Leadership Assignment 3

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Utshav Rayamajhi Date:29th August,2020

19325 Assignment 3

1) Based on the principles of the SLII model (by K. Blanchard, P. Zigarmi, and D. Zigarm),
how would you describe the runners in Group 1? What kind of leadership do they want from
David, and what kind of leadership does David seem prepared to give them?
Ans: From the given case and on the basis of the principles of the Situational Leadership II model,
in my analysis the runners in Gorup 1 can be categorized in D1 development level, which means
that they are low in competence but high in commitment. The athletes or runners who resides in
this group are mostly those who have never run a marathon before and who are more concerned
on how to perform in the marathon with having doubt in their own ability to succeed. Despite the
fact they may have low competence, which bothers David and feels as though they are immature
because of lot questions being asked on succeeding, I have different viewpoints. I believe that all
these shows a high level of commitment in the duty of theirs. Therefore, for me these Group 1
runners are seeking a S2 level of leadership from David, which is highly directive and supporting
behavior style. However, David may have failed to recognize this and instead finds their behavior
rather intolerable and is prepared to give them a S1 level of leadership directing, which is highly
directive but with a very low supportive style.

2)How would you describe the fit between the runners in Group 2 and David’s coaching
style? Discuss.
Ans: The runners in the Group 2 are good runners and who all have finished the NYC Marathon
the previous year. David enjoys coaching, talking and also giving motivational talks to these group
as all have experience and they ask the question which are all relevant/correct in terms for higher
positive result in thier duties. So, as far my understanding, I would describe this group of having
a D3 development level, which is a middle ground to both competence as well as commitment in
terms of high and low. For the leadership style of David for this group can be an S3 level, which
is highly supportive but with low directive. This supporting level of leadership means that David
is focus is not solely on the goal but also rather on a supporting behavior of these runners in a way
that brings out their skills regarding the goal to be accomplished. This is because even with just a
year of experience, these runners are eager to understand their training so they can bring out their
best in the marathon.
Utshav Rayamajhi Date:29th August,2020
19325 Assignment 3

3)The experienced runners in Group 3 appear to be a challenge to David. Using SLII, explain
why David appears ineffective with this group?
Ans: The reason for challenging Davids leadership style by the third group may be because of the
leadership style used here is not matching up to the runner’s developmental level. From the case,
I can say that these runners have a D4 development level, which is indicating that they are both
highly competent and committed which can be supported by the fact that they are the most well
experienced runners among the other two groups. They have very good confidence on their ability
to perform and finish well in the marathon so, David should be using an S4 or delegating leadership
style. But unfortunately, he seems more to be applying the S3 supporting leadership level and so
can be the reason the runners are ignoring or discounting his advice and coaching. It is made
cleared by the case that the runners here are bit moody, which indicates that their commitment
level is not high as it supposed to be. Therefore, I believe that due to the un-matching or conflict
between their development level and Davids leadership style, may be the reason that David is
finding it difficult to interact or communicate with and coach these seasoned marathoners.

4) If you were helping David with his coaching, how would you describe his strengths and
weaknesses? What suggestions would you make to him about how to improve?
Ans: From the best of my knowledge from the given case, I would say that Davids’s strength
would be his willingness or eagerness to give coaching/direction and a sense of motivation to his
runners so that they all succeed at completing the marathon to the best of their abilities. However,
his weakness might he is quite selective in coaching and with and his ability to communicate at
different level of groups, as he does not show much of an enthusiastic coaching eagerness to the
runners of Group 1 as they are the newbies and ask a lot of questions but also tries to give or shows
too much coaching to the most experienced runners i.e. group 3. From the case it can me said that
he tends to use more directive behaviors for Group 1, which creates a one-way-medium
communications. It is very clear that group 2 is the one where he has figured out the way and is
happy coaching them.
So, I would suggest David to try having a better understanding of developmental levels of each
group and what are the needs of each of these groups. For e.g.; he is using more supportive styles
of leadership for group 2 & 3, when he should be using this type of similar behaviors for group 1
Utshav Rayamajhi Date:29th August,2020
19325 Assignment 3

instead of group 3 and a more directive behavior for group 3 rather than group 1. From there,
David may be able to alter his leadership style for each group and with this I think he would have
three separate level groups of runners who are happy and very much prepared best for the
upcoming marathon.

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