

 I am originally from Bali  I play tennis.
 You are beautiful.  He goes to school every morning.
 Susan is smart.  She understands English.
 My father is lawyer  It mixes the sand and the water.
 There are two people here  You try very hard.
 My sister and I are students.  They never forget his wallet.
 The girls are tired.  We enjoy playing the piano.
 The tea is delicious.  The train leaves every morning at 8
 The newspaper is cheap. AM.


Simple Present Tense

In general, the simple preset tense expresses events or situations that exist always, usually,
habitually. They exist now, have exist in past and probably will exist in the future.
(+) S + VI + s/es + … (+) S + is/am/are + ANA
(-) S + do/does + not + V1 + ... (-) S + is/am/are + not + ANA
(?) do/does + S + V1 + … (?) is/am/are + S + ANA
 If the subject is they/we/I/you or plural, V1 is without s/es
 If the subject is he/she/it or singular, V1 is added by s/es
 If there is do/does, V1 is used
1. Sonata works in a big military hospital.
2. The patients don’t have enough money to pay the bill.
3. John does not go to hospital everyday, but Tim and Tom go to hospital everyday.
4. The nurse measures jack’s blood pressure.
5. A modern stethoscope is very helpful.

Task 3 Complete the sentence using appropriate verb, the answer can be more
than one (may vary) as long as it is correct in meaning.
1. We sometimes ______________ books.
2. Emily ________________ to the disco.
3. It often _____________ on Sundays.
4. Pete and his father ______________ the family car.
5. I always ____________ bus in the bus stop.
6. Jack _____________lemonade very much.
7. The girls always _________________to pop music.
8. Janet never __________________________ jeans.
9. Mr. Smith _________________________Spanish and French.
10. You ______________________ your homework after school.
11. We ___________________________ a nice garden.

12. She ____________________ six years old.
13. Simon ______________ two rabbits and five goldfish.
14. I ___________________________ from Vienna, Austria.
15. They ____________________ Sandy's parents.
16. London ________________ in England.
17. The summer _________________ hot.
18. Linda__________________ a very pretty girl.
19. My birthday _________________ in June.
20. Cat __________________ good friends.
21. It _________________ cold today.
22. I ________________ at home now.
23. They _______________ Korean.
24. There _______________ a pen on the desk.
25. My name________________ Nikita.
26. We ______________ from Ukraine.
27. That ____________ right.
28. I ___________ OK, thanks.
29. Clara and Steve ___________ married.
30. She ____________ an English teacher.

Task 4
Using frequency adverbs to create sentence as you do!
Always usually often sometimes seldom rarely never
100% 99%-90% 90%-75% 75%-25% 25%—10% 10%-1% 0%

1. I always eat dinner at six o'clock a. Help

2. She ……………. ……………Math at night. b. Drink
c. Play
3. They seldom …………..………..a glass of milk.
d. Study
4. He …………………………….sinema on TV. e. Watch
5. We …………………………… music. f. Listen
6. You ………………………...your mother every morning. g. Eat
7. Antonio ……………………..with his dog. h. Listen

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