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Tower & Nomenclature Script


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 Objective of learning the topic

The telecom industry consists of civil, mechanical & electrical. To know, what is tower &
various parts of tower? So as to get acquainted with market words related to tower
 What do you know about Tower?
 Discussion on the subject
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 Briefly go through the points which we are going to discuss.
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 In American the tower is structure. Example Twins tower (WTC)
 In British mast meaning,
 But engineering the tower is called self supportive structure, mast means structure having
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 What is the purpose of Tower? The structure used where height is necessary.
 Then discuss the each point in the application list.
 Radio transmission it is used to mount antenna higher altitude for broadcasting
 Satellite reception: the signal sent from earth to satellite i.e. TV station to satellite called uplink
& then back to earth called downlink .it is receive by antenna .here the tower is used to mount
the antenna. (Ex: live match in outside country )
 ATC: the control room where the control the position of aircraft in air , so as to avoid collision.
The primary method of controlling the immediate airport environment is visual observation
from the control tower. The tower is a tall, windowed structure located on the airport grounds.
Radar displays are also available to controllers at some airports. Controllers may use a radar
system called Secondary Surveillance Radar for airborne traffic approaching and departing.
 Metrological tower: generally height varies from 30 meter to 60 meter. Maximum height
available is 120 meter in Tarapur.

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 Communication Tower which is mean for tele communication by mounting antenna at height so
as to follow LOS.
 It consist of GSM / CDMA antenna & Microwave antenna
 GSM / CDMA is to transmit signal from cell to tower & tower to cell
 MW Antenna is to transmit & receive signal from cell site to cell site.
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 What is RF tower?
 The height of RF tower varies from 45 meter to 350 meter.
 Average height of tower varies from 100 meter to 150 meter.

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 Roof top pole , it is also called as RTP
 The RTP generally used in four or five floor building where the LOS height is achieved.
 Here we used the pole for mounting the antenna and this pole supported by struts
 These struts are subjected to compressive load.
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 It is also called as HT lines.
 The height of tower will be less than communication tower
 The max. Height for power transmission line is 27 meter.
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 Wind mill tower, principle is wind energy converted into power
 Where we find wind mill, discussion
 there should good blow of wind without disturbance
 It should provide height to rotate the blade due wind current.
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 We enter to specifically about telecommunication tower
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 Type of tower as per structural action.
 Discussion on what is structural action.
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 What is foot print; the area required for a tower
 Mono means one. The pole is used to mounts the antenna.
 Monopole requires less space to stand.
 This is best solution where, limited land is available.
 Advantages such as Easy to install, better appearance than lattice tower.
 Only fact is the manufacturing cost as the height is increasing.

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 Guy mast is the tower where the tower supported by guys or stays wires.
 These guys & stays wire are subjected to tension to take load
 The foot print of tower is more because more area require for anchoring the guys wire
 Example is village gram panchayat
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 Self supportive tower, there is no such support

 Generally these towers have more footprint than monopole & less than Guy mast. Explain on

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 What is cross section? Any things cut & section is seen is called cross section.
 The hexagonal & polygonal tower is used for following condition
 Height is more & more loading condition
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 The C/S is seen square in foot print
 It has four legs.
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 The C/S is seen is triangular in foot print.
 It has three legs

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 The tower is behave like cantilever, because wind current, it is subjected buckling load
 Why plate is not used as section for tower? Explain by using paper

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 Angular tower is made up of angles only that mean legs & bracings are made up of angle.
 Why this is called square angular tower
 Angular tower can be finding in triangular cross section.

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 Tubular tower is the tower made up of tubes, i.e. legs made up of tubes, where bracings are
made up of angles
 There is possibility of tubular bracings
 Why it is called triangular tower?
 There may be possibility of four leg tubular tower.

