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Module in Science 7

Activity 1.1
1. Who was killed?
Answer: Mr. Black
2. Who was the murderer?
Answer: Mr. Hall
3. What was the weapon?
Answer: Knife
4. Where did the murder take place?
Answer: Mr. Hall’s apartment
5. At what time did the murder occur?
Answer: 12:30 am
6. What was the motive?
Answer: Mr. Black was in love with Mr. Hall’s wife.

After receiving a superficial gunshot wound from Mr. Patel, Mr. Black went to Mr. Hall’s
apartment where he was killed by Mr. Hall with a knife at 12:30am because Mr. Black was in
love with Mr. Hall’s wife.

1. What are the skills and attitudes needed to solve the murder mystery game?
Answer: The mystery game is like a puzzle to solve who is the killer. The player will act
being a detective and find out who committed the crime. You should be a Keen
observer, a Critical Thinker and a Problem solver. With these, solving a mystery crime
shall be a piece of cake.

2. What values should you have in order to solve the mystery?

Answer: You should be keen, mindful, patient and observative.

3. Do you believe that person’s attitude affects how he/she solves a problem? Defend your
Answer: A person’s attitude greatly affects how he/she solves a problem. He/she
needs to focus and be patient because it will really take time. Maintain posture and
think and observe.
4. Is it important to acquire the right attitude in doing an investigation? Explain your
Answer: It is really important to acquire the right attitude in doing an investigation.
Because without it you’ll lose the goal in sight. If you are not patient and observant
enough, then it will never be solved.

Activity 1.2


Mindedness Objectivity




1. What associations do those words have on scientific values?
Answer: The above mentioned words are very relevant on the field of science, these
values that I enumerated are one of most basic values needed for a person of science
to be successful in his/her field, without these basic values, you will never be able to
conduct experimentations and etc.

2. What values should a scientist have?

Answer: Some of the basic values a scientist should have are those listed above, it is
necessary for them to have these values, as they are the basic or major requirement
for a scientist; curiosity, objectivity, critical minded and etc.

3. Why are these values important to them?

Answer: These values are important to them as for example a scientist will be never be
able to find the answer if he/she is not curious enough to look for it, or critical minded
to be able to find the answer or solution.

4. When can you say that a certain attitude or value can be considered scientific?
Answer: If it can be a useful attitude on being a successful scientist.


1. Mang Pedro is a fisherman. He goes out to the sea every night except during full moon.
He says he'll never get a good catch during full moon because the fairies are around.
Answer: The first statement is based on science explanation because during full moon,
the sea at night have a high tide in which it is harmful as a fisherman to go outside
within the coast. There's a possibility that the strong waves can pushed him which can
lead to death or accident.

The second statement is a superstition beliefs because fairies are based on mythical
creatures in which the fisherman believes that he will never a good catch of fish if the
fairies are around,

2. While cleaning the mirror, Gina accidentally broke it. Her mother scolded her because
this incident would mean they would experience bad luck for 7 years.
Answer: This superstitious belief. Because usually a bad luck, refers to a bankruptcy, a
reduced opportunity in business or a small income.

3. The youngest daughter of Aling Lita does not take a bath in the evening because she
believes that bathing in the evening would mean losing a cup of blood from her body.
Answer: It’s a scientific explanation, though it may not be true to some people, but
there are other who experienced it by taking a bath at night.

4. Girlie and Tom are soon to wed. They agreed that girlie would fit her wedding gown
before the wedding day to check if the fit was perfect. Their parents cautioned them
against it saying that the wedding would not push through if they did so.
Answer: Superstitious Beliefs that wearing the wedding gown like that would forfeit
the wedding.

5. Do not sleep when your hair is wet if you do not want to lose your sense of sight.
Answer: It has no scientific explanation, sleeping with wet hair may have some
minimal risk but not to the point of losing the sense of sight. So, it’s just a
superstitious belief.

6. Singing while cooking is prohibited because you will end up marrying widower.
Answer: It’s a superstitious belief, no scientific explanation.

7. Taking a bath after attending a wake up to morning because this will cause you harm.
Answer: It’s a superstitious belief, that if we are attending a wake, but or some people,
taking a bath after a sleepless night can cause them to wake up or sleep properly.

8. You are driving good luck away from home when you sweep the floor at night.
Answer: It’s a superstitious belief, no scientific explanation.

9. Sick people going on pilgrimage to Lourdes or Fatima in order to get healed.

Answer: It’s a superstitious belief, no scientific explanation.

10. An examination was scheduled for the next day. Your friend advised you to eat lots of
peanuts in order to get a high score.
Answer: Eating peanuts is good, because it can stimulate brain function, but you
mustn’t rely on this only. You need to study ahead of time. Review your notes and
always get a good night sleep to maintain focus.

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