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Journal of Economic Literature 2017, 55(3), 1046–1063

The Economics of the Climate†

Geoffrey Heal*

I review the economic characteristics of the climate problem, focusing on the choice
of discount rates in the presence of a stock externality, risk and uncertainty/ambigu-
ity, and the role of integrated assessment models (IAMs) in analyzing policy choices.
I suggest that IAMs can play a role in providing qualitative understanding of how
complex systems behave, but are not accurate enough to provide quantitative insights.
Arguments in favor of action on climate issues have to be based on aversion to risk
and ambiguity and the need to avoid a small but positive risk of a disastrous outcome.
( JEL D61, H43, Q48, Q54, Q58)

1.  Introduction l­imits the tools of economic analysis and in

the process forcing us to refine them (see

E conomists have been thinking about cli-

mate change since the 1960s, almost
half a century now. Robert Ayres and Allen
also Heal 1991). Initially, the literature on cli-
mate was limited, but during the last decade
the number of contributions has grown expo-
Kneese discuss the consumption of oxygen nentially. Two particularly interesting recent
and its conversion to carbon dioxide (CO2) in books are Sustainability for a Warming Planet
their 1969 paper in the American Economic by Humberto Llavador, John E. Roemer,
Review, and Kneese went on to comment: and Joaquim Silvestre (hereafter, LRS) and
“Should we need to control such things as Climate Shock: The Economic Consequences
the production of energy and CO2 in the of a Hotter Planet by Gernot Wagner and
world, we will face an economic and politi- Martin L. Weitzman (hereafter, WW).
cal resource allocation problem of unprec- There is one implication of the timescale
edented difficulty and complexity” (Kneese of climate change that has been obvious from
1971, quoted in Carson 2014), a prescient the word “go”—the discount rate matters.
remark indeed. It was clear from the very start Climate change plays out over centuries, and
that this, as Kneese remarks, is a problem of choices over centuries are extraordinarily
unprecedented complexity, stretching to their sensitive to discount rates. This has provoked
intense debates about what is the “right” dis-
count rate, and, more productively, about
* Columbia University, Graduate School of Business and
School of International and Public Affairs and NBER. My whether we are going about discounting the
understanding of these issues has been greatly enhanced right way. Central to any such discussion is a
by discussions with Howard Kunreuther, Antony Millner, distinction between the pure rate of time pref-
and Jisung Park.

Go to to visit the erence, the rate at which utility is ­discounted,
article page and view author disclosure statement(s). and the consumption discount rate, the rate at

Heal: The Economics of the Climate 1047

which the value of an increment of consump- of produced goods and services for those
tion falls over time. Under the right assump- derived from the natural world, something
tions, these two are related by the famous that will inevitably happen if we lose natu-
Ramsey rule, as we will see below. ral capital (forests, biodiversity) as a result of
Additional elements of the debate are climate change. These issues are central to
about whether we should use constant or discussions of sustainability.
declining discount rates, and about how Many of these complexities are subsumed
we reconcile disagreements about discount in the damage functions of integrated assess-
rates within a community. Can we use polit- ment models (IAMs), functions that relate
ical institutions to resolve discount-rate dis- temperature change to economic losses.
agreements? Closely related is the choice of While these functions are obviously central
the elasticity of marginal utility, which like to the conclusions that emerge from IAMs,
the discount rate has a profound impact on they are subject to all the uncertainties sum-
the relative merits of policy alternatives. marized above. They are supposed to map a
Think for a moment about the other ele- change in temperature to a change in welfare,
ments of the problem. Clearly there is massive but most of the steps that link the former to
uncertainty. Although the underlying science the latter are uncertain, some highly so.
is robust, some of the details are not, leading In the balance of this paper, I review each
to many d ­ eep-seated uncertainties: we don’t of these issues in turn, and consider how the
really know whether a business-as-usual sce- contributions by LRS and WW address them.
nario will lead to a global mean surface tem-
perature (GMST) increase of 3°C or 6°C by
2.  Discounting
the end of this century. And this 3°C discrep-
ancy is not a detail: it could be the difference The standard philosophical framework for
between a world where our present lifestyles thinking about climate policies has been dis-
can be continued and one where civilization counted utilitarianism, following the prece-
as we know it has ended, although we don’t dent of Ramsey (1928) and the intellectual
know this for certain. Equally important, tra­ditions of John Stuart Mill and Jeremy
we don’t know what the future will bring in Bentham. This is the default in almost every
terms of energy sources that don’t produce area of economics, though John Rawls has
greenhouse gases (GHGs), or technologies had his moment. Solow (1974) looked at
for removing GHGs from the atmosphere. intertemporal justice in a Rawlsian frame-
To understand these issues, we need to peer work, as did Dasgupta and Heal (1979), and
at least half a century into the future, and we Heal (1998) compares Rawlsian and utilitar-
have only a rudimentary grasp of what kind ian formalizations of sustainability. The utili-
of world we will live in then. tarian framework has led to an intense focus
How to describe the uncertainties we on discount rates, with a secondary focus on
face, how to model them, and what consti- the intertemporal elasticity of substitution.
tutes rational choice in the light of them, are Both the pure rate of time preference and
therefore issues that are central to climate- the elasticity go into the Ramsey rule for the
policy analysis. social rate of discount
Substitution possibilities are at the center
of understanding the ­long-run prospects in r = δ + ηg,
the face of climate change. How easy will
it be to substitute clean for dirty energy? A where r is the social rate of discount or the
subtler question concerns the substitution consumption discount rate, δ the pure rate
1048 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (September 2017)

