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Computation of Electromagnetic fields for 220

kV Power line in Cartagena de Indias. ?

Rueda L.E.1[0000−0001−9658−1580] , Duque J.E.1[0000−0003−1361−512X] , Vanegas

E.1[0000−0002−8709−178X] , and Gomez E.1[0000−0003−1006−7332]

Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar, Colombia

Abstract. The growth of cities towards their suburban areas has led
to the construction of buildings increasingly closer to high voltage lines,
which has led to detailed studies of the electric and magnetic fields gener-
ated by these lines, and to determine the potential impact on the health
of people within their area of influence.
In this work, a 220 kV transmission line was studied in the City of
Cartagena de Indias. In order to analyze the system, it was necessary
to review the norm and measurement methodologies of national and in-
ternational organizations, which allowed, in a structured way, to take
reliable measurements in the work area. At the same time, references
and similar studies were investigated to compare the measured and cal-
culated results, and to determine more accurate conclusions about the
electromagnetic phenomena and the effects of these on the health of peo-
A computer application was developed to facilitate analysis and cal-
culation, given the various variables used. This allowed comparing the
measured data with the data obtained through the software developed,
to obtain more precise results and conclusions.

Keywords: Electric and magnetic fields · computation · Matlab Soft-

ware · Public health · power lines

1 Introduction
The construction and location of new lines of transmission of energy produces
a rejection in the affected communities due to the preoccupation that exists on
the possible effects in the health that can produce the electromagnetic fields
of industrial frequency. Several international organizations have established the
limits of exposure to electromagnetic fields in work and public places. Among
these organizations are the International Commission on Protection against Non-
Ionizing Radiation (ICNIRP) [1] and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic
Engineers (IEEE) [2] that have set a limit of exposure to the electric field of 5
kV/m and a limit of exposure to the magnetic field 100 µT for the general public
Supported by UTB.
2 Rueda L.E. et al.

at a frequency of 60 Hz. In Colombia, the Reglamento Tcnico de Instalaciones

Elctricas (RETIE) [3] has established the exposure values to the electric field of
4.16 kV/m and 200 µT for exposure of the general public up to 8 continuous
Due to this, a study and analysis of the electric and magnetic fields produced
by a 220 kV line located in the city of Cartagena de Indias, near a perimeter
road and adjacent to a residential area, was carried out.
In order to facilitate this type of study, the help of computational tools is
used for the design and modeling of the high voltage transmission lines, in such a
way that they allow to anticipate if the new projects, and those already existing,
comply with the parameters required by the current regulations.

2 Methods and materials

2.1 Measurement of the electromagnetic fields

The equipment used was Aronia Spectran NF 5035. This equipment records
the magnetic field in µT and the electric field strengths in V/m. Figure 1 shows
the 220kV transmission line used in the study

Fig. 1. The 220 kV power line.

For the measurement of the electric field, the procedure described in IEEE
644 -1994 [2] standard was carried out, as follows:
Computation of Electromagnetic fields for 220 kV Power line 3

1. The measuring device was placed on an insulating element, since measure-

ments at ground level can significantly influence the value of the electric field
2. The electric field was measured at 1 m height above ground level.
3. The meter sensor was oriented to read the components of the electromagnetic
4. To ensure an error of less than 3% in all cases, the operator of the measuring
equipment was placed more than 3 m from the sensor.
5. The electromagnetic field side profile was taken at selected points of interest
along a stretch of the transmission line. In the middle of the span between
towers the data were recorded at intervals of 5 m, from the center of the line
to a distance of 30 m, in a direction normal to the line and 1 meter above
ground level.

