Lesson Plan in English For Grade 10: I. Objectives

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Lesson Plan in English for Grade 10

I. Objectives
At the end of one-hour period, the students will be able to:
a. expand ideas using the principles of cohesion and coherence (EN10WC-IVa-14.1.1);
b. identify the basic cohesive devise commonly used in writing; and
c. use cohesive devices in writing.

II. Subject Matter

Cohesion and Coherence
References: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature (Teacher’s Guide) by Liza R.
Almonte et. al. p. 416.
Materials: Visual aids and hand-outs

III. Procedure
A. Motivation
1. The teacher will ask the students on how they write essays.
2. The teacher will share to the students the importance of having a good written skills
that can be achieved by applying the principles of cohesion and coherence.
B. Presentation
1. The teacher will discuss the principles of cohesion and coherence.
2. The types and correct use of cohesive devices will be taught to students.
C. Activity
1. The students will have the group activity entitled “Label Me”
2. The teacher will check the students’ outputs and will give the scores and inputs right
D. Application (Activity)
1. The students will be asked to write an essay using cohesive devices to meet the
principles of cohesion and coherence.
E. Generalization
1. The students will be asked to summarize the basic concepts of cohesion and

IV. Evaluation
Test I (1-8).
Directions: Read the paragraph carefully and underline the cohesive devices used.
Test II (12 points).
Directions: Write an essay regarding on the present issues using at least 10 cohesive devices.
Your essay will be graded based on the rubrics below:

CRITERIA The 4.0 Response The 3.0 Response The 2.0 Response

A strong central idea-- A clearly stated central Contains a strongly implied,

clearly stated early in the rather than a clearly stated
idea controls the
response--stimulates the central idea that controls
Content reader, controls the organization or development the development of the
development of the writer's subject matter.
of thought.
response, and ensures unity
The author arranges The introduction and
his/her ideas in a clear and conclusion are proportionate
The writer achieves unity
logical pattern; although to the length of the
and coherence throughout
sometimes a paragraph may response, but the conclusion
the entire response as well
be inadequately developed, may simply repeat ideas
ORGANIZATION as in well-organized
most paragraphs are from the introduction
unified, coherent, and almost verbatim.
developed with sufficient
concrete detail

Sentences vary in length Although the writer Diction is fairly appropriate

and structure: they are normally uses diction to aid but may be hackneyed, and
rhythmic, not labored or understanding, he/she the writer may mix levels of
mechanical. sometimes inappropriately usage.
sacrifices immediate clarity
The writer's diction is to gain emotional or Grammar, spelling, and
fresh, lively, and precise. aesthetic effect punctuation errors are not
The writer avoids jargon distracting (but they are
and padding. evident).


V. Assignment
Directions: Look for any paragraph that tackles a specific issue or topic and underline and label
the cohesive devices used. Write your answers in a one-whole sheet of paper.

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