of time preference, η the elasticity of mar- If we modify the Ramsey problem to take
ginal utility, and g the rate of growth of con- account of climate change—as Nordhaus
sumption. Almost all of the debate has been does in his Dynamic Integrated Climate and
about the choice of δ. Most authors see this Economy (DICE) model—then the prob-
as an ethical parameter, reflecting judg- lem becomes
ments about the relative values of present
  Max ∫ 

and future people, in which case it is deter- ​​0​  ​​​  u(​​ct​  ​​​)(1 − D(​​Tt​  ​​​))​​e​​  −δt​​  dt,
mined by introspection and discussion. To
the extent that it is an ethical parameter, we D  ​T​t​​
dk ​​  = f  (​​k  ​ ​​​) − ​​c​  ​​​, ​​ ____
    ​​   ​​   =  α​​ct​  ​​​
cannot expect general agreement about its dt t t
value—any more than we can expect general
agreement about the appropriate distribu- where Tt is the temperature at time t and
tion of income. Nordhaus (2007), however, D(Tt) is a damage function denoting how
has taken the view that δ can be determined much of output is lost because of climate
by observing r as the return on capital, damage. Here, the rate of change of tem-
observing g, and guessing at η, perhaps on perature is assumed to depend on the level
the basis of the progressivity of the tax sys- of consumption, a proxy for industrial activ-
tem. But as the pure rate of time preference ity. The equivalent to the Ramsey equation
is an ethical parameter and rates of return are in this model is
empirical facts, the illegitimacy of deducing
[λ − αμ]
an “ought” from an “is” seems to me defini- ​ ​cc˙  ​​+ δ}​ _______
  ​​{η __ ​ 
tive on this issue (as noted by David Hume
and Immanuel Kant).
λ {{
An irony that seems to have escaped ​ α
  + ​__  ​ ​​ ​ δμ + u ___ ​ dD  ​ c}​ 
​ dD  ​}​ − u′ ___
most commentators is that while Nordhaus dT dT
(2007), Stern (2006), and Weitzman (2007) df
all invoke the Ramsey equation in their    ​   = r
   =  ​___
choices of parameters, this equation does
not in fact apply to the optimal climate-man- where λ is the Lagrange multiplier or
agement problem. The reason is, of course, shadow price associated with capital stock
the external effect associated with the emis- and ​μ​ that associated with the tempera-
sion of GHGs—as Stern says, probably the ture, so, as one might expect without going
greatest external effect in history. The classic through the math, the relationship between
Ramsey problem can be stated as the social discount rate and the pure rate
of time preference depends on the nature
and extent of the externality inflicted by
Max ​​∫0 ​  ​​​  u(​​ct​  ​​​)​​e​​  −δt​​  dt, ​​ ___

dk ​​  = f  (​​k  ​  ​​​) − ​​c​  ​​​ climate change. This equation reduces to
t t
dt the usual Ramsey equation if there are no
damages from temperature change (​α​=0).
where ct is consumption at date t, and kt To assert that the normal Ramsey equa-
the capital stock at that date, giving rise to tion holds is to assert that climate change
the usual Ramsey equation as a first-order doesn’t matter.
condition: Weitzman (2001), Gollier and Weitzman
(2010), Gollier (2012), and others have
df dc/dt recently drawn attention to the possibility
r = ​​ ___  ​​  = δ + η ​​ ____
c ​​  
dk that the consumption discount rate r may
Heal: The Economics of the Climate 1049

decline over time, and indeed both the of many of the methodological issues that
governments of the United Kingdom and underpin the use of such models.
France have now institutionalized d ­ eclining LRS place their IAM not within the nor-
discount rates for c­ ost–benefit analysis (for mal utilitarian framework, but within what
a review see Arrow et al. 2014). The Ramsey they term a sustainabilitarian framework,
equation shows that this is clearly possible: which deals in levels or rates of growth of
indeed, if we apply it to Ramsey’s own results welfare that can be maintained indefinitely.
then, along an optimal path in his model, They take the S ­ olow–Rawls idea that future
consumption asymptotes to a constant value generations have a right to the same living
and g goes to zero, so r declines to the standard as the present and supplement
pure rate of time preference, meaning that it with its reverse, namely that the present
declining consumption discount rates have has a right to the same living standard as the
always been implied by the neoclassical opti- future. Additionally, they invoke the brute
mal growth model. A more disruptive sug- luck/option luck distinction, brute luck being
gestion has also emerged recently: that the the outcome of lotteries against which no
pure rate of time preference δ should also one can insure and option luck referring to
be time varying and decline over time. This gambles that one can choose to take or not.
idea emerges as a response to the observa- So being born talented or with a genetic dis-
tion that different people have different pure position to cancer are examples of (good and
rates of time preference, and that there is bad) brute luck. Making a successful invest-
therefore a need for some institution to rec- ment is good option luck. Arguing with the
oncile these differences and find a rate that luck egalitarians that benefiting from brute
is in some way acceptable to all. Gollier and luck is illegitimate supports LRS’s basic
Zeckhauser (2005) suggest that this should assumption that no one has a right to a higher
be done by finding an efficient discount rate, living standard because of the date of their
one that maximizes a weighted sum of all birth (brute luck), and hence one should
individuals’ utility integrals: this would pro- seek the maximum sustainable living stan-
vide a Pareto efficient time path. They show dard. Their criterion is actually to maximize
that in a very simple economy with a con- the welfare of the first generation, subject to
stant exogenous flow of aggregate income, ensuring that welfare grows at no less than a
this involves a n
­ onconstant pure rate of time specified rate a forever. If that rate is zero,
preference that declines over time. Heal and they have the Rawlsian case. However, they
Millner (2013) extend this to a more general argue that humans have a natural desire to
model, and go on (in Millner and Heal 2014) see the species progress, which implies that
to compare economic and political mech- early generations are willing to accept a pos-
anisms for reconciling divergent opinions itive a and its concomitant lower initial con-
about the correct value for the pure rate of sumption levels in exchange for progress in
time preference. the long run. They then refine this argument,
LRS make very interesting and novel and pin down the value of a by assuming
comments about discounting and more gen- that each generation has a recursive utility
erally about the philosophical framework Vt = (ut)b(Vt+1)(1−b). In this case, they show,
within which most economic analysis of cli- maximizing the utility V1 of the first gener-
mate change is conducted. Sustainability ation involves maximizing the instantaneous
For A Warming Planet combines an inno- utility u1 of that generation subject to a
vative integrated assessment model with a growth rate of future instantaneous utility
thought-provoking discussion and critique
­ that is a function of the parameter b. There
1050 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (September 2017)

