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Organization and Management


As people are truly considered the most precious resource of

the organization, management essentially focuses on developing
people so that they can effectively contribute to the realization of
common goals.

Management of a food service organization does not differ

from that of any other organization also employs materials and people
to achieve its primary goals of quality nor nutritious food and excellent

This module will tackle the organization and management of

food service.

Questions for Discussion!

A. Essay
1. In your own words, what is organization and management?

2. Do you experience having manage some business in the past years?

3. What will you do if you have assigned to become the manager of the canteen? What is your
first step to secure healthy, and excellent services?


At the end of this module, the student should be able to:

a. Discuss what is organization and management.

b. Present his/her own organizational and managerial concept.
c. Perform in his/her daily life and appreciate how to manage.
Organization and Management

Role of the School Canteen in eating patterns at school, promoting a balanced

Contributing to a Health Promoting healthy eating pattern rather than focusing on
weight management
The school canteen is a great place to
promote an enjoyment of healthy eating. For School Canteen Management
students who use the canteen regularly, the food
purchased makes a significant contribution to
their total food intake and nutrition; therefore it The Department of Education (DepEd)
makes sense to ensure the best food possible is wants canteens in pub-lic schools to be healthy
available to enhance their ability to learn and both in the food they offer and in their finances.
take in the information presented to them in The elimination of financial disputes
class. between principals and teachers over can-teen
op-er-a-tions is one of the goals of a 19 page
For students who don’t use the canteen
order issued by the DepEd. To give teachers an
regularly, the canteen still plays an important
additional source of income, the department
educational and modelling role for healthy
eating habits. handed over the operation of canteens in public
schools to teacher co-op-er-a-tives in 1996.
There are many aspects of a child’s life An-other goal of the or-der is to
that may be restricted in an educational setting. "elimi-nate malnutrition, which affects the
For example: the type of reading material academic performance" of students.
accessed in the library, internet access and visual
The order authorizes principals to audit
material (DVD) and the clothes they wear. It is
the financial report of a canteen run by a
appropriate to restrict unhealthy food in an
educational setting. The canteen also plays an teacher cooperative to ensure that 20 percent
important role within the broader school of its profits are remitted to the school to
environment – that of reinforcing knowledge, defray the costs of the school’s feeding
skills and behaviours about healthy eating and program.
lifestyle which are taught in the classroom. Food To encourage com-petition and
provided at school has a considerable influence improve the quality of service, the order also
on the development of children’s long-term allows schools with more than 500 students to
eating habits, food preferences and attitudes have more than one can-teen.
towards food. The school canteen plays a vital
Adunna (2013) discussed that along the
role in promoting healthy foods and creating a
line of canteen management is the need for an
school culture of healthy eating.
improvement system to boost not only sales
Food preferences are developed in but also the efficiency of its operations. In
childhood. By promoting and encouraging addition to providing with nutritious and
healthier food choices during childhood, it is affordable foods, the canteen should be based
anticipated that healthy eating habits will be on good management practices and the
carried through to adulthood and may go some financially self sustaining. Experience shows
way to help prevent chronic disease later in life. that, with good management and marketing
The focus of the NHSC project is to encourage practices, a canteen is a small business. Like any
the development and reinforcement of healthy
Organization and Management

