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Ree fesse} Today's Activity “If you won 100 million won in the lottery, what would yau like to dowith the money? “How do you think one’s tife wauld be changed after winning in the lottery? How does a winner usually use the lottery money? Talk Plus#\. Seratch-typed lottery 050 spicus Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity Do you have any lucky numbers? How do you use your lucky numbers? “Have you had success with them? “Many people get their lucky numbers from fortune-tellers. “How did you discover yours? Talk Plus What'syour lucky number? And why isit? | Chinese slippers say their tucly number 018 spicus Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity “Look at the article. Where do Koreans fit in the cultural differences that are discussed? “Can you think of some significant differences between North American, other Asian, or European cultural practices that you would have a hard time adjusting to? Talk Plus + Korean Cultural Habit 1 Korean Cultural Habit 9 Pulling back one’s real or imaginary sleeve | This is both culture and superstition when pouring a drink. depending on the company oF decision maker. Korean Cultural Habit 2 Giving and receiving business cards 014 spieus (kre What's your op Is there any aspect of Korean social or business culture that is hard for a foreigner to learn? Use 01, Business Social Culture Auvareness: (115 www epicur com (kre What's your op How often do you use your Lucky numbers when making a decision that uses or needs numbers? Please explain what the situation is. use O2. Lucky Numbers: (019 Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity What's your opinion of Korea’s fertility crisis? Is there a crisis? “What can be done to increase Korea's birthrate? How much of a burden do you feel children are? Are there any other ways Korea's population could be increased? Talk Plus # Singapore has sponsored “speed dating” events, in ; hopes of bringing iE busy professionals together to marry. ul! Wristwatch Fertility Monitor OV-Watch Worn on the wrist, the OV-Watch is a sensor that checks the salts in the wearer's sweat letting her knw when she's mast fertile and up to five days warning before ovulation. Korean companies also offer incentives like maternity leave events, maternity lounges, birth bonuses, France offers generoustax incentives for ‘those willing to start a family. In Sweden, the state finances day care to ease the tension between work and family lif, 022 spieus www epleur com (kre What's your op Are government incentives enough to get families in Korea to have more children? Or should something else be done? ust 03. Children Spoil My Style 023 Ree CURR a et Today's Activity “Which picture below fits what your view of a ghost is? “Have you ever seen a ghost? “Are you afraid of ghosts or not? If you are not afraid of ghosts now, how old were you when you stopped being afraid and what was the reason? Talk Plus + 4 spiritual issue ‘then 0 Psychiatric one, Doyouthinks ghosts spint? Demi Mocre and Patrick Snayze—Can a ghost be remantic? 026 spicus www splices com (kre What's your op How far does your belief in the supernatural go? Explain. nt 06 Ie There a Ghost? 0127 Ree Been Maro Today's Activity If you could fly in a hot-air balloon over any city in the world, what city would you choose and who would you take? Can you explain why? Carmeron Balloons are best-known for their speicial shape balloons. Describe your own hot-air balloon that you wauld like to flyin. Talk Plus *\ you could fly in 2 hot-air balloon over ary city, where would you go? And why? Cameron Balloons are best-known for their epecial shape balloons, 030 spieus (kre What's your op Imagine the person you want to invite on the balloon ride is afraid of heights. How wauld you convince them to go? Uise05. Traveling Hot-ar Balloon (131 Ree CURR a et Today's Activity *What would be your dream job? Are you doing it now? If not, what would you need to do to get closer to daing it? “If you could go back to school to prepare, what would you want to study? “If you are a student, what does appeal to yau most? Compensation? Various fringe benefits? What else do you consider for your dream job? Talk Plus #\ Whot made you to oPPly for this accountancy Firm? 034 spieus (kre What's your op Please write your career signature. If you had to write down one statement that would encompass who you are (or want to bel professionally and personally, what would it say? Note. un206. Get Your Dream Jeb (135 Cee Ree fesse} Today's Activity “Do you go to spas or use the sauna often? What kind of place is best for you?®Karean jimjilbang often have a nice atmosphere. Ifyou are talking to a foreign friend ar a businessperson, how wauld you explain about jimjilbang tothem? Talk Plus # \ Korean-site sauna With your Craty Soving habits you $Peil the whol Saumo. otmosPhere. (038 spieus www epicur com (kre What's your op What are the main benefits of going to saunas and jimjilbang for you? use 07 Some Like It Het (139 Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity “How many hours a day do you use the Internet? Below are the symptoms of Internet addiction. °Do you or does anyone you know have these symptoms? Isinternet addiction real or is it just a made-up mental health problem? Talk Plus #\ Are you Internet addicted? Yes No You think about previous on-line activity or anticipate your next on-line session. [] You use the Internet in increasing amounts of time in order to achieve satisfaction. ("] You repeatedly and unsuccessfully try to control, cut