Irwan K. Simamora - 1805011042

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NIM: 1805011042


1). A.what do you know about mechanical tools ?

Mechanical equipment is equipment that is mechanical in shape and driven

using hand or manually

B. - Electric soldering : assembling objects with lead.

- pen test : to find out the existence of an electrical conductor voltage

- saws : a tool for cutting

- tang piliers ; wire or cable clamp

- screw : fastener or lock

C. electric soldering iron parts :

- soldering handle

- soldering iron and soldering eyes

- heat element

Pen test iron parts : close the conductor, clamp, spring. Indicator light,
charcoal sticks, plastic insulator,the probe

Parts of saws : springs, saws leaves, butterfly butter

Screw parts : anvil, spindle, sleeve, thimble, lock

D. electrical solder listrik : is a heating device used to connect a frame or
component to an electronic aquiment

Tespen fungction ; the function of the tespen is to find out wheetter there is an
elecrrik voltage on an object

Saw fungction : saws are tools in the from of thin metal with sharp teeth that
are used for cutting or splitting wood or other objects.

Tang fungction : cutting wire cables and fibers and various objects that have a
shape like a wire

Secrew fungction : A secerwe is a rod or tube with a helical grove on its

surface. Its main uses are as a binder to hold two objects together

2) What do you know about gauges ?

A. Give your definition: Measuring instrument is a tool used to measure

objects or events.

E. Give the examples : Calippers, micrometer screw, histar, thermometer,


F. describe the partys that each tool has :

a.calipers : the function of the inner jaw calipers. Consist of 2 jaws namely
sliding jaws and fixed jaws, depth the probe main scale (cm), main scale ( inchis
), nonius scale ( in 1/10 mm)

b.micrometer skerew : anvil, spindle, sleeve, thimble, ratchet knob,lock.

c. thermometer : tube glass, glass pipe, scale. Groove, tank.

d. neraca : calibration button, place load, weight, with blance, equilibrium line

B. describe the fungction of each tool you have given as the examples:
a.callipers : the fungction of the calibration or sigmat used in measuring the
height of multilevel objects. Used to measure thickness on the inside and
outside of an objects,both the shape of a round, cube,square

b. micrometer skerew : micrometer skerew is a device used to measure small-

sized objects with a hight degres of presision

c. Thermometer : to measure the hight and low temperatures

d. blance sheet : the fungction of the Ohaus balance sheet is to measure the
mass of an object or mrtal used in laboratory practice.

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