Grand Key of Solomon The King Ancient Handbook of Angel Magic Summoning by Pseudo Asaph Ben Berechiah PDF (001 017)

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Magic / Grimoires $59.95 he enchanting tales of 1001 Arabian Nights and I the mysterious magical societies of the Mi a legendary figure. He . 3 Berechiab, the Vizier of King z to Islamic wadition, this Arabian Mer magical contest, teleporting Queen Sheeba’s throne in the blink of the Great Name, Through cof an eye, using his knowledj the ages masters of the forbidden art of djinn evocation have shared with their disciples in secrecy an ext altradition of rituals, incantations, and magical implements belongin Asaph Ben Berechiah. Fragments of these arcane m) could be found in the Middle Ages, the likes Few and far between, many have treasured what litle fragments of this oral tradition could be found, There were also whispers of a grimoire compiled by an’ anonymous Arabian wizard brimming with secrets of the magic of Asaph Ben Berechiah. Known only as Ajnas, its reputation grew, but few posses a recent years and remains seeker of the art of the masters, you needn't wait centuries for this important grimoite to be avail happened with Ghayat al-Hakin se in English as ha atrix). Right now, you and the masters of tomorr Hen HeTH Snaeer Marwr doer dvourr mi hay EE] Su ou SRAND RES cr GRAND KEY OF SOLOMON THE KING ARCIERT HARDBOOK OF ARGEL MAGIC @ DIINK SUMMORIRG Pseudo Asaph Ben Berechiah FBO G Ishtar Publishing Vancouver ‘Grano key or Soconon’ mie Kiss Aces HANOIOOK OF ANGEL Maca avo Dies Stone AN ISHTAR PUBLISHING BOOK: 9781-926667-11-9 PRINTING HISTORY Ibhar Publishing edition pushed 2009 T3579 108642 Copycght shar Publishing, 2009 ‘exe Design and Layout (Ishtar Publishing, 2009 This hook is copyright under the Berne Convention ‘No reprodicton without permis CONDITION OF SALE This book is sold subject othe condition that shall not, by way ‘of trade or otherwise, be lent, esol, hired out or othervie ce «lated in any form of binding or cover ates than tha in which it is published and without a simile condition including this condi ‘ton being imposed on the subsequent purchaser Isher Pablishing 141.6200 Mekay Ave Suite 716 Barnaby, BC Canada VSHISM9 worasheapublishing com Printed and bound in the United Sates, ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Cuunorens ‘Nas Or Pow To enkan Ta Tc Bae [Navn Or Pemex Ow Tit Roo Or Moss [Nass Or Pemex To wan Tia: Ants Or Mey [Nautss Or Pome OW Tie Forties Or Tr AN Gann ‘Seven Nas Tava ‘Fo-t ANG, Maas Sv Navas Tasca To The Anca. Aas [Noss Or Pose ow Ti Stay Hen [Nouns Or Pow Fo Ti Sant Hate [Noss Or Pome Fo Tes Fons Hew [Novs Or Pow Fou Tes Fooent Hias [Novis Or Poms Boe The Tom His [News Or Pom Row Th Second Baan [Nawts Or Pow Bow Ths Fst Hi [Novis Or Pee oxi Sevens Passes (Sos) [Nawis Or Powen Pon Ti: Sms Fann (Query [Newt Or Poem Pon Tx: Ferns Fanon (ML) [Novis Ox Pera Pom Tae Foun Pawan sms) [Nats Or Pema Pow Tn Tho Finan (Vests) [Nats Or Penn om Th Stcon Fase (Mec) Cousrrens Paces Cuarrens Paes ‘Nawts Or Poin Fox Ta Fast Faanawnn Mon) 48 ‘hsraucnoss Fon Ts Kaaano Ov AN Eva, Jan 7 Sa ANo Comnesnon Fox Tis ANH MararHON ” Soboheann \Whgisoay AND Is Banton: Restart » Soma: Cosgnsrinn Bow At Spans st ae aes a ‘Srcon Conguranen For Th Asc, Memon ss cei er Consonssto Op Th Ronan Or Tun e Timp Congoxarns FowT,Ancin Misr 56 “s Insnecrions Fox Ti Runanrrant Or Wepnssoe’s 82 Fourn Coxoranon Foe Tin) ANG Miranion * et Fas Conueamion Rox Tae xc. Minn * -xsmmocrions ron Bungan’s Se 8s Soc Coxgunation Row Te ANGE, Maytag « “Tur Pies Conuesnion To Tie Kine Bunge %% Sivwyme Conjsiton Fok Twa) Ani. Mic ans a Tin Secon Cengungon