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Student´s full name:__________YALLICO OLIVAR YESICA NELVA__ Score: _____________

Teacher´s name:__________CONTRERAS ALEX______________ Date: ______26/06/2020_______

I. Read the text and answer the questions given.


The term “dyslexia” is used to describe a number of problems associated with reading, writing or spelling. Short-
term memory, mathematics, concentration, personal organization and sequencing may also be affected. We do
not know exactly what causes dyslexia, but we do know that is tends to run in the family. We also know that more
boys suffer from dyslexia than girls and that dyslexia is more common in urban areas than in rural.
One of the most common signs of dyslexia is “reversals”. People with this kind of problem often confuse letters
like “b” and “d” when reading and writing or they sometimes read and write words like “tip” and “won” as “pit” and
“now”. Other common characteristics are lack of punctuations, misspelling, mixed-up sentence structure and poor
grammatical construction.

People are born with dyslexia, but it is only when then begin to learn to write that it becomes a noticeable
problem. For children with dyslexia, going to school can be a traumatic experience. Poor achievement can make
they feel frustrated and insecure. They are reluctant to go to school and sometimes even skip school altogether.
Cheating, stealing and experimenting with drugs can also occur when children regard themselves as failures. It is
a common misconception that dyslexic people are of interior intelligence. Yet Albert Einstein and Leonardo da
Vinci were apparently all dyslexic. There is no total cure for dyslexia; however, the effects of dyslexia can be
lessened with the guidance of skilled specialists and a lot of determination.

a. When does it become apparent that a child may be suffering from dyslexia?
One of the most common signs of dyslexia is "reversals." Confusing letters like "b" and "d"
when they read and write or sometimes read and write words like "tip" and "won" like
"hole" and "now", they are also the lack of punctuation, the misspelling.

b. According to the text, What usually happens with dyslexic children?

It often happens that children with dyslexia have problems going to school because they
have traumatic experiences, since when they do poorly they can make them feel frustrated
and insecure.
c. Are dyslexics as intelligent as other people? Why? Why not?
No, they aren’t because Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci were all apparently dyslexic
and became two geniuses
d. Who is more likely to be dyslexic? Why?
Dyslexia is more common in urban than rural areas and more often in children because it
tends to occur in the family.
e. In your opinion, how could normal people act with dyslexics?
Well, I would try to support him by explaining him correctly in what can be confused, and
giving him encouragement to keep going, because he is a special person
II. Choose the correct answer.

1. Samantha _________ sleeping because there is no light on in her room.

a) Must be b) could be c) can’t be

2. ________ I use your phone? I need to make an urgent phone call.

a) Would b) Will c) Can

3. Tom is a talent musician. He should __________ this competition.

a) Won b) win c) to win

4. You ________ ask them first before you invite them.

a) Could b) should c) must to

III. Complete using can, can’t, should, shouldn’t or must.

1. Cant you lend me your dictionary, please? I really need it.

2. Rebecca is eighteen months old. Now she must. walk, I have to watch out for her all the time!
3. Roger can’t come to the cinema with us because he has a lot of studying to do.
4. “I’m surprised that John didn’t answer the door. I rang the doorbell many times.”
“He should be sleeping.”
5. They shouldn’t walk all the way to town. It’s too far!
6. They must. go home now. I think it is going to rain.

IV. Correct the sentences.

1. Where are you born?

Where were you born ___
2. I no could swim until I was twelve.
I couldn’t swim until I was twelve
3. You shouldn’t to take photographs in the theatre.
You shouldn’t take photographs in the theathre. __
4. We didn’t allowed to wear jewelry at school.
We aren’t allowed to wear jewelry at school. _
5. She must to studies for the exam.
She must study for the exam
6. Bob’s a police officer. He have to wear a uniform.
Bob’s a police officer. He has to wear a uniform _
V. Give some advice.

I have a terrible headache what should I do?

You should relax and rest and take a headache pill
I have a teenager girl and she spends a lot of time with her friend, we don’t have time for each
You must put aside the hours of work and give time for your daughter and family to solve
the problems through the conversation of mother and daughter

VI. Complete with question tags.

1. She is a beautiful girl, ___ isn’t she _______?

2. You can’t cook, _____can you ________?
3. Carlos has gone to the university, __ hasn’t he __?
4. My parents bought a car, ______ didn’t they _______?

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