New Danish MMR Study Shows Autism Rate of 1 in 100-CDC Should Rush To Denmark!

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New Danish MMR Study Shows Autism Rate of 1 in 100—CDC Shoul...

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New Danish MMR Study Shows Autism Rate of 1 in 100—CDC Shoul...

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New Danish MMR Study Shows Autism Rate of 1 in 100—CDC Shoul...

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New Danish MMR Study Shows Autism Rate of 1 in 100—CDC Shoul...

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New Danish MMR Study Shows Autism Rate of 1 in 100—CDC Shoul...

JB Handley, Children’s Health Defense Director and Co-Founder

of Generation Rescue

Conducting a medical record review in 19 randomly selected general

practices with a total of 1,712 listed children aged 18-42 months, we
found a significantly higher MMR1 vaccination coverage (94%) than
estimated through register-based data (86%). This finding is
surprising, particularly when considering that the official national
vaccination figures are based on these register-based data merged

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New Danish MMR Study Shows Autism Rate of 1 in 100—CDC Shoul...

with similar data from the four other regions. More than half of the
children who were unvaccinated according to the register-based
data (55%) had, in fact, been vaccinated according to the medical

Our study also revealed that the identified discrepancies between

register-based data and medical records were due mainly to
administrative errors in the registration system involving the
general practice and the region. Most often, the GPs used the correct
unique code for MMR1 vaccination, but administrative errors
occurred in the reimbursement process and thus affected the
register-based data.

“Healthy user bias (HUB) is a serious problem in studies of vaccine

safety. HUB is created when people with health problems avoid
vaccination. When this occurs the unhealthy, unvaccinated subjects
are used as controls. Consequently, the vaccinated group has better
health at the outset. The better health of the vaccinated is
erroneously attributed to the vaccine. The vaccine gets credit for
improving health, when in fact it is causing harm.”

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New Danish MMR Study Shows Autism Rate of 1 in 100—CDC Shoul...

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New Danish MMR Study Shows Autism Rate of 1 in 100—CDC Shoul...

“Since at least 2005, non-CDC researchers have pointed out the

seeming impossibility that influenza vaccines could be preventing
50% of all deaths from all causes when influenza is estimated to only
cause around 5% of all wintertime deaths.14 15 So how could these
studies—both published in high impact, peer reviewed journals and
carried out by academic and government researchers with non-
commercial funding—get it wrong? Consider one study the CDC does
not cite, which found influenza vaccination associated with a 51%
reduced odds of death in patients hospitalized with pneumonia (28
of 352 [8%] vaccinated subjects died versus 53 deaths among 352
[15%] unvaccinated control subjects).16 Although the results are
similar to those of the studies CDC does cite, an unusual aspect of
this study was that it focused on patients outside of the influenza
season—when it is hard to imagine the vaccine could bring any
benefit. And the authors, academics from Alberta, Canada, knew
this: the purpose of the study was to demonstrate that the fantastic
benefit they expected to and did find—and that others have found,
such as the two studies that CDC cites—is simply implausible, and
likely the product of the “healthy-user effect” (in this case, a
propensity for healthier people to be more likely to get vaccinated
than less healthy people). Others have gone on to demonstrate this
bias to be present in other influenza vaccine studies.17 18 Healthy
user bias threatens to render the observational studies, on which

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New Danish MMR Study Shows Autism Rate of 1 in 100—CDC Shoul...

officials’ scientific case rests, not credible.” -Dr Doshi of Johns

Hopkins U., 2013

“Selection bias results when subjects are allowed to select the study
group they want to be in. If subjects are allowed to choose their own
study group, those who are more educated, more adventuresome, or
more health-conscious may want to try a new therapy or preventive
measure. Differences subsequently found may be partly or entirely
due to differences between the subjects rather than to the effect of
the intervention. Almost any nonrandom method of allocation of
subjects to study groups may produce selection bias.” (Emphasis in
Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Preventative Medicine, Jekel et al,
3rd ed., 2007, page 70

“…individuals predisposed to either SIDS or encephalopathy are

relatively unlikely to receive DPT vaccination. Studies that do not
control adequately for this form of “confounding by indication” will
tend to underestimate any real risks associated with vaccination.”

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New Danish MMR Study Shows Autism Rate of 1 in 100—CDC Shoul...

“Confounding…is a general problem for studies of adverse reactions

to prophylactic interventions, as they may be withheld from some
individuals precisely because they are already at high risk of the
adverse event.”

“If such studies are to prove useful, they must include strenuous
efforts to control for such factors in their design, analysis and
interpretation. Whether this is possible at all may be open to
discussion. The difficulty of doing so is indisputable.” (emphasis

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New Danish MMR Study Shows Autism Rate of 1 in 100—CDC Shoul...

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New Danish MMR Study Shows Autism Rate of 1 in 100—CDC Shoul...

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