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Lu et al.

Critical Care (2020) 24:241


Adjuvant corticosteroid therapy for critically

ill patients with COVID-19
Xiaofan Lu1†, Taige Chen2†, Yang Wang3†, Jun Wang4† and Fangrong Yan1*

Dear Editor, adjustment for major variables (age, SpO2/FiO2, and

A substantial portion of patients with coronavirus dis- lymphocytes) associated with mortality; individual
ease (COVID-19) developed rapidly progressive pneu- propensity score was incorporated as a covariable to
monia leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome calculate the propensity-adjusted odds ratio (OR) [5].
(ARDS) and multiple organ dysfunctions, conditions as- PSM generated propensity score-matched pairs with-
sociated with high mortality [1]. Adjuvant corticosteroid out replacement, and survival probability was com-
therapy of such patients is common in clinical practice, pared by the Kaplan-Meier curve and analyzed with
but evidence is scarce regarding the efficacy of adjuvant the log-rank test. Cox regression was used to esti-
corticosteroids in patients who are critically ill with mate hazard ratio (HR) with 95% CI. For unadjusted
COVID-19. comparisons, a two-sided P < 0.05 was considered
We retrospectively reviewed medical records of adult statistically significant.
patients with COVID-19 who were admitted to Tongji Of the 244 critically ill patients with COVID-19,
Hospital (Wuhan, China) from January 25 to February the median age was 62 (50–71) years, and 52% were
25, 2020. Two hundred forty-four eligible patients who male. All patients were given antiviral therapy (e.g.,
had complete records and were critically ill and treated oseltamivir, arbidol, lopinavir/ritonavir, ganciclovir,
with antiviral agents were enrolled. Critically ill patients interferon-α), and 151 (62%) were given adjuvant
were defined as those with ARDS (PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 300 corticosteroid treatment (median hydrocortisone-
mmHg; when PaO2 is not available, SpO2/FiO2 ≤ 315 equivalent dosage 200 [range 100–800] mg/day). Five
suggests ARDS) or sepsis with acute organ dysfunction (5.4%) and 79 (52.3%) patients died in non-steroid
[2]. We converted all preparations to hydrocortisone- and steroid groups, respectively. The median (IQR)
equivalent doses (methylprednisolone 1:5, dexametha- administration duration of corticosteroid treatment
sone 1:25) [3]. The clinical outcome was 28-day mortal- was 8 (4–12) days. Multiple organ dysfunctions were
ity after admission. more common in the steroid group than in the non-
We adjusted for differences in baseline characteris- steroid group. Multivariate analysis that adjusted for
tics by propensity score, using multivariate logistic major mortality-associated variables and propensity
regression without regard to outcomes [4]. Potential score indicated that corticosteroid treatment was in-
confounders considered in propensity score matching dependent from overall mortality (adjusted OR 1.05;
(PSM) were variables included in the final model by 95% CI 0.15–7.46). One hundred forty-seven (60%)
step-wise backward elimination with P < 0.20 [5]. had dyspnea and 87 (36%) had ARDS, and subgroup
Corticosteroid treatment effect on outcome was analyses revealed corticosteroid treatment was not
analyzed by multivariate logistic regression with associated with 28-day mortality (both, P > 0.3).
Sixty-two patients in 31 pairs were matched
* Correspondence: (Table 1), and 28-day mortality rate was 39% in case

Xiaofan Lu, Taige Chen, Yang Wang and Jun Wang contributed equally to
this work.
subjects and 16% in control subjects (P = 0.09). Like-
State Key Laboratory of Natural Medicines, Research Center of Biostatistics wise, addition of adjuvant corticosteroid therapy to
and Computational Pharmacy, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing standard antiviral treatment was not associated with
210009, China
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
28-day mortality (P = 0.17; Fig. 1). However,

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Lu et al. Critical Care (2020) 24:241 Page 2 of 4

