Cry Internship Application Form 1

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CRY- Child Rights and You

Internship Application form

Information provided will be kept confidential. Please take time to provide answers in detail

* the dates and slots you share should have a margin of 4 working days from the date of your application

Preferred Location of Internship: Delhi/Mumbai/ Kolkata/Bangalore/Chennai/Hyderabad

State: DELHI

 Have you gone through the CRY’s website ( What do you understand regarding
our approach to Child Rights?
CRY is an NGO that works on issues relating to children across India.
 It aims to fight the evils like child labor, child marriage, and child trafficking.
 It actively attempts to eradicate the problem of malnutrition.
 CRY projects target to provide education and immunization.
 The NGO does a noble job of giving the unprivileged children a happy and healthy
childhood, which they deserve. 

 Do you have any experience of interning Yes No O

B] Why you wish to intern with CRY (in 150 words)

I wish to intern with CRY because I believe that small steps can make a huge difference. I
believe that children should be provided with every opportunity they can get irrespective of their
background and without any discrimination. This is also what CRY foundation believes in and
works for. I want to volunteer for this social work to contribute my knowledge and skills for the
betterment of the society. It would help me play my role as a responsible citizen as well as give
me sense of accomplishment. Moreover, it will help me learn new job skills and gain
C] Choose your preferred answer

Note: To each of the statements below please write your response as either AGREE or DISAGREE
and further explain your position very briefly

1. Those with the ability to pay should have the right to higher standards of medical care.

I disagree to this statement, in my opinion, health care should be a human right. There is a need to
provide equitable access to resources like that of healthcare for everyone. All human values are
precious. We need a standard of care that applies to everyone. It will help poor and worse off in
society to avail the same kind of treatment as someone who is super-wealthy. A healthy population
will bring productivity and development to the nation.

2. All authority should be questioned.

Agree, I strongly agree that all authority should be questioned. Authority comes with responsibility. If there
is a systematic mechanism to question the authority it would foster accountability on both sides.
Questioning is important in two ways. Firstly, it would create pressure on the authorities to accomplish
their task and if the work they have done has benefitted the people or not. Secondly, asking of the
questions will lead to an understanding of the problems for which solutions can be found through research
and masses can be made aware of the same.

3. Charity is better than social security as a means of helping the genuinely disadvantaged.

Disagree, Charity is good but social security is capable of providing a stable society. Both are important
in their own ways. Social security is crucial as it would help the unprivileged section of society to stand up
on their feet and lead a life with respect. Providing with charity may invite low self-esteem but will also
lead them to be always dependent on others for their whole life wherein they will always condemn their
circumstances and will further have no will to work on their own.

Tick/ highlight the option which you feel is the most appropriate

. More than 50% of Indian Children are malnourished. What in your opinion is the main reason?

• Not enough food grains produced in the country

• Not enough job opportunities for all
• Children have become fussy about food
• Inequitable distribution of wealth

You find way too many drop out children in an area you are visiting.. you would….

 Build a school where out of school children can study

 Run Coaching Centres in the evening to educate these children
 Speak to the local Councillor/ MLA or Ward Member for the enrolment of dropped out children in
the area.
 Conduct public opinion building drives for enrolment of children
 Find out the root causes that compel children to be out of school and attempt to address the
same so that children can go to school
D] share you thoughts and views on a Child Rights Issue which you feel strongly about
[ a write up of not more than 500 words]

The Right to Development includes to educate, care, leisure, recreation. Every child has the
right to development that lets the child explore its potential. The child should be provided with
education along with skills, which makes it capable of establishing himself/ herself in whichever
path he chooses to pursue. It is also crucial that education is impacted in an environment that safe
and healthy. Children are vulnerable and cannot distinguish between good and bad. Thus,
children must be made aware of the social evils like substance abuse, child exploitation at the
workplace, or any other menace. The overall development is important. A child should be
made strong mentally, physically, and emotionally to fight the unjust and flourish his bright
It is important to see whether the child whose parents are working so hard to afford its education
is free from any prejudice and it suffers no discrimination. It is also essential to see that the
teachers in the schools and institutions are up to the mark and do not let their mindset hinder a
child from receiving an education which he/she deserves. There have been many instances where
we have seen that teachers discriminate among children based on gender, race, color, religion,
and going to such lengths as calling them untouchables and practicing untouchability. This
makes the school environment unsafe for the children and also makes them learn about such bad
practices which can scar them emotionally, physically, and mentally. They also make the
children access to basic facilities like clean washrooms and classrooms. Thus, education is a path
of learning which promotes understanding, tolerance, friendship, and helps in the maintenance of
peace. Education is the only way to save the children from working in a hazardous environment,
where they are vulnerable to the risks of getting major injuries and health disorders.

Submitted by: Tanya Gupta Date: 4th July, 2020

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