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— ' '

three or four notes, culled from the subject, or under a multitude of changing forms, serves to
one of its counter- subjects, is a mere point of bind the powerfully-contrasted elements of the
imitation, inti-oduoed for the purpose of adding composition into a consistent whole.
interest to the composition, binding it more Sebastian Bach's Choral Vorspiel, ' Wir glau-
closely together, or establishing a more intimate ben air an einen Gott,' is based upon a Canto
correspondence of style between its various fermo, an Andamento, and a Soggetto.
sections. The Canto fermo.
fugue developed from a well-considered
Andamento must, of necessity, be a lengthy
one. A fine instance ofan Andamento con-
sisting of two distinct sections will be found
in the second portion of the chorus, 'When
his loud voice,' in Handel's ' Jephthah,' at the
words They now contract.

(a) (6)

In this Canto iermo, weie it uoi tor

case, the
They now contract their boistrous Pride, and lash "with
the fact that it an old ecclesiastical melody, and
The ' Amen Chorus,' in the Messiah,' affords '
not an original theme, might be technically de-
another equally fine example, in which the two scribed as the true Soggetto, and the Soggetto as
sections, though distinctly separated, are not a counter-Subject, the office of which it performs
so strongly contrasted with each other. throughout the entire composition. It should
be mentioned that some German authorities use
the term as equivalent to what we call episodes
A- men, A - etc.
(see Attaoco, and Soggetto). w. s. e.
the other hand, in the chorus, Righteous '
ANDANTE (Ital., participle of the verb

Heaven,' in 'Susanna,' the subject introduced andare, 'to go'). Going, moving along at a
at the words, 'Tremble guUt,' though phrased
moderate pace. In modern music this word is
chiefly used to designate a rather slow rate of
in three which admit of distinct
breathing-places between them, is very nearly
movement formerly however it was used more

homogeneous in its general character.

generally in its literal sense. Thus in Handel's
Nearly all the fugues in Sebastian Bach's music we frequently find the indication 'andante
allegro,' a contradiction in terms in the modern
'Wohltemperirtes Clavier are formed upon '

sense of the words, but meaning nothing more

Soggetti while nearly all his finest organ

than moving briskly.' Andante is a quicker

fugues, with pedal obbligato, are developed
rate of movement than larghetto, but on the
from long and well-sustained Andamenti. A
other hand is slower than allegretto. As with
curious instance, in two sections, will be found
most other time -indications it is frequently
in the fugue in E major from the third toccata
modified in meaning by the addition of other
(B.-G. vol. XV. p. 278).
words, e.g. andante sostenuto would be a

In the well-known organ fugue in G minor,


little slower, andante un poco allegretto

and '

the construction of the Andamento is a miracle

or 'andante con moto' a trifle faster, than
of melodic skill :

'andante' alone. Like adagio, largo, etc.,

this word is also used as the name of a piece of
musid {e.g. Beethoven's 'Andante in F') or as
the name of a slow movement of a symphony,
One of the finest Andamenti to be found sonata, etc. E. P.
among fugues of later date is that which forms the ANDANTINO The diminutive of
subject of the ' Zauberflbte overture. 'Another Andante (q.v. As andante means literally
' '

foiTns the theme of the first of Mendelssohn's Six '

going,' its diminutive must mean rather '

Fugues for the pianoforte (op. 35). going, 'i.e. not going quite so fast and properly ;

Andamenti may be found both in real and '

andantino designates a somewhat slower time

tonal fugue the examples are, however, much

; than andante. The majority of modern com-
more frequent in the former than in the latter. posers however, forgetting the original meaning
The Andamento is frequently used in combina- of the word, and thinking of andante as equiva-
tion, both with the Soggetto and the Attacco ;
lent with slow,' use andantino for 'rather slow,'

and either, or both of them, may occasionally i. e. quicker. In which sense the word
be found in combination with a Canto fermo. isintended can only be determined by the char-
The ' Hallelujah Chorus ' is developed from a acter of the music itself. No more striking proof
Canto fermo adapted to the words, For the '
of the uncertainty which prevails in the use of
Lord God Omnipotent reigneth,' a Soggetto, these time-indications can be given than is to be
'And He shall reign for ever and ever,' and a found in the fact that three movements in Men-
constantly- varying Attacco, ' Hallelujah, ' which, delssohn's 'Elijah,' the first of which, 'If with

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