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“Anti-terror Law is unconstitutional”

1. It is used as toolbox to authorities in cracking down government critics and to discourage public
dissent so it lowers the chance of freedom of expression of the people and speak freely their
opinion on certain matter. Wherein they need their voices to be heard and be given chance to
consider their own say on opinion on the issue/situation.

2. Warrant less arrest in humane because in some point it is used as personal vendettas against
political opponents or political critics. Allows suspects to be detained without charges for up to
24 days along with 90 days surveillance is a total torture for your freedom and privacy.

3. Red-tagged brand as a communist without evidence is a total libel for someone being called re-
tagged for no reason and the fear of what’s going to happen next to his/her life. The risk of living
a life peacefully.

Conclusion: what we need is a total protection against terrorism, not us being afraid to be called one.
Not our freedom of speech to care and talk for our right be considered as well.

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