back, orstop internet use, You feel restless, moody, depressed or irritated when attempting to cut down Use ofthe Internet. You are on-line longer than originally intended. Q a You jeopardize or risk loss of significant relationships, jobs, educational or opportunties because of Internat Use. a a a You lia to famity members, therapists, or others to conceal the axtent ofyour involvement withthe Internet. You use the Internet as away to escape from problems or to relieve a dysphoric ood (e.g, feelings of hopelessnesé, guilt, anxiety, depression. O00 00 000 042 spieus www epleur com (kre What's your op Whether you are an employer, employee, student, or something else, the Internet impacts your Life. Write about how it affects your life in both positive and negative ways? Note. un808. Internet Addicts 0143 Ree CURR a et Today's Activity “If money were not an issue, would you be willing to fly to the International Space Station? Explain your reasoning. “Suppose that there could be some percentage risk of not going up and going back safely from a space trip. Are you willing to accept this and to try a space trip? Explain. Talk Plus #\_ Intemational Space Staton Bigelow Space Hotel aka Genesic — Currently, Genesis is being tested andis orbiting the earth, 046 spicus www splices com (kre What's your op How important is space exploration going to be for Korea? un 09, Weeation in Space 0147 www eel eus com (kre What's your op How do you feel about gambling? Explain why you do or don't gamble? unt 10.Winning the Lottery (151 Business & Economics Ree fesse} Today's Activity “If you were a brand, would you be a Mercedes Benz or some other brand? What brand or product has the values that you see in yourself? What brands do you admire? Explain. “Are there any commercial brands that you Uke? Why do you like it? Explain. Talk Plus #\. Areyoua cool brand or cheesy brand? 054 spieus (kre What's your op What do you think about the idea that "You get cool by being the best at what you do... and being the only one who does it." Note. vse 11, How Coal is Your Brand? (155 (See Today's Activity “Can you tell the names of all the pictograms in English? Can you do it? “Which sports do you most enjoy watching? Which ones would you mast enjoy playing? “Even if it is not one of the pictograms, which sport do you wish youwere the best in the world at? Talk Plus #\ eH EYES eM AB Se Frhow e % \ aps we whe KE a Pietagrams about sports (058 spieus www epicur com (kre What's your op People often say that sport builds a person's character. Do you agree? Which sport is best for character building or character destroying? Please explain giving examples. Note. uni 12. What's Yeur Spert? 0159 Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity What are your earliest memories of learning English? “How do you feel about stud) ? “lf you can choose your English teacher between a domestic and a foreign teacher, who do you prefer to study with? Why? g English? Why are you studying Talk Plus #\ The Myth of the Korean Teacher One Student's Opinion ‘Teachers can be of no or little help or use for real impravement in some school subjects such as English and mathematics. However, all the teachers | have ever met in my life seemed to be corwinced that they could make a big diference through their teaching. Withour drive, urgency, or enthusiasm an the part of the student ary effort on the part of the teacher in teaching English will not ‘succead. So, isit True or false? “You can lead a horse to water, but you cant makeitdrink.” 062 spieus wwwoepicus coal (kre What's your opini Choose one of these topics and write about it. (1) How can the teaching of foreign languages in Korea be improved? [2) How can the hiring of qualified native English-speaking instructors be improved? (3] What is your reaction to “The Myth of the Teacher-One Student's Opinion.’ se 13. HiLL'm Your English Teacher. (163 www splices com (kre What's your op ‘What is the greatest source of pollution in Korea and how should it be handled and treated? nt 16, Junk Liters Werld Besches (167 Ree Been Maro Today's Activity “What would you feel if you live totally alane somewhere. What would you do if youwere a castaway on to a deserted island? ® What three items would you most want to have with you and why? Talk Plus+ ‘Ascuming you had enough food to survive, how would you cope: with the boredom of being alone? (070 spicus (kre What's your op Iryou were lost somewhere, what kind of climate and Landscape would be best for you? ne 15. Castaway 071 Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity ° CCTV can be easily seen not onty in a public place but even at work place too. If your track is monitored in anyway, how would yau feel? “To what degree do you think your company or the community you belong to have a right to monitor you?” Some companies prohibit employees from accessing to messenger program or popular blag sites during business hours. What's your opinion? Talk Plus * Haring your PC and ather communication tools bugged Other types af monitoring at work can include: + keyboard keystroke monitoring + reviewing and storing employee e-mails and instant messages ‘monitoring time spent on the phone, numbers called and actual taping of + video surveillance + drug testing «satellite technology to monitor use of company cars, cell phones and pagers 074 spieus Weenies ‘26 hour a day realtime phone and video tape monitoring Phone surveillance includes: + monitoring and taping employee phone conversations + blocking certain numbers such as 040 numbers + monitoring time spent on the phone + tracking numbers diated + taping and reviewing voice mail + monitoring conversations between workers (kre What's your op How can the emplayer's need for productivity and security be balanced with the employee's need for privacy? Note. Unt 14. Werkplace Privacy? Forget About It! (075 (See Today's Activity “Discuss some of the harsh realities single men over thirty will face. What can be the biggest challenge for peolpe to get married these days? Are you single or married? Ityou're single, until what age do you think you can live without considering af a marriage? Talk Plus * 078 spicus www epicur com (kre What's your op Are there any greater difficulties to getting married today than in the past? Uuie 17 Single and 30+ 079 Ree CURR a et Today's Activity “If you are a man and you have the choice of volunteering or not, what will you do? “Korea's birthrate is falling, how would it affect the success of the Army's plan?“How much doyou think a volunteer soldier should be paid per month? Talk Plus + ‘ comceaensere | 3 Rock Smashes Scissors!! You Check the fuse!! So One way to cut dawn on draftees is to deploy ‘this Korean dacigned and built robot centry ty the thousands along the DMZ and other militarily sensitive areas. 082 spicus www epleur com (kre What's your op How will Korea's military change if it becomes a volunteer force? se 18 Is Korea Ready fer aVoluntesr Army? 083 Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity What color car do you drive or wish you drove? Does your car color match your personality? “Men and women both agree that when it comes to dating, the impression that your car makes on your partner must be very positive and strong, What's your opinion? Talk Plus * Out of the 400 people interviewed, 89% of the men and 95% of the women said they are tempted to notice the other one’s car. *A person's car is most definitely an extension of the person.” 086 spieus www splices com (kre What's your op If money were no object, what kind of car would you like to have and why? use 19. What Kind of Car Do You Drive? (18 7 Ree Been Maro Today's Activity “If you knew that a nuclear holocaust would occur in twenty years and nothing could stop it, how would you change your present life? “Would you still fear death? Talk Plus # ‘Nuclear or hydrogen bomb blast Would you try to escape in the countryside or build a fallout shelter and stock food anyway? Would you enjoy yourself or abuse | Wouldyou become mere religious? drugs and alcohol? (090 spicus (kre What's your op Ifyou knew you were going to die twenty years from now, what part of your life would you change? use 20. Judernent 02 0191 Ree CURR a et Today's Activity “Have you looked honestly at your strengths? What are they? How can you use them ta be more successful? “Are you the kind of person who communicates well with superiors or people in power? If not, what can you do to improve? Talk Plus #\. What are they? They are cornar offices. ¢ ‘What ara the benefits of being promoted? 094 spicus (kre What's your op What are your weaknesses in terms of getting promoted? What can you do to improve? un821.Shorteut ts Premetion (195) Ree CURR a et Today's Activity How much do you know about Mr. Choi and K-1? Are you a fan? Why or why. not?” What do you think about the idea af twa very big strong people fighting and hurting each other on TV for money? Does it excite you or make you sick? Explain. Talk Plus + Many people misspell these two words. Can you recognize the difference’ Marital Arts: how to take good Martial res: how to hit, punch, kick or use and loving care of your spouse weapons when fighting (098 spicus www epicur com (kre What's your op Would you rather be goad martial artist or maritalartist? Explain. ne 22.He's a Super Man (199 Politics & Social Issues Ree Been Maro Today's Activity “Do you know anyone who has experienced cyberstalking? Or have you read about anyone's experiences with it? “In Korea, cyber-terrorists have ganged up and attacked individuals for their offline behavior. What do you think of that and can you think of any examples? Feel free to discuss the images betow as well. Talk Plus *\. (n-ne anonyity [Dog Poop Gi: Shame attack onthe net Relatlonsip Between Victim and Ortender Percentage of oases (Fama ict (N60) Mate vst (N=i79) ‘Staking Relatonanps U.S.A 102 spicus www epleur com (kre What's your op When can cyberstalking be permitted? ne 23. Cyberstalking 103 Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity “Have you ever eaten any type of insect? What do you think about eating them? “Do you think that insects could ever become as common as beef on the dinner table? “Are there any foods you won't eat? Explain why. Talk Plus #\. Grasshopper Honeypot nt Saga Palm Grub Canned Silkworm Pupae BaliDragontly Catcher Dragenity 106 spicus (kre What's your opini Imagine going to another country where the main dish is some type of insect you don’t Like. In order to do business there, you would have to eat that insect sometimes. Could you do it or would you give up and go back to Korea? Explain. Use 24 Incact Snacks frem Around the World 107 Ree Been Maro Today's Activity “If you had the ability to move or praject yourself into the future but not return, would you do so?®lf not, would you change your mind ifyou could take someone along? How far into the future are you willing to go? And why would you want to go?