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※ 國中程度「千字表」要熟背!

". be動詞—be; am, is, are; was, were; been

.. ⼀一般動詞—表動作的字—eat, sleep, run…

". 肯定句句—He is a student./ He likes sports.

.. 否定句句—He is not a student./He does not like


9. 疑問句句—Is he a student?/Does he like sports?

※ Do/ Does 助動詞

There was/ were

※ 三種基本時態:

". 現在式—Pam is a singer./She likes music.

.. 過去式—Pam was a singer./She liked music.
9. 未來來式—Pam will be a singer./She will sing on TV.
※ 未來來式句句型:

". 主詞+ will + VR. …

.. 主詞+ be going to + VR. …
9. 主詞+ be V-ing … <只⽤用於來來去動詞>

Ex: I will go to Taipei tomorrow.

= I am going to go to Taipei tomorrow.

* = I am going to Taipei tomorrow.

* 來來去動詞 (come, go, leave…),可⽤用現在進⾏行行式(be+Ving)


※ 副詞⼦子句句(if/when/before/after/until+⼦子句句)中,以現在

Ex: 1. If it rains tomorrow, I will not go fishing.

2. My dad will buy me an autobike after I finish senior high


※ 現在完成式:<表達從過去持續到現在,已/未完成之

1.主詞+ have/has + pp …+ for + ⼀一段時間

2.主詞+ have/has + pp …+ since +⼀一段時間+ ago.

3.主詞+ have/has + pp …+ since +過去時間

4.主詞+ have/has + pp …+ since +過去式⼦子句句

Ex: 1. Joe has studied English for three years.

2. Joe has studied English since 3 years ago.

3. Joe has studied English since 2003.

4. Joe has studied English since he was 12 years old.

※ 1.⼈人+ been to +地 →去過某地

2.⼈人(限第三⼈人稱)+ have/has gone to +地→去了了某地

Ex: 1. I have been to Japan three times.

※ 被動語態:

主動句句:“A” + V. + “B”.

被動句句:“B” + be +V.pp. + by + “A”.

Ex: 1. Henry wrote the book last year.

2. The book was written by Henry last year.

3. The questions will be answered by himself.

※ 情緒動詞:

". 物 + be +V-ing + to +⼈人

.. ⼈人 + be + V-ed + 介 + 物

Ex: 1. Playing soccer is exciting to them.

2. They are excited about playing soccer.

※ 常⽤用的情緒動詞:(注意介詞的變化)

句句型:⼈人 + be + V-ed + 介 + 物 →對~感到…

". be excited/embarrassed/worried about

.. be surprised at <驚訝>
9. be impressed by/with <印象深刻>
[. be interested in <興趣>
\. be tired of <厭倦>
]. be bored/satisfied with <無聊/滿意>

※ 連綴動詞 + 形容

Ex:It’s getting hotter and hotter.

The cake (which) she made tastes delicious.

※ hurt的⽤用法:<三態:hurt—hurt--hurt>

". ⼈人 be/get + hurt. →某⼈人受傷

.. “A” + hurt + “B”. →A傷害B
9. ⾝身體部位 + hurt (a lot). →部位疼痛

Ex: 1. He was/got hurt in that accident.

2. Never hurt the little animal.

3. My eye hurts a lot.

※ 授與動詞:(bring, send, write, give, buy)

句句型:“A” + give…/buy + “B” + 物.

= “A” + give…/buy + 物 to/for “B”.

Ex:1. My teacher gave me a dictionary.

= My teacher gave a dictionary to me.

2. My mom bought me a new pair of shoes.

= My mom bought a new pair of shoes for me.

※ 關係代名詞/關係⼦子句句:



先⾏行行詞 關代 關係⼦子句句

※ 關代種類:(在關係⼦子句句中的格)

先⾏行行詞 主格 受格 所有格
⼈人 who who(m) whose
物 which which of which
⼈人 + 物 that that X

※ 關代使⽤用注意事項:

". 關代的單複數和先⾏行行詞⼀一致。
.. 關代是主格時不可省略略;受格可省略略。
9. 關代前有介詞時:j必須⽤用受格,k不可⽤用that代替,l
[. 先⾏行行詞前有最⾼高級、序數、all, every, no, the only, the
same, very, who/which等字時,關代只能⽤用that。
\. in which = where;
]. 先⾏行行詞+which = what <複合關代>

ex: 1. The boys who are talking are my brothers.

