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archive (32)

Academic Teaching Planner

Academic Teaching Planner is a free software useful to plan university courses and various
types of tests. It is designed as a personal tool beside management software used by academic
institutions, and allows to: 1. manage and archive the documentation of each single course
(objectives, bibliography, dates, information texts, lessons, files of all kinds, etc.) as well as the
results of the tests, even the intermediate ones that are not always stored in management
systems used by academic institutions; 2. manage the list of students who are enrolled in each
individual course, easily retrieving their data from the management system in use at the
academic institution, and their tests; 3. compare the distribution of bibliographic resources in the
various lessons, made by the professor, with a reference model obtained by their homogeneous
distribution throughout the course, to verify, also with the aid of diagrams, that the supposed
planning is substantially realistic, that is, can be completed on schedule without omitting topics
or lessons in excess. Academic Teaching Planner is a cross-platform software that runs natively
on Linux, Windows and macOS. It manages data with Sqlite, a well-known and reliable
database, while saving attachments (i.e. files of any kind associated with the various sections of
the software) in an external folder, in a transparent way for the user. Their number and size are
limited only by the space available on the computer in use. Academic Teaching Planner has
been written with Lazarus ( and uses the Sqlite database through the Zeos
components (

Archive is a fully drag-and-drop multi-format archiver. Drag a directory onto it to create an
archive; drag an archive onto it to extract to a directory. It can also compress and decompress
streams (for example, you could drag a .gz file onto Archive and from Archive into your text
editor). Archive can create .tgz, .tar.bz2, .zip, .jar and .tar archives and can extract all the above
as well as .rar, .rpm, .cpio and .deb formats. It can compress and decompress files to and from
.gz, .uue and .bz2 formats.

archives2git is a shell script that recreates a poor-man’s Git history from the release archives of
a project.

atool manages file archives (tar, tar+gzip, zip, etc). 'aunpack' extracts files from an archive, andt
overcomes the dreaded "multiple files in archive root" problem by first extracting to a unique
subdirectory, and then moving back the files if possible. aunpack also prevents local files from
being overwritten by mistake. Other commands provided are apack (for creating archives), als
(for listing files in archives), and acat (for extracting files to stdout).

B1 Free Archiver
B1 Free Archiver is a free multi-platform universal archiver. Warning: There is also a proprietary
B1 front-end and mobile app available that make use of the B1 java library. We do not
recommend using those proprietary front-ends.

Backup Manager
Backup Manager is a small and basic tool for generating archives. It is designed for those who
don't want an obfuscated tool for making tarballs. It can make tar, tar.gz,, and zip
archives. It can be run in a parallel mode with different configuration files. Archives are kept for
a given number of days. Its upload system can use ftp or scp to transfer the generated archives
to a list of remote hosts .Automatically burning archives to removable media such as CD or
DVD is also possible. The configuration file is very simple and basic.

The program ccd2cue is a CCD sheet to CUE sheet converter for the GNU Operating System. It
supports the full extent of CUE sheet format expressiveness, including mixed-mode discs and
CD-Text meta-data. It plays an important role for those who need to use optical disc data which
is only available in the proprietary sheet format CCD, but don’t want to surrender their freedom.
It fills an important gap in the free software world because before its conception it was
impossible to use complex forms of optical disc data laid out by CCD sheets in a whole/holy free
operating system.

Cpio copies files into or out of a cpio or tar archive. The archive can be another file on the disk,
a magnetic tape, or a pipe. GNU cpio supports the following archive formats: binary, old ASCII,
new ASCII, crc, HPUX binary, HPUX old ASCII, old tar, and POSIX.1 tar. The tar format is
provided for compatibility with the tar program. By default, cpio creates binary format archives
for compatibility with older cpio programs. When extracting from archives, cpio automatically
recognizes which kind of archive it is reading and can read archives created on machines with a
different byte-order.

DataStatix is a free software for GNU/Linux and Windows useful to manage data of every kind
(although it has been written to manage biomedical data), to create descriptive statistics and
graphs and to export items easily to R environment or to other statistic softwares. In order to
handle properly big amount of data and many concurrent users, DataStatix works with MySql
database and it has been developed and tested with MySql community edition 5.5. Some
features of the software are: users management (create, delete, modify password) within the
software; different users levels of data access (administrator, default, read only); user defined
templates (models) of data, to create new databases easily; importation and esportation of data
in CSV format (used also by Calc and Excel); updating of existing data from a CSV file created
with DataStatix; descriptive statistics from every data (some more kind of statistics to come);
graphs from every data.

A package manager for GNU/Linux that uses unionfs-fuse to track changed files.

... further results

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License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-
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