is no formal axiomatic framework for this is far more severe than any in the literature
criterion, but, as noted above, it is justified to date. Nordhaus’s DICE model suggests
intuitively by reference to Rawls (1971),
­ that 2°C leads to a loss of GDP on the order
Dworkin (1981), and l­ uck-egalitarianism of 1 percent, which is negligible. Haneman
(Roemer 2009), which make a plausible case. (2010) and Weitzman (2010) suggest that
Three more features of the LRS model Nordhaus’s damage function is far too opti-
mark it out very sharply from the stan- mistic, but the changes they make affect
dard IAMs. One is the lack of a conven- largely the damages at temperature increases
tional damage function: they have picked in the range of 4°C+: they all agree that the
a framework within which there is no need damages from a 2°C temperature increase
to model explicitly the damages resulting are in the low-single figures in terms of per-
from climate change. As the damage func- cent of GDP, less than the loss of GDP from
tion is the weakest part of any IAM, this is the recession of 2007–09. So even the most
an interesting gambit. How do they do this? severe damage functions in the current IAM
By taking the Intergovernmental Panel on literature are far less pessimistic than LRS
Climate Change’s (IPCC) Representative implicitly are in their interpretation of the
Concentration Pathway (RCP) 2.6 as a con- ­temperature–damage relationship—which is
straint. RCP 2.6 is the low-emissions path- not to say that LRS are wrong: we return to
way that ensures that the change in global this below.
mean surface temperature (GMST) does not Another ­damage-function replacement in
exceed 2°C, a number widely accepted as the LRS is the presence of GHG concentration
international goal and often interpreted as as arguments of the utility and production
the maximum “safe” increase. So their model functions: in the utility function, welfare
maximizes the criterion function of the pre- falls if GHG concentrations exceed a “cata-
vious paragraph subject to GHG emissions strophic” level, corresponding roughly to a
not exceeding those on RCP 2.6. The dam- temperature increase of 6–8°C. They chose
age function is replaced by a constraint that the exponent of this to match the Stern
no major damage be done. The immediate Review’s estimate that a 5°C increase over
question is then, are there feasible solutions, preindustrial levels would lead to nonmarket
and if so, how appealing are they? damages equivalent to a loss of 6 percent of
The idea of not using a damage function world GDP. Greenhouse gas concentrations
will come as a shock to most economists in the utility function are a proxy for the
familiar with the existing literature, but it has state of the global environment in general,
a lot to recommend it. The damage function such as loss of species, disturbance to tradi-
is probably the weakest part of any IAM (see tional weather patterns, and other losses of
Pindyck 2013), so the LRS approach is drop- environmental amenities. It is to the Stern
ping the weakest link in the analytical chain. Review’s credit, and that of LRS, that these
But what is it replaced by? Using RCP 2.6 as factors are included, but I suspect that the
a constraint is in effect adopting the scien- weighting given them is low relative to their
tific community’s view of the damage func- real importance. Some measure of envi-
tion, which is that climate change becomes ronmental capital has featured as a source
“dangerous” above 2°C. It is equivalent of well-being in theoretical models of con-
to introducing a damage function with a servation since Krautkraemer (1985), and
­trade-off between economic activity and cli- has been extensively used by Chichilnisky,
mate that changes very sharply at 2°C, and so Heal, and Beltratti (1995), Heal (1998), and
represents an implicit damage function that Sterner and Persson (2008), among others.
Heal: The Economics of the Climate 1051