2. The man who(m) you talked to is my dad.

3. The man to whom you talked is my dad.

4. The last boy that got on the bus is Sam.

5. It’s the room in which we watch TV.

= It’s the room where we watch TV.

6. I don’t know the thing which you said.

= I don’t know what you said.

※ 關係⼦子句句的代換:

Let me show you the house which he lives in.

= Let me show you the house that he lives in.

= Let me show you the house which he lives .

= Let me show you the house in which he lives.

= Let me show you the house where he lives.

※ 補述⽤用法vs.限定⽤用法:

". 補述:須加逗點,先⾏行行詞是唯⼀一僅有時。
.. 限定:不加逗點,先⾏行行詞所指不只⼀一個時。

Ex: 1. My brother, who lives in Taipei is a doctor.

2. My brother who lives in Taipei is a doctor.

※ 共同所有vs.個別所有:

". 共同:“A” and “B’s” + N(s)…

.. 個別:“A’s” and “B’s” + Ns…

Ex: 1. Tom and Sam’s father is a teacher.

2. Tom’s and Sam’s fathers are my friends.

※ 形容詞三級:(最⾼高級前⾯面要加the)

⼀一、規則 原級 比較級 最⾼高級

1.⼀一般 tall taller tallest
2.⼦子⾳音+y happy happier happiest
3.⼦子-⺟母-⼦子 thin thinner thinnest
4.多⾳音節 expensive more most
expensive expensive
⼆二、不規則 good better best
bad worse worst
little less least
many/much more most
※ 形容詞比較級句句型:

“A” + be ~er than + “B”.

= “A” + be the ~er of + the (two) Ns.

Ex: Jolin is taller than Jay.

=Jolin is the taller of the two singers.

=Jay is less tall than Jolin.

=Jay is not as tall as Jolin.

※ 形容詞最⾼高級句句型:

“A” + be the ~est (N) of + the Ns/in + 範圍.

= “A” + be ~er than + any other + N + in + 範圍.

= “A” + be ~er than + all the other + Ns + in + 範圍.

Ex: Jack is the tallest boy in his class.

= Jack is taller than any other boy in his class.

= Jack is taller than all the other boys in his class.

* very + 形容詞原級 / much + 形容詞比較級

※ 副詞:

". ⼀一般代換:

Ex:j Sandy is usually late for school.

= Sandy usually goes to school late.

kDonny is a careful rider.

= Donny rides carefully.

.. 情狀狀副詞:(形容詞 + ly)

Ex: Mom looked angry at the party.<形容詞>

vs. Mom looked angrily at me when I got home.

9. 情狀狀副詞和形容詞同形:

hard-harder-hardest / fast-faster-fastest

early-earlier-earliest / late-later-latest
※ 頻率副詞:


". be後:Sandy is usually late for school.

.. V.前:Sandy usually goes to school late.
9. 助+頻率+V.:They have never talked in class.
[. 簡答時:代名詞 + 頻率副詞 + be/助.

Ex: A: Have you ever been to Korea?

B: No, I have never been there.

= No, I never have.

= No, never.

* No, I have never. ……………….(X)

* No, I never………………………(X)

* No, I never have been there….….(X)

※ 表達「天氣」三句句型:

1. There is (a lot of) rain/snow +時間+地點.

2. We/They have (a lot of) rain/snow+時間+地點.

3. It rains/snows (a lot) +時間+地點.

Ex: There was a lot of rain last summer in Yilan.

= We have a lot of rain last summer in Yilan.

= It rained a lot last summer in Yilan.

* How’s the weather?=What’s the weather like?