Th Kin Boras Sunny ANp Ty Ewetonanus RUAN “ Th Tony Congunaon TT Kise Buran ® ‘Sea OF Ts ANG. OF Te Sos a “Tue Poor Coxgenamon To The Kins Borges » “Te Connais Uno Tis Sus Wino Cax Br « “Tur Firms Coxjuranon To Tia: Kins Boras ” Esneao i: Sem Coerion To Th: Kans Boman a “Te Nas OF Tes @ a - ° “Twe Saves Congunanion Tis Kins Baan a Coxcumsine Te Tease Jews Kins Ov Tw Sus 68 paula 2 Moov AND Ts Ennai: Ruan “ pe eee Insrucons Fon Tina's Ant Se 98 ‘Sea, OF Tas Aven OF Tua: Moon, o Saunas Jur’ Tears KING ” CContunsoy To Ti Connors OF Acannes 7 ‘ran Tis Heavigs AND Te Exar Or Wien Conpumsricn To Te Conan Or Fists S ‘Qomayan i Ganon “The Congoeaton To Stanannast Aub Aus Tie 6 CConsunstion To Tae Testa Kin AAW 1 Poms smcrons Bom At-Anvanit Si, 2 Swoon Conuasnion To Sanam a Tis Naas Or At-Aunave’'s Att a humo Conguusrien To Stanenstt oe “Tursiy Awo Tes Enon: Rssniva ” Foun Gowerarion To Sinan » “Du: Swonn OF Mans 1% Puy An AN 10 The Congueton Ov Mas * Coxumsr10N To The Exxon Trams wo Tia: Sea OF Syne uerms Paces Gourms has nsraucrions Fon Kastavara’s Sia 103 pakseoron tee Bee sabe Ee o 1 Gonuuanns Or Pa Ho acne ws aie Tasracons For Mayoun’s Anwar 4 pf TM aS tl ly my Conponarion Or Tins Fray Laws m Maer or Wa0sions ie ‘Secon Conjunatton To Aw Manab Zuni 12 Tesiloctes Tecoma wig oemese Tut Nass Or Teas’ Auris: 1 oe 1 ago aD To Se i Orttebar ji ae “Thu Srmye Coxjunarion 161 ‘Tm Biowe Noes “s Sane a Cores ia eae orca ana, ae Ene Comann Or Mai Tas GeawOr at er Or hm a So Sasi COME Or Mono see “Tir Nanas Wir Winter Thar Lowes Carano The 3 Mawes Hin I Da Serres Cousrrens Dscous Ow Ti Caarer Conor Ox Ta Tanase Naas Conmesay On Te Novas Or Crows Conowe ae On Ti Nase Or Wis ‘a Savin Nas {Givi OF Ti Seve Bs iw Giyms Ov Tac Rumania Ex ON Tas Sov Divs Tia: Gyms Ov The Seven Tenses Kins n 1m Baar Pres “Tun Giyms Or Tite Rerss Or The Sis Dos Gusmisor nS) we ws 20 20s a» Isvrar Punusane's ‘Omicr Booxs Or Isterest Awan [Book of Deaor Naus As REVEALED To Kina SouoMox BY Jin Kine Frost Comune Soon [Rep Macic: Gains of Diny Sretts ano Socentes Jiwn Suunowino: Conexniunt oF MacicaL Evocarions Fos. “Apvance Wr2anos, AL-Toux's Griwome oF Hawur asp Maer Tn the name of God, Most Merciful and Compassionate ‘© commence: You have been asking me to write a book for you, comprised of | benefits laid out sequentially. [thought I would assist you toward the means by which the People of Truth give guidence to others us- | ing source documents. Ihave summarized thes, First, { shall begin with what is reliable anda y= source of guidance, so that its reader may be safe from sources of criticism among the Schol- -. ars of Truth, who long for the spiritual science and adhere to the rules of Sacred Law, so that, entreaty to the Creator, Glorious and Exalted, may come about. T have explained what our predecessors spoke y t and concealed from the secrets of the scholars concerning the one- and two-part non-Arabic namesandthelike,stuchasthethree-partnames written in foreign tongues. I have transliter- ated these into Arable so that they may be easy. for their reader and that he may be safe from error Know: The prophet Moses was ina state of love known to the elect, where he gave up food and water and voluntarily feared Ged and wept. He 2 ‘would speak the Names until the term appoint ed by his Lord Most High was completed. On hearing what pertained to them of such names, the angels would descend to him out of every heaven with their exalted ranks. Thereupon, he would say. “My need is with the Creator of the earth and the heavens,” and recite the Most Beautiful Names and the Supreme Words, which neither earth nor heaven can withstand hear- ing, and which are the father of the