Thinking about the damages from climate because it is only in the last two decades that
change highlights a disagreement that has we have started to look for them, and only
worried me for some time now. Scientists in the last few years that this has become a
working on climate change take it as almost mainstream activity. In the last few years, our
axiomatic that an increase in GMST of estimates of the damages have gone only one
2–3°C would be devastating and would way—upwards. There are certainly still many
inflict massive costs on our societies. This aspects of the damages from climate change
belief seems to be based in part on studies of that we have not yet quantified—for exam-
the ­paleoclimate record, and in part on intu- ple, those linked to the loss of biodiversity
ition about the interactions of the complex and associated ecosystem services, or those
systems that constitute the environment we linked to the acidification of the oceans, so
live in. Take the paleoclimate record: this we are clearly underestimating the damages.
indicates that when CO2 levels were in the But it is also possible that scientists underes-
400–450ppm range—where we are today— timate the resilience of socioeconomic sys-
sea level was fourteen meters higher than tems. Unfortunately this disagreement is not
today (Hansen et al. 2016), implying that likely to be resolved in the near future, simply
this is possibly the equilibrium sea level because we don’t have the evidence needed
associated with such CO2 concentrations. It for a clear resolution. During the historical
is widely asserted that it will take centuries record, climate has varied far too little for us
to reach this equilibrium, so even if these to be able to estimate its economic conse-
statements are true, our generation will not quences, let alone predict the consequences
be affected. But if we really are committed of a change way outside anything that has
irrevocably to such a destructive rise in sea ever been seen by humans. The bottom line,
level in the long term, should we ignore it? then, is that LRS are betting that the scien-
Recently, Hansen et al. (2016) have argued tific intuition about 2°C being the safe limit
that the timescale for sea level to rise sig- for climate change is correct: I am not sure
nificantly is far shorter than previously they are right, but neither am I sure they are
thought, implying a rise of several meters wrong. It does seem worth investigating the
this century. implications.
Yet nothing in the emerging econometric Before understanding the consequences
studies of the impact of climate on economic of replacing a damage function by a con-
activity confirms these dramatic concerns straint given by RCP 2.6, we need to under-
(Houser et al. 2015). A one-degree increase stand another distinctive feature of the LRS
in temperature might lead to a drop in out- model: the presence of an educational sec-
put of 2–4 percent in general, and perhaps tor that drives increases in productivity.
more in the agricultural field: indeed a 5°C Productivity growth is endogenized along
increase could lead to a 50 percent drop in the lines of endogenous growth theory, an
agricultural output, according to some stud- intellectually appealing but empirically chal-
ies (Schlenker and Roberts 2009). Yet all of lenging strategy.
these results taken together do not suggest The model addresses intratemporal, as
that there is a massive increase in damages well as intertemporal, equity and does so by
at 2°C, or a huge risk to exceeding this num- modeling two sectors, developed and devel-
ber by a modest amount. It seems that in oping countries, the former parameterized
this debate, one side is wrong, perhaps both. by numbers from the United States and the
I am certainly willing to bet on economists latter by Chinese numbers. The authors take
underestimating the costs of climate change, as a constraint that whatever policies are
1052 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (September 2017)

implemented to avoid dangerous climate ­ roductivity, mean that it brings novel and
change must be politically acceptable to the valuable perspectives to the party.
developing world, by which they mean that
the date at which China catches up with the
3.  Sustainability and Substitution
United States in per capita terms must not
be delayed by climate policies. This date Climate change and sustainability are not
they assume to be 2085. the same topic, but they are related, and
So we now have the entire model: maxi- LRS invoke both in their title Sustainability
mize the utility of the first generation given for a Warming Planet. Sustainability is best
recursive preferences, subject to not exceed- understood as referring to forms of economic
ing emissions on RCP 2.6 and not delaying and social activity and organization that can
the convergence of developing and devel- be continued for long periods without sig-
oped countries, in a model with endogenous nificant harm. The use of fossil fuels clearly
productivity growth. It’s very different from does not meet this definition, and the driv-
what most readers of this journal are used to, ers of climate change are prime examples of
but I find it appealing and clearly well worth unsustainable behavior. But they are clearly
exploring. not the only ones: soil degradation, defor-
Returning to a question left on one side estation, and loss of biodiversity are other
earlier, there are feasible solutions: this may aspects of our current behavior that are not
have something to do with the endogeneity sustainable.
of productivity growth. It is possible for rich One way of defining sustainability is in
countries to grow at 1 percent annually and terms of capital stocks: an economy is sustain-
poor countries at 2 percent annually until able if the total value of all its capital stocks,
they converge in 2075, and then for both to evaluated at shadow prices, is constant or
grow at 1 percent annually, and still respect increasing. Intuitively this is related to John
the constraint of RCP 2.6. So we can have Richard Hicks’s definition of income as the
growth, convergence, and no damage from maximum you can spend this month, consis-
climate change, but the growth has to be tent with spending the same in all subsequent
slower than we are used to, on balance an months. This definition implies that income
optimistic outcome. is return on capital, and income in this sense
I am never completely certain how to take is sustainable if capital is ­ nondecreasing.
the numbers coming from an IAM. Certainly Capital here has to be interpreted very
they are not serious forecasts—none of the broadly, to include natural, human, and intel-
models are nearly good enough for that. In lectual capital as well as conventional capi-
this respect economists’ models are very tal goods. Heal and Kriström (2008) have a
different from the global circulation mod- formal statement of these results and a sur-
els of climate science. I think of IAMs as vey of related work, and Heal (2012) has an
tools for exploring qualitative relationships exposition. These ideas tie into the World
in models that are too complex for analyti- Bank’s work on adjusted net savings (ANS)
cal solutions, and for, perhaps, getting some as a measure of sustainability (World Bank
sense of the orders of magnitude of some 2011). ANS is precisely the change in the
important effects. Viewed this way, the LRS value of capital stocks broadly defined that
model seems as worthy of consideration as we refer to above as the criterion for deter-
any of its competitors, and the absence of a mining whether an economy is sustainable:
damage function, together with its ­north– it’s the sum of the changes in all kinds of cap-
south dimension and endogenous growth of ital stock valued by their shadow prices.
Heal: The Economics of the Climate 1053