business, it requires good management locality. FNRI-DOST (2013), nutritional

practices to be efficient and successful. guidelines for Filipino revised and organized by
Effective canteen management requires the (FNRI-DOST), an inter agency and multi-
that: everyone involved knows it goals and disciplinary technical work-ing group. Mendoza
(2009), sanitation makes an important role in
objectives and is familiar with its policies,
any food service institution. Standard sanitation
canteen staff and committee develop an
practice is important to be able to attain a better
implementation plan to achieve policy goals,
health of the workers and most specially the
day-to-day operational procedures are
costumers, because they are the reasons why we
structured and enforced staff are adequately established food institution.
trained and supervised, staff carry out efficient
stock managements, accounting and financial Johannes (2013; 39), discussed that the
procedures staff are familiar with and comply school canteens should provide cheap, sanitary,
with relevant legal requirements regarding food nutritious food such as fresh milk, fresh fruits
safety, occupational health and safety and fresh drinks boiled root crops, high calorie
standards. School canteen may operate under a indigenous recipes and the like canteen personal
handling food in the canteen should be required
variety of management structures, depending
to undergo training for food handlers, obtain a
on the individual characteristics and the needs
certificate of good health from the municipal
of school.
health department and observe hygiene.
The DepEd in 2013 emphasized that
only nutrients rich foods such as root crops, Operational practices must be geared to
noodles, rice and corn products in native the welfare of the students, teachers and to the
preparations, fruits and vegetables in season, and school as a whole.
fortified food products labeled rich in protein,
energy, vitamins and minerals shall be sold in Organizational Charts
the school can-teen. Beverage shall include An organized chart or flowchart is more
milk, shakes, and juices pre-pared from fruits detailed and comprehensive sketch of an
and vegetables in season. The sales of organization than the pyramidal structure
carbonated drinks, sugar-based syn-thetic or showing division of work by the scalar process
artificially flavoured juices, junk foods and any and functionalization. It graphically portrays the
food products that maybe detrimental to the lines of authority and responsibility in the
child’s healt
The graphic picture of the organization
And that do not bear the Sangkap Pinoy shows who reports to whom or who delegates,
seal and/or did not passed the BFAD approval is supervises, issues communication, or gives
direction to whom. The chart indicates how the
prohibited. Iodized salt shall be used, in
lines of authority, responsibility and
con-trolled quantity, in the preparation of cook accountability.
foods to en-sure that iodine requirement of the
clientele shall met and to eliminate iodine
deficiency. The use of monosodium glutamate
(vetsin) shall be regulated. A reasonable mark-
up price for all merchandise in the can-teen shall
be allowed, provided that the selling re-tail price
does not exceed the prevailing prices in the
Organization and Management

Activity Time! Detailed Schedule

1. If you were to organize a canteen SCHEDULE 1

services, what key personnel would you
need? Give the reason for each position. DETAILED JOB DESCRIPTION –
2. Choose one position in your canteen CANTEEN WORKER
management organization. List down its
duty and responsibilities
3. Did you experiences going to canteen? Reporting to: Canteen Manager
Can you give some example of their
organizational charts. (include name of Conditions of Employment: Restaurant,
the canteen) Tearoom and Catering Workers
4. Design an organizational chart for the
Award (Level 2)
key personnel you choose in question
number 2. Describe the flow of authority Working Hours: Permanent part-time. 5 -10
and responsibility. hours a week.

Location: Poseidon Primary School, Heathridge

Personnel Policies

The policies contained in a personnel Job Requirements

program should always be written while such
policies may be gradually evolve through the The Canteen Worker assists and supports the
years as experience and insights into the Canteen Manager for the efficient and
business are gained, they should always cover professional operation of Poseidon Primary
matter such as: School Canteen. This includes the following job
1. The objective and moral code of the
organization. Providing high quality, healthy food to our
2. Regularity and Tenure of employment customers in a professional manner. Customers
of personnel. are primarily students but also include staff and
3. Training policies and procedures. parents.
4. Wage and salary structures. Assisting the Canteen Manager to maintain
5. Participation of employees in making canteen profitably.
decisions affecting the organization.
6. Sanitation, safety and work condition.
especially in interacting with adults in a safe

the canteen as per the operational objectives.

