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Agrarian Reform Notes Lack of alternative renumerative employment

opportunities has reduced the economy’s capacity

Module 1 to generate sustainable livelihoods.

Agrarian Reform and Democracy: Lessons from The current pattern of highly specialized
the Philippine Experience; Leonardo A. Lanzona agriculture has also generated a high degree of
Jr. environmental stress through the use of high levels
of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and groundwater
The debate on agrarian reform originally revolves resources.
around two main themes; tenure reform and
categorizing different types of agrarian and land With the current systems of regulations and
reforms according to their wider political and controls, the elite has found new ways of
economic intents. maintaining their control. Unless the government
can establish the institutions that can minimize
The Agrarian Reform Program has been justified these transaction costs, the farmers may engage in
for two main reasons. various formal or informal arrangements with
other farmers that may be inefficient.
First, to introduce greater efficiency in agricultural
production in terms of land size. This is based on As far as the provisions of the law are concerned,
the notion that smaller-sized farms are more the political rights of the farmers, as opposed to
productive than larger-sized farms. the landowner, were protected and even expanded.
In the same way, the policies on the payment of
However, efficiency due to agrarian reform may beneficiaries and support services have been made
have failed to take into account several key factors to bias the interest of farmers.
than can affect the contracts such as: supervision
costs, technological innovations, organizational Second, despite the enormous power given by the
arrangements, land quality, and production risks. law to the farmers, there seems to be greater
leeway given to the landowners offered by the
Second, is to see it as a redistributive policy. It is institutions in terms of area cover and complianc.
empirically shown that land redistribution can
benefit the farmers by removing the Although Marcos created an elite-dominated
intermediaries, such as landlords and lenders, and structure during his dictatorship, Cory Aquino
increasing their claims on the returns of the land. gave little attention to the necessary institutions
and laws. She made no effort to institutionalize
However, any form of redistribution should be democracy and seemed not to understand the
accompanied by a set of laws and implementing consequences of the control of political patrons.
modes of governance to restore efficiency once the She seemed content in simply restoring the pre-
socially acceptable distribution has been 1972 political system. And in the process, the elite
determined. was able to capture the institutions and resources
that implemented agrarian reform.
In this scheme, two key factors are important: The
reduction of transaction costs (administrative costs To accomplish the transition towards greater
of implementing the program) and the presence of democracy, there must be conditions acceptable to
credible commitments (development of contract- the elite yet simultaneously place elites in a
enforcing and coercion-constraining institutions). situation where it is in their interest to move
towards more impersonal intra-elite arrangements
Increasing agrarian distress for farmers with small or work towards greater competition rather than
and marginal-sized holdings has caused declining being more collusive. The second obstacle is
returns and rising costs, and the resultant reduced translating and expanding these intra-elite
surpluses. impersonal arrangements into a larger share of
society. Thus, it is necessary to first secure the obstructions on national roads, in the interest and
rights of the elites. convenience of the public. In enacting said law,
Calalang vs Williams therefore, the National Assembly was prompted by
considerations of public convenience and welfare.
Facts: It was inspired by a desire to relieve congestion of
traffic. which is, to say the least, a menace to
The National Traffic Commission recommended public safety. Public welfare, then, lies at the
that animal-drawn vehicles be prohibited from bottom of the enactment of said law, and the state
passing along certain traffic and national roads, to in order to promote the general welfare may
which the Director of Public Works adopted the interfere with personal liberty, with property, and
measure proposed. with business and occupations. Persons and
property may be subjected to all kinds of restraints
Petitioner, Maximo Calalang, contended that and burdens, in order to secure the general