There are actually two concepts of sustain- discussion in the context of preferences,
ability to be found in the literature, weak and suggesting that a certain minimum level of
strong. Weak sustainability is what we just natural capital might be needed to maintain
discussed: a ­nondecreasing trajectory for the human well-being, which would imply that
value of total capital. Strong sustainability is a substitution possibilities between natural
­nondecreasing trajectory for natural capital, and other forms of capital are ultimately
just a part of the total (see Neumayer 2013). limited. Sterner and Persson (2008) investi-
This is a much more demanding criterion: gate this issue in Nordhaus’s DICE model,
natural capital is unambiguously decreasing making utility a function of conventional
and it is clear that the world is not strongly consumption and a flow of services from
sustainable. It is, however, possible that the natural capital. On the basis of a rough cal-
decreases in natural capital are being offset by ibration of the model, they suggest that this
increases in physical, intellectual and human greatly increases the optimal abatement of
capital, so that the world is weakly sustain- greenhouse gases.
able. Indeed several recent publications sug-
gest that this is the case for the United States
4.  Uncertainty
and China, although not for ­ sub-Saharan
Africa or the Middle East (Arrow et al. 2004, Uncertainty is fundamental to the climate
2010). A world that is weakly but not strongly problem: as Heal and Millner (2014b) point
sustainable is only possible if the elasticities out, we face both scientific and socioeco-
of substitution between natural and other nomic uncertainty, that is, uncertainty about
forms of capital in production and consump- the underlying science of climate change
tion are high enough, and this is a topic on and also uncertainty about the economic and
which we know little. social impacts of an altered climate.
This leads to a discussion of substitu- It is standard to decompose scientific
tion possibilities between “natural” and uncertainty into model uncertainty, inter-
“­human-made” capital. It is natural to think nal variation, and emissions-scenario uncer-
that these two are arguments of both the tainty. Model uncertainty refers to the need
production and the utility functions, so the to choose amongst alternative mathematical
sustainability of growth will depend on the representations of the physical and chemical
possibility of substituting between them. processes governing the climate without clear
Natural capital is limited in amount, and knowledge of which is best. Climate mod-
its destruction, which is happening all the els are complex and highly nonlinear, and
time, is largely irreversible. So to the extent so prone to chaotic behavior, meaning that
that it is important in either welfare or pro- they display sensitive dependence on initial
duction, this will place limits on the sustain- conditions. So small discrepancies in the esti-
ability of human well-being. Substitution mation of initial conditions can lead to large
possibilities between natural and other difference in forecasts, and as initial condi-
forms of capital have not been widely dis- tions are never known with certainty (for
cussed: Dasgupta and Heal (1979) discuss example, our network of climate sensors is
whether or not natural resources are essen- quite sparse) this is another source of uncer-
tial, in the sense that without them it is pos- tainty in estimates of climate change, called
sible to guarantee a continuing reasonable internal variation. All climate forecasts are
standard of living, linking this to the substi- driven by emissions scenarios, which require
tution elasticity between natural and other forecasting future economic activity and its
forms of capital. Heal (2009) begins this emissions intensity, both hard to project with
1054 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (September 2017)

any great confidence. Over time horizons in ­ ait-and-see policy. But given Weitzman’s
excess of fifty years, emissions uncertainty is contributions to the field, this is hardly sur-
generally the greatest source of uncertainty prising. Climate Shock is a very different
(see Hawkins and Sutton 2009). book from Sustainability for a Warming
Socioeconomic uncertainty is divided into Planet, intended not as academic research
positive (or model) uncertainty and norma- but as a contribution to the public educa-
tive uncertainty, the former arising from tion and debate about the need for action on
our not knowing how to model accurately ­climate change. So the relevant question is
the effect of climate on economic and social not whether it is original but rather whether
activity and the latter arising from our uncer- it represents economic understanding appro-
tainty about the choice of discount rates and priately and communicates it successfully.
elasticities. Posing climate policy as an exercise in risk
Furthermore, the uncertainty we face in all management is appealing. As one represen-
categories is particularly challenging because tative passage in Climate Shock argues,
we don’t have anything like objective- We don’t know the full implications of an
probability distributions to describe it. In eventual 6°C (11°F) temperature change.
fact, it’s far from certain that we have anything We can’t know. It’s a blind planetary gamble.
resembling subjective-probability distribu- Devastating home fires, car crashes, and other
tions: we are dealing mainly with qualita- personal catastrophes are almost always much
less likely than 10 percent. And still, peo-
tive uncertainty, ambiguity, rather than risk ple take out insurance to cover against these
in the traditional Knightian risk/uncertainty remote possibilities, or are even required to
dichotomy. The IPCC in its assessments of do so by laws that hope to avoid pushing these
the science of climate change goes some way costs onto society. Risks like this on a planetary
to acknowledging this, ranking the degrees scale should not—must not—be pushed onto
of uncertainty associated with conclusions.
This argues powerfully for the inclusion The insurance analogy is an appealing
of uncertainty as a central aspect of climate- metaphor, but when you think about the
policy analysis, and not just a routine treat- details it’s not quite right. When we insure,
ment of uncertainty assuming a full set of we sell a risk that we bear to someone else
probabilities, but a more sophisticated treat- who was not bearing it and who now assumes
ment allowing for ambiguity. A literature on it. They then effectively annihilate it through
this is beginning to emerge—see Millner, risk pooling and the law of large numbers.
Dietz, and Heal (2013) and Lemoine and When the planet is at risk we can’t do this:
Traeger (2012), which show that aversion to there isn’t anyone else who is not exposed to
risk and ambiguity both play a major role in whom we can sell our risk. Insurance isn’t
policy analysis, and that ambiguity aversion is quite the right metaphor: risk management
not just an addition to risk aversion, but can in some generalized sense, yes, but not tra-
drive policy choices in different directions. ditional insurance. In fact, insurers are very
Climate Shock: The Economic Con- disturbed by the prospect of climate change,
sequences of a Hotter Planet by Gernot as it threatens them with correlated risks
Wagner and Martin Weitzman comes into (not the usual IID risks of the law of large
its own here, emphasizing the centrality of numbers) and risks whose probabilities are
uncertainty and the role of climate policy not known, in contrast to conventional prop-
as planetary risk management. The authors erty and casualty risks whose characteristics
are very good at arguing that uncertainty are ­well-documented and the domain of tra-
is not an excuse for doing nothing or for a ditional insurance.
Heal: The Economics of the Climate 1055