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 Tower is erected on the ground is called Ground based tower

 Ground based tower is in market called as GBT
 The height varies from 40 meter to 70 meter
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 Tower erected on top of roof is called roof top tower

 Roof top tower is in market is called as RTT.
 The height varies from 12 meter to 30 meter maximum.

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 Top width of tower is the center to center distance between the adjacent legs at top side.
 Top width of tower is depends upon the cross-section of tower, access ladder

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 Base width of tower is defined as center to center distance between base plate.
 Base width of tower is depends upon the height of tower, loading on the tower.
 How to measure the base width of tower.
 Which method generally follows in site, inner of first base plate to outer of other base plate.
 What is the cause of error, if the size of column is different.

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 Go through the parts of tower parts.

 Ask them write down all the part list

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 What is base plate assembly?

 The base plate assembly is consisting of stub, base plate, stiffener plate & gusset plate.
 Stub is the small leg member having same thickness as of bottom leg has
 What is base plate & purpose of base plate?
 What is stiffener plate? Why it is provided? Concept will be clear by giving the example of
contact area. As stress is defined as load per area. If area is more, more will be strength.

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 By showing nut bolt assembly? Ask to recognize what is nut & bolt?
 Why it is called anchor bolt? As it provides anchorage to tower
 Why we provide special cross-section at bottom of foundation bolts? What will happen if we
provide plain cross-section? It will be clear by providing umbrella Example.
 The length of anchor bolts in terms of diameter of bolt is 50D.
 The leveling nut is used adjust the level of base plate. The level of plate will be checked by using
water level tube.
 The leveling nut adjusts the level with ease & more accuracy.
 The gap between FFL & base plate should be 2D to 3D.
 The gap should be filled with grouting material.
 Why should we use bearing washer between main nut & base plate.
 As the base plate hole is more than diameter of bolt , so there will be less contact of area
between nut base plate .so nut will get slipped that is called as bearing failure.
 It is advisable to used bearing washer, but if customer demands plain washer we go for that.
 The nut strength depends upon the thickness of nut. So main nut 1 is capable to take 60% of
load, so we used two nuts. If we used one nut, then life of tower is reduced.
 What is minimum threaded area should be exposed above foundation.

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 This is base plate assembly for tubular tower, the bottom legs is used as stub.
 The stiffener plate is replaced by ribs, the purpose is same.
 Flat washer is used in place of bearing washer, as customer demands this.
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 Legs may be of angular or tubular cross section.
 The size of legs goes on reducing as we move up.
 The legs carry maximum load.
 If height is more then instead one angle more angle can be used up to certain height.
 There are two types of joints, one is lap joint & other is butt joint.
 Explaining what is lap & butt joint.
 Explaining the various parts used in joints.
 The bolts here subjected shear load .

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 Explaining various c/s of legs can be used in tower.

 How will be the c/s of tubular legs?
 Various cross sections of legs when material section is angle.

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 Explain the sketch that showing single star angle cross section.
 How the spacer plate is used? As the spacer plate is used in maintain the gap whenever we are
using more than one angle as leg member.

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 Cover plate is for providing the cover & aid for joining.
 The minimum gap to be maintained between the two legs should be 4 mm to 6 mm.
 If the thickness of legs varies, the gap due to thickness variation will be filled with pack plate.
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 What is cleat angle; small angle used in butt joint. & it has grounded heel.
 Explain why we should ground heel of cleat angle; to fit in the leg member properly.

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 The tubular legs are joined by flange plate.
 The bolts here subjected to tensile load. How it will be explained

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 The lattice structure is assembly of panels.

 Panels is consisting of legs, horizontal, diagonals& redundant.
 Panels can be added or truncated as per height requirement.
 Panels are used to calculate the height. Generally for GBT it is 5m where as for RTT 3m
 Bench mark is the distance between heel of angle to hole center.

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 Revised the panel showing the photo graphs

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 Gusset plate is used to join one member to more than one member.
 The width of gusset plate such that to accommodate the required number of bolts.
 The difference between gusset plate & cover plate will be explained, in terms of width &
position of hole.