“What kind of change do you imagine to happen in the future? Talk Plus #\. i re) Traveling through wormheles or star-gates or other future exotic ‘ansportation technology 4a Arresting computer developed in Keres 110 spicus WiLL Smith's "iRa bet" — Possible Robots take aver the earth—bad, dangerous, or ert technology. What vl Bethe sama? What will change? Super mege-tll buildings. Hom wil cur mode of tng change? (kre What's your op Were people in previous centuries more adventurous than we are today or was it simply harder to avoid risk? Une 25.A Brighter Future 111 Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity “Negotiation is something we do every day. Think back to the last thing you negotiated. What was it? Was there a win-win outcome? Did you make any mistakes and if so, which ones? Rate your negotiation skill on a scale of one to ten. What do you need to improve? Tals Plus Common Mistakes in Negotiation + Inadequate preparation + Forgetting the ‘ive-and-get’ aspect + Using intimidation intimidators tend to losel + Impatience— forcing a result can undermine the win-win goal of a negotiation + Lasing your temper— will show your cards and possibly damage relationships + Talking too much and listening too little + Ignoring conflict — will lead to deadlock f breakdown + Arguing but nat influencing — will tead to deadlock / breakdown, Serving as intermediary 114 spieus (kre What's your opini John F. Kennedy said, "We should never negotiate from fear, nor should we fear to negotiate.” Write about something you can apply his ideas to. For example: North Korea, U.S. and ROK FTA, or an issue at wark, school, or home, i.e. negotiating with a family member. uns 26. You Can Negotiate Anything! 115 eee (See Today's Activity “Can you think of some superstitions related to blood type that you or others have used? "What's your blood type? How much do the superstitions match with your personality? Ta Plus ‘Superstitions on blaod type. + blood type “B" man is a womanizer. a: ‘Blood type Dieribution Map 118 spicus. Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity Talk about how you put the spirit of Noblesse Oblige into practice. How importants it for society to develop? "Some rich people tend to be blamed for their irresponsible or improper behaviors. Imagine you are wealthy, would you really behave differently from the rich? “Can you think of any good example practicing Noblesse Oblige in Korea? Talk Plus+ Noblesse Oblige isnot something you've seen the Batman movies, how sprayed on like a perfume, does he represent the spirit of Noblesse Oblige? 1 have the ‘woblesse* ‘and hold the" oblige! Those who hate or are cynical about the rich find it easy to do because the rich often seem to lack the spirit of Noblesse Obliga. 122 spieus www epleur com (kre What's your op Who demonstrates the spirit of Noblesse Oblige best in Karean society or globally? Ui 28. Give Me-The Nobleste; Not The Oblige 123 age Gece CME eo a Maen} Today's Activity Talk about the pet peeves below or some of your own. What really bothers you and how do you handle it? “Conversely, are there any pet peeves that other people can find out from you? Talk Plus #\ “My pet peeve is women who touch up their make-up, clean their testh and groom their hair at the dinner table or any other public place —geta clue, use a*powder room!” ri “| really hate it when men yell at their computer for thair own stupid mistakes.” 126 spicus + Someone who swings a cigarette wildly while making his way through a crowd Sw ¥ | + Too much relaxed sitting posture on a ‘Subway couch irritates other passengers. www splices com (kre What's your op We all have pet peeves. Which one affects you the most irrationally and how do you react? ‘uni28. Drives Me Cray 127 Ree Been Maro Today's Activity © What if there were no tomorrow and no result for your actions? How would you spend today? "Do you feel that you try to make each day special? How? Or do you feel that you are wasting time and stuck in your routine? Why? What would you like to do to make your day more special? Explain. Repeating the same day like walking on a mobius strip? Talk Plus * Special day like.a foam par 130 spicus (kre What's your op How willing would you be to be stuck in a continuous time loop living the same. day over and over again until you solved the riddle of your existence? Note. 830. Repeated Day 131 Business & Economics CME eo a Maen} Today's Activity “One of the most unpleasant aspects of being a manager or employer is letting someone go. Your boss has told you that each team leader must let one member of their team go because the business is in serious financial trouble. Please look at the information below carefully. If you are the team leader, who would you layoff? Talk Plus+ ‘Su-jin Hyun-woo ‘Su-jung Dae-young Porn eve toad Age 6 2% a 82 Marital Status single | Engaged | Married | Separated Motner-in- | Husband's | Two Children Dependents None on parents | Iéand 18 axtending Junior | Graduated | S°3A4H4 | colego at Education callege from night and degree high echoot | ternative | cudying high schoot | urving Years with Company ’ ‘ 2 5 Werks slowly: coodworker; | Average | Yer) cane gets along | “Welt liked; | |worker—liked | Worker: does well; passive: : ‘Not get along ‘ther Qualities otentare, | by everyones | Eten character. : hetprulto | | gcrg | omnars nave sometimes eee depressed oor mae late; quiet; Wants to Uneteisa | May change FuturePtans keep present | MOPIERCB® | company | bs ater position director | graduation “The bakes with red color are the information that rnight be considered ac a disadvantage for each person, 134 spicus (kre What's your op Write a short note to the fired worker letting him or her know the reasons for your decision. unt 31. Who Should Get the Ax? 135 Ree Been Maro Today's Activity *What movies, genres, or movie stars do you like? And why? Take a closer loak at the four mavie posters in the bottom of a box below. “What two. movies and genres got mashed together ta make these posters? Talk Plus # \_ pete ae ee ee oe EFT jee) King C4) i Canyou tell what two different movies are combined in each movie poster? 