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Name : Rizky Nur Hidayah (A1B219029)

Class : R002

Semester : 2

Computers replacing teachers?

on this pandemic situation. The government's policy in making social distancing

becomes the most important thing. For this reason, several schools in Indonesia have
stopped teaching and learning activities in classroom. Instead, students will study at
home with existing technology. with the hope that student enthusiasm for learning will
not disappear in this pandemic situation. because educations is a main priority that
must be considered. Students can still learn through online classes by accessing
learning applications through their own devices. So, they can still feel the experience
of learning like being in a classroom even though it is doing from home. The
technological sophistication that currently dominates life. leaving one question that
arises. is it possible that in the future the role of the teacher will be replaced by

Artificial Inteligent and Machine Learning will be predicted to take the role of human
teaching staff. because Humans are no longer stable and efficient to be ateaching
force. sooner or later teachers can be replaced with applications or robots which is
equipped with artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence will help humans in solving
educational problems. so in the future. The campus or school probably no longer have
a teachers to teach.

If the teacher only acts as a transfer of knowledge. Without giving anything else that is
classified into moral values, attitudes, examples and others. Technology can be more
powerful than that. It is undeniable that one day all professions will be replaced by
technology or what is commonly called artificial intelligence.

However, there are two big reasons why the role of the teacher cannot be replaced by
technology or artificial intelligence. While the progress of learning technology has been
at an extraordinary stage.

First, psycho-pedagogical reasons. Teachers in carrying out their duties. not just a role
to transfer knowledge to students, because this role is no longer popular and is not in
accordance with demands of modern learning. When the teacher's role is limited to
transferring knowledge, this role can be more effectively taken over by learning media.
The teacher in carrying out his assignments is expected to present a learning with a
friendly atmosphere that can make all students in their class feel comfortable to
express their opinions, try something new that they know, and feel comfortable to

Name : Rizky Nur Hidayah (A1B219029)

Class : R002

Semester : 2

disagree with their teacher, classrooms are not just a place to learn about something
correct. but also a place to try and be wrong. so that it can be corrected and perfected.

The pattern of communication that occurs in learning presented by the teacher is a

pattern of humanistic communication because communication between humans and
humans is more involving moods, care, and tolerance that is not possible for students
when learning by using electronic learning tools that are stiff and heartless. A child
who grow up only with electronic learning media, probably have a little difficulty
interacting with others. So it will cause the child to become anti-social.

Second, moral pedagogy. The teacher as an educator also has the duty to inherit the
values and virtues of life to be a guide for students in living their lives in the future.
Inheritance and the inculcation of life values are not only taught verbally in the same
direction as can be obtained through electronic learning media, but must be well
communicated not only through rhetorical lectures and speeches but especially and
most meaningfully must be through examples and real life attitudes. Teaching and
passing down the values of life is not only enough with words but must be with
examples of life.

For example, educating students to be disciplined is very ineffective if only by speak

about discipline , but it must be demonstrated by examples of orderly and disciplined
behavior from teachers. An undisciplined teacher will never succeed in putting his
student in being disciplined.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the big different between teacher and artificial
intelligence is a feeling. How the teacher gives lessons through a comfortable and
enjoyable learning process, and how the teacher sets a good example for his students.
Technology created by humans to facilitate a job. Not to replace the whole job. the
question we should ask is not whether teachers will be replaced by technology or not.
But how do they both support each other. The technology used should be able to help
the learning process. For example, we can see in the current situation. technology
really plays a big role in the teaching and learning process. The teacher can provide the
material only through his cellphone. Look, doesn't technology make things easier?
Let’s use technology wisely.

Name : Rizky Nur Hidayah (A1B219029)

Class : R002

Semester : 2

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