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 After showing the picture asking whether it is cover plate or gusset plate.

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 These are various types gusset plate can be used.

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 Here the concept of buckling load will be explained.

 The buckling effect can be reduced by reducing unsupported length.
 The main bracing is used to reduce unsupported length
 The main bracing is connected diagonally is called diagonal bracing
 The horizontal bracing is used to support the plan bracing & platform.
 The horizontal bracing is positioned horizontally.

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 Explaining the photo of main bracing.

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 Explain the various bracing assembly.

 Showing it in picture

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 The bracing which is seen from top or bottom of tower is called plan bracing
 The bracing which connect plan bracing & coming to the legs is called the torsional bracing.
 Why it is called torsional bracing. As it prevent the legs twisting. What is twisting effect?

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 This is the plan bracing of triangular tower

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 The plan bracing in square tower is square in cross section.

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 This is picture of torsional bracing.

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 Due to steel weakness, that is compressive strength is less.

 The buckling effect is reduced, by using diagonal bracing.
 But still there is unsupported length, that unsupported length further reduced by using

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 If the tower is 40 meter, we can not climb tower directly up to 40 meter.

 The platform is provided for rest is called rest platform.
 Generally rest platform is situated at 20m from base. The rest platform is placed on corner of
horizontal bracings. The platform must have railing.
 Nut bolt position in platform assembly.
 The platform is nearer to antenna mounts is called working platform. The operator can stand &
carry out maintenance of antenna.
 It occupies all the portion of horizontal bracing.
 The floor used in platform is either chequred plate or wire meshed plate.
 The chequred plate has hole, to drain out rain water.

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 The photo shows the rest platform.

 Nut bolt position on the platform
 Chequred plate , having hole
 Some times rest platform is nearer to antenna mounts then it is called rest cum working

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 Access ladder is used to climbing & de climbing purpose.

 So it is better to call it as access ladder rather than climbing ladder.
 It consist of two stringers, that is two angles
 The horizontal rod is called as rung, having 16 mm diameter.
 It has safety cage ring, bend at corner, why it is necessary. This explained by hand gesture.
 To keep the safety cage ring in their position, we used safety cage runner,
 Generally three runners are used @90 degree apart.

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 To clear the doubt, revising the last slide with photo.

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 Why cable trays required first of all, that will be discussed.

 The cables are coming from antenna to shelter.
 The guide is provided in vertical or inclined orientation, to support the cable from antenna to
HCT is called VCT.
 The guide is provided in horizontal orientation, to carry the cable from VCT to shelter.
 These cable trays are consist of two stringers; they separated by using batten plate.
 What is difference between batten plate & spacer plate?
 It is also called as wave guide.

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 Explain the various parts of VCT & HCT with photo.

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 Tower is mean for mounting the antennas.

 The mounting is required to mount the antenna.
 If the mounts for GSM / CDMA antenna is called GSM /CDMA antenna mounts.
 If mounts for MW antenna is called as MW antenna mounts.
 The physical orientation of GSM / CDMA & MW antenna mounts.

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 Antenna mounts for GSM / CDMA & MW antenna

 Bracket used for mounts.

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 The U- bolts are used to fit the antenna mounts.

 The pipe is used to achieve to the specified angle of antenna.

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 Lightening arrestor is used to protect the costlier equipments from high voltage due lightening
 This Lightening arrestor makes zero potential.

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 The lightening arrestor is placed at the top of tower.

 It is copper tube with spikes. it is placed in lightening arrestor fixture.
 Some times we used GI rod with pointed head, depending upon customer specification.

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 What are ICAO rules? International civil aviation organization rules for structures.

