Phrasal Verbs 2: Beyond $ 25 Million

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Phrasal verbs 2

д/д Phrasal verbs Утга Жишээ өгүүлбэр

1. Go beyond Хэтрэх, давах The cost of the new hospital should not go
beyond $ 25 million.
2. Go by Хажуугаар гарах, өнгөрөх I went by Jim’s house to see if his car was in
the driveway.
3. Go by Орох, дайрах Let’s go by Paul’s house to get his tools
before we work on your car.
4. Go by Хугацаа өнгөрөх I can’t believe that forty years have gone by
since I got out of high school.
5. Go by Дагах мөрдөх (хууль, Going by the book has always been my
дүрэм, бодлого) policy.
6. Go by Цаг харах, ашиглах Don’t go by the o’clock on the wall: it’s fast.
Go by the clock on the desk.
7. Go down Буух уруудах Going down the mountain was a lot easier
than going up.
8. Go down Буух, буурах (үнэ, чанар, Temperature went down to zero last night.
хэмжээ гэх мэт)
9. Go down Комьютер, сүлжээ If your computer terminal goes down, you can
ажиллахаа болих use time.
10. Go down Жаргах, шингэх (нар) After the sun goes down. It’ll get a cooler.
11. Go for Дурлах, таалах Erik really goes for scuba diving.
12. Go for Зорьсондоо хүрэх After she finished her master’s, she went for
a Ph.D.
13. Go for Санал нэг, адил байх Bill is really angry about it. And that goes for
me, too.
14. Go in/ into Орох, дотогш нэвтрэх It’s getting too dark to play tennis. Let’s go
15. Go into Нарийвчилж, дэлгэрэнгүй She didn’t go into the reasons for the move.
16. Go in Таарах, багтах, тавих All my clothes will never go in this small
17. Go in for Оролцох, дурлах When I was a child, I went for in volleyball,
but I don’t watch it much anymore.
18. Go off Чанга дуугарах, дэлбэрэх My alarm clock went off at 7:00 a.m.