2.2 Calculation of the electric field

The maximum electric field at a point near a power transmission line, is
calculated by the Law of Gauss applied an infinitely long conductor. To consider
the effect of the proximity of the ground, the Image Method [3] is used placing
an array of equivalent charges, as shown in Figure 2. To determine the equivalent
electric charges per unit of conductor length used in the field calculation The
Charge Simulation Method is applied, which starts from the distances between
conductors and the phase voltages of the transmission line. For the calculations
of the electric field it is assumed that the permittivity of the air is practically
independent of the climatic conditions and is equal to the permittivity of the
free space: 0 = 8, 854 ∗ 10−12 F/m Another assumption is that the influence of
the support structures of the conductors and of any other type of neighboring
object is neglected.
For transmission lines consisting of N conductors, the charges induced in each
of them are calculated through the potential coefficients [5] - [6]. For a three-
phase transmission line, the equivalent electric charges of each conductor can be
calculated by inverting the following matrix equation:
[V ] = [P ][Q] (1)
Where [V] the column vector of known potentials,[Q] is the column vector of
fictitious simulation charges, and [P] is the potential coefficients matrix.
For an conductor of infinite length , the potential coefficients are given in
next equations:
λ Dij
Pij = (2)
2π0 Dij
λ 2hi
Pii = (3)
2π0 Ri
0 0
Where: Dij is the distance between the conductor i and j, Dii is the distance
between the conductor i and the image of conductor j, and Ri is the radius of
the conductor i.
4 Rueda L.E. et al.

Fig. 2. Conductors i and j with their corresponding images.

The charge vector is:

[Q] = [P ]−1 [V ] (4)

The electric field due to a conductor considering the effect of the earth [6] is
based on the Gauss’s Law, obtaining that the field for the real charge and the
image charge are respectively:
Er = (5)
2π0 R
Ei = (6)
2π0 Ri
The distances from the real conductor and the image conductor to any point
are respectively, as shows in figure 3:
R = (xr − xp )2 + (h − yp )2 (7)
R0 = (xr − xp )2 + (h + yp )2 (8)
The horizontal and vertical components of the electric field are:

Ex = |Er |Cosθ1 − |Ei |Cosθ2 (9)

Ey = −|Er |Sinθ1 − |Ei |Sinθ2 (10)

xp − xr
Cosθ1 = (11)
Computation of Electromagnetic fields for 220 kV Power line 5

xp − xr
Cosθ2 = (12)
h − yp
Sinθ1 = (13)
h + yp
Sinθ2 = (14)
For N conductors the electric field is:

Fig. 3. Electric field at point P due to power line.

qi X (x − xi ) (x − xi )
Ex = − (15)
2π0 i=1 (xi − x)2 + (yi − y)2 (xi − x)2 + (yi + y)2
−qi X (yi − y) (yi + y)
Ey = − (16)
2π0 i=1 (xi − x)2 + (yi − y)2 (xi − x)2 + (yi + y)2
The total electric field is:
E= Ex 2 + Ey 2 (17)
6 Rueda L.E. et al.

2.3 Calculation of the magnetic field

The low frequency magnetic field in a power line depends on the electrical
currents in its conductors [8] - [14]. Generally, if the currents are known, the
magnetic field can be calculated with Ampere’s law, assuming that the con-
ductors are infinite and that the magnetic permeability of the air is equal to
µ0 = 4π ∗ 10−7 [H/m]. The superposition principle will be applied to take into
account the influence of multiple conductors.
For an infinite conductor carrying a current I, the magnetic flux density B,
according to the Ampere Law, is:
µ0 I
B= (18)
The figure 4 shows the distance from the conductor at (xi , yi ) to point (xp , yp ):

Fig. 4. Lateral profile of the electric field form the 220 kV power line.

R= (xp − xi )2 + (yp − yi )2 (19)

The magnetic field to any point (xp , yp ) is:

µ0 I
B= p (20)
2π (xp − xi )2 + (yp − yi )2

Now,the horizontal and vertical components of B:

µ0 I0 Sinθ
Bx = − p (21)
2π (xp − xi )2 + (yp − yi )2
Computation of Electromagnetic fields for 220 kV Power line 7

µ0 I0 Cosθ
By = − p (22)
2π (xp − xi )2 + (yp − yi )2
yp − yi
Sinθ = p (23)
(xp − xi )2 + (yp − yi )2
xp − xi
Cosθ = p (24)
(xp − xi )2 + (yp − yi )2
For N conductors the magnetic field is:
µ0 I0 X (yp − yi )
Bx = − (25)
2π i=1 (xp − xi )2 + (yp − yi )2

µ0 I0 X (xp − xi )
By = − (26)
2π i=1 (xp − xi )2 + (yp − yi )2

Finally, the magnetic flux density will be calculated using the formula:
B = Bx 2 + By 2 (27)

3 Results

From Mathematical modeling, a Matlab program was developed with func-

tions and graphics to provide a quick solution in the analysis of electromagnetic
fields in transmission lines. The interface graphic is shown in figure 5. The input

Fig. 5. Software interface for computation of electric and magnetic field

8 Rueda L.E. et al.

data for the program are the coordinates of each conductor, the diameter of the
conductor, the phase voltages, the currents of each conductor and the height
above ground level. The input data of the position of the conductors in the line
is obtained from the structure of the pylon as shown in figure 6.