world and all of ereation, I shall discuss each name, the angels associated ‘with it, and the conjurations it requires, start- ing with the angels encompassing the Throne Mand the Footstool, the angels encireling the Can- ‘opies of Greatness and Glory, the angels envelop- ing the Pen and the Tablet, the angels who glori- fy God in the Inhabited House, the angel Israfil [4+], whe stands on the right hand of power, ‘the intimate angel Jibrail [J], who stands on (oes [8.5], the cherubim and the angels in charge of the spirits I shall explain this in its proper place, God Most High willing, sothatthedivinereward contained therein may be easy for its reader to earn, thus ‘enabling him to rise to the highest degree and jerceive the world of the heavenly realm. But it is the Divine who will guide to what is cor- rect and who will assist with what each chap: ‘ter brings. I shall elaborate on the non-Arabie ‘words and the diacritical marks of the letters 3 | based on the best source. For whatever know!- edge I am unfamiliar with, I will rely on what is recorded and established, mention the names that God Most High taught the prophet Moses, and the names by which the | __ Divine raised Elias to a high place After these are the names which Joshua the son of Nun spoke, whereupon the sun stood still for him and which Moses said to Og the son of Anak ‘causing him to become bewildered, until Moses, killed hie, [1] Fottowing the discussion of those angels, wil yy Next come the names by which the eclestial and terrestrial spirits are made to manifest, as well as names known as the Names of Tijan. By these. - any of celestial or terrestrial Ruhaniyyah you “wish to summon will answer out of obedience © to God Most Great (the ruhani you summon will g . not be able to stay away from you for a sing! moment, even if he is in the remotest part of FER. she cast ona you arein the remotert part ofthe HB" resth Last are che names by which the Divine 4 Be ret ox ce never ptanenrns In addition, 1 will mention the seal of the angel Milatrdn [3,44] (peace be upon him), its con jurations, its obedience, its uses, and instruc tions on how to use it (God willing. his will be the first seal to be discussed), as well as the Su- preme Conjuration for all spirits 6 Then I will give the seal of the angel Ruqay’i [JsS,] and its conjuration, its inseription, its uses, its rules and instructions on how to use it. I will show the seal of the terrestrial king Madhhab [-a:] and what pertains to it, as is mentioned elsewhere Next, Iwill give the seal of Jibrdl [Js +] (peace be upon him) and what pertains to it, as [did for others. After that, I will examine the seal of the terrestrial king Abya’(=u!), and then the seal of ‘the angel Samsami'll[...] and what pertains toit, as I did for the rest, Furthermore, I will consider the seal of the a gel Mikal [55+] (peace be upon him) and what Pertains to it of Instructions, important expla- nations, and conjurations that have been relat- fed concerning what benefits humankind, A Additionally. I will cover the seal of the angel Sartayiit [53-2] (peace be upon him) and his great benefits, as well as a conjuration for the flying spirits of the air and their compliance. ‘Next I will talk about Sharnhllrash [J.