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Assalamu’alaikum WR. Wb.

Assolatuwasalamu’ala asrofil ambyaiwalmursalin wa’ala alihi waahsahabihi

ajma’in ama ba’du.

The honorable by teacher

And all friends in this place
All praise my be to Allah who gives us strange and health so we can meet again in
this program.
All right guys, in this occasion, I will explain about virtue greeting. Does anyone
know what sort of greeting ? People who welcomed it means has provided a
statement that “ you are not threatened and completely safe from me " .
Abdullah bin Mas’ud narrated that Muhammad SAW said, “ Greeting was one of
the holy names of Allah SWT. Allah SWT has sent down to earth, then just scatter
greetings. When a person greets another, before God exalted rank. If the people
not answer the greetings than they (angels) answered the greetings.
In conclusion, greetings mean :
1. Reminders themselves.
2. Expression of affection among fellow Muslims.
3. Special prayer.
4. Statement or notice that you are safe from my hand and tongue.
Thus the materials I have to say at the meeting time. I hope we can understand it,
so they can remove it in daily life. Thank you for attention, sorry for any mistakes.

Billahhi Taufik Walhidayah.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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