Fig. 6. Lateral profile of the electric field form the 220 kV power line

The program can generate quite accurate profiles for the total field, E and
B. The precision of the results has been verified taking into account a series
of calculations published in [5], [9], [12], and introducing these data into the
program. The results obtained by direct measurement were also compared in
the 220kV power line of the Bolivar-Bosque circuit in the city of Cartagena de
Figure 7 shows the profile of the electric field obtained at a height of 1m
according to the IEEE standard 644-1994. The measured data show a tendency
to continue the profile of the calculated electric field.
As seen in the experimental results shown in Table 1, the electric field
strength measured at the center of the 220 kV line is 2,238 kV/m and the calcu-
lated one is 2,120 kV/m, which results in an error of 5.27% Figure 8 shows the
profile of the magnetic field obtained at a height of 1m according to the IEEE
standard 644-1994. The measured data show a tendency to continue the profile
of the calculated magnetic field. As seen in the experimental results shown in
Computation of Electromagnetic fields for 220 kV Power line 9

Fig. 7. Lateral profile of the electric field form the 220 kV power line

Table 1. Electric field measured and calculated at 1 m height from the ground

Electric field
Distance to Measured Calculated Error [%]
the center [m] [kV/m] [kV/m]
-25 0.038 0.029 23.68
-20 0.223 0.172 22.86
-15 0.620 0.507 18.22
-10 1.043 1.124 7.76
-5 1.75 1.807 3.28
0 2.238 2.120 5.27
5 1.980 1.834 7.3
10 1.203 1.124 6.56
15 0.587 0.508 13.4
20 0.132 0.151 12,5
25 0.034 0.029 14,7
10 Rueda L.E. et al.

Fig. 8. Lateral profile of the magnetic field form the 220 kV power line

Table 2, the magnetic flux density measured at the center of the 220 kV line is
2.305 mu T and the calculated one is 2.229 mu T, which results in an error of

Table 2. Magnetic field measured at 1 m height from the ground

Magnetic field [µT]

Horizontal Measured Calculated error[%]
Distance [m] field field
-25 0.651 0.7653 14.93
-20 1.053 0.992 5.79
-15 1.432 1.397 2.44
-10 1.784 1.837 2.97
-5 2.088 2.162 3.44
0 2.305 2.229 0.65
5 2.236 2.187 2.19
10 1.911 1.837 3.87
15 1.452 1.397 3.78
20 0.953 1.03 8.079
25 0.765 0.5671 25.86
Computation of Electromagnetic fields for 220 kV Power line 11

4 Conclusions
Based on the regulations concerning the 220kV lines, a work guide was de-
signed for the measurement of the electromagnetic field with specialized equip-
ment for this purpose.
A procedure based on the IEEE-Std 644-1994 standard was developed for the
measurement of electric and magnetic fields generated by 220kV high voltage
transmission lines that are supported by structures with double vertical electric
circuit and with double cable of guard, at a maximum height of 25 meters and
a stretch of 2 km long, bordering a saltwater marsh in the suburbs of the city of
Cartagena de India, located in the Caribbean zone of Colombia.
The 220kV transmission system was modeled, based on the documentation,
regulations and experience of the researchers in order to design and implement
an application supported on the MATLAB platform, to calculate the electric and
magnetic fields in various space points according to the required configuration.
The measured data were compared with the results of the program and an
admissible margin of error was obtained with very little dispersion. The average
errors for the electric field and the magnetic field were 6 and 2.76 per cent
respectively. The measurements taken at points far from the axis of the structure,
due to changes in the profile of the terrain, and in the presence of natural and
artificial obstacles, the electric and magnetic field yielded data with distortions
that altered the map of equipotential curves.
The levels obtained from Electric Field and Magnetic Field do not show risk
to human health in the area under study, complying with the regulations of the
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, ICNIRP and
It is expected that the methodology implemented will serve researchers in the
area, as a basis in subsequent studies applicable to a high voltage transmission
line with a specific configuration.

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