+~!), his conjurations, and the quickness of his compli ance, likewise Zawba'ah (1), his seal, and the greatness of his compliance. Then I will reveal instructions for the seal of the angel ‘Anyi [Jsse] and the excellence of his compliance. The Conjuration of the Regions as extracted from the books of mysteries follows, as well as the seal of Maymiin (25~-] and what benefits and : 5 fear it holds (those are all seven seals), ‘Then Lwill show you the seal of the Twelve Who. Know the Secrets of Humankind and the rite and considerations pertaining to them. 1 will give instructions for the seal of Mabel [Js\e+] and Sakhe ibn “Amel ibm Sarjil ibn al-Abya’ ib amie [sla Gi Gayl Os Dp oF 246 GF ha] A will mention the Aides and all that pertains to them, I will indicate the mandal of Solomen (peace be upon him), what pertains to it, its guardian Mahakil [J94-], andits instructions and uses, Fi- nally, I will give the names of seership, against ‘which neither jinn nor human can transgrass, lin [4], whe responds for anything. -"T give the names on the handle [of the spear], prescribed for every afflicted person, and the names for slaying, Then I give the names of Abi 's [1,) 9i] knife, intended for every ob- *stinate tyrant and rebellious demon, [shall then cite the seals of the Terrestrial Kings ‘They are: the seal of Khandash [.| and Naykal (JS!) and the instructions and rules pertaining ‘to them: the seal of Abii Ma‘bad Zunbilr [3+ 5! ‘uses, anid its comme = tary; the seat of Maymatin AbU Nuk [25 os) hhis compliance. and the excellence of his obe- Gience: the seal of Ahmar the Koreishite |=)! 3), whe is prepared to do anything: and the seal of Himinah [As], its instructions, its Aides, its uses, its specialty, the quickness of compl- ance, and its mighty protection. 1 shall keep 6 any explanation in the chapters following these brief, until their place of discussion comes. God shall discuss the names on the Pentacle of Solo- ‘mon (peace be upon him), which is the great Al- tar upon which he had the spirits swear a cove- nant, and on which Jibrail (1 =), MIKA TI [J25), Isrifil [U3], and “Azrd’it (3:1) sat, on the day ‘they swore that covenant, as well as its instruc: ‘ions, its guardians, its uses, and the words and ites to employ. ‘You will learn the scorching names by which you torment the spirits, along with an accurate ‘commentary on the purpose of their utilization, I will mention the secrets lodged at every cho- sn station, Then I will discuss the Carpet and its commentary, the Perfect Names, the Twelve ‘Names and the manner of attaining Elias's knowledge. Finally, 1 shall discuss Simia (dark alchemy) by which one can make the blind to see, along, with its bewildering, wondrous. and sublime states, topies, and types, The highest grades ex: tant of these are those whose gains bring nearer. pursuits whose gifts are noble. These elevated he who was elevated and caused lights to ap- Pear on a dark night, and brought near what he ‘wished to be near, even if it was far, and sent afar what he wished to be far. even if it was near. Additionally, if he so wished, he could produce i t ch 2 all the various metals of the earth, fires from ‘which fire cannot, through any physical act. be obtained, and so on, all by the power of the Lord, ‘the King, the Bestower, He who dispatches the ‘winds to the clouds. (Glory be to Him besides whom there is no ged!) One can gain insight into ‘that only by success through the Divine and by the blessing of His names. Ta norco RS am Nartes Or PowER To Awaken THE 2: THRONE BEARERS sed Agtevhudentetetor 24n3, ‘n the name of God, Almighty and Great The Sirst in order of submission are the Throne- shearers)and the names by which they obey Bihamyafal) [cin], Bijammah [‘~J, Yaghfir (4), Mayhagar [.4e-], Masi (J-=], Shahin (2+), Shahin [cs], Bijahoon [o-\], Matayhoon Teed Explanation: 0 Lord, You are the One; You are g the Ultimate; You are the Omnipotent; You are the Living, the Ever Subsistent, the Lord of al things, the God of all things, the Knower of al things, the Omnipotent over all things, Not an | atom's weight escapes Your