Commonwealth Act No. 548 by which the comfort, health, and prosperity of the state (U.S.
Director of Public Works is authorized to vs. Gomez Jesus, 31 Phil., 218).
promulgate rules for the regulation and control of
the use of traffic and national roads and streets is Social justice is "neither communism, nor
unconstitutional because it constitutes an undue despotism, nor atomism, nor anarchy," but the
delegation of legislative power. humanization of laws and the equalization of
social and economic forces by the State so that
Ruling: justice in its rational and objectively secular
conception may at least be approximated. Social
This contention is untenable. justice means the promotion of the welfare of all
the people, the adoption by the Government of
There is a distinction between the delegation of measures calculated to insure economic stability of
power to make the law, which necessarily involves all the competent elements of society, through the
a discretion as to what it shall be, and conferring maintenance of a proper economic and social
an authority or discretion as to its execution, to be equilibrium in the interrelations of the members of
exercised under and in pursuance of the law. the community, constitutionally, through the
adoption of measures legally justifiable, or extra-
The Legislature may make decisions of executive constitutionally, through the exercise of powers
departments or subordinate officials thereof, to underlying the existence of all governments on the
whom it has committed the execution of certain time-honored principle of salus populi est suprema
acts, final on questions of fact. (U.S. vs. Kinkead, lex.
248 Fed., 141.) The growing tendency in the
decisions is to give prominence to the 'necessity' of
the case." Philippine Sugar Estates Development Co vs
CW No 548 does not confer legislative power
upon the Director of Public Works and the Facts:
Secretary of Public Works and Communications.
The authority therein conferred upon them and Prudencio was a tenant of a certain house to which
under which they promulgated the rules and plaintiff, Sugar Estates, gave a notice in writing,
regulations now complained of is not to determine terminated her lease, and asked her to vacate the
what public policy demands but merely to carry premises.
out the legislative policy laid down by the
National Assembly in the said Act. Prudencio did not vacate the house within the time
granted by Sugar Estates, and an ejection suit
Said Act, by virtue of which the rules and commenced and was granted by the lower courts.
regulations complained of were promulgated, aims
to promote safe transit upon and avoid
Prudencio advances the theory that, as a matter of married to Laura Cruz. Upon the death of Simeon,
public policy, courts of justice should abstain from his compulsory heirs, surviving spouse, Laura, and
enforcing the law when the landlords are not in his 7 children executed a deed of extrajudicial
need of their buildings “for their own dwellings.” partition with waiver of rights and sale.
Ruling: Petitioners, on the other hand, are the agricultural
tenants of the original Santos property. Petitioner,
The magic words of social justice are not a Teddy Castro has been in its actual possession,
shibboleth which courts may readily avail as a occupation, and cultivation, personally performing
shield shirking their responsibility in the all aspects of production with the aid of labor from
appreciation of law. the co-petitioner, Lauro Sebastian, and paying the
agreed lease rentals.
Before the original complaint was filed, appellant
was arrogant enough to refuse the request of the The controversy started when Jesus Santos (one of
plaintiff’s manager to allow a war victim to Simeon’s children) sold his share in the original
occupy the spare room in her house. Santos property to respondent Municipality. All
phases of the sales transaction between Jesus and
Prudencio clamors for social justice, not the one in respondent Municipality and the subsequent
the mind of the authors of our Constitution – all construction and completion of the public market
embracing, inspired by the Spirit of Christian (built on the disputed land), were effected without
charity, based on the principles of universal issue or complain from the petitioners.
brotherhood, intended to insure the well-being and
economic security of all people – but narrow- After the inauguration of the public market,
minded, one sided, egoistic, stone-deaf to the cries however, petitioners filed their complaint for
of human sufferings, absolutely blind to the Maintenance of Peaceful Possession, Redemption,
miserable situation of others. and Damages against respondent Municipality.

