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A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a

Standards means of connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining word
meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct
subject-verb agreement
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past;
Standards comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations
using appropriate context-dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly
and using the prosodic features of speech effectively in various situations; and
observing correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Transcode orally and in writing the information presented in diagrams, graphs,
Competencies charts, table, etc EN7SS-II-e-1.2:


A. References English 7 Learner’s Module

B. Other Learning
1.Teachers Guide

2.Learners Guide Pages 78-79

3..Textbook Pages 78-79

4.Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
Before we start, let us all stand and ask the guidance of our
Almighty God to enlighten the mind of everyone as we will
discuss a new lesson this morning. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit. Amen
Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy
Spirit. As it was the beginning is now and ever shall
Good morning class! world without end. Amen
How’s your day? Good morning Ma’am!

It’s nice to hear that class but it seems that you’re a bit sleepy We’re good Ma’am.
most especially at this time, some of you might want to sleep at
home. For you to be alive, let’s have an energizer.
Everybody pick up the pieces of papers that you can see under
your seats and don’t forget to check the alignments of your
Are you done?
Yes Ma’am.
You may now be seated. Sit properly class so that you won’t
feel sleepy.
Are there absentees today? There are no absentees today Ma’am.

Excellent class! It’s nice to know that all are present today
most especially we’ll be discussing a new lesson. A good start
B. Review
What can you see? A piggy bank.
Have you experience having a piggy bank when you were a kid?
Good to know! So how do you save money? Yes Ma’am.

Wow! It’s nice to know that all of you are having such a great I save money from the “baon” that my parents
mindset. gave to me.
C. Establishing a purpose for the new lesson
To start this session, let’s have an activity. I’ll be giving you
strips of paper and what you have to do is to put it on your most
favorite type of movie.
Horror Romantic Action Dramatic Comedy
Based on our activity, what is the most favorite genre of
movie of the students from grade 7?
The data shows that the most watched genre of
How about the least one? movie of the students from SSC Earth is Comedy.

Is there a genre of movie that has the same number of students The romantic genre of movie is the least favorite of
who are fond of watching it? the grade 7 SSC Earth students.

That is definitely right! With the given data you can easily The Horror and Action have the same number of
figure out what is the most preferred type of movie of the students who love these genres.
students from SSC Earth.
D. Presenting examples instances of the lesson
This time let’s read the paragraph then afterwards let’s answer ON SAVING
the following questions. As a young teen, Riz does not enjoy as much as
other teenagers would. Her weekends are spent on
looking for work so she can earn her allowance. She
spends two hundred pesos a week. One hundred
pesos for her lunch, eighty pesos for her fare and
twenty pesos for classroom dues.
She earns more that what she needs for the week.
On Saturdays, her routine would be to go to a
distant relative and wash clothes for a small earning
of one hundred pesos. In the afternoon, she
volunteers weeding at neighbor’s garden for an
hour and gratefully receives fifty pesos for the work
On Sunday after church, she would iron out her
teacher’s uniform for a fee of one hundred pesos.
1. What does the paragraph all about? Despite her weekend routine, she remains to be one
With the word saving, what other words can you associate with of the smartest in class.
this? It is all about saving.
2. Who is the teenager being mentioned in the paragraph?
3.How does Riz spend her allowance in a week? Save-Money-Needs-Emergency

4. How much did Riz earn from her different works?

5. If you were Riz, would you also save money? Why? The teenager being mentioned is Riz.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills#1. She spent it for her lunch, fare and classroom dues.
Today we are about to discuss ways or strategy used on how
to present data and ideas in a simple way. Would you mind to 100+50+100=250
Yes so that in case of emergency I have something
to use.
And there are major types of graphic organizers.Today we’ll
be discussing diagrams and charts.
Graphic organizers are visual representations or
frames used to organize information. The purpose
of a graphic organizer is to help in simplifying
And there are two most common types of diagram. information and by stimulating thinking skills
organize information.

Diagram is a drawing that illustrates or visually

explains a thing or idea by outlining its component
parts and the relationships among them.
Venn diagram- used for comparing and contrasting
concepts. Two or more circles overlap, creating an
inner oval space.
Another type of graphic organizer is the GRAPH.
Web diagram - one central idea is written inside a
center box. Stems are drawn outward from this
center box with new boxes attached and sub topic.
Graphs – diagram showing the relation between
variable quantities, typically of two variables, each
measured along one of a pair of axes at right angles.
Bar graph is best for comparing data and best
when you don’t have too many groups.
Circle/Pie graph used to present proportions out of
the whole.

F. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills#2.

Let’s have a group activity.
GROUP 1- You have to list ways on how to save money by
means of using a web diagram
GROUP 2- Present a pie graph on how will you spend your 300
pesos allowance in a week.
GROUP 3- Using Venn Diagram, describe the difference and
similarities of the boys and girls in the SSC Earth.
GROUP 4- Make a bar graph, conduct a survey within your
group showing their favorite kind of color.

G. Developing mastery.
Let’s have another group activity.
Situation: Your mother confronted you for having low grades
in English for two consecutive grading period As a student, how
would you make it a little higher in third and fourth ?

Like the graphic organizers, we able to learn how

to organize our things at home as well as our time
Very good class. You all did great. I’ll be giving you later your on how should we spent it.
H. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in
With our lesson about graphic organizers, how does it affect It is a visual representation of ideas.
your life as a student? For example at home, how are you going
to apply it? Diagrams and Graphs.

Very good. With this, you were able to accomplish something.

I. Making generalization and abstraction about the lesson.
What do you mean by Graphic organizer?
And what are the types of graphic organizer that we have
Very good!
J. Evaluating Learning
It seems that you really understand our lesson. Now, get ¼
sheet of paper. Everyone please read the direction.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1.The following are the purpose of using graphic organizer
a. help simplifying information
B. organizing the information
C. stimulating thinking skills
D. making inferences

2. What will you use to illustrates or visually explains a thing or

idea by outlining its component parts and relationships among
A. chart
B. diagram
C. Graphs
D. Bar graph
3-4. Study the pie graph below.

The past 24 hours

3 10

listening reading
writing reporting

3. Here’s how the Luna Group spent their time in the past 24
hours. Look at the pie graph, on what activity do they spend
most of their time?
a. Listening
b. Reading
c. Writing
d. Reporting
4. Do they spend more time on listening ?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
d. Does not tell
5. Choose the graph that best fits with the statement: “ the price
of groceries is still rising”.

A. B. C. D.
Let’s check your answers.
Answers Key:
1. D.
2. B.
3. A.
4. A.
5. B.

Very good class! I am glad that all of you understand the

lesson. With that, everyone will be having a prize later for that
wonderful outcome of our quiz this morning.
K. Additional activities for applications or remediation.
For your assignment in a ½ crosswise.
By means of pie graph, create how you spend your weekend.

That would be all for today. Thank you for your participation.
Good bye class!

Prepared by;

Ms. Nneka Tamayosa Atlas

Teacher I

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