Grand Key of Solomon The King Ancient Handbook of Angel Magic Summoning by Pseudo Asaph Ben Berechiah PDF (108 113)

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242 Weite on paper on Saturday for Kasfayiiil [tush Soe Coe ‘The Fiest Name: Fashion a hollow figure in the aaess of arent MK Geet meeleras oc treat soaos tea Hee rales ing glyphs, Write the names on a elean pareh- Peer et coerce er focs eer Ty alae figure coooayuce tamales Be AIG teace weirs cue peevineatv ae ~" tioned name on its left leg and your name on its chest. It is for entering the presence of sover- cigns, the fulfillment of needs, burning, and all, Jinn, the Earth, and countries, ‘The Second Name: Fashion it from silver and use it for entering the presence of sovereigns and, Jeaders and for fulfilling needs. ‘The Third Name: It is for the bound ‘The Fourth Name: Fashion it from white wax and use it for love, affection, and fulfilling needs. ‘The Fifth Name: Use it for exorcisms and the re- ‘turn of missing persons. ‘The Sixth Name: Fashion it from copper and use : - 203 it for assaulting, reproving, subduing, and kill: ing others, for protection from Fear and worry, and for seizing venomous creatures. ‘The Seventh Name: Fashion it from white wax and inscribe the glyphs on the center of the fig- ureand the names on different parts of the body and on any place wherein is a Wind. Then stab, ‘any place where the Wind is, to obtain his cure, Make a wick and impregnate it with lily or ben tree oil. Light the wick at the top of the head ‘The Names of Killing are the Seven Secrets ‘Summon each angel by his Ruhaniyyah, and in time and hour. Do not stmmon him by other than his Ruhaniyyah—understand this. sete Tp GlyPits OF THE RUHANIYYait EMPLOYED ~ ON THE SEDEN Days oe 244 ‘The glyph of Monday's Ruhantyyan is 2! ‘The glyph of Tuesday's Ruhaniyyah is *» J The glyph of Wednesday's Ruhaniyyah is - 22S ‘The glyph of Thursday's Ruhaniyyah is ‘The glyph of Friday's Ruhaniyyah is 0 ‘The glyph of Saturday's Ruhantyyah is | J+: hero — SAS AAMRL SRD HWA SS Pos THe GLypHs Or THE SEVEN TERRESTRIAL KINGS Bostic S9ktbe aetna he glyph of Sunday's Terrestrial King is I Byes ‘The glyph of Monday's Terrestrial King is 205 ‘The glyph of Thursday's Terrestrial King is BY, Soe ‘The glyph of Friday's Terrestrial King is ach ‘The glyph of Saturday's Terrestrial King is er ecm eS a ‘THe GLYPHS OF THE SEVEN BRILLIANT PLANETS ft gr ‘The glyph of the Sun is y A eo Bi, 206 202 Monday: The glyph of the Moon is ‘Wednesday: The glyph of Mercury is Tuesday: The glyph of Mars is 268 RET RMP AILS Pi ‘THe Gryprs Or Tie RITES OF Tie SEvEN Days ‘Saturday: ‘Ma‘adayus said, “I asked Asaph the son of Bere. 3, chiahabout theseglyphs placedonthetalismans ~~ of the seven days, He said, ‘Know that nothing of ‘the sciences is undertaken except with know!- edge of the day and its glyph, the ruhani and his glyph, and the planet and its glyph, for inqui- Fy, reproval, casting circles, constructing talis- mans, or anything else, even for protection and ‘healing, Once you become familiar with that, 216 you will come to know its truth. When you wish to undertake an operation, look at the ascendant and its lord. Draw the glyph ‘between the first and the twelfth of the lunar month, when the moon is free from malefie at pects and in fortunate mansions, aspecting the brilliant planet with a benefic aspect. IFitis oth- ‘erwise, draw it from the twelfth to the twenti- eth, when the moon is unfortunate man- sion aspecting Saturn with a square or oppo: ‘tion. If it is for suffering from Winds and pains. draw it during the last part of the month. Know ‘that and the Lord Most High will guide you.” _ UBy grace, aid, and good success from the Divine. this completes the book. All Praise is due God alone. Amen, a ci paar ar Kin Rasta me arated cc RO seat iam stieatiriay cc

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