Petitioners argued that they merely exercised their

TEDDY CASTRO AND LAURO SEBASTIAN, rights of pre-emption and redemption provided for
petitioners, vs. PABLITO V. MENDOZA, SR., under Sections 11 and 12, Republic Act No. 3844.
on his behalf and as attorney-in-fact of
RICARDO C. SANTOS, ARLENE C. The Provincial Agrarian Reform Adjudicator
MENDOZA, MARGIE AC DE LEON, NANCY (PARAD) issued orders of redemption and ruled
S. REYES, MARITA PAGLINAWAN, that: (1) petitioners are the conclusive tenants of
NATIVIDAD C. MUNDA, MARILOU DE the entire original Santos property; and (2) both
GUZMAN RAMOS, LEONCIA PRINCIPIO, Jesus and respondent Municipality failed to give
CECILIA DINIO, ANGEL DELA CRUZ, notice of sale of the property to the petitioners.
MARIFE F. CRUZ, ANTONIO H. SANTOS, On appeal by respondents, the Department of
CONSTANCIA SANTOS, MARCELINA SP. Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board (DARAB)
DAMEG, PLACIDO DE LEON, LILIAN affirmed that petitioners are the bona fide tenants
SANTOS, (collectively organized as Bustos of the property. However, it merely directed
Public Market II Vendors and Stall Owners respondent Municipality to pay disturbance
Association) and MUNICIPALITY OF compensation to petitioners.
BUSTOS, BULACAN, respondents, GR No
212778, April 26, 2017 This time, petitioners appealed to the CA, and the
court affirmed the uniform rulings of the PARAD
Facts: and DARAB that petitioners are tenants of the
property who did not receive notice of its sale by
The property is part of a parcel of land originally Jesus. The decision lapsed into finality.
covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No.
T-20427 registered in the name of Simeon Santos,
Thereafter, PARAD issued a resolution favoring effect a timely and valid redemption,
petitioners and their claim to the property, without which they cannot gain
ordering the execution of a Deed of Conveyance in ownership of the property.
petitioners’ favor but denying the issuance of a
Writ of Demolition. It is apparent however, that despite their
Consequently, private respondents filed various decreed expulsion and dispossession from
motions for reconsideration but were all denied by the property, private respondents have not
the PARAD. But private respondents remained been given their day in court. They were
persistent and directly sought relief from the CA simply decreed deprived of their market
and their petition was granted. stalls upon their refusal to pay rentals to
petitioners who, curiously, do not appear
The CA declared that private respondents were to be in continuous cultivation of the
lessees of the market stalls and that the PARAD property. Thus, their intervention even
committed grave abuse of discretion when it failed after finality of judgment, only at the
to timely exercise their right of redemption. execution proceedings, should have been
The main contention among the parties is
possession and occupation of the property in their We are not unaware that private
various capacities: (i) petitioners, as possessors- respondents, vendor-owner of the market
holders of the real right pertaining to the property, stalls, merely derived their right to
agricultural tenants with a right of redemption; (ii) possess the property from their contract
respondent Municipality, as actual owner and of lease with respondent Municipality
lessor of the public market constructed thereon; such that the final and executor judgment
and (iii) respondents, as owners of the market against respondent Municipality is
stalls, vendors-lessees in the public market. likewise conclusive upon them.

Issue: Considering the nature and devotion to

public use of the property, the
Whether PARAD acted correctly when it amended questionable redemption made by
the decretal portion of its Decision and ordered the petitioners, the continued existence of the
redemption and consequent transfer of the public market on the property, and the
ownership of the property. absence of proof of petitioners’ continued
cultivation of the property, we allow the
Ruling: intervention filed by respondents even at
the late stage.
We emphasize that the right of
redemption is a different property right
owned and held by petitioners against the We find that the amendment and the subsequent
ostensible ownership of respondent issuances of the PARAD did not simply clarify an
Municipality of the lot sold to it by Jesus, ambiguity in the dispositive portion of its decision.
where the public market stands. It expanded the original ruling, ordering a transfer
of ownership despite petitioners' invalid
In this case, the recognition of the right of redemption of the property.
redemption did not assume with it an
adjudication of ownership over the thing We are not unaware that the new owner,
itself, the property. Petitioner’s ownership respondent Municipality, is bound to respect and
of the property is dependent on a valid maintain petitioners as tenant of the property
and effective exercise of the right of because of the latter's tenancy right attached to the
redemption. Clearly, in the land regardless of who the owner may be.
implementation of the PARAD’s ruling, it
remained incumbent upon petitioners to
Under the law, the existence of an agricultural
leasehold relationship is not terminated by changes
in ownership in case of sale, as in this case, since
the purpose of the law is to strengthen the security
of tenure of tenants. However, petitioners cannot
gain possession and continue tenancy of the
property which is undeniably devoted to public

Our holding that the property has been devoted to

public use and cannot be appropriated and
possessed by petitioners is unavoidable. The
reclassification and public use of the property were
recognized in the PARAD's original ruling in
DARAB Case No. 739-Bulacan '94.

By contrast, petitioners are not registered owners,

but possessors who ought to be in continuous
cultivation and possession of the property.
Nonetheless, as valid tenants-possessors of the
property, petitioners are entitled to disturbance
compensation under Sec 36(1) of RA 3844, as

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