19. Go off Унтрах, тасрах The electricity went off at 9:00 last night.
20. Go off өөр тийшээ явах Sam went off not realizing he had left his
wallet at home.
21. Go off Төлөвлөснөөр болох The invasion didn’t go off the way the general
planned it.
22. Go off Зам хазайх I didn’t know which way to go-one path went
off to the left, the other to the right.
23. Go on Асаах, ажиллах The lights go on automatically if someone
(цахилгаан хэрэгсэл) walks near the door.
24. Go on Тохиолдох болох Tell me what went on at the party last night?
25. Go on Үргэлжлэх, үргэлжлүүлэх I asked her to be quiet, but she went right on
26. Go on Хасах (жин), хоолны I go on a diet every January.
дэглэм барих
27. Go on Үргэлжлүүлэн хийх Oh, go on- don’t be afraid.
28. Go on with Төлөвлөсөн ёсоор I think we should go on with the lesson after
үргэлжлүүлэх break.
29. Go out Гадагш гарах, аялах Emma was so sick that she didn’t go out of
the house for a week.
30. Go out Унтрах, намжих The fire went out because we ran out of fuel
for it.
31. Go out Хамт явах, уулзах, үзвэр Ann and Sam went out for three years before
үзэх they got married.
32. Go over өөр газар очих I’m busy. Go over there and stop bothering
33. Go over Очих, зочлох I went over to Ann’s for dinner last night.
34. Go over Нягтлан үзэх You should go over your homework before
you give it to the teacher.
35. Go over Тайлбарлах, дахин хэлэх Could you go over that point again, please?
36. Go over Батлагдах, зөвшөөрөгдөх My plans went over well.
37. Go over Цэвэрлэх I went over the living room with the vacuum
cleaner before they arrived.
38. Go round Хангалттай байх There won’t be enough soup to go round if
you fill your bowl right to the top.
39. Go through Дахин унших I went through my notes before the exam.
40. Go through Хайх, шалгах I went through my desk looking for the
41. Go through Зааврын дагуу хийх You must go through the proper channels to
get the approval.
42. Go through Тайлбарлах I went through his ideas twice, but I couldn’t
really understand them.
43. Go through Орох They said I could go through the exam room.
44. Go through Зарцуулах, идэх уух We went through a fortune on our holiday.
45. Go through with Эсэргүүцэл бэрхшээлийг Despite his family’s opposition, Sam went
үл тооцон төлөвлөсөн through with its plan to move the company
зүйлээ хийх to Mexico.
46. Go up өсөх (үнэ, ханш, хэмжээ The price of gas hasn’t gone up in two years.
гэх мэт)
47. Go up Дөхөж, хүрч очих We went up and asked them for some
information about the courses.
48. Go up Хүрч ирэх I spend the winters in Mexico, and go up to
my home in Ohio in the summer.
49. Go up Мөрдөгдөх (хуваарь) Do you have a schedule? This one goes up
only to the end of April.
50. Go up Баригдах, байгуулагдах A new factory is going up on the old airport.
51. Go up Гэнэт дэлбэрэх There’s a gas leak and the whole building
could go up at any moment.
52. Go with Зохицох That blouse doesn’t go with that skirt.
53. Go with Дагах, хамт явах I am going with Jill to school.
54. Go without Тэвчих, хэрэглэхгүй байх A camel can go without water for many,
many days.
55. Grow apart Хөндийрөх, салах The couple were very close at first, but
eventually they grew apart.
56. Grow back Дахин ургах, төлжих When you go bald, your hair will never grow
back again.
57. Grow into өсөх, хувцас таарах Joe will grow into his clothes when he gets
58. Grow on Дургүй зүйлдээ дуртай Abdul never liked pizza, but now it’s starting
болох to grow on him.
59. Grow out of өсөж хувцас нь багадах Jim is growing fast. He will soon grow out of
his clothes.
60. Grow out of Хэрсүүжих, ухаарах Jim’s son is going through a difficult stage,
but he’ll grow out of it in a couple of years.
61. Grow out of Санаа гаргах The idea for the story grew out of a strange
experience I had last year.
62. Grow up өсөж, бойжих Growing up without a father wasn’t easy.
63. Grow up Хөгжих, дэвжих The town grew up as a trading post.
64. Grow up Томоожих, гараас гарах You’re acting like a baby. Why don’t you
grow up!
65. Hand back Буцааж өгөх That toy isn’t yours. Hand it back!
66. Hand down өвлүүлэх He keeps the family jewels in a safe place in
order to hand them down to her children.
67. Hand in Үнэлүүлэхээр өгөх The teacher was surprised that Katie handed
in her homework on time.
68. Hand on Дамжуулах During a relay race, each runner has to hand
on the baton to the next runner.
69. Hand out Таарах The teacher was ready to hand out the work-
sheets at the beginning of the lesson.
70. Hand over өгөх, үүрэг өгөх Zachary decided to buy the painting. He
handed over $ 14 for it.
71. Hang about Цаг дэмий үрэх There’s always a group of teenagers hanging
about at the top of my street.
72. Hang around Хүн хүлээх, байх, цаг Do you have to go or can you hang around
нөхцөөх for a while?
73. Hang back Хойрго, итгэлгүй байх There’s no need to hang back- you can sing
as well as anyone.
74. Hang on Хүлээх, барих, зуурах Hang on! Don’t go. I’ll be there in a minute.
75. Hang onto Хадгалах, барьж байх Hang onto this receipt. You might need it in
the future.
76. Hang out Зугаацах, хамт байх Let’s hang out this weekend if you’re not
doing anything.
77. Hang together Хамтарч ажиллах We have to hang together if we’re going to
finish this project.
78. Hang up өлгөх You can hang up your coat on the back of the
79. Hang up Харилцуураа тавих After I finished talking to her, I said good-bye
and hung up.
80. Hang up on Утсаа таслах I can’t believe it. They just hung up on me!
81. Hang with Хамт байх Where were you? I was just hanging with
some friends at the Mall.
82. Hold against өс санах, буруутгах He was very rude, but I won’t hold it against
83. Hold back Тэвчих, барих He tried to hold back his tears while watching
the sad movie but couldn’t.
84. Hold back Хойшлох, улирах He’s a year older than his classmates because
he was held back in second grade.
85. Hold back Зогсоох, хорих, агуулах The dam can’t hold back that much water.
86. Hold back Нуух The driver held back the information about
his drunk driving arrest when he was younger.
87. Hold back from Татгалзах, үл зөвшөөрөх John was held back from going to the movies
by his mother.
88. Hold down Ажилтай байх It’s hard to hold down a job in uncertain
economic times.
89. Hold down өсөлтийг бууруулах We have to hold down costs if we want to
increase our margins.
90. Hold forth Ярих, номлох John is holding forth about socialism’s
benefit again. What a bore!
91. Hold off Хойшлуулах We had to hold off buying a new car this year
as John lost his job.
92. Hold off Дайралтаас хамгаалах The police held off the violent crowd with
tear gas.
93. Hold on Барих, зуурах When the horse jumped over the fence, I held
on as hard as I could.
94. Hold on Хүлээх (богино Hold on a minute, I’ll be right there.
95. Hold onto Хадгалах My father-in-law likes to hold onto old
newspapers for some odd reason.
96. Hold onto Чанга барих, зуурах Hold onto the rope and it’ll pull you up the
97. Hold out Тосох, гаргах (гар) The street was filled with beggars holding
their hands out.
98. Hold out Хүрэлцээтэй байх This is all the money I have, so it has to hold
out until I get paid again.
99. Hold out Хориглох, эсэргүүцэх When the enemy attacked, they held out for
six weeks.
100. Hold out for Хүссэн зүйлээ хүлээх Why aren’t you eating dessert? I’m holding
out for the chocolate mousse.
101. Hold out on Нуух, хаах Don’t hold out on me now. Tell me where
you were last night.
102. Hold over хойшлох The meeting has been held over till Friday.

