Results and Discussion

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This chapter gathers all the data and were carefully computed and tabulated. The

results will be presented below along with the discussion.



Age Frequency Percentage

19-23 65 93%
24-27 5 7%
N=70 100%
Table 1 – Research respondents according to age

The table above shows that 93% of the respondents are within the range of 19-
23 and as for the range 24-27, the remaining 7% are the respondents.

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 16 23%
Female 54 77%
N=70 100%
Table 2 – Research respondents according to age

The table above shows that 23% of the respondents are male and 77% are

Religion Frequency Percentage

Islam 60 86%
Christianity 10 14%
N = 70 100%
Table 3 – Research respondents according to religion
The table above shows that 86% of the respondents are Muslim and 14% are

Ethnicity Frequency Percentage

Tausug 54 77%
Chavacano 5 7%
Bisaya 3 4%
Others 8 12%
N=70 100%
Table 3 – Research respondents according to ethnicity

The table above shows that 54 (77%) of the respondents are Tausug, 5 (7%) are
Chavacano, 3 (4%) are Bisaya, and 8 (12%) are Tagalog, Sinama, Sama, and Yakan.

Monthly Allowance Frequency Percentage

<10,000 29 41%
10,000 – 20,000 25 36%
21,000 – 40,000 11 16%
>40,000 5 7%
N = 70 100%
Table 4 – Research respondents according to monthly allowance

The table above shows that 29 (41%) have less than 10K, 25 (36%) have 10K-
20K, 11 (16%) have 21K-40K, and 5 (7%) have greater than 40K.

This chapter presents the results and discussion of the data gathered based on

the research problems and hypotheses speculated for this study. The presentation of

data is in order arranged according to the statements of the problem in an attempt to

answer them congruently. The following tables answer the main problem.

Research Question #1: What are the study habits of the interns in terms of:

1. I study where there is good indirect 3.68 often

2. I study in a room where the temperature 3.54 often
is not too warm.

3. The desk or tabletop area where I study is 4.55 always

always clear except for the materials for the
subject I am currently studying.
4. I study in a quiet place, or use earplugs, 3.6 often
or a fan to provide a masking noise to
minimize distracting sounds.
5. I study facing a wall or a corner to 4.5 often
minimize distracting sights.
6. At the place or places where I study, I 3.64 always
only study (I don’t do other things such as
spend time on Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, etc.).
7. At each study session, I review the 3.33 sometimes
subjects that I am going to study, and I
prepare ahead of time all the materials
(papers, pencils, books, laptop) that I will

When and How Much to Study

8. I use my “most alert” times for studying (I 3.66 often

avoid wasting my best times on my phone
using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.).
9. I review my class notes within one day 3.87 often
after the class in which they were taken.
10. At each study session, I set a goal in 3.06 sometimes
order to take a break, based upon some
amount (such as reading a certain number
of pages, writing a certain number of
paragraphs, etc.) rather than on the basis of
time (such as studying for one-half hour or
one hour).
11. Each goal that I set before taking a 3.14 sometimes
break never takes more than about an hour
to complete.
12. I take breaks for progress, not for fatigue 3.7 sometimes
or daydreaming. (See the explanation for
this item at the bottom of this questionnaire.)
13. I study the “tough” subjects when I am 2.7 seldom
most alert. (For most students, this will be
during the morning.)
14. At the start of each week, I carefully plan 3.1 sometimes
my study schedule for the week.

How to Study

15. When I am working on a major project, 3.3 sometimes

such as a term paper, I break it down into
small steps, each of which requires no more
than an hour or two.

16. When studying textual material, I try to 3.4 sometimes

determine what kinds of questions will be
asked on exams, and read the text with the
idea of discovering answers to those
questions. (Just generally reading with no
goal in mind is not particularly effective.)
17. When I am learning a principle or 2.4 seldom
definition, I try to think of at least two
examples of how it might be applied or

18. When I am learning material, I ask 3.9 sometimes

myself questions and study until I can give
the answer, on two or three separate
occasions, without looking at the text or my

19. When studying a text with an outline or an organized

sequence, I follow the SQ3R method as follows:

a. Survey: I briefly examine a chapter’s 3.4 sometimes

headings and subheadings in order to list as
many questions as possible about the
material to be studied (this also helps to get
warmed up and into the material).

b. Question: I try to think of and list 4.2 often

additional questions that I should be able to
answer from reading the chapter.

c. Read: While reading, I try to underline, 3 sometimes

take notes, or in some way identify material
that will help me answer the questions that I
previously listed.

d. Recite: At key points throughout the 3.1 sometimes

chapter, I put the book down or look away
from it while I try to recite material that I
have just read which is relevant to one of
the questions previously formulated.

e. Review: After surveying, questioning, 3.2 sometimes

reading, and reciting some textual material, I
then review the material and continue to go
over my recitation to the questions and my
notes until “I know the answers cold” for an

3.12 sometimes
Where to Study

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7
5 27 15 26 21 7 4 13
4 22 20 24 28 23 17 23
3 20 35 13 19 23 35 26
2 1 0 7 2 11 10 8
1 0 0 0 0 6 4 0
TOTAL=7 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

The table above shows that most of the respondents always study where there is

good indirect lighting, sometimes study in a room where temperature is not too warm,

always study at a desk or tabletop, often in a quiet place, sometimes

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 23 83.1 3.613043 0.079368
Column 2 23 71.4 3.104348 0.994071
Column 3 23 68.3 2.969565 0.251304
Column 4 23 74.4 3.234783 0.242372

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 5.298261 3 1.766087 4.507869 0.005457 2.708187
Within Groups 34.47652 88 0.391779

Total 39.77478 91        

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