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Kinder Grade 1 Grade 2

Type of School
School ID Name of School District Division (Public/Private/SUC/LU Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total

123456 Mapiya ES Datu Odin Sinsuat East Maguindanao II Public 55 67 122 75 88 163 56 66 122
No. of Enrollees by Grade Level Total No. of enrolled
Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6
No. of enrolled No. of enrolled
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total from Cultural
Male Female Total with disabilities No. of Post Graduate No. of Graduate
Studies Studies
Completer/Level Completer/Level

48 52 100 53 59 112 42 45 87 43 45 88 317 355 672 37 0 1 2

Highest Educational Attainment of Parents/Guardian
Father Mother Guardian (Not applicable if learners have parent/s)

No. of Post Graduate No. of Graduate No. of Post Graduate

No. of College No. of High School No. of Elementary No. of College No. of High School No. of Elementary No. of Graduate Studies No. of College No. of High School
Studies Studies Studies
Completer/Level Completer/Level Completer/Level Completer/Level Completer/Level Completer/Level Completer/Level Completer/Level Completer/Level
Completer/Level Completer/Level Completer/Level

50 450 90 0 5 79 390 130 0 0 0 0

Employment Status of Parents/Guardian

Father Mother Guardian (Not applicable if learners have parent/s) Learners' Me

No. of 4Ps
No. of No. of Father No. of Mother No. of Guardian Beneficiari
No. of Father No. of Self- No. of Mother No. of Mother No. of Self- No. of Guardian No. of Guardian No. of Self- es
No. of Elementary Father No. Father Working from No. Mother Not Working from No. Guardian Working from
Working Part- employed Working Full- Working Part- employed Working Full- Working Part- employed Walking
Completer/Level Working Not working Home due to working Home due to Not working Home due to
Full-time time Father Covid 19 time time Mother Covid 19 time time Guardian Covid 19

8 100 220 151 57 65 49 95 280 150 30 0 0 4 4 0 256 578

Capacity and Access to Distance Learning Devices Available at Home Availability of inernet Connection
Learners' Means of going to school No. of Household members studying in
SY 2020-2021

Family-owned May taga hatid Cable TV Non-cable TV Basic cP Smartphone Tablet Radio PC laptop none others Yes
Public Transpo
transpo No. of enrollees No. of households

70 24 40 672 431
ability of inernet Connection Availbale way of connecting internet Preferred Distance Learning Modality Challenges that may affect your child’s learning process through distance education

Other places
Own outside the Combi. Of F2F Lack of Insufficient Unstable Existing Difficulty in Conflict with No or lack of
Own mobile Computer available mobile/ other available
NO broadband home with none Online TV Radio Modular with other Others load/ data health independent
data shop Modalities gadgets/ allowance internet condition/s learning activities (i.e., space for
internet internet equipment connection house chores) studying

(i.e., social
media, noise
Grade 7 Grade 8
Type of School
School ID Name of School Municipality/City Division (Public/Private/SUC/LU Male Female Total Male

123456 MSU Sulu Jolo Sulu SUC 55 67 122 75

No. of Enrollees by Grade Level Total No. of enrolled
Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total

88 163 56 66 122 48 52 100 53 59 112 42 45 87 274

Total No. of enrolled Highest Edu
No. of enrolled No. of enrolled
from Cultural
Female Total with disabilities No. of Post Graduate No. of Graduate No. of Post Graduate
Minorities No. of College No. of High School No. of Elementary
Studies Studies Studies
Completer/Level Completer/Level Completer/Level
Completer/Level Completer/Level Completer/Level

310 584 64 5 1 2 50 450 90 0

Highest Educational Attainment of Parents/Guardian
Mother Guardian (Not applicable if learners have parent/s)

No. of Graduate No. of Post Graduate

No. of College No. of High School No. of Elementary No. of Graduate Studies No. of College No. of High School
Studies Studies
Completer/Level Completer/Level Completer/Level Completer/Level Completer/Level Completer/Level
Completer/Level Completer/Level

5 79 390 130 0 0 0 0
Employment Status of Parents/Guardian

nt/s) Father Mother Guardian (Not applicable if lear

No. of No. of Father No. of Mother

No. of Father No. of Self- No. of Mother No. of Mother No. of Self- No. of Guardian
No. of Elementary Father No. Father Working from No. Mother Not Working from
Working Part- employed Working Full- Working Part- employed Working Full-
Completer/Level Working Not working Home due to working Home due to
Full-time time Father Covid 19 time time Mother Covid 19 time

8 100 220 151 57 65 49 95 280 150 30 0

Capacity and Access to Distance Learning

Guardian (Not applicable if learners have parent/s) Learners' Means of going to school No. of Household members studying in
No. of 4Ps SY 2020-2020
No. of Guardian Beneficiari
No. of Guardian No. of Self- es May taga hatid
No. Guardian Working from Family-owned
Working Part- employed Walking Public Transpo
Not working Home due to transpo No. of enrollees No. of households
time Guardian Covid 19

0 4 4 0 256 292 254 38 15 584 526

Devices Available at Home Availability of inernet Connection Availbale way of connecting inte

Own mobile
Cable TV Non-cable TV Basic cP Smartphone Tablet Radio PC laptop none others Yes NO broadband
Availbale way of connecting internet Preferred Distance Learning Modality Challenges that may affect your child’s learning process through distan

Other places
outside the Combi. Of F2F Lack of Insufficient Unstable Existing Difficulty in
Computer available mobile/
home with none Online TV Radio Modular with other Others load/ data health independent
shop Modalities gadgets/ allowance internet condition/s learning
internet equipment connection
hild’s learning process through distance education

Conflict with No or lack of (i.e., social
other available media, noise
activities (i.e., space for from
house chores) studying communityne

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