103. Hold over Төлөвлөснөөс урт The play got held over for the third straight
үргэлжлэх week.
104. Hold together Бутрахгүй, тарахгүй байх The society managed to hold together despite
the crises.
105. Hold up Хоцрох, хойшлох I’m sorry I’m late. I was held up by traffic.

106. Hold up Зэвсэглэн дээрэмдэх Some idiot tried to hold the bank up with a
squirt gun.
107. Hold up Хэвээрээ, муухай These cheap shoes won’t hold up more than
болохгүй байх six weeks.
108. Hold up Хүлээн зөвшөөрөгдөх The ceasefire is holding up longer than
anyone expected.
109. Hold up Тулах, шүших The workers were killed when they removed a
column holding the roof up.
110. Hold with Зөвшөөрөх хүлээж авах She doesn’t hold with people living together
before they are married.
111. Keep around Авч явах, хамт байх John is never seen without his bag. He always
keeps it around.
112. Keep at Үргэлжлүүлэх Don’t quit studying! If you keep at it you’ll
eventually pass your exams.
113. Keep away Хүрэхгүй, ойртохгүй This is a dangerous area. Keep away!
114. Keep back Зай барих, хол байх It’s too dangerous to enter his area. Keep
115. Keep down Шингээх (хоол) The food he ate was so bad, he couldn’t keep
it down.
116. Keep from Барих, зогсоох болиулах The movie was so sad that I couldn’t keep
from crying.
117. Keep in Хорих, гаргахгүй байх Jack’s mother kept him in until he finished
his homework.
118. Keep off Дээр нь гишгэхгүй, The sign says ‘Keep off the grass’
явахгүй байх
119. Keep off Татгалзах, хэрэглэхгүй Since getting out of jail, Sam has been able to
байх keep off drugs.
120. Keep on Үргэлжлэх If they keep on drinking like that, they will be
121. Keep on Дуртай, хүсэлтэй байх She’s not keen on being told what to do.

122. Keep out Хориглох The police kept out the public from entering
the crime scene.
123. Keep to Дагах, хэмжээнд нь барих They had to keep to the path in order not to
get lost.
124. Keep to Хадгалах (нууц) This is secret, so keep it to yourself.

