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Malaybalay City, Bukidnon 8700

Tel (088) 813-5661 to 5663; Telefax (088) 813-2717,


The University shall primarily provide advanced education, higher technological, professional instruction and training in the
fields of education, arts and sciences, public administration, information technology, accountancy, law and other relevant fields of
study. It shall also promote research and extension service, and provide progressive leadership in its areas of specialization.
A premier institution of innovative and ethical leaders for sustainable development.
To develop competitive professionals who are committed to build a sustainable life for all through quality instruction, research,
extension, and production.
Quality Policy
BukSU is committed to the development, implementation and improvement of the QMS of the University. The importance of
understanding, meeting, and enhancing stakeholder requirements is also recognized. This is demonstrated through the Statement
of Quality Policy. BukSU commits to provide excellent instruction, responsive research, sustainable extension and quality
production for the highest satisfaction of its stakeholders through continual improvement and adherence to applicable
requirements. To achieve this, we shall:
1. Demonstrate academic excellence;
2. Harmonize quality assurance efforts;
3. Support International and Multicultural Student Services;
4. Produce research leaders who are able to initiate innovations in consonance with the mandates of the university;
5. Promote production and utilization of research-based innovations, inventions, and instructional materials showcasing
innovativeness and creativity;
6. Develop innovative leaders in extension;
7. Enhance the quality of Student Leadership Development;
8. Promote Sustainable Infrastructure Development and Functional Connectivity;
9. Provide an environment for excellence and quality; and
10. Utilize customer feedback for the continual improvement of the Quality Management System.

Core Values Excellence, Professionalism, Integrity, Commitment, Culture-sensitivity

Document Code: OVPAA-F- INS-50 Revision No. : 00 Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: June 5, 2020 Page 1 of 6
Malaybalay City, Bukidnon 8700
Tel (088) 813-5661 to 5663; Telefax (088) 813-2717,


in time of COVID-19 (A.Y. 2020-2021)

Course Code: L302


Course Credit: 3 UNITS

Nominal Duration: 3 HOURS

Prerequisite: NONE

Course Description: An in-depth consideration of the provisions of the Civil Code on the Law on Agency, Law on Trusts and Law on
Partnership, its nature and form, the obligations of the vendor and the vendee, warranties and remedies against breach of contract, the
modes of extinguishment of the contract.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students are expected to have:
CO1: To explain the basic principles applicable to the Law on Agency, Law on Trusts and Law on Partnership, examine
the facts relevant to key issues of each topic and apply the legal rules and principles involved to generate
reasonable responses using legal sources,
CO2: To evaluate the effectiveness of the provisions in the Civil Code pertaining to its nature and form, the rights and
obligations of parties as well as argue and defend their legal opinions on the legal issues,
CO3: To investigate factual and legal issues based on jurisprudence and landmark cases and critique the applicable
grounds and procedures of settlement and administration,
CO4: To devise a proposal for amendment or revision of the Civil Code related to Law on Agency, Law on Trusts and
Law on Partnership at the same time incorporate the ethical standards in business transactions relevant to the
present legal issues and responsive to future legal needs.

Document Code: OVPAA-F- INS-50 Revision No. : 00 Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: June 5, 2020 Page 2 of 6
Malaybalay City, Bukidnon 8700
Tel (088) 813-5661 to 5663; Telefax (088) 813-2717,

Learning Plan (Subject to change depending on advisories)

Time Course Outcomes Performance Assessment Flexible Learning Required Readings

Frame Outputs Modalities
MID- 1. To explain the basic principles Online Quiz Asynchronous New Civil Code of
TERM applicable to the Law on Agency, (Google Forms, Quiz, the Philippines
Law on Trusts and Law on Group Discussion Printed and Online
Partnership, examine the facts readings) Hectos S. De Leon,
relevant to key issues of each topic Case Analysis Online Lecture and quiz Comments and Cases
and apply the legal rules and (Google Meet or Zoom, on Sales and Lease,
principles involved to generate Oral Presentation of Case Google Classroom, 2014
reasonable legal responses Analysis Google Forms and

Group Discussion
(Google Meet or Zoom)

Rubric on Case Analysis

2. To evaluate the effectiveness of Online Quiz Asynchronous
the provisions in the Civil Code (Quiz, Printed and
pertaining its nature and form, the Group Discussion Online Lecture and quiz
rights and obligations of parties to a (Google Meet or Zoom,
contract of sale, lease and other Case Analysis Google Classroom,
contracts, as well as argue and Google Forms and
defend their legal opinions on the Oral Presentation of Case Slides)
legal issues based using sources Analysis
Group Discussion
(Google Meet or Zoom)
3. To investigate factual and legal Rubric on Creating
issues based on jurisprudence and Creation of Articles of Articles of Partnership