knowledge, You are transcendent and therefore cannot be seen, Know, may God support you, that if you say these names with cleanliness of body, clothes, and surroundings, and with a sincere heart, an- gels of light will descend toyou, and the heavens, the earth, everything in them, and everything ‘between them will tremble. You can use these names for inciting spirits, entering the presence of sovereigns, acceptance, binding tongues, ma riage proposals, the fulfillment of needs, sum-F |. Moning celestial Ruhaniyyah, protection, heal ing and reproval in pursuit of the approval of qthe Lord Most High re tn Nantes Or Power ON Tit® Rep Or Moses is that by which the Di- ‘Vine created the angels of the Canopies of Greatness and Glory. It is these names ‘that Adam (peace be upon him) said, where- ? upon God accepted his repentance. Mereover. | they are the ones with which Jesus the ton oF Mary (peace be upon him) resurrected the dead | and ctired the living: he would say them over ailments and they would be cured by the per | | mission of the Lord. If you say them in a state of cleanliness, the mountains will tremble from ’ their greatness, They areas follows “Asl [o#], Bayrakh [¢.»], BayrUkh [col | | Barkhawi (>), Shayrakh [<2], Shirtleh (¢48), Yatmakeh (ei), Shakhiiya (U2), MUKR [E>], Fast (6-1, Shambteh [2 -!), Shamilehi |, Makehinesd (6s), Arik (6), Bayrdkeha 6.) Bay [be Ya Bila [44], Hlleiywamal (cA), Mahardt (5) Se), Ya Huh (4+), Shaymi (+2), Matsaydmlm [2+], Magniina (), Bishaf- hharaz (J5), Hardie [31], Baokh [25 S sharfayiien [¢4],BAIUIcha [4.), You are the ‘Originator of the heavens and the earth In addition to the names, these characters were on the rod of Moses (peace be upon him) SIP CE PUICI 6 Cees see brane pal Ue bercsusebot ce pe lelaseed Explanation: You are the Creator, besides whom there is no god, the most glorious of those who ‘are remembered, the most entitled to be wor- shipped, the most worthy of being praised, the most generous of those who are asked, and ‘the most bountiful of these who give. There 1S no god but You, the most knowledgeable of those who know, the wisest of thore who rule, the most helpful of those from whom help is Sought. There is no god but You. You are hidden from creation. You have ascribed kindness unto ‘Yourself. You alone possess the most beautiful names. You encompass all things in knowledge and power. When invoked, You answer, When asked, You give, You have recorded traces and reckoned life spans. You are the King, the Over- powering, the One, the Triumphant. There is no Eod save You. You abase with Your power and elevate by Your might whom You will, You are God, the Master. The hearts of all ereatures are in Your hand, and You can turn them as You Uplease. Speech is what You have spoken; deeree, “what You have decreed; judgment, what You have judged. No one can repulse Your command, nor can anyone rescind Your determination, ‘You are the Living, the Ever Subsistent, Know, my brother, that these names are scat- ‘tered over the rod of Moses (peace be upon him) * ‘They are thirty-one names—ten on each side Among them is a name by which one can per- 0%, form miracles, open locks, break spells, bind » tongues, divide evildoers, subdue tyrants, and sumunon any terrestrial spirit, You ean employ. ‘them for abduction, reproval, separation, love, arousal, bringing those who are away, and ful- {filling all needs, by the power of the Lord Most igh. You can use them for al v under the stars for seven days in the manner that will, God Most High willing, be described later, any spirit you summon will answer—not ‘one of therm will fail to come te you. You can also use them for finding stolen and