Brochure Seminar Seismic Codes Is1893 Is 13920 PDF

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S.lsmlc Code
Organisers "IS 1893 . IS 13920
Er. V.V. Krilhne Red dy
Recent Revisions
' ''". Reddy Er. A. Kelhlrem
Er. Bhimnoo Jellgeme
and Impact on Designs"
Er. K. Rej Kume r
Er. B. Chlnonj .....1 RIO
IRuum Er.C. Yedukondllu
Er. BllimtaO Ja lilla .... Er. C."'. Preud
Er. Hlri Kri$hna
II' Cb.i irvy n
Iuhnjql Comm jllu
Er. V.V. Kri,hne Reddy
Er. V. V. Rengl Reo
Er. V.V.Rangl RIO Pro'. Preo.-p Rlmeneherlll
Er. Rim Babu Or. J.n ..dhen
Or. Kllyln Ram
Ad ylWrl Er. Ane hu r; SP
Er. K.Kril hnl Murty fr. Balerem
Prof. S.G.S Murthy Er. Aditya Manlhe
fr. S. Mlhen"r ReO<Iy

For Details Contact;

fr. Krishna Reddy: 9849690622 inventaa
fr. Ka shi Ra m; 984960 1428
fr. Bhimrao Ja liga ma: 9246502056
f r. Yedukonadal u : 9866078773 10 nl~
o o
:::;;:;:;..,. _......
Association of Consulting Civil Engin~"' .. (India) was fonned and
r~'gi5tC'rcJ in 1985 by a g roop of Con5ulling Ci"jJ EngirH)Crs in 'I) Prof. D.K. Paul
Emeri tus Professor, liT, Roorh'C
6.1ng<110",. The main objt.'Ct of the association is 10 encoorage and
Chairman. Cod" CommiU ..",
fosler lhe ideals of Ihe prof~'SSion, 10 hold conf"renc ..'Sj rn ..",tin!,..,;j
seminars for dissemina tion of knowleJg" amongst civil
.0 IS 1893-2016, IS 1392().2016

engin ..",.. in particular and society at large. ACCE (I) wilh its 2) Er. Alpa R Sheth
head 'loarlers at Bangalorc, has pan India pn.'SC'nce with 4(XX}+ Managing Director, VMS Consultants, Mumbai
m"mb<'rs and ,,,nln.'s arc (urrenll y at Ahm ..'<labad, 6.,ngalorc, I Member· Cod" CommillL",
Bidar, Ch"", Coimbatore, Chidarnb.1Tam, Davanger", IS 1100-2016, IS 1392().2016
Delhi. Dharwad, Goa. Hyder<lbad, HublL Indore,
KMimnagar. Mangalore, Madurai, Mysorc, Nagpor, 3) )'rof. )Iradeep Kumar Ramancharla
Regi5lrar. lilT, Hyderabad
Na5hik, Vijayawada & Vi5h.:!kapatoam.
Memb<'r· Co..le Committ....,
IS 1893-2016, IS 13920-2016

4)Er. Sharad N Manohar

Senior Structu ral Consultant & Author, Pune.
Earth<Juake engineering is e,",,, inlrigoing as Ihe nalore it",lf.
Philosoph)' and ralio",,] pra(tices han' alwa)'s Ix",n a su bj.:", uf 5) Er. K Kri shna Murthy
inl"msi. IS 1893 ~ 2016 &: IS 13920 ·2015 h..we undergon" ""'jor Senior Structural eonsultant. Hy<1erabad,
changes in tt.'Cen t times. It L~ impera tive fnr pra.;ticing engi,,,-'CfS,
acad"mic;,m' and " nfo rcing authoriti"s 10 undena"nd Ihe
iml'licatio"l~ of Ihe revisions. As a slep lowards achieving this SOiII,
-- 2 se 6) Er. Raj eev Sharma
Senior Struclural Engim'.::r
ACCE(I), Hyder.Ix,,1 chapter is organising 01'" Jay eV'"fl1 on CSt India.
c",ating thorough awa",ncss on codes. Speakers are noll(' olher

= ,.,• ,
Ih..,n cod e wn,mi ltee members and acknnwk-dged profession. Is
Del"'odenci ..'S 00 soflware and Iheir cap.,bilili~"Sa", indud~"(1. To
7) Er. Suman
Senior Structur<ll Engineer
MIDAS India, Mumbai.
make Ihis interaclh"e, sommary of the issoes raised b)'
professionals Me sha«x1 ",ilh sfX"i' kers 10 (uslomi§<' the

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