125. Keep up Цөхрөлтгүй You’ve achieved a lot this year. Keep up the
үргэлжлүүлэх good work.
126. Keep up at Шаргуу байх If you keep up at your studies, you will do
well in your exams.
127. Keep up with Гүйцэх, зэрэгцэх Alan is too fast. Nobody could keep up with
128. Leave aside Эс тооцох Leaving aside the question of cost, how many
people do we need on the job?
129. Leave behind Орхих, өөр тийшээ явах The explorers left the mountains behind and
entered the jungle.
130. Leave behind Орхих, үлдээх Leaving our children behind at a gas station
was pretty dumb.
131. Leave in Хасах One of the boring scenes in the movie was
cut. The others were left in.
132. Leave off Жагсаалтаас хасах Check to make sure you don’t leave anyone
off the list.
133. Leave off Зогсох, дуусах Okay class, we left off on page 50 last week,
so open your book to page 51.
134. Leave out Оролцуулахгүй байх, Leave me out of this quarrel, please.
135. Leave over Үлдэх I guess I made too much food: look how much
is left over.
136. Let down Гонсойлгох, урмыг нь I promised to do it, I can’t let her down.
137. Let in Орох, оруулах They’re at the door. Can you let them in?

138. Let in Оруулах (нар, агаар) I opened the curtains to let in the sunshine.

139. Let in for Хэцүү, таагүй байдалд This job is very hard. I didn’t realize what I
орох was letting myself in for.
140. Let in on Нууцаа хэлэх She let me in on her secret. She’s getting
141. Let off Шийтгэхгүй өнгөрөх I’ll let you off this time, but if you do it again,
you’ll be severely punished.
142. Let off -гүй байхыг зөвшөөрөх I owned him some money, but he let me off. I
didn’t have to pay him back.
143. Let out Явах боломж олгох Let me out at the end of the road. I can walk
the rest of the way.
144. Let out Тодорхой дуу авиа гаргах The pion let out a loud roar before he
attacked the hunter.
145. Let out Таарах (багадсан хувцас) After I gained twenty pounds, I had to have all
my pants let out.
146. Let up Намдах, засварлах We’ll go out for a walk if the rain lets up.

147. Look after Асрах, харах When I have to travel on business, my parents
usually look after my children.
148. Look ahead Бодох, төлөвлөх We have to look ahead and try to estimate
our needs for the next few years.
149. Look around Эргэж харах, ажиглах I heard a sound, and I looked around to see
who it was.
150. Look at Гүйлгэж харах Could you look at my report and tell me if
you think it’s OK?
151. Look at Анхааралтай судлах, Costs are getting out of control. We need to
бодох look at them closely.
152. Look back Эргэж бодох, харах I realize I was very naïve when I look back.

153. Look down Дорд үзэх Some people look down on Sam because his
father was in prison.
154. Look for Эрэх, хайх, олохыг He has been looking for a job for ages now.
155. Look forward to Тэсэн ядан хүлээх I’m seeing him on Tuesday. I’m really
looking forward to it.
156. Look in Ороод гарах I’ll look in on my way home and we can have
a cup of tea.
157. Look into Асуудлыг судлах, My boss asked me to look into ways to do it
магадлах more efficiently.
158. Look on Ажиглах, харах Five people just looked on as the robbers got
away with the money.
159. Look out Анхаарал болгоомжтой Look out! There is a bus coming.
160. Look over Сайн үзэх, шалгах, давах He ought to look the car over before he buys
161. Look to Найдах, хүсэн хүлээх Many students look to their professors for
academic advice.
162. Look through Гүйлгэж унших I look through the article.
163. Look up Харах (ном, толь бичиг The teacher told the students to look the new
гэх мэт) words up in a dictionary.
164. Look up Уулзах, зочлох You should look me up if you are ever in
165. Look up Дээрдэх, сайжрах I’m much happier than I was last year. Things
are looking up.
166. Look up to Бишрэх, шүтэх I’ve always looked up to my father because
of his honesty and concern others.
167. Make after Эрэн сурвалжлах, хайх, The police made after the suspect all around
хөөх the city.
168. Make away with Хулгайлах The thieves made away with the painting.