138 spicus www epicur com (kre What's your op IF your life were @ movie, what genre would it be? Give same examples from your life if possible. une 32. What's Your Genre? 139 Ree CURR a et Today's Activity “Should there be alternative service for conscientious objectors? Provide good support for your reasons. “Should Korea consider change to an alll volunteer army that pays well similar to what the U.S. does? What is your attitude toward the military generally? Talk Plus # “Taiuanese drafts getting ready to go out and perform alternatiresenice US. Army Recrting 142 spies www epleur com (kre What's your op Ifa reservist becomes a conscientious objector during his reserve period what should be done to him? Unk 20, Objections to Military Service 143 Ree CURR a et Today's Activity “Due to the global warming, there have been unusual changes in the weather all over the world such as a heavy snow, a pouring rain. Can you find out any other phenomenon caused by the global warming? "What do you knaw about its potential impact an Korea? How much do you really care about it? Talk Plus * \ L_ be considered 0 resuit of lobo! worming until the water | Feaches the ceiting. Someone who doesn't believe in the theory oF a globai warming, (© Gris 146 spicus www splices com (kre What's your op Do you worry that global warming and climate change will make war more kely as nations fight over natural resources or food? Why or why not? Note. ‘usi 36, Global Warming 147 Ree fesse} Today's Activity “Design your own tattoo. One of the main reasons people get tattooed is to celebrate an important event in their life. If you were to get a tattoo for this reason, what would it read or what would it look like? What event would you like ta make a permanent memory of? Talk Plus # \ 150 spicus (kre What's your opini How da you feel when you see someone with a tattoo? Do you quickly jump to the conclusion that they might be a criminal? Or do tend to be more open-minded thinking ‘tive and let live. Note. ne 35. Getting Inked 151 Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity * Does your company practice any of the security measures such as outsiders cannot read your corporate document? What do you think about that? If you were the owner of company, would you use similar practices? “Should companies be doing even more to safeguard their intellectual property? Talk Plus + No Place TO HIbg Your compary might keep an eye on'your PC. 154 spicus (kre What's your opini Do you use a mobile computing device in your campany? How would you feet about your laptop if it shut itself off every time you were outside the corporate wireless network? Ifyou are not working now, please imagine the situation and write accordingly. ni. Crippled Camputing 155 Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity What is your opinion of this trend? “If you are a woman—First, take the survey thinking about your current significant other. Do the survey answers match him? Second, explain how attractive a metrosexual man is to you? “lf you are a man —First, take the survey then give your opinion of the results. Second, how metrosexual would you like to be? “Both men and women— What makes an attractive man in your opinion? Talk Plus® ‘Check which sentence describes you best. Score “LWhat steps do you usually take to make sure your hair is presentable? © Shampoo, ifyou're ambitious, Otherwise - youll just pur onahat. 1 @® You'll wach, condition, comb, siyle...basic stuf. Oo} 2 @ W'sa bitof an art really. Nothing will happen if you don’ hare the [1 Fight cu, color, and products. 2. Hair removal means: @ Shaving, if youve got someone to impress @ Shaving your face - and maybe little weazing or chest shaving on @ Shaving, waxing, plucking - away with nasty body hair! a a a 2. Your underwear: @ Haer’t changed much aver they ears, just basic boxers a @ Golorful boxers or briefs - newest but nat pricey Oo) 2 @ Top of tholine, designer briefs only a o a a 4. Your bathroom is filled with: D_Not much - soap, shampoo, razor @ Everything you need - basics plus stuff to make your skin nice... and make yu smell good @ Everything you need and more—body products are a bit of an addiction for you. ‘Add your scores here = Score for Men Score 4-6 Score 7-9 Score 12 Hopefuly, you are Youre or you've gota maniy guy who Definitely already married. understandswomen. metrorsoxual 158 spicus www epicur com (kre What's your op What makes the ideal man in modern Korea? usa 37, Metresaxuals: No Vain No Gain 159 Politics & Social Issues Ree Been Maro Today's Activity “The treatment of biracial Koreans is a painful topic that many would prefer to ignore. What can be done to permanently change the attitude that it's okay to ignore the lives of biracial Koreans? Read below and react. Talk Plus + One biracial Korean said, “I worry that when Hines Ward goes, +the issue of discrimination against us will be forgotten again.” ‘A father having a biracial Korean daughter caid, “Here is my daughter. She is a straight “A” student, is in the National Honors Society, she plays the piano and dances ballet. Yet, to ‘some here, her birth is anembarrassment.” 162 spius www epleur com (kre What's your op What is your real attitude and behavior towards those who are different in appearance from you? 38, Who isa Korean? 