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February 27, 2020

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
1. Identify adjectives used in the sentence.
2. Use adjective in sentence.
3. Show cooperation in group activity.


A. Topic: Adjectives
B. References: English 5 for You and Me (page 146) CG-EN5G-IIIa-13
C. Materials: Flash card,Chalk,Laptop ,Pictures
D. Values focus: Being kind to others
A. Preliminary Activities:

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

1. Prayer

 Let us all stand and pray.  ( Prayer)

 Good Morning Class!  Good morning teacher!

2. Putting the room in order

 Before you take your seats, kindly ( The pupils pick up the pieces of paper)
pick up the pieces of papers.
 Okay, you may now take your seat.  Thank you teacher!

3. Checking of Attendance

 Let’s check the attendance, say

present if you’re here.  Present Teacher

4. Review
 Yesterday we dicussed all about
 What did we discuss last meeting? nouns

Direction: Underline the noun in the sentence. 1. Annie built castle in the sand.
1. Annie built castle in the sand. 2. Tommy swam in the ocean
2. Tommy swam in the ocean 3. Joe is my cousin
3. Joe is my cousin 4. The table is square.
4. The table is square. 5. The pencil is long.
5. The pencil is long.
B. Developmental Activities:

a. Motivation

 Class do you want to play a game?  Yes, teacher

 Do you know the game called  Yes, teacher


 We will play the game 4pics,1word” I will  Yes, teacher

show you four pictures,linked by one
word. All you need to do is to guess the
word that connects the four pictures.
Class are you ready?

 Okay,let’s start! Raise your hand if you

want to answer

 Large

 Very good!

 Old
 Very good!

 Delicious

Unlocking of Difficulties:

( Pupils will identify the meaning of the words

taken from the story )

a. begging
b. kind-heart


 What can you say about this picture?

 Very good! asking for something,  The girl is asking for help
Like asking for help is also called as
2. He was a good natured and kind-hearted boy
who delighted in helping friend and

 How about in this sentence? What do you think

is the meaning of the underlined word.  Good/kind

 Very good, that’s correct.

Motive Question

 Today we’ll read a story entitled “ The boy

with a kind heart ”

 Did John help the old woman? What did the

old woman gave to him?

 Are you ready to listen in the story?

 Yes , teacher

b. Presentation


Once upon a time, there were two friends John and

Roy who went to a farm to plant sugarcane. Each
of them carried food for their lunch and bottle of
water. Roy went ahead afterwards met an old
woman. “Please give me a food for I am hungry”,
the old woman begged. Go away, old woman, I
have no food for you! Roy shouted the old woman.
Meanwhile, his friend John was washing
his face in the stream when he saw the old woman,
“Please give me food for I am hungry,” the old
woman begged. Immediately, John opens his bag
where he kept his food and shares it to the old
woman. Then he gives her water the woman
thanked John for the food. Then she said, “You
have a kind heart so I will give you a reward. Go
to tree with a large stone under it. Remove the
stone and you find a bag filled with money. John
surprised but he thanked to the old woman and
went to the tree after she described.
He found the large stone, removed it and
found a bag filled with money. He was so happy
and went running back to the old woman and
thanks her again. But the old woman was gone.
“Thank you the old woman, thank you Lord”
John shouted to the wind. Then he went back
home and happily bought delicious food and nice
clothes for himself and his family. A kind
heart man always receives a reward it may not
always money,it may be admiration, respect and love from

Comprehension check -up

1. Who are the characters of the story?

 The characters of the story are John,
Very good! Roy and the old woman.

2. How can you describe John in the story?

 John is kind ,he help the old woman.
Very good!

3. Did John help the old woman? What did the

old woman gave to him?  Yes, John helped the old woman and
the old woman gave him a reward.
Very good!

4. What have you learned from the story?

 From the story the boy with a kind
Very good! heart ,I have learned that you must
always be kind to others

c. Discussion

1 .The old woman begged for food.

 What kind of woman begged for food?

 Old
 Very good! the word OLD describes or
modifies the woman.

2 . Go to tree with a large stone under it.

 What kind of stone is described?

 Large
 Very good!

3. He went back home and happily bought

delicious food and nice clothes for
himself and his family.

 What are the words that describe the

food and clothes?  Delicious and nice

 Very good!
 What do you call the underlined words?
 The word that are being underlined
 Verygood! Do you know the word are describing words.
That describes or modifies noun or
pronouns is called Adjectives

 Who can give an example of sentence

with adjective  He drives a fast sports car.

 Very good!

 In that sentence what adjective did

you use?  Fast

 Very good!

 Another example of sentence with

adjective  The suitcase is heavy

 very good!

 In that sentence what adjective did

you use?  Heavy

d. Exercise

 I will group you into three groups

 Here are the rubrics of the activity

, group with the high score wins!

Rubrics in participation/Group Activities

Points Indicators
5 Shows eagerness and cooperation
Rubrics To do the task participate actively
, do great help to the group.
4 Shows eagerness and cooperation
to do task , good followers only.
3 Participate but late , with teacher’s
2 Activity was done but does not
show eagerness to participate or
cooperate ( pupils will go to their group)
1 No interest in participating the

Group 1

Direction: Describe the following pictures.

Group 2

Direction: Use the words inside the

box in a

Delicious Beautiful Huge

Brave Intelligent

Group 3

Direction: Write five sentences using adjectives

( Presentation of each group )

e. Generalization

 What is an adjective?

 Verygood!

f. Application

 Class I have here sentences, you wll

underline the adjective in each
 Adjective is word that describe or
modifies noun or pronoun “ describing
Direction :Underline the adjective in each sentence.

1. They live in a beautiful house.

2. Ara is wearing a nice dress today.
3. He looked handsome in his new haircut.
4. Giant monster are hiding under the bed.
5. Michelle’s hair is gorgeous.

1. They live in a beautiful house.

2. Ara is wearing a nice dress today.
3. He looked handsome in his new
4. Giant monster are hiding under the
5. Michelle’s hair is gorgeous.

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Identify and underline the adjectives used in the sentences.

1. The sun shines brightly in the summer.

2. We ate delicious chocolate.
3. I bought a gray cat.
4. She is the smartest in the class.
5. Arkissha donated her old clothes.
6. The big lion drank the clear water.
7. The math homework was really hard.
8. The shiny spaceship landed in my yard.
9. The loud music keeps me awake.
10. I lost my new ring.

V. Assignment

Direction: Write five sentences with adjectives.

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