Balance Sheet For 1999: Total Assets 5,013,670 Liabilities

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balance sheet for 1999

Cash 1,289,420
Rent Receivable 4250
Pre paid colle ction charges (4%@5,000)
prepaid insurance
Prepaid Painting Expenses
Land 1,200,000
Building (After Depreciation 1,20,000) 2,520,000
Total Assets 5,013,670
Owner's Equity 4,800,000
Outstanding Collection Charges 170
Outstanding Property Rate and Taxes 60000
Advance Rent Received
Retained Earnings 153500

Total Liabilities 5,013,670

balance sheet for 2000

Cash 1,474,440
Rent Receivable 74500
Pre paid colle ction charges (4%@5,000) 200
prepaid insurance 10000
Prepaid Painting Expenses 40000
Payment 25000
Land 1,200,000
Building (After Depreciation 1,20,000) 2,400,000
Total Assets 5,224,140
Owner's Equity 4,800,000
Outstanding Collection Charges 3800
Outstanding Property Rate and Taxes 60000
Advance Rent Received 5000
Retained Earnings 355,340

Total Liabilities 5,224,140

Mansa Building
Income statement
Revenue ( 53,750-3000=50750 x 12) 609,000
Payment Received for Premium 100,000
(A) Total Income 709,000
Depreciation 120,000
Collection Charges
(6,09,000x 0.04) 24,360
Property Rate and Taxes 240,000
Insurance Premium 10,000
Repair 1,770
Interior Pinting 10,000
Exterior painting 30,000
Printing and others 250
Postage and Telegrams 500
Bank Charges 280

(B) Total Expenses 437160

Operating Profit (A-B) 271,840
Op. ret earnings 153500
Add: Net profit 271,840
Less Drawings 100000
Ret earnings closing 355340

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