※ 表達「交通⼯工具」三句句型:

". 主詞+ go to 地+ by +j交通⼯工具.

.. 主詞+ go to 地+kon + a/the/’s +交通⼯工具.
9. 主詞 + ltake + a/the/’s +交通⼯工具 + to 地.

jby後⾯面的交通⼯工具, 不可加a/the或-s

kcar, taxi要⽤用in

lbicycle, motorcycle, horse要⽤用ride

* walk to 地 = go to 地 on/by foot

Ex: We usually go to school by bus.

= We usually go to school on a bus.

= We usually take a bus to school.

※ 表達「花費」三句句型:

". ⼈人 + spend + $/時 + (on) V-ing …

.. 物 + cost (⼈人) + $.
9. It/V-ing… + takes (⼈人) + (to + VR…)

Ex: 1. Tonny spent two hours studying last night.

2. The novel cost (him) one hundred dollars.

3. It took me half an hour to wash the dishes.

※ 表達「數量量」⼆二句句型:

1. 數字 + hundred/thousand/million… + Ns …

2. hundreds/thousands/millions… of + Ns …

Ex: 1. There are about three thousand students in our


2. There are millions of people celebrate Christmas all

over the world every year.
※ 表可數、不可數的量量詞:

可數 不可數 兩兩者皆可
全部/⼤大部 all / most,
很多 many much a lot of/lots of
⼀一些 a few/several a little some
很少 few little X

※ some vs. any:

ex: 1.He has some comic books.→肯定句句

2.Do you have any friend(s)? →疑問句句

3.How about some coffee?→邀請問句句可⽤用some

※ ⼈人稱代名詞(五格):
⼈人 所有格 反⾝身
主格 受格 所有格
稱 代名詞 代名詞
I I me my mine myself
II you you your yours yourself
he him his his himself
III she her her hers herself
it it its its itself
I we us our ours ourselves
II you you your yours yourselves
III they them their theirs themselves

※ 所有格代名詞:

". 所有格代名詞=所有格 + 名詞
.. 注意單複數(以所代替的名詞為準)

Ex: Your shoes are cool, but his _____ not.

※ 特定vs.不特定:

". it→特定前述名詞;one→指同類但不特定
.. the other→特定範圍;another→無特定範圍

ex: 1. Your pen is cool, I like _____.

Your pen is cool, I want to buy _____.

2. I have two pens, one is blue, _________is red.

I don’t like the pen, please lend me _________.

※ 感官動詞:(see, watch, hear, look at, listen to, notice)

1. “A” + 感官V. + “B” + VR….

2. “A” + 感官V. + “B” + V-ing….

Ex: 1. We often hear Kim sing in her class.

2. I like to watch Beckham playing soccer.

※ 只能接VR.的動詞:(let, have, make)

“A” + 使役V. + “B” + VR….

Ex: Mom made me clean the house.

= I was made to clean the house by mom.

※ 只能接to VR.的動詞:

". S + want/ would like/decide/volunteer+to VR.

.. “A” +want/ask/tell/teach + “B” +(not) to VR.

Ex: 1. Jim decides to study hard from now on.

2. Dad asks me not to stay up late this week.

* I often help mom (to) do/with the housework.

※ 只能接V-ing的動詞:

1.S +enjoy/practice/finish/avoid/quit/mind +Ving

2. “A” +spend/waste + $/時 + Ving….

Ex: 1. Judy practices playing the piano every day.

2. They waste much time watching TV.

※ 可接to VR.或Ving的動詞:

". S +like/love/hate/try/start… + to VR/V-ing….

.. remember/forget/stop +V-ing →已發⽣生的動作
9. remember/forget/stop +to VR →未發⽣生的動作

ex: I remember taking the medicine ten minutes ago.

He forgot to do his homework.

The driver stops to talk one the phone.

He stopped talking on the phone when he saw the police.

※ 三種主詞類型的代換: <主詞視為三單>

". To VR. + be + 形容詞.

.. V-ing + be + 形容詞.
9. It’s + 形容詞 + (for ⼈人) + to VR. …

Ex: To play computer games is exciting for them.