169. Make for Явах зүлгэх We made for home when it started raining.

170. Make for Үүсгэх, бий болгох The low quality of the service made for a lot
(нөхцөл, үр дүн) of dissatisfaction.
171. Make into Юмаар юм хийх I can’t believe you made that old log into
such a beautiful guitar.
172. Make off Ойлгох, бодох I don’t know what to make of our new
173. Make off Зугтах, оргох The criminals abandoned their vehicle and
made off on foot.
174. Make off with Хулгайлах, авч явах The thief made off with over a thousand
175. Make out Сонсох, харах, ойлгох Can you make out what she’s saying?

176. Make out Төсөөлөх, бодох The critics made the film out to be a real
bore, nut I liked it.
177. Make out Чек бичих How should I make this check out?

178. Make out Амжилт гаргах How are your children making out at the new
179. Make out Дүр эсгэх, үзүүлэх He made out that he was ill so that he didn’t
have to go to school.
180. Make out Үнсэлцэх They were making out at the party last night.

181. Make out Үзэх This student’s writing is too small. Can you
make this word out?
182. Make over өөрчлөх, гоё болгох We’ve just finished decorating our bedroom
and we’re going to start making over our
kitchen next week.
183. Make over өгөх (эд хөрөнгө, мөнгө) She made over her property to her children.

184. Make up Зохиож ярих My son asked me to make up a story about

185. Make up Бүтэх, бүрдэх Children under fifteen make up 50 percent of
the population.
186. Make up Шийдэх, сонголт хийх I like both the blue dress and the red dress. I
can’t make up my mind.
187. Make up Дутууг гүйцээх We need two more people to make up a
football team.
188. Make up Нөхөж хийх Sue asked the teacher about making up the
test that she missed.
189. Make up Нүүрээ будах The actors must make themselves up before
going on stage.
190. Make up Эвлэрэх Sam and Bob had a big fight, but they made
up with each other the next day.
191. Make up Ор засах The room is tidy, I just have to make up the
bed for you.
192. Make up Эвлүүлж, нийлүүлж хийх Let’s make up an Easter basket for your
193. Open down Ярих Don’t stop! Open down.

194. Open out Дэлгэх (зураг, сонин гэх She opened the map out on the table.
195. Open out Нарийвчлан дэлгэрэнгүй He tried to open out the conversation.
196. Open out өргөсөх The alleyway opened out into a courtyard
behind the houses.
197. Open up Чөлөөтэй ярих She hates to open up and discuss her feelings.

198. Open up Нээх (өрөө, байшин гэх The office closes at 12:00 for lunch and opens
мэт) back up at 1:00.
199. Open up Худалдааны үйл Sam wants to open up a restaurant near the
ажиллагаа нээх new office building.
200. Pass around Тараах, таниулах He passed around a questionnaire and asked
us to fill in.
201. Pass as Итгэх, найдах Can this pass as an original Monet?

202. Pass away Нас барах His uncle passed away last night after a long
203. Pass by Боломжийг алдах Don’t let this opportunity pass you by!

204. Pass by Ороод гарах Let’s pass by the bakery on the way home.

205. Pass by Худалдаа хийхгүйгээр We passed by the sweet shop even though it
явах smelled so good.
206. Pass for/ pass of Хуурамч юмыг жинхэнэ Will this pass for a Gucci bag?
as болгох
207. Pass on Нас барах My grandmother passed on when she was 78
years old.
208. Pass on Хэл, мэдээ өгөх Will you pass on that the meeting is cancelled
for tomorrow?
209. Pass on Боломж, урилгаас I’m afraid I’ll have to pass on your invitation.
210. Pass out Ухаан алдах, унах It was so hot in the church that an elderly lady
passed out.
211. Pass out Тараах, түгээх The professor passed the textbooks out before
212. Pass over Алгасах, анзаарахгүй They passed him over and made his assistant
орхих the new director.
213. Pass over Үл ойшоох, ярилцахгүй Let’s pass over what they said and get on.
214. Pass through Зогсолгүй дайраад гарах I didn’t see much as I was passing through
the town.
215. Pass to өмчлөх, хариуцах эрхтэй This ranch will pass to his son when he’s
байх gone.
216. Pass up Боломж, завшаанаас I passed up the job because I am afraid of
татгалзах change.
217. Pay back Зээлсэн мөнгөө буцааж I paid back the twenty dollars I’d borrowed.
218. Pay back өшөө авах, хариугаа авах I’m going to pay him back for that insult.