Organization and Management

Responsibilities and Duties Food handling policies and regulations to

prevent food spoilage and contamination
This position has the following
responsibilities and duties: Money handling policies and recording of
sales and expenses
o Canteen operation.
o Effective communication. Department of Education’s Traffic Light
o Policies and procedures compliance. System
o Assist with the financial management and
record keeping Occupational Health and Safety Assist with
o Ensuring canteen security. the Financial Management and Record Keeping
o Supporting volunteers. Utilise petty cash according to procedures set
o Children’s life skills. out by treasurer.
o Miscellaneous duties.
Recording of all orders, recess and lunch
DETAILED JOB DESCRIPTION – Assist in the follow up of student account
CANTEEN WORKER debts ensuring accounts owing are manageable
Canteen Worker - Job Description and finalised each term. Ensuring Canteen
Canteen Operation

Opening and closing canteen for allocated

work times. Removal of profits in accordance with the
Treasurer processes.
Preparing and selling menu items as per the
canteen menu. Locking up at the end of the working day and
switching off certain appliances.
staff and parents (as
required) during recess and lunch. Ensuring that only authorised personnel enter
the canteen.
Effective Communication
Supporting Volunteers

regular basis to ensure that any issues are being Support the Canteen Manager with the
appropriately escalated. rostering of volunteers.

Policies and Procedures Compliance Develop ongoing positive relationships with

all volunteers.
The following policies and procedures
must be complied with: Children’s Life Skills

Poseidon Primary School’s Health Food and

Drink Policy purchases by providing a safe and respectful
environment where children can learn to interact
Poseidon Primary School Canteen Policy and with adults by effectively communicating
Procedures requests, handling money, making timely
Organization and Management

decisions, good choices and displaying Chef – the one who is involve in cooking
appropriate manners. nutritious food that served to the pupils/students.

Miscellaneous Duties Dishwasher – without them, the plate, utensils

and etc is maybe dirty as it is.
Assist the Canteen Manager with Special
Events (where possible). Waiter/Waitress – the one who served what the
pupils/students orders in the canteen.
Any other duties that may be requested by the
Canteen Manager from time to time.

Job Description

Canteen Committee - is directed to oversee the

strategic management of the canteen and ensure
is staff can operate the canteen effectively and
profitably meeting all specified requirements. Reference/s:
Manager Canteen – preparing and selling menu
“Food Management and Service II &
items as per the canteen menu. Serving students,
staff and parents (as required) during recess and 1” Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. 927
lunch. Ensure any changes are communicated to Quezon Avenue, Quezon City
all appropriated parties.

Advertising Department (Publicity) – it comes

to make sure your canteen is attractive and has a
strong profile within your school community.
Using social media and other types of way to
promote the product as well as the canteen itself.

Building Engineer (Maintenance) – it is the one

who is in-charge in maintenance of the

Accounting Department – it is the one who is

in-charge for auditing and preparing money.

Purchasing (Supplies/Equipment) – It is the one

who is in-charge for purchasing any important
supplies or equipment that may help improving
the services of the canteen.

Cashiers Counters – the one who is in-front of

the cashier.
Organization and Management

A. Enumeration:
a. Give at least 10 positions in canteen management.
b. Give at least 5 responsibilities and duties of a manager.

B. Multiple Choice
1. is directed to oversee the strategic management of the canteen and ensure is staff can
operate the canteen effectively and profitably meeting all specified requirements.
a. Manager Canteen c. Purchasing
b. Canteen Committee d. Building Engineer

2. it is the one who is in-charge for auditing and preparing money

a. Manager Canteen c. Purchasing
b. Canteen Committee d. Building Engineer

3. Preparing and selling menu items as per the canteen menu.

a. Manager Canteen c. Purchasing
b. Canteen Committee d. Building Engineer

4. it is the one who is in-charge in maintenance of the equipment/canteen.

a. Manager Canteen c. Purchasing
b. Canteen Committee d. Building Engineer

5. it is the one who is in-charge in maintenance of the equipment/canteen.

a. Manager Canteen c. Purchasing
b. Canteen Committee d. Building Engineer

C. Essay
a. What is Organizational Chart?
b. Did you experiences going to canteen? Can you give some example of their
organizational charts. (include name of the canteen)

D. Demo:
a. In your family, perform how you serve food to your clientele? (Family Activities) –
Video Presentation (Proper way to serve food to your clientele.) and store it in

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