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Pubela established governmental portal by using HTML Editor Fireworks with limited

efficiency and the governmental agencies and departments added content on their own
and gave information without any guidelines but in 2006’s Public relation officers
collaboration’s new guidelines arrived which created hardships like communication
problem, uploading digital files according to that requirements given, for unknown
terminology of information technology and this problem created unnecessary day.

After changing Fireworks, content management system was taken and complexity
began like:

1.Needed large team:

Here many people in large number was using this portal for this reason communications
channels were interrupted and for maintenance large number of members was needed.

Solution: Joomla! community that could be adapted to suit the needs of the Puebla
Others who have been involved in the portal’s development commented that the
commitment of the leader in each ministry is directly related to the success of each
page in particular. They also believe that quality information generates citizen
involvement including taking part in surveys, sending e-mails, entering chats, and
sending virtual postcards via the page. For example, the leading portal in 2010 invited
academics and citizens to provide feedback to help develop and improve the portal.
Although this process was tried in the state of Puebla, it did not have the desired result.
Therefore, feedback on the Puebla website is given regularly by family members and
friends of the portal’s development team

2.Unknown requirements:
When new requirements were given, complexity begins because many requirements
were unknown by the government stakeholders and for this reason’s communication
was difficult

Solution: Scrum agile development method, for better communication.

On the other hand, certain organizational practices were recognized by some interviewees as
institutionalized routines or practices that lend legitimacy to both the portal and the development
process. An example of this institutionalization process is the adoption of the SCRUM development
method, which became a routine part of the development process. In addition, treating content holders
with respect, not just by the personnel in charge of the portal’s design, but also by the state government
bodies that collaborate with them, have given legitimacy to these development processes. At the time,
the office of the governor held no special interest in using the portal as a tool for increasing citizen
participation, access to information, transparency or improving services. The portal did not form part of
the state government’s strategy in any of these areas. This fact was exploited by the portal’s
development team as it gave them the freedom to adopt work routines that are uncommon in
government organizations, but which are inherent to the Internet, such as publishing unpolished.

3.account of laws, rules and regulations:

The transparency law establishes the minimum level of information that must be
available on all state portals, as well as the response times to any public consultation.
Solution: In a state each and every single work have to be regulated by laws, rules and
regulations. Nothing is beyond rules, law. So, making an online governmental portal
there must be maintenance of rules, laws and regulation regarding which content should
be inserted and how much transparency should be there in case of regulating an online
portal. Here also in case of insertion of contents and other information’s law should be

4. Incorporation of new features:

it was necessary to incorporate new features into the portal, such as two-way
communication channels, transactional functions to allow for online payment of taxes or
fees, and social media tools.

Solution: the group switched to open-source tools for portal development in order to
have a platform that is continuously improved, scalable, and affordable.

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