219. Pay by/ with -р төлөх (чек, карт, бэлэн I’ll pay by credit card.
гэх мэт)
220. Pay for Төлбөр төлөх (авсан I paid 20$ for the dress.
221. Pay for Төлбөр төлөх (торгууль Young people think that drugs are harmless,
шийтгэлийн) but they’ll pay for their foolishness.
222. Pay in -р төлбөр төлөх Can I pay in dollar?
(төгрөгөөр, доллараар гэх
223. Pay off өрөө төлөх It took 10 years, but I finally paid off.

224. Pay off Хахуул өгөх The politician tried to cover up the crime by
paying off the witnesses.
225. Pay off Амжилт, үр дүнд хүрэх Medical school is a lot of hard work, but it’ll
pay off someday.
226. Pay up Төлөх (шахалтаар) Eventually they paid up, they only after
receiving several reminders.
227. Pick on Гоочлох, шүүмжлэх Ann! you shouldn’t pick on your little sister.

228. Pick out Сонгох, авах Have you picked out a dress to wear to your
birthday party yet?
229. Pick out Таних, олох Even though the class photo was forty years
old, I picked my dad out easily.
230. Pick up Авах All this trash has to be picked up.
231. Pick up Авах (захиалсан зйүлээ) The travel agent said I could pick the tickets
up tomorrow.
232. Pick up Унаагаар очиж авах You’ll be picked up at the airport by the hotel
233. Pick up Худалдаж авах I need to pick up some milk on the way
234. Pick up Сурах (хэл, зуршил) My son is picking some bad habits up from
his classmates.
235. Pick up Сэргээх The teacher started the class by picking up
where she had left off the previous week.
236. Pick up Нэвтрүүлэг, мэйл хүлээн When we rent a holiday cottage in Cornwall,
авах we can’t pick up Channel 5.
237. Pick up Баривчлах He was picked up for driving under the
influence of alcohol.
238. Pick up Олж авах (тохиолдолоор) She picked up some interesting books at a
used bookstore.
239. Pick up Дээрдэх, сайжрах Sales picked up a bit during the Christmas
240. Pick up Эмхлэх, цэгцлэх Let’s pick this place up-it’s a mess.

241. Pick up Цуглуулж авчрах While you’re in town, can you pick up my
trousers from the Dry Cleaner?
242. Pull ahead Гүйцэж түрүүлэх The Lorry was going slowly, but we managed
to pull ahead.
243. Pull apart Зогсоох, (зодоон маргаан) The teacher pulled the fighting students apart
in the classroom.
244. Pull away Хөдлөх The car pulled away from the lights at high
245. Pull back Бултах, зайлах She pulled back when he tried to kiss her.

246. Pull back Татгалзах, болих They pulled back from the deal.

247. Pull down Нураах, буулгах They pulled the old cinema down to build a
new shopping mall.
248. Pull down Гонсойлгох, сэтгэлээр Losing her job pulled her down.
249. Pull down Олз, мөнгө олох He’s pulling down a fortune.

250. Pull off Дэмжих Who are you pulling for in the cup finals?

251. Pull in Галт тэрэг зогсох The train pulled in and we rushed to meet her
as she got off.
252. Pull in Анхаарлыг татах The comedy act really pulled in the crowds,
didn’t they?
253. Pull in Машин замын хажуу руу I pulled in to let the passengers out.
254. Pull in Баривчлах, байцаах The police pulled them in after the trouble.

255. Pull off Хэцүү юмыг хийж чадах No-one though that she would be able to do it,
but she pulled it off in the end.

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