WW argue that focusing on the most likely distribution describing the possible out-
outcomes under climate change lulls us into comes. While Climate Shock is largely about
a false sense of security, because (­putting what we don’t (yet) know or perhaps can’t
it more technically than they do) there is know, WW don’t talk about the distribution
plenty of probability mass remaining in the question directly. In fact, they discuss their
right tails of the relevant distributions. The choice of a distribution in one of the many
“most likely” range for the equilibrium cli- substantive end notes. Presenting a picture
mate sensitivity (ECS, which tells us the akin to figure 1 below would also have helped
long-run equilibrium increase in GMST
­ their cause, because it reinforces their main
resulting from a doubling of CO2 concentra- point that we are facing the possibility of
tion) is in the region of 1.5 to 4°C, but some very bad outcomes and can’t assert that they
­highly-reputed climate models give a chance are “very unlikely.” Rational conduct under
of at least 15 percent that it is no less than these circumstances clearly requires active
6°C. As we are likely to double CO2 concen- management of the risks. A decision crite-
trations relative to preindustrial levels within rion such as the G­ ilboa–Schmeidler maxmin
forty years, and 6°C is a catastrophic increase expected utility criterion, which tells us to
in temperature, this is a highly disturbing sit- judge policies by the probability distribution
uation and talking only about the 1.­5–4°C that makes them look least favorable, leads
range misses the worrying feature. This is a to conclusions very consistent with the points
very valid point indeed, and one that I and that WW are making.
others (Kunreuther et al. 2013) have made in LRS also address uncertainty, devoting the
criticism of the IPCC, which focuses almost final chapter of Sustainability for a Warming
entirely on the most likely outcomes in its Planet to a stochastic version of their model.
summaries for policy makers and neglects The uncertainty is not about the magnitude
tails. of climate change, but about timing. There
This discussion of the tails of the risk distri- are two cases. In the first, they assume that
bution raises a deeper question. When WW climate change may lead to the destruction of
talk of “the distribution,” which distribution the human population at an uncertain date:
are they talking about? Figure 1 shows the there is a hazard rate that rises with the con-
question: twenty different estimates of the centration of CO2 in the atmosphere. In this
density function of the ECS, coming from case, the authors maximize the expectation
Monte Carlo simulations of twenty major of what is essentially a modified Rawlsian
climate models. These are not independent objective. For each realization of the sto-
estimates of an underlying true distribu- chastic process, the utility is T times the min-
tion—firstly because there is no underlying imum of the generational utilities ut, where
distribution, as the ECS is a number, and T is the number of years until the destruc-
secondly because they are all calibrated on tion of the human population. So if this is T′,
the same data sets and represent the same utility is T′mint{ut}, and the maximand is the
laws of physics. So we can’t combine them expectation of this. Note that if the individual
into one. These PDFs are all heavily depen- values of ut are random, then the minimum
dent on expert judgments, as the Monte of these is described by an extreme value dis-
Carlo simulations are based on probability tribution. LRS are unable to perform a full
distributions over parameter values judged optimization for this case and instead run
appropriate by the modelers. A similar pic- simulations of the model to find a “good”
ture could be drawn for most aspects of outcome. Although they do not have a fully
climate uncertainty: there is rarely a single optimal solution, their s­ imulations lead them
1056 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (September 2017)



Probability density






0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00

Climate Sensitivity (S)

Figure 1. Estimates of the Probability Distribution for Climate Sensitivity

Source: Millner, Dietz, and Heal (2013)

to suggest that the possibility of extinction does not eliminate the human species but
with a rather low hazard rate, taken with the renders our capital equipment far less
objective function described above, leads to ­productive forever. (Heal 1984 considered
very cautious behavior with CO2 concen- exactly this case, in the context of a ­Ramsey–
trations between 350 and 400ppm—below Solow model.) They are not able to produce
where we are today. Their hazard function numerical results for this case, but provide
is parameterized so that the probability of an analytical framework for thinking about
extinction at 700ppm is twice that of the the issues raised.
­preindustrial era, which seems a very low Overall, the treatment of risk in the LRS
risk. It is surprising that such a low hazard model is limited, as they themselves admit.
rate leads to such cautious behavior: this is The treatment of uncertainty in climate mod-
presumably related to the choice of objec- els is a growing field and its incorporation,
tive, and to the fact that CO2 concentrations as LRS suggest, can alter the conclusions in
on RCP 2.6 are programmed into the model important ways, adding strength to the case
as a constraint. for action—which is one of the main points
LRS also consider a second case in which of the WW book. Cai et al. (2013), Lemoine
the catastrophe caused by climate change and Traeger (2012), and Millner, Dietz, and
Heal: The Economics of the Climate 1057

