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Method Study:

 Method study is the systematic recording and critical examination of existing and
proposed ways of doing work, as a means of developing and applying easier and more
effective methods and reducing costs.
 Systematic recording and critical examination of existing and proposed ways of doing
work, as a means of developing and applying easier and more effective methods and
reducing cost
 The main purpose of method study is to eliminate the unnecessary operations and to
achieve the best method of performing the operation

Objective of method Study:

1. Improvement of processes and procedures
2. Improvement in the design of plant and equipment
3. Improvement of layout
4. Improvement in the use of men, materials and machines
5. Economy in human effort and reduction of unnecessary fatigue
6. Improvement in safety standards
7. Development of better working environment.

Selection of the Job for Method Study

Cost is the main criteria for selection of a job, process and department for methods analysis. To
carry out the method study, a job is selected such that the proposed method achieves one or more
of the following results:
(a) Improvement in quality with lesser scrap.
(b) Increased production through better utilisation of resources.
(c) Elimination of unnecessary operations and movements.
(d) Improved layout leading to smooth flow of material and a balanced production line.
(e) Improved working conditions.

Definition of ‘Work Simplification’ or ‘Method study’ or Work Method Design: is the
systematic recording and critical examination of existing and proposed ways of doing work as a
means of developing and applying easier, and more effective, methods, and reducing costs.

It is mostly used to improve existing method of doing work although it is equally well
applicable to new jobs. When applied to existing jobs, method study aims to find better methods
of doing the jobs that are economical and safe, require less human effort, and need shorter make-
ready / put-away time. The better method involves the optimum use of best materials and
appropriate manpower so that work is performed in well, organized manner leading to
utilization, better quality and lower costs.

Advantages of Method study

1) Improved working and standardized procedures.
2) Better work place layout
3) Less fatigue to operators.
4) Better product quality
5) Effective utilization of men, material & machinery
6) Efficient and fast material handling.
7) Reduced health hazards
8) Efficient planning of the section
9) Streamlined working procedures

Work Study

Work Simplification Work Measurement

Select Select

Record Record

Examine Examine
Develop Measure

Install Define


Higher Productivity

Areas of Application

The application of methods engineering may be required in a variety of circumstances. It ranges
from the design of a new plant, to the design of a new product, to the design of a new process, to
the improvement of an existing process, to the improvement of an existing workplace. Wherever
work is being done, methods engineering is a desirable function to ensure that the work is being
done in the easiest, safest, and most productive way

Motion study is the science of eliminating wastefulness, resulting from using unnecessary; ill-
directed and inefficient motion. The aim of motion study is to find and perpetuate the scheme of
the least waste methods of labor.

Motion study is a technique of analyzing the body motions employed in doing a task in order to
eliminate or reduce ineffective movements and facilitates effective movements. By using motion
study and the principles of motion economy the task is redesigned to be more effective and less
time consuming.

The Gilbreths pioneered the study of manual motions and developed basic laws of motion
economy that are still relevant today. They were also responsible for the development of detailed
motion picture studies, termed as Micro Motion Studies, which are extremely useful for
analyzing highly repetitive manual operations. With the improvement in technology, of course,
video camera has replaced the traditional motion picture film camera.

In a broad sense, motion study encompasses micro motion study and both have the same
objective: job simplification so that it is less fatiguing and less time consuming while motion
study involves a simple visual analysis, micro motion study uses more expensive equipment.
The two types of studies may be compared to viewing a task under a magnifying glass versus
viewing the same under a microscope. The added detail revealed by the microscope may be
needed in exceptional cases when even a minute improvement in motions matters, i.e. on
extremely short repetitive tasks.

Taking the cine films @ 16 to 20 frames per second with motion picture camera,
developing the film and analyzing the film for micro motion study had always been considered a
costly affair. To save on the cost of developing the film and the cost of film itself, a technique
was used in which camera took only 5 to 10 frames per minute. This saved on the time of film
analysis too. In applications where infrequent shots of camera could provide almost same
information, the technique proved fruitful and acquired the name Memo Motion Study.

Traditionally, the data from micro motion studies are recorded on a Simultaneous Motion
(SIMO) Chart while that from motion studies are recorded on a Right Hand - Left Hand Process

We can therefore say that through method study we have a systematic way of developing
human resource effectiveness, providing high machine and equipment utilization, and making
economical use of materials.

Types of Machining Processes

Write Operation Plan for the following components:

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h)


(j) (k)

(l) (m)

(n) (o)

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