hidden items. ‘When you say them, angels will descend to you, ‘each having two wings—one spanning the east and the other the west—and they can summon any of the Spiritual Kings you wish, They have sundry other usages, en Nantes OF POwER To Awaken THE AINGELS Or Mercy LORE RP VERO RYN KOVED E RE =e) hesenames areassociated with the Angels: of Merey, who are obliged to obey them. ‘The name of the angel in charge of them is Iseiifit (Js! ~!] (peace be upon him), on whose forehead these names are written, and who JStands on the right hand of power. awaiting the ¥ command to sound the trumpet, by which the ~~ ‘souls will be gathered. These are the names Thahith (Sse), Miele [=], Samiisam’ (W, Saymim [ls], Barly 43), Yamaqya (4s), HAL [sh], Yamikh (és), HOR (+s), Miyakhikh leat] I B Explanation: You are the Powerful—where are eR te ema -e the Glorious— Gstvencaldes¢isanmad sco us? You are the 4 the Ever Subsistent. Answer, Ocompany Nartes OF POWER, i of Aides, by the leave of the Divine. ! ON THE FoREHEAp OF ; Know, my friend, that if you say these puri- ; jed names, the earth and the mountains will + THE-ANGEL GaBRipL tremble from their greatness, and all the spir- its of the angels opie and jam wil hurey to hy * mn ly you. These are white angels holding banners of ‘white light. * 1 ft deine eee el If you utter them against a tyrant, he will be ‘on the Forehead of Jibed’il [5:1] (peace ) come bewildered and unable to speak, ThesameB ‘be upon him), who stands on the right applies to every adversary, envier, and trans-"- “J. -" hand of power, awaiting the command to de- iver divine inspiration. Obedience to them is you can use them for binding tongues, protec: incumbent upon the angels associated with tion, and against all harmful diseases. None of the Tablet comprising knowledge of all things the angels in charge of the regions of the earth=_ ‘and the Exalted Knowledge. When you summon .., Will fail to come to you, Further, you must nei GB” them thereby, they will answer out of obedr- F ther utter them, except in a state of cleanliness, ence to the Divine, Mighty and Majestic, With for employ them, except for that of which the His names and these names, He created them, 4 Lord Most High approves Moreover, they are written on the forehead of ‘Jibei [449] (peace be upon him), and are the Sones Jesus the son of Mary (peace be upon him) would say on important occasions, They are as follows: __ Bressor. By the permission of God Most High, ft ' Tash (24), Tash [4], Tashat (22), Tashah [2 ‘Yuhanit [5], Hlmiyat [+], Hthwat [251] Glorious is God, Mighty and Majestic, and He has power over all things 16 Explanation: Glory be unto You, O Living One Glory be unto You, 0 Ever Subsistent One, Glory he unto You, O Reliance, Glory be unto You, 0 He ‘who neither begot nor was begotten, and whom there was none like. There is no god save You, none omnipotent save You, and none worthy of worship save You. Obedience to them is incumbent upon all the an gels. When you summon them thereby, they wi respond. You can employ them in plousness and righteousness, SEVEN Names TauGur Te THE ANGEL MictanL a ‘High taught Miki’il J:!S| (peace be upon ‘him), and with which he and all the angels Inthe seventh heaven standing between the Tab- let and the Throne glorify God. Angels of light serve them, They are the angels who give succor to all the prophets, In their hands are spears of h ARES are seven names that the Lord Most span. You, my Lord, are exalted far above what 5 tual and terrestrial angels. Whenever you sum- ‘mon them thereby, they will answer. You can ‘use them for all pious and righteous works and Sor summoning the Thaqufat (angelic overseers of the