Playing computer games is exciting for them.

It’s exciting for them to play computer games.

※ not only “A”, but (also) “B”

". A, B詞性、時態須⼀一致。
.. 其後的動詞要以主詞B決定形式。

Ex: 1. She likes not only reading but drawing.

2. Not only you but also he has to study hard.

※ or的⽤用法:
". A or B + be/V. …→Be/Do(es) A or B …


.. 問句句中有or時,不可⽤用Yes/No回答。
9. VR1., or you will VR2…. <…,否則你將…>

vs. VR1., and you will VR2….<…,然後你就…>

Ex: 1.A: Do you or he have to clean the room?

2. B: He has to clean the room.

3. Get up early, or you’ll be late for school.

Study hard, and you’ll pass the exam.

※ 祈使句句三種句句型:

". Please VR…., ⼈人名.

.. ⼈人名, please VR.
9. ⼈人名, VR., please.

* ⼈人名和please不可同時放句句尾。

※ 間接問句句:

". 直接問句句:Be + S. …?
→間接:I don’t know whether S. be ….

.. 直接問句句:Wh- + be/助 + 主詞?

→間接:Can you tell me wh- S. be/V. …?

Ex: 1. Is May a teacher?

→ Please tell me whether May is a teacher.

2. Why did you hate me?

→ Can you tell me why you hated me?

※ 附加問句句:(S + be/V. …, be(n’t) +代?)

". 主詞:須⽤用代名詞(比照簡答)並倒裝。
.. 動詞:前後相反;肯定/否定ó否定/肯定。
9. 前be→後be; 前V.→後助; 前助→後助。
[. 複合句句時,以主要⼦子句句為改寫依據。

Ex: 1.I am right, am I not? (= aren’t I?)

2.Judy studied hard, didn’t she?

3.Bill Gates will visit Taiwan, won’t he?

4.The shoes have never been washed, have them?

5.You have to get up early, don’t you?

6.There’s no food left, is there?

7.That’s not your pen, is it?

8.Being honest is important, isn’t it?

9.Sam seldom copies others’ homework, does he?

10.It was raining when you woke up, wasn’t it?

※ 附和句句:


S1 + be/V + Adj…., and S2 + be/do(es), too.

= S1 + be/V + Adj…., and so + be/do(es) +S2


S1+be not/don’t V, and S2+be not/don’t, either.

= S1+be not/don’t V, and neither be/do + S2.

Ex: 1. Sam is a soccer fan, and I am, too.

= Sam is a soccer fan, and so am I.

Eric likes playing soccer, and I do, too.

= Eric likes playing soccer, and so do I.

2. Dad is never smart, and I am not, either.

= Dad is never smart, and neither am I.

Peter didn’t go fishing, and I didn’t, either.

= Peter didn’t go fishing, and neither did I.

※ used to vs. be used to:

1. S + used to + VR… <以前(習慣)做…>

2. S + be used to + V-ing…<⼀一向(習慣)做…>

Ex: 1. Dad used to watch TV news (before).

2. Dad is used to watching TV news.

※ VR. vs. V-ing:

". VR….→動作不當主詞(後⾯面無動詞)時。
.. V-ing….→動作當主詞(後⾯面有動詞)時。

Ex: 1. Drive fast, or you will be late.

2. Driving fast will be dangerous.

※ 因為…所以;雖然…但是:

". ⼀一個句句⼦子不可同時使⽤用because和so
.. ⼀一個句句⼦子不可同時使⽤用although和but

Ex: 1. Because I was sick, I didn’t go to school

= I didn’t go to school because I was sick.

= I was sick, so I didn’t go to school.

※ 形容詞補充句句型:

". S + be so + Adj. + that +⼦子句句.

.. S + be too + Adj. + to VR….
9. S + be + Adj. + enough + to VR….

Ex: 1.The boy is so little that he can’t ride a bike.

= The boy is too little to ride a bike.

= The boy isn’t old/tall enough to ride a bike.

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