Document Code: OVPAA-F- INS-50 Revision No. : 00 Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: June 5, 2020 Page 3 of 6
Malaybalay City, Bukidnon 8700
Tel (088) 813-5661 to 5663; Telefax (088) 813-2717,

landmark cases and critique the Partnership and Special Power and SPA
applicable grounds and procedures of Attorney
of settlement and administration
Midterm Examination
4. To devise a proposal for Online Quiz Asynchronous
amendment or revision of the Civil (Quiz, Printed and
Code related to Contract of Sale and Group Discussion Online Lecture and quiz
Lease (Google Meet or Zoom,
Case Analysis Google Classroom,
Google Forms and
FINAL Oral Presentation of Case Slides)
TERM Analysis
Group Discussion
Constitutional Reform Proposal (Google Meet or Zoom)

Policy Proposal
(Group Discussion)
Final Examination

Grading System
Major Exam 40%
● Major output corresponding to the terminal course outcome (Midterm and Final Exams)

Class Standing 60%

● Graded modular/online activities and outputs corresponding to
the enabling course outcomes. (Group Discussions, Quizzes, Case Digest and Papers)

1. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the delivery of instruction will be through the following flexible learning modalities:

Document Code: OVPAA-F- INS-50 Revision No. : 00 Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: June 5, 2020 Page 4 of 6
Malaybalay City, Bukidnon 8700
Tel (088) 813-5661 to 5663; Telefax (088) 813-2717,

● Online learning- This may be synchronous (for students with digital connectivity) using Google Classroom and Google
Meet, Zoom, Facebook Messenger and video apps such as Youtube and FB Lives; or asynchronous (used for students with
limited internet connectivity) with the teacher sending lectures and assignments via e-mails or text messages.
● Remote learning- This involve flexible independent learning activities like modules, learning packets, projects, and other
forms of independent study.
2. For online learning, the primary learning management system (LMS) to be used will be the Google Classroom where class
materials, activity instructions, due dates, references and other updates will be uploaded/posted.
3. During online meetings, the students are expected to actively participate and observe the video conferencing etiquette such as:
⮚ Mute microphones when someone is discussing or presenting and unmute only when asked/acknowledged to share ideas
and/or ask questions. Set up the camera correctly so the face can be seen properly on screen.
⮚ Dress appropriately. Wear corporate/court attire in class. Observe proper decorum.
⮚ Choose a quiet location and avoid distractions as much as possible. No removals for major exams scheduled ahead.
⮚ Regularly check the course site for announcements and updates.
⮚ Always attend online class meetings on time. Be there at least 10 minutes before we start.
4. For students who cannot join the online classes due to lack of internet connectivity, they have to inform the instructor so that
modular instructional delivery may be prepared for them in advance.
5. Performance assessment outputs will be submitted online or via courier.
6. Academic integrity of all major outputs shall be observed. As member of this class, you are expected to abide by the norms of
academic integrity. Everything you submit must be your own work, written specifically for this class. While a good deal of
collaboration is encouraged in and out of class, all sources – ideas, as well as words and images – must be acknowledged
according to the conventions of academic citation (we will use APA). Willful disregard for these conventions can result in
withdrawal from the course with a grade of “5”, and/or suspension or expulsion from the University.
7. Students are required to read ALL commentaries from other references corresponding to the provisions indicated. Students are
strongly advised to read all cases in the original full text. Where the syllabus points to an unfamiliar technical word, phrase,
classification, or language, students are expected to exercise due diligence and determine their meaning.
8. If you have any concern or question after the class, inform your class representative or message me in the Google Classroom.


The New Civil Code of the Philippines

Document Code: OVPAA-F- INS-50 Revision No. : 00 Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: June 5, 2020 Page 5 of 6
Malaybalay City, Bukidnon 8700
Tel (088) 813-5661 to 5663; Telefax (088) 813-2717,

Revision History: JULY 12, 2019

Prepared by/Date: Reviewed by/Date: Reviewed by/Date: Approved by/ Date:

Faculty Chairperson Dean VPAA

Document Code: OVPAA-F- INS-50 Revision No. : 00 Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: June 5, 2020 Page 6 of 6

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