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Very close to finish 3 weeks of quarantine here in Italy.

There is a lot of content going around talking about Things to do in quarantine, it’s your time to be
more creative, use this time to reflect about your life, improve your creativity, this is your chance to
improve or growth your portfolio. Which is totally ok. For those of you that are not on their best
moment, like me, you don’t feel motivated, or things just don’t flow as usual you get distracted
easily. it’s totally normal.

This is the first time we face something like that, so if you are not handling it’s ok. Everything
changed all the sudden, literally like just pulled the rug. And you are like ohh let’s try to have a
normal life but in the very inside you know you are not, we need to process this, it can take days or
weeks, we all process things in a different way and whatever stage you are right now its ok.

So yeah, I want to share all the things that are helping me to get out of the slump.

Number 1. Stop checking information about the crisis every 5 minutes, we don’t know if the
information we see its reliable and getting all of that info will just increase the anxiety.

Number 2 Do not change too much your routine just because you are at home. Keep consistence in
your daily routine. Do not stay on pajamas the whole day just scrolling on Instagram. !!!

Number 3. keep in contact with people. Facetime with family and friends, have a videocall for a

Number 4. Enjoy the little details of life while you are at home, read a book with cup of coffee, listen
some music while you cook, do the stuff that you enjoy the most when you are at home.

Number 5. Stop consuming content, create something, improve or develop a new skill, what I mean
with this is try to play an instrument, paint, draw, write, take pictures, videos, cook something new,
dance, growth a plant, create something with Legos, code, what ever it is to clear you mind and give
some value.

Sooo these are the things that are helping me, I hope you can find them useful, if you do something
else please put it on the comments and lets growth the list to help more people.

Stay safe at home, wash your hands, annnnd I’ll see u on the next one.

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