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Future Time Clauses

 clauses with after, as soon as, before, by the time, until when + present simple and while +
present simple / present continuous refer to the future.

You can relax after you put up the tent.

Plan well before you go.
Put your tent up as soon as you arrive at the campsite.
Include warm clothing when you pack.
Don’t wait until you are really sleepy.

 Remember! Don’t use will or going to in future time clauses.

1. Match the beginnings (1-6) to the endings (a-f) to make sentence.

1) After you start running a) you reach a big lake.

2) Keep on waiting until b) while you search for a place to camp.
3) When the course instructor arrives c) we work as a team to solve it.
4) The other team will look for wood d) you should read the holiday brochure.
5) Before you decide to come e) your muscles will soon warm up.
6) As soon as a problem arises f) please give him my regards.

2. Choose the correct word then complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.
1) When / While the coach ___________________ (get) here, we’ll go straight to the hotel.
2) As soon as / Before you ____________________ (be) all ready, we’ll go snowboarding!
3) Until / While you ____________________ (snowboard), be careful not to hit others who are on
the slope.
4) You can stay on the slopes after / until you ___________________ (feel) hungry!
5) When / After we ________________________ (eat) lunch, we’ll go for a walk around the village.
6) Before / While we ____________________ (leave), please check that you haven’t forgotten
3. Complete the text with one word which best fits each gap.

Shark holiday

You’ll never guess what I’m 1) _doing__ during

the holiday! Shark diving!! Yes, that’s right. I’m
2) ____________ to be face to face with real live
Great White sharks! As soon 3) ___________ the
sun is up on the first day I’ll be in the water! I’ll be in a cage inside the water so I’ll be
reasonably safe. Of course, the truth 4) __________ these enormous creatures is that they are
quite shy and gentle, 5) __________ films such as Jaws have given the exact opposite

What 6) __________I need? Well, a waterproof jacket, a swimming costume, a camera, and sun
block so I won’t 7) ___________ sunburnt! By the end of the trip, we hope we’ll also 8)
_________ seen lots of whales, dolphins and seals.

I’ve chosen 9) ___________ shark diving trip that doesn’t use ‘chumming’. This is when they
throw a sort of fish soup 10) ____________ the water before they start to dive. This attracts the
sharks, but some people say 11) _________ feeding them in this way could lead to problem and
affect their behavior. It may also cause an increase in shark attacks on humans. The company I
12) ____________ travelling with also makes sure that we will 13) ___________ diving far
away from any busy beaches. I can’t wait!!

4. Time to talk
 Would you like to go on a shark diving holiday?
Why / Why not?


1. 1e 2a 3f 4b 5d 6c

2. 1.When / gets 2.As soon as/ ‘re 3.While/snowboarding

4.untill/feel 5. After/ ‘ve eaten 6.Before/ leave

3. 1.doing 2. going 4.about 5.but/however 7.get 8.have 9. a 10.into 11.that

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