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Project Name: Online Healthcare System

Project Course: Object Oriented Analysis And

Course Teacher: MD. ANWARUL KABIR
Project name: Online Healthcare System

1.1 Project Scope: introducing Health Management System which is going to be

implemented for hospitals. The online appointment will use for get appointment
through. Online test report result will use for upload the pathology test report. A
login portal will use to upload first to last test result. Information gathering will
use for patient data analysis properly (All the info will be stored in main Database.
Online payment system will use for payment by Debit or Credit card (if not cash in

2.1 Product Perspective: The Health Management System is a new software which
will be produced by the project team in order to overcome the problems that have
occurred due to the current manual system. The newly introduced system will provide
an easy access to the system and it will contain user friendly function with attractive
interface. This system will give better option for the problem of handling large scale
of physical file system (for hospital). The final outcome of this project will increase
the efficacy of almost all the task done at the Hospital.

3.1 User Class and Characteristics: There are four user’s levels in Health
Management System.

i) Manager
ii) Doctor
iii) Patient
iv) Pathologist


Manger is responsible for managing resources available in Health Management

System. Manager also has most of the privileges mentioned above except the thing
regarding the payment handling. Manager has the authority to take all the reports
available in the system. Manger also has other abilities to add new patient, modify or
remove them, adding new doctor, change doctor time etc.

● add doctor
● add pathologist
● money management
● add patient
● receive money

All doctors’ profile or account is generated by manager. Doctor has the ability to
modify his own information. Doctor can see how many appointments are made and
which time is it. Patient’s list is given based on appointments. In the patient list,
doctor can go through them and have access to their report result.

● see appointment list

● detail information of patient
● issue prescription
● issue tests
● view test reports


Patient can get appointment from the portal. He can see if doctor is available or not
and based on doctor’s availability patient can place appointment. Not only this he can
download or view their pathology test result. Patient has the ability to modify his own
● search doctor
● detail information about doctor
● book an appointment
● see prescriptions
● see test reports.

Pathologist’s account is also created by manager. Pathologist has the ability to modify
his own information. Pathologist can only upload the test result of patient.
● see tests about patient
● upload test report

3.1 Description of features: In Health Management System most of feature will be

new. There will be an online appointment where patient can reserve their appointment
by searching and sorting time and doctor. The pathology test result will be uploaded
on patient portal and patient can view or download his/her test result or prescription.
Online payment system is here where patient can pay his/her visiting fees via credit
card / debit card / bKash / iPay etc. So, there is no change to pay extra money to the
broker. All type of test result is stored in database so that data can be analysis. Here is
a feedback option too where patient can rate doctors, hospital and also complain about
Use-case Diagram.

3.2 Functional requirement:

 A patient shall be able to create his own account on portal.

 A patient shall be able to check doctor’s profile online.
 A patient shall be able to check test results online
 A patient shall be able to download report result if he/she wants to.
 A patient shall be able to book an appointment for a doctor for which he/she
has selected.
 A patient shall be notified if there is any conflict of time while booking an
 A patient shall be able to book multiple appointment if he/she doesn’t have
conflict of appointment time.
 A patient shall be able to pay both in reception or online by following payment
 System shall be able to generate appointment history of patient in his/her
profile after each meeting of doctor.
 System shall be able to generate a doctor’s profile uniquely after assigning to
the hospital.
System shall be user friendly to the doctors so that doctors can easily check through
patient’s current situation.
A doctor shall be able to see patient’s previous medical report and results in his
System shall be able to collect the feedback and complains from both patient and

User class:
 update information

 issued against a patient
 write ability
 show ability

Test reports:
 issued against a patient
 upload by a pathologist
 show ability

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