163 Ree CURR a et Today's Activity “Does music enhance your performance during school, work, or sports? What kind works best? Why do you think it helps you? “If athletes use music to run faster, doyou consider it cheating? Plus® Well-known inspiring melody from fckyOST. Watching TV white exercising to music in 3 health club rh (we ’ Running shes With state-of-the-art HQ player 166 spicus www splices com (kre What's your op Iryou could have a tiny implantable music player put into you, would you want it? Is there any type of technology you'd be willing to put inside your body? Note. use 9, Musie Gis Athletes an Edge 167 OL Ree Been Maro Today's Activity “Would you be content with a marriage of the highest quality in all respects but one— it completely lacked romance? “Which picture fits your current love life? Please explain. “If you are single, what type of relationship would you like to have for your marriage life and why? Plus#\ “Tm in a committed relationship.” + Positive meaning: They only date each | Romantic guy or everly romantic guy, ee who knows? + Other possible meaning: One controls the other, Couples can learn to Fight. 170 spicus (kre What's your opini Are you able to separate romance from love? Could you be content satisfying your needs from someone other than your mate? What about if your mate were to feel the sameway? Note. weA0. Life Without Ramanee 171 Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity “If you are studying with this book, you are not planning to retire soon. But unexpected things can happen. Araund when do you think your retirement would happen? "What do you want your second career to be like? How do you prepare to spend that time? Tals Plus # Flunking Retirement Retirement doesn't have to mean aimless walks and hours on end of TV. The end of one career can be the beginning of another fulfiling career. Times have changed and many people find having nothing to do can gee depressing, Former U.S. president Jimmy Garter with Habitat volunteering rn ua aa Loe lacoces, the retierd Chrysler executive said that he flunked retirement. “You plan everything in life, and then the roof caves in-an you because you haven't done enough thinking about wha you are and what you chould do with the rest of your life,” 174 spieus (kre What's your op What should one do for his or her second career if a retirement happens in one's early 30's? ue 41. Career 20175 nee en Pe eee eae Today's Activity Who do your friends tell you that you look like? “Who do you like to be compared to? Wha do you hate to be compared to? “Have you ever tried to take on some of the character and personality of the celebrity you Look like? Talk Plus * ute ey acer Which celebrity doyou think come out for your famons collage? Your face can be an the cover of a magazine. 178 spius www epicur com (kre What's your opini How would you feel if others recognized you everywhere you went? Are you so outgoing that you'd enjoy every second of attention, or would you spend a lot of time wearing sunglasses and baseball caps to hide your face? Note. ne 42. Face Recognition 179 (See Today's Activity Ministry of Education in Korea has been operating a teacher evaluation system in some schools. Some teachers are strongly against the system, teachers are evaluated by students and their parents.” What side of this debate are you on? How do you feel about Korean teachers and the education system in general? “Talk about any of the pictures thatinterest you. Miro ieih TEACHER QUALITY rer Best Teacher Aeard ‘2st Century Teacher 182 spicus www epleur com (kre What's your op Describe the best or worst teacher or mentor you ever had. ni42. Improve Teacher Qualiy 183, Eee (See Today's Activity “How long would you like to live? Explain. If you could live longer in good health, how would you use the time? *How would increased longevity potentially impact Korea? How would it affect you if everyone lived longer? Talk Plus+ Bicentennial man Congratulations on Mr. Methuselah's 949 birthdsy. 186 spicus (kre What's your opini There is an old Korean curse, “I hope you live Long enough to paint the walls with your own dung.” There is nothing like this in English, but this proverb has its own wisdom. Please explain using polite English what this really means especially within the context of the discussion article. uns 44. Die Another Day—Langeviy 187 Ree Been Maro Today's Activity “Suppose you must bury a time capsule to be opened 200 years from now. What three items would you put in the capsule to make people understand the life of the early 21" century? Talk Plus # Celebrating the 600th anniversary of Seou, Seoul Millennium Time Capsule conteins 400 tems representing the tif and culture of comtemporary Seoul citzens. Shaped like Besingak hell the capsule is scheduled tobe re-opened in 239, “Time Capsule st Nemsangeltraditional garden 190 spicus (kre What's your op IFyou made a family time capsule to be opened by someone in your Family five generations from now, what special items would you and your family put in it? Note. ee 45. Buried in Time 191 Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity ® Before reading the article had you heard of neuromarketing? “Based on what you've read, do you feel more positive or more negative about this new “science"? "How do you feel about Coca Cola or Pepsi Cola knowing © about how you think than you do? Talk Plus *\ Poo | cumin cca Se tte Tete 7 The Stars and Stripes with Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola ‘Areyou brainwashed by any product or brand? 