seasons] who are in the regions of the earth, These are the pure, noble. purified names ‘written on the forehead of MIki'l [JS-] (peace ‘be upon him) ‘Shah [42], Shawin (3-3), Kamtifash [5 Lainim (oS), Kaytinn (245), Yat [bu], Bia (2) Explanation: Glory be unto You. 0 Ged, 0 Over- powering One. Glory be unto You, OLord, © Sub- ‘duer. Glory be unto You, O He who knows of the fall of a leaf froma tree. Glory be unto You, 0 He who is clothed with majesty and dignity. Glory ‘be unto You, O He who has reckoned every fife theeppressers aay 2 Know, may the Creator give you success that, if ‘you say them, angels of light on horses of light, holding swords of light, will descend to you. They are the masters of stabbing and you can ‘put them to use for reproval, healing, protec: ‘tion, burning, abduction, binding tongues, and Jnciting the spiritual and terrestrial angels. You ‘can employ them for all things by the permis- sion of God Most High. 16 rin 8 selena Seven Nanes TauGur To THE ANGEL AZRaEL V Know that these names are names of bewilder- ment: when you enter the presence of a tyran- nical sovereign, an adversary you wish to sup- ress, or an envier whose plot you wish to re- _ turn upon his own head, say those names and | he will become bewildered and unable to speak. However, do not say them except on important. occasions. They can likewise stun all celestial and terrestrial spirits and, by the permission of the Lord Most High, are useful for binding tongues, entering the presence of sovereigns, iscovering hidden things in dreams, covenant- ing with the Spiritual Kings, enquiring about. unseen affairs throughout the world, making pacts with the Kings, the mightiest shield, and ithe greatest flame. here are seven names, by which the Lord ‘ \ k Most High taught the angel Azea'll (4b!) to seize souls, These are the names: Kashla’ (2S), Ya'las [4s], Ya'kalam [-| J) + Shatikeat(4S2!), Jama‘atium [om], Maki (oS) Katwa [15 os Names Or Powsr Por Tie SEDENTH HEAVEN OnyNyEROKAYEYs9Y20% ves 1 ge a etna: | Explanation: I am the Creator. Iam the Maker. 3 Tam the Originator. Lam the Restorer. I do as - I please. Iam the Giver of Life and the Giver of Death. I am the Overpowering. the Majestic, 1 ‘am the Oft forgiving, Who alone possesses mer- * cy. Come forth, 0 soul, out of obedience unto the command of God, ‘Know, may the Divine support you, that these ‘gg are the most sublime of the Seven Canopies, ‘Those of exalted constitution and the glory en- compassing all things will follow them, Obe- dience to them is incumbent upon all celestial bodies and all the spiritual angels who glorify God therein ere are seven pure names, and with them the Divine One created the devastating angels of the seventh Heaven. No earth or ‘heaven can bear hearing them. Ifyou recite them im a clean space, angels on horses of flames, hold- ing green banners, willing to comply with your i 4 4 4. and inciting the Spiritual and Terrestri 4 every demand, will descend to you out of obedi- ence to the names of God Most High. Utter them only for that of which the Lord, Mighty and Ma- Jestic, approves. Moreover. these are the names ‘that Adam (peace be upon him) said. whereupon God forgave him. They are as follows: Baki (Us), Say (>), “Aja [>], Elyon, Hinit (sia), Sama, (|, Sha‘ayt Explanation: Glory be unto You, 0 Liberator of Necks. Glory be unto You, O Causer of Causes, Glory be unto You, 0 Revealer of the Book. Glory. ‘be unto You, © Generous One, 0 Bestower. Glory be unto You. © Living One who dies not. Glory ive unto You, © my God and God of humanity. ~You created me, my Lord, by Your hand, and pre- ferred me unto many of Your creatures. There- fore unto You belong