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 Any heighted structure should be painted with deep orange & white band.
 The deep orange should be at top & bottom side.
 How to achieve this condition? By using odd number.
 Maximum band length is allowed is 5 meter.
 At night time, the lamp which is used to give signal that there is obstruction for flight. It is called
as Aviation obstruction lamp.
 Aviation obstruction lamp, it is consist of LEDs, because intensity is more & more life.
 Generally rules asked for intensity of light is 2000 candela. Within tolerance of +-25 %.
 Aviation lamp should blink 20 times in one minute.
 If tower is more than 50 meter. The aviation lamp should be placed at 45 meter diagonally and
one at the top of tower.
 How to calculate the height of aviation lamp.

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 How to fix the aviation lamp to tower.

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 What is the position of aviation lamp on the tower?

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 What are the various loads is acting on tower.

 Wind current, five wind zone in country
 Self weight
 Seismic load

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 What do you mean by strength? Load sustaining capacity of material without failure
 Elasticity: During the loading condition, material gets deformed. After reliving load it regains it
original position.
 Plasticity, permanent type deformation.
 Yield strength, the strength of body ,when it is in plastic state.

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 Ultimate strength, i.e. maximum load sustaining capacity of material without failure.
 Percentage elongation.
 Reduction of area
 Why it is necessary to know this? Gives the ductility of material.
 The material which we are used for tower fabrication has to pass through this.

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 What are the various materials is used for tower. the material which fulfill strength to counter
the load

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 Mild steel designated by E-250, what is E250.(E- 250 n/mm2)

 High tensile steel. Designated by E 350.
 For chequred plate which material is used?
 Tubes used for towers are heavy, medium, light.
 Generally for legs member we are using Yst 310 & for mounts Yst 240.

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 What do you mean by fasteners?
 Complete tower is erected from small component. These all components are assembled
together by using fasteners.

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 Bolts are the parts having external threading.

 These bolts are subjected to loads either tensile or shear.
 To sustain the load, the strength is required. That is represented by grade of bolts.
 The minimum grade, used for tower is 5.6, 6.8 & 8.8
 What is the meaning of grade 5.6; 500 N/mm2 ultimate strength, 60 * 500 will yield strength.
 The full threaded bolts are useful when tensile load is acted.
 Partial threaded length bolt is used when it is subjected to shear.
 Hexagonal nuts are used for tower.
 At foundation all main nut are used not check nut. What is difference between main nut & check
 All nuts are tightened by DE spanner.
 The tightness of bolts are checked by Torque wrenches
 In absence of torque wrenches, turn of method is used, explaining the turn of method.

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 What are the various washers we are using while erecting the tower?

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 Plain washer is used to increase the contact area

 Pack washer is used
 Spring washer is used for locking purpose
 Spring washers are available in rectangular & square cross-section.
 We are using the rectangular c /s spring washer.
 These are electroplated not galvanized.

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 The tightening of bolts is more important to provide strength to assembly.

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 Torque wrenches are used to check the tightness of nuts.

 Generally 90 ft-lb torque is required to sustain up thrust .
 What is up thrust?

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 This should be not carried out in site.

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 This is resulted from looseness of bolts.

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 The baby is created by you; it is our responsibility to make it stand still their life.
 The impact of this on business.

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 Let’s enter to PMS oriented works.

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 Column level should be checked before starting the erection.

 By using water level tubes.
 Base plate should be leveled properly by using leveling nut. Nuts should be tightened properly.
 Assembly drawing is the carry while erection.
 Members should be erected as per sequence, stamp numbers
 Dummy hole should be filled by false nuts & bolts.
 Never use undersized bolts, if hole mismatch, file the holes.

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 Verticality must be checked at every section joint, before further erection.

 All the mounts should fix at required height and direction. The height will be ensured by
calculating panels. Direction is checked by using compass.
 Lightening arrestor, aviation obstruction lamp should be tightened properly.
 Primer and paint of approved quality/ make only should be used. All the coats must be applied
with good quality brush only.
 Non shrink grouting of approved make must be provided in the gap between tower base plate
and the column.
 Bottom portion of climbing/ cable ladder must be fixed/ clamped properly.

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