194 spicus (kre What's your op Based on the article, any outside information you have and your own thoughts, can neuromarketing be used in any way by your company? If so, how? If not, why not? Note. Uni 44, Neuromarketing 195 Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity “What causes you the most problems with your own time management? What advice would you like to give yourself to improve your time management ability? ‘Talk Plus #~ Tips for good time management Differentiate berween the urgent and the vital. + The urgent may be making Lot af noice to get your attention, but i is rarely vital that it be done right now or at all. + The key is not to prioritize what is on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities. + Say "no" to the project, not the person. You cannot do everything everyaneasks you to do. + Set goals. They help you prioritize your activities. 198 spicus www epicur com (kre What's your op There are 1,440 minutes in a day. How many of those minutes do you use well? nt 47. Crary Busy 199 Ree CURR a et Today's Activity © Migrant workers in Korea are often not seen and not heard. What's your opinion on the different pay scales for migrant workers? “ls there a solution to stop these unfair treatment to illegal or migrant workers and what would ithe? Talk Plu [A Korean employer and a migrant employee 202 spicus www epleur com (kre What's your op Write your proposed solution to this issue. Feel free to use other ideas you have even if they are not from the article here. ned. Minority Rapert 203 Ree CURR a et Today's Activity “Some people believe that after experiencing a difficult physical challenge, and overcaming it well, one can improve one's self-esteem or one's life in anyway. What's your opinion? “For this reason, are you willing to try to fire walk on 800°C coals? “Are there any popular physical challenge dane by people to refresh their mind ar to achieve great performance? Please explain. Talk Plus *\ Bet carp Walking on shot aravelroad 206 spicus www splices com (kre What's your op What do you think would be the most difficult physical challenge you could face? un 69 Fire walk with me 207 Ree Been Maro Today's Activity “If you were dying but knew that your heart would save the life of another person, wauld you donate it? Explain why you would or wouldn't. “Have you taken any steps to let other family members know that you have decided to donate your organs when you die? Talk Plus *\. Just because yeu lost your heave) ‘in Sam Francisco doesn't thean that you can get a rew Ht you have decided nat to donate any organs to atransplant program, do you have any right to ask for 3 ‘transplant should you become sick? 210 spicus (kre What's your op How much does Confucianism influence whether you have decided to donate organs or not? ne 50. Stil-Young at Heart 211 Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity “Look at the Corporate Governance Framework. You probably notice that communication is at the center. Why is communication the key to a well-run corporation? “Have you ever had a difficult time when you communicate with others? “How does the communication between a company and shareholders go in a Korean company? To what degree, do you think shareholders can take part ina company? Talk Plus #\. Corprte cavemanceFamauon™ Good communication can forestall activism | Many companies have failed to act upon by shareholders who believe their concerns | shareholder proposals, even when they have not been heard, or have been simply | were supported by a majority vote. ignored, 214 spicus (kre What's your op How honest do you feel most companies in Korea are and how well do you feet they communicate? Unt SI. The Revenge of the Shareholders 215 Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity “What are your unique talents? Are you using them? Think of at least five. How could you use them at school or work to improve the quality of what you do or to create new value? Talk Plus * Talent counts thiryy percent, appearance counts seventy. = Chinese proverb A great deal of talent is lost to the world forthe want ofa litle courage. = Sychey Smith Talent is like electricity. We don't understand electricity. We use it. = Maya Angelou 218 spicus www epicur com (kre What's your op What talent do you have that you refuse to use? What’s blocking you from using it? ‘un 52. Showing OM Hidden Talent 219 Ree CURR a et Today's Activity ° How Likely are you to vote in the next election? Do you think youwill get the results you want? “Whatissues are important for you? Explain. “There are some celebrities who have become politicians or want to become politicians. What do you think of this? Talk Plus California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger “The party convention 222 spieus www epleur com (kre What's your op What do youwant the local or national government to do for you? nt 53. Your Vote Matters. 