praise, grace, power, and { blessings. Blessed and exalted are You, our Lord sk Your forgiveness and repent unto You ‘You can employ them, by the permission of God Most High, for any pious act you wish anything ‘the Lord approves of—such as protection, heal- Ing, reproval, subdual, abduction, covenanting. Kings ‘Obedience to them is incumbent upon them, Whenever you summon them therewith, they will answer. I i - soe tame, aaa Nantes Or PowER + FoR THE : ‘ Sixtit Heaven: \ tant hhese are twenty names of the Divine, Mighty and Majestic, which they serve ‘with obedience and compliance Ifyou say them, angels on green horses, each angel wear-B ing different colored clothing, holding swords ~ of light, will descend to you. They are the great- ‘est flame. You can use them for anything. They. he interlocutors concerning humiliation y jeuration, These are their names: Haflas (5d), Salt [gs], Shalelaman [+S], “Alay ($2), Hash [34], Kalstah (cls), Ayii' [om Ayshatin (odht), “Asin ie), SatsA fab), Sati (ge), Hajit [Jes], Ta'tish (5), Tit [a2], Shalala [chs], y “Alsayfiit [24-2], Allchahitinit (%)], Haykat [GS], Malte (24), Hafat [Jbs), Hayfat (J), Explanation: Glory be unto You, © possessor of sovereignty and might, Glory be unto You, pos- jor of power and force. Glory be unto You, © Living One who dies not. Glory be unto You, (© He who is transcendent and too subtle to be 26 seen. Glory be unto You, 0 He unto whom belong the sovereignty of this world and the world to ‘come, Exalted are You, my Lord, far above what the oppressors say. Know, my friend—may the Lord give you suc- cess—that if you say them in a state of eleanli- ness, the mountains and the earth will shake from their greatness. You can use them, by the permission of God Most High, for repreval, de- Eredation, abduction, slitting. protection, and questioning the Ruhaniyyah and the Servants on any day. Whenever you summon them there- by, they will answer out of obedience to the Lord Most High and to His names, 1 SNE a tne ASAE TAD ARAM Nanes Or Power 2 Por THs 4 Firte Tfeaven here are twelve names of God Most High, ‘which He taught Moses (peace be on him), who supplicated Him with them, where- upon He answered his supplication. They are as follows: 2 ‘Sah (4), AsisUd [2], Adsa |--»), Adonal, Badt (e4], AUH [ome], Hatin a (bt), Yanfi'a (64), Satya (U4), Sa’ayaha [9\-), Saymimd [\y--), Yaruieh, [es], Sharnabdieh (¢ 3.2), YA Lakhd (52). Explanation: You, You, © Mereiful One, © Com passionate One, O He of exalted status, 0 He who Is worshipped at all times and in all ages. © He ‘who is sacred everywhere, O He who. II languages, © Magnificent One, O Sovereign ‘One, O He of infinite beneficence, O He of eternal grace, pardon Your sinful servant, Grant me de: Tiverance and hear me, © Glorious One. Answer my supplication, O One, through Your greatness. Verily You are powerful over all things. Another Explanation: © Merciful One, 0 C passionate One, 0 Beneficent One, grant me de- Tiverance and hear me, 0 Glorious One, answer my supplication, © Almighty One, forgive me, 0. ‘One, there is no god save You. You are my Lord and the Lord of all things. Lask Your forgiveness and repent unto You. Know, my friend, that these names are majestic, pure, and purified, and you can employ them for all pious actions, summoning the Spiritual Kings, conjurations, reproval, subjugation. pro: tection, and healing. Out of obedience to them, none whom you summon will fail to come. Among their special wonders is that when you supplicate the Lord Most High for something, thereby, He will answer you and fulfill your need. They are also for love, arousal and har-

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