Heal (2013) all show that uncertainty can sibility. Note that it’s not something you do
increase the optimal level of GHG abate- only once: the sulfate particles fall to earth
ment. Cai et al. and Lemoine and Traeger within a year or so, meaning that they have
(2012) work in models with tipping points at to be continuously resupplied. The impact of
which a continuous change in GHG concen- a major volcanic eruption is a good model:
tration can lead to a discontinuous response these release millions of tons of sulfates
in damages, aiming to model the crossing of into the air, and big explosions (Tambora,
thresholds that might, for example, lead to a Krakatoa, and Pinaturbo) have always cooled
change in the patterns of thermohaline cir- the global climate for one or two years fol-
culation or to the release of massive amounts lowing, with the effects dying away as par-
of methane from permafrosted regions. ticulates return to earth. So in the event that
Lenton et al. (2008) provide a survey of pos- climate change has a harmful impact on one
sible climate tipping points. Millner, Dietz, country or region of the world (for example,
and Heal (2013) work with more conven- it stops the Indian monsoons, wreaking mas-
tional damage functions than Cai et al. and sive damage on that country’s agriculture),
Lemoine and Traeger (2012), and study the that country or region could implement geo-
optimal abatement policies in the presence engineering unilaterally. A problem here is
of ambiguity rather than risk. Lemoine and that while the release of reflective particles
Traeger (2012) combine the two. into the stratosphere might restore GMST
to its previous levels, it might not restore
the actual weather patterns associated with
5.  Geoengineering
those earlier temperatures, and could in
WW devote a lot of energy to discussing fact lead to changes in weather patterns that
geoengineering, arguing that it is not a real harm some regions—possibly including the
substitute for effective action on climate originating region. So the ease with which
change. The form of geoengineering that geoengineering could be implemented by a
they focus on is the ­widely discussed idea “rogue” state worries WW. However, it could
of releasing sulfates high in the atmosphere: still be a valid part of a l­ ast-resort response to
these would form small particles that reflect extreme climate change, though ideally only
sunlight and reduce the radiative forcing of as part of a global agreement.
the earth. This is a relatively inexpensive and There are other forms of geoengineering
technologically simple way of reducing the that are perhaps more appealing, for exam-
earth’s heat load (see Barrett 2008). It doesn’t ple, direct removal of CO2 from the atmo-
remove CO2 from the atmosphere but off- sphere and underground storage in empty gas
sets some of its effects, in particular its effect or oil wells or mineralization in porous rocks.
on radiative forcing. It does not reduce the Several ­start-up companies are working on
concentration of CO2 in the oceans and the this,1 and it does fully reverse the emission
extent of ocean acidification, nor the direct of CO2 from burning fossil fuels, removing
effects of CO2 in the atmosphere, such as CO2 from the air and the oceans and undo-
CO2 fertilization of plants. ing all of its impacts, from radiative forcing
The striking feature of this form of geoen- to ocean acidification. It is however currently
gineering is that almost any country could do far more expensive than injecting particles
it, at least crudely—indeed a billionaire with
a fleet of aircraft at his disposal could also
change the earth’s climate this way. That’s not
a particularly likely scenario, but it is a pos- 1 Carbon Engineering and Global Thermostat.
1058 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (September 2017)

into the stratosphere, seemingly in the region that has occupied so many ­highly qualified
of $­150–200 per ton of CO2 removed. people for so much time every year since the
This estimate of the cost of removing CO2 formation of the United Nations Framework
is way above common estimates of the social Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
cost of CO2 emissions, with the US admin- has rightly been the object of extensive anal-
istration’s current best estimate being some- ysis and a substantive literature, and our
where around $40 per ton (and possibly as lack of a good grasp of the damage function
high as $100) depending on the discount rate relating temperature change to economic
and some other assumptions.2 As long as the consequences has given rise to a burgeon-
cost of removing CO2 exceeds the social cost ing econometric literature on the effect of
of carbon, there is no justification for imple- temperature and other aspects of weather
mentation as a public policy. However, the on economic performance. Sustainability for
cost of removal is expected to fall over the a Warming Planet does not need to address
next decade, and the current estimates of the these literatures, as it specifically eschews the
SCC are probably serious underestimates. use of a damage function of the conventional
They use discount rates that many commen- type and does not venture directly into policy
tators consider to be high (2.­5–3 percent, as prescriptions. Climate Shock, on the other
opposed to <1 percent in the Stern Review), hand, is a p ­ olicy-oriented work, and some
they use a constant rather than a declining comments on how we get from concern,
discount rate (which would boost the cost the need for which it clearly documents, to
significantly, see Heal and Millner 2014a), action, could be a valuable addition. There
they omit any consideration of uncertainty, is a thoughtful chapter on What You Can
which, as we have seen, will boost the SCC, Do, focusing on how an individual can con-
and they fail to quantify many of the dam- tribute, avoiding and going beyond the usual
ages due to climate change (biodiversity “top-ten” lists of biking, recycling, and other
loss, for example). LRS provide an estimate environmental pet peeves, but it doesn’t ask
of the SCC based on their model, which, how we can transform the UNFCCC talking
as we have noted, has in effect a far more shop into an action program. And although
severe damage function than the normal run Climate Shock emphasizes the seriousness
of IAMs—their estimate is $633 per ton of of the consequences of climate change, it
CO2. So it is possible that it is already, or doesn’t spell out in any detail what these are.
could soon be, socially profitable to use exist- What might have been included? Certainly
ing technologies to remove CO2 from the some discussion of the current international
atmosphere. We might pay for this by a tax policy framework and its strengths and—
on GHG emissions. more particularly—weaknesses. Barrett
(2005) is a good place to start, though the
field has grown since then, with ideas about
6.  What’s Missing
climate clubs (Nordhaus 2015), tipping cli-
There are two topics that have featured mate negotiations (Heal and Kunreuther
largely in the economics literature on cli- 2012), and ­ bottom-up climate policies
mate, but are omitted from both books under (Stewart, Oppenheimer, and Rudyk forth-
review. The international negotiation process coming).3 All these new contributions sug-
gest that perhaps the entire membership of
2 See: US Interagency Working Group on Social Cost of
Carbon (2010), and the July 2015 update: US Interagency
Working Group on Social Cost of Carbon (2015). 3 A very thorough review is in Aldy and Stavins (2010).
Heal: The Economics of the Climate 1059