223 Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity Take a look at the personality test by color below. Find out which picture and color you like most and check the answer to the picture. “Does the description of the picture you chose match your personality? Why or why not? “If not, which answer would better fit you and why? Talk Plus # Personality Test by Color ‘The human brain responds ta shapes and colors in unique ways in each person. Since the 19608, psychologists have speculated about the appeal of certain color combinations to different personality ypes. Have fun and free associate with each of the pictures below. Give yoursalf 30 sacends to onder each of the pictures. Then chaose the picture that best evokes the feeling of comfort and security in your mind. + Selectyour choice to see what your favorite colors and shapes might say about you. 3 4 i 2 5 Answer > Thece are the ancwers to the picture 1 High Social Motivation 2 High Sensation Seeking 3 Low Reward Driven 4.Low Sacial Motivation 5 Extraverted Style 6 Low Sensation Seeking 7 introverted Style 8 High Reward Driven 226 spicus www splices com (kre What's your op Have you ever tried other personality tests? How accurate do you think these kinds of tests are? Ui 86, Color Me Healthy 227 (kre What's your op Have you ever had cabin fever? How did you know and how did you handle it? If you would have cabin fever, what would you do ta deal with it? Note. use 55. Cabin Fever 231 Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity “If you are studying with this book, you are at least somewhat proactive. Talk with your tutor about anything you are being proactive about. “Then discuss which type listed below you mostly are. Talk Plus #\ Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw, a driven workaholic, worked until his ate 90s and \wrote these profound words: “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persicts in tying toadapt the world ta himself. Therafore, all pragress depends on the unreasonable man." Three types of people amble down life's highways: 1) Proactives chase new (2) Reactives just watch (3). Inactives are the ones, ideas, No matter their things happen. They Who show up in life age, they look forward allow events to dictate with little interest to the vast vista of their les, other than living out ‘opportunities in this their existence on this wide world of change plane. 234 spicus (kre What's your op There are three types of people; proactives, reactives, inactives. Which type areyou and what makes you think so? ne BA, Stick to Your Passion 235 Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity Discuss these lines below with your tutor. Try to guess what they mean and when they should be used. Talk Plus #\. Line 5: ‘I'd Love to meet up, but I'm just really busy with work right now.” What it means: “I'm trying to think of a really nice way to blow you off.” Line 7: ‘I'm meeting my friends for a drink=want to come?” What it means: ‘I really like you and want to know ifyou get along with my pals." Line : "So, gotten any funny e-mails on find your lately?” What i means: “Are you interested in seeing each other exclusively?” 238 spicus Line 8: "So, want to meat for coffes?” What it means: ‘Want to meet for a coffee land then have dinner if wellike each ather?* www epicur com (kre What's your op What did you say to your significant other when you decided to move your relationship forward? What's the best way to bring a relationship to a higher level? Note. ust 87. Reading Betwsen the Lines 239 Ree CURR a et Today's Activity “Each picture illustrates some aspect of prostitution and human trafficking. Can you explain what they might be? “There are a wide range of opinion about this topic. Bo you think everyone involved (customers, sex workers, procurers} should all be in jail? Or does it meet human needs as the oldest professional job? Talk Plus * Surviors of miltary secval slavery by “Japanese Seldiars Prostitutes’ pratest 242 spicus www epleur com (kre What's your op Is prostitution a necessary societal evil? ne58. The Oldest Profession 243 Ree Talk on the Phone Today's Activity “Let's discuss to what degree these common hasty generalizations are true ornot. Talk Plus * Common hasty generalizations Married people are boring TF | Footballers arenotineelligent. UF "You cant be friends with your boss. TF | O14 people have na fun, WF Mon are bad at languages. ‘TF | Young girls arebrighter than young boys. | T/F Mathematics is for inteligent people. | T/F | All politicians are corrupt. WF Fich people live a great life TF | People who alk alot don't thinkmuch, | T/F Women are tatkatve than men. ‘TR | Amtists ara diferent from most people. | T/F Poor people arehappy intheir own way. | T/F | You canitteach an old dog new tricks. | T/F Topspartsstarshave fer worias than |__| Engineers and accountarssarevery | 4 — ‘mast other workers rational people 5 Breaking the sterecype oe 246 spicus www splices com (kre What's your op Can you think of some other hasty generalizations that you or others have used? Unt SY. Hasty Goneralization 247 Ree 's Talk on the Phone Today's Activity Do you find it hard to say no about what you don't want to do? If so, why? “Below are some of the common reasons we fear saying no. Talk Plus #\ ‘Come on Dillman. youn never Know whether Ill Say yes or HO uniess you ask Common reasons you fear saying No + A fear that wewill Lose a relationship with the person who ie asking us for something if we don't say yes. As humans, we ar® relational creatures, s0 this can be difficult for us. + A fear of someone's anger. Most of us want to avoid conflict, so we give in, not realizing that we are training the person to treat us thie way in the future, by them threatening #0 get madat us, + A fear of hurting people. This causes more damage than you would think, because we are not treating the person like an adult. So we end up getting angry or rasentful, ar haw ty our attitude thatwe really didn’t want to say yes, 250 spicus (kre What's your op When you believe someone will say “no” to your request, what types of things do usually say to someone to persuade them to say "yes"? Note. Us: 60. [Never Say No 251

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