Table 1 Baseline characteristics for steroid treatment and non-steroid treatment groups comprising critically ill patients with COVID-
19 before and after propensity score matching
Cohort study Case-control study (PSM)
Steroid (151) Non-steroid (93) P Steroid (31) Non-steroid (31) P
Age, years 64 (53–71) 59 (47–69) .09 57 (51–69) 58 (50–67) .98
Gender, male 83 (55) 45 (48) .39 16 (52) 16 (52) 1
Signs and symptoms
Fever 136 (90) 81 (87) .61 30 (97) 26 (84) .2
Dry cough 112 (74) 57 (61) .05 21 (68) 21 (68) 1
Dyspnea 94 (62) 53 (57) .5 20 (65) 19 (61) 1
Fatigue 70 (46) 48 (52) .51 12 (39) 13 (42) 1
Expectoration 69 (46) 30 (32) .05 12 (39) 12 (39) 1
Diarrhea 45 (30) 22 (24) .37 10 (32) 7 (23) .57
Anorexia 42 (28) 25 (27) .99 5 (16) 8 (26) .53
Original comorbidities
Hypertension 61 (40) 34 (37) .64 16 (52) 12 (39) .44
Diabetes 34 (23) 10 (11) .03 4 (13) 7 (23) .51
CVD 15 (10) 13 (14) .45 2 (7) 2 (7) 1
COPD 9 (6) 3 (3) .51 0 1 (3) 1
Vital signs
T, °C 37.0 (36.2–38) 36.7 (36.4–37.3) .02 37 (36.5–37.6) 37 (36.5–37.3) .93
Breathing, rpm 22 (20–25) 20 (20–22) < .01 21 (20–24) 20 (20–22) .08
Pulse, bpm 92 (82–105) 88 (78–98) .03 95 (78–106) 93 (82–100) .51
SpO2/FiO2 259 (121–303) 297 (279–388) < .01 291 (212–452) 294 (246–396) .57
Laboratory findings (WBCs, lymphocytes, neutrophils, platelets, × 109/L)
WBCs 6.7 (4.9–8.9) 5.0 (4.0–6.5) < .01 6.6 (4.0–8.6) 5.1 (3.5–6.8) .12
Lymphocytes 0.7 (0.5–1.0) 1.2 (0.9–1.6) < .01 0.9 (0.5–1.3) 1.1 (0.6–1.2) .64
Neutrophils 5.4 (3.6–7.6) 3.2 (2.4–4.2) < .01 5.2 (2.6–7.4) 3.5 (2.3–4.7) .09
Platelets 181 (138–248) 224 (170–298) < .01 168 (138–214) 206 (155–230) .23
HGB, g/L 130 (117–141) 127 (117–139) .42 128 (118–138) 125 (117–133) .56
Organ function damage
ARDS 81 (54) 6 (7) < .01 12 (39) 6 (19) .16
Septic shock 69 (46) 2 (2) < .01 8 (26) 2 (7) .08
Myocardial infarction 64 (42) 3 (3) < .01 10 (32) 3 (10) .06
AKI 46 (31) 5 (5) < .01 8 (26) 3 (10) .18
DIC 39 (26) 2 (2) < .01 6 (19) 2 (7) .26
Liver injury 28 (19) 6 (7) < .01 7 (23) 3 (10) .3
Anti-bacteria 142 (94) 42 (45) < .01 25 (81) 26 (84) 1
Gamma globulin 84 (56) 8 (9) < .01 11 (36) 8 (26) .58
MV 78 (52) 4 (4) < .01 11 (36) 4 (13) .08
Muscle relaxant 25 (17) 0 < .01 4 (13) 0 .12
HFNC 21 (14) 1 (1) < .01 6 (19) 1 (3) .11
Abbreviations: CVD cardiovascular disease, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, WBCs white blood cells, ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome, AKI
acute kidney injury, DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation, MV mechanical ventilation, HFNC high flow nasal cannula
Continuous variables were described as the median (IQR) while categorical variables were expressed as frequencies (%). Hypothesis testing using Fisher’s exact
test for categorical data and Mann-Whitney test for continuous data
Lu et al. Critical Care (2020) 24:241 Page 3 of 4

Fig. 1 Survival curves stratified by adjuvant corticosteroid treatment. Thirty-one critically ill patients with COVID-19 who received corticosteroid
treatment (yellow line) are compared with 31 matched control subjects (green line) who did not receive corticosteroid treatment

increased corticosteroid dosage was significantly as- Funding

sociated with elevated mortality risk after adjustment This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China
(2019YFC1711000), the National Natural Science Foundation of China
for administration duration (P = 0.003); every 10-mg (81973145), the “Double First-Class” University Project (CPU2018GY09), the
increase in dosage was associated with additional 4% China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2019 M651805), the Science Founda-
mortality risk (adjusted HR 1.04, 95% CI 1.01–1.07). tion of Jiangsu Commission of Health (H2018117), and the Emergency Pro-
ject for the Prevention and Control of the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak in
We acknowledged limitations. First, we did not Suzhou (SYS2020012).
distinguish patients who received corticosteroids for
underlying disease (e.g., COPD), the number of Availability of data and materials
which was however small. Second, PSM is limited by Dr. J. Wang had full access to all of the data in the study. After publication,
adjusting for observed covariables only; randomized the data will be made available to others on reasonable requests after
approval from the corresponding author (J.W, and
placebo-controlled trials are therefore warranted. Wuhan Tongji Hospital.
Altogether, our investigation indicated limited effect
of corticosteroid therapy could pose to overall sur-
Ethics approval and consent to participate
vival of critically ill patients with COVID-19. Given Ethical approval was waived by the Ethics Committee of Tongji Hospital
the adverse effects, corticosteroid therapy must be (Wuhan, China) in view of the retrospective and observational nature of the
commenced with caution, and prudent dosage should study and all the procedures being performed were part of the routine care.

be promoted under certain circumstances.

Consent for publication
The informed consents of patients were waived by the Ethics Commission of
Acknowledgements Tongji Hospital (Wuhan, China) for the rapid emergence of this epidemic.
We would like to thank all the hospital staff members for their efforts in
collecting the information used in this study and all the patients who
consented to donate their data for the analysis and the medical staff Competing interests
members who are on the front line of caring for patients. The authors declared no conflict of interest.

Author details
Authors’ contributions State Key Laboratory of Natural Medicines, Research Center of Biostatistics
Conceptualization: X. Lu, T. Chen. Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of and Computational Pharmacy, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing
the data: J. Wang, Y. Wang, X. Lu, T. Chen. Statistical analysis: X. Lu, F. Yan. 210009, China. 2Medical School of Nanjing University, Nanjing, China.
Investigation: X. Lu, T. Chen, Y. Wang. Drafting of the manuscript and editing: Department of Radiology, The Affiliated Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital of
X. Lu, T. Chen, Y. Wang. Funding acquisition: J. Wang, Y. Wang, F. Yan. Nanjing University Medical School, Nanjing, China. 4Department of Intensive
Supervision: J. Wang, F. Yan. The author(s) read and approved the final Care Medicine, The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou,
manuscript. China.
Lu et al. Critical Care (2020) 24:241 Page 4 of 4

Received: 4 May 2020 Accepted: 11 May 2020

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