the United Nations is not the best group for WW felt that this area is not yet ripe for a
reaching an agreement on reducing GHG ­man-in-the-street book.4
emissions, and that we should seek to work,
at least initially, with smaller groups whose
7.  Policy Implications
members have leverage over ­nonmembers.
The recent bilateral negotiations between These issues are intellectually fascinating
the United States and China seem to exem- and challenging, but ultimately we are inter-
plify what these recent papers have in mind. ested in them because we want to provide a
In addition, they suggest that rather than framework for policy analysis. Are we there
focusing exclusively on emissions targets yet, and how do these two books contribute?
and timetables, negotiations also focus on Some analysts see the need for immedi-
the deployment of renewable energy and ate and strong action to reduce GHG emis-
the introduction of policy frameworks that sions (Stern for example), whereas others are
encourage this. noticeably more relaxed (Nordhaus). These
With respect to damage functions, there is differences can generally be traced back to
an emerging literature but we are far from two sources: different choices of discount
having a comprehensive understanding of rate, and different damage functions. Stern
how weather and climate affect economic uses a lower discount rate than Nordhaus,
outcomes. Best understood is the impact on and assumes far greater damages: these are
agriculture, where a substantial literature sufficient to explain the different conclu-
(Mendelsohn, Nordhaus, and Shaw 1994; sions. Both base their conclusions on inte-
Schlenker, Hanemann, and Fisher 2005; grated assessment models: are these models
Schlenker and Roberts 2009; Dêschenes and good enough to carry such weight?
Greenstone 2007) suggests that a few days As I’ve already indicated, I’m not a believer
of exposure to temperatures above about when it comes to numerical conclusions
31°C are very harmful to the yields of sev- from IAMs: I think these models have a role
eral important food crops. There is also a to play in exploring qualitative relationships
growing awareness of the consequences of in complex systems and getting some idea of
higher temperatures for overall productivity, the orders of magnitude of important inter-
suggesting that, at least in hot countries, this actions, but there is too much uncertainty
falls sharply in hot weather (Dell, Jones, and about the key relationships to take numerical
Olken 2012; Heal and Park 2013; Heal and outputs seriously. But I think that in spite of
Park 2015; Cachon, Gallino, and Olivares this, it is possible to justify strong action to
2012). We also know that sea-level rise will be abate greenhouse gas emissions.
costly (Yohe, Neumann, and Ameden 1995), What is the nature of the argument in
but don’t know how temperature changes favor of strong action? It’s basically the
translate into the melting of ice sheets and one in Wagner and Weitzman: it’s a risk-
a rise in sea level. This diverse literature is management argument based on the tail
pulled together well by Houser et al. (2015) risks associated with possible changes in
in the case of the United States, with a GMST, not one focused on the most likely
comprehensive integration of how all the outcomes. There is a probability, between
known microeconomic impacts of tempera- 2 percent and 10 percent, that GMST this
ture will play out in the case of the United century could rise by about six degrees
States, and a very appropriate and humbling
emphasis on the size of the error bars in any 4 To be fair, they refer to this work in their table 3.2 on
forecasts. It is perhaps understandable that p. 67.
1060 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. LV (September 2017)

Celsius (see figure 1). This is not the most wind or solar costs and generally necessitate
likely outcome, but it is an outcome with a the maintenance of spare ­gas-fired capacity.
nonnegligible probability. The consequences These costs also do not reflect the impact of
of a temperature increase of this magnitude, government subsidies. This is not the place
while not known with certainty, are likely to discuss these numbers in great detail:
to be disastrous, posing a challenge to our the point is just that wind and solar can be
entire way of life. A chance somewhere in competitive with any fossil fuel. Another five
the ­2–10 percent range of a disaster is a risk years of price decreases or a modest carbon
that no one should take if they can avoid it— tax or other emissions penalty would tip the
it’s almost as bad as playing Russian roulette. balance completely against gas and coal.
And we can avoid it, and indeed can do so at So the costs of switching from fossil fuels
a relatively modest cost. to alternatives in electric power generation
The cost of avoiding climate change is the are bounded: the United States consumes
cost of switching from fossil to ­noncarbon about four billion mWh annually, so if the
energy sources. In practical terms, this cost of each is raised by $20—a worst case
means moving from burning coal and gas from the above figures—the extra cost is $80
to generating the great majority of our elec- billion annually. The LCOE includes both
tricity from renewable sources or nuclear capital and operating costs, so this figure is
power, or some combination of the two. It the annualized equivalent of all costs of the
also means replacing gasoline and diesel as transition from fossil fuels in power genera-
sources of energy in transportation. tion. (For a more detailed analysis, see Heal
Replacing fossil fuels in power generation forthcoming.)
is looking far more feasible and far less costly Probably the biggest obstacle to the wide-
today than it did a decade ago. The costs of spread adoption of renewable energy now is
power from wind and solar PV have declined not cost but its intermittency and the need
dramatically, and are now competitive or to work around this. Intermittency cries out
close to competitive with fossil fuels. The for energy-storage technologies, and this
following table shows numbers for electricity is a ­rapidly expanding field, but one that is
costs from various sources from Lazards:5 only now beginning to provide economi-
Power Source Lazard LCOE cally attractive ways of smoothing the output
Wind $32–$62/mWh of intermittent power sources. (Heal 2016
Solar PV6 $­46–$56/mWh reviews the economics of energy storage.)
Gas Peaking $165–$217/mWh Replacing fossil fuels in transportation is
Gas Combined Cycle $48–$78/mWh a more difficult task, but developers of elec-
Coal IGCC7 $94–$210/mWh
Coal $60–$143/mWh tric and hybrid vehicles are making a start.
Of course, unless the power that charges
These costs do not take into account any them comes from ­nonfossil sources, electric
social costs not paid by the producer, and vehicles are only a minor improvement over
also omit transmission costs and costs asso- internal combustion engines (Holland et
ciated with the need to back up intermit- al. 2015). The biggest obstacle to the mar-
tent plants, which can add $­5–$10/mWh to ket success of electric vehicles currently
seems to be battery technology—in fact, the
same energy-storage problem that limits the
spread of renewable energy.
6 Photovoltaic. Returning to the two books under dis-
7 Integrated gasification combined cycle. cussion, Climate Shock: The Economic
Heal: The Economics of the Climate 1061

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