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University of the East


Aurora Boulevard, Quezon City

College of Nursing




A group of Level II students was accompanied by their respective Clinical Instructor to a

designated Barangay in Quezon City to collect data . They are instructed to follow protocol like attending
activities such as Flag Ceremony and many more..A courtesy call to the Barangay captain and to the
barangay health worker. The students was instructed to collect and collate data, utilize typology and
formulate Health teaching plan based from the priority needs.

Student A was able to assess Family Dela Cruz, Mrs. Dela Cruz 50 years old store owner,
diagnosed of diabetes mellitus and hypertension 5 years ago, non compliant with her medications, diet
and exercise. She is irritable and unreasonable most of the time. Her husband 55 years is an overseas
worker for 3 years now, but with limited communication. They had 2 children living with her, Ana 19
year old is pregnant living with her common – law, he is known smoker and occasionally drink hard
alcohol. The other child, Cardo is not living with them.

Student B is able to assess Family Katigbak, Mr. Katigbak, 28 year old married to Carla a 25 year
old cashier and has children, a 4 year old and a 2 year old, a tricycle driver renting near in a crowded
place, trash is seen everywhere, surrounded with open drainage, mosquitoes and rodents is seen. As
extended family, her mother in law 58 years is living with them to help them in the household chores.
During home visit, the mother in law has cough and colds for two weeks now, a 2 year old child has
runny nose and occasional cough maculo papular rash seen on the trunk and abdomen. When asked about
immunization, no measles booster yet, received polio vaccine just recently.

Student C was able to assess, Family of Cosa, Mrs Cosa is 40 year old sidewalk vendor married
to Nido carpenter 39 year old with 4 children living in a crowded place, Nido was diagnosed of
tuberculosis a year ago, he is compliant with his anti tuberculosis medications 6 months ago and will be
finished with his treatment regimen come next month. Mrs Cosa is very supportive to her husband’s well
being as well as to her four children.

Guide Questions

1. Document comprehensive and focus data using the typology ranking conditions
Student A (Family Dela Ana 19 year old is pregnant
Cruz) living with her common –
law, he is known smoker and
Presence of Health Threats
occasionally drink hard
related to Unhealthy
lifestyle and personal alcohol.
habits/ practices; Inability
to recognize presence of
problem due to lack of
adequate knowledge.
Student B (Family A tricycle driver renting near
Katigbak) in a crowded place, trash is
seen everywhere, surrounded
Presence of Health Threats with open drainage,
related to Family of size mosquitoes and rodents is
beyond what family seen.
resources can adequately
provide; Inability to the mother in law has cough
provide a home and colds for two weeks now
environment conducive to
health and personal a 2 year old child has runny
development due to nose and occasional cough
Inadequate family maculo papular rash seen on
resources. the trunk and abdomen

no measles booster yet,

received polio vaccine just
Student C (Family Cosa) 40 year old sidewalk vendor
married to Nido carpenter 39
Presence of Health Deficits year old with 4 children living
related to Illness state, in a crowded place
regardless whether it is
diagnosed or undiagnosed; he is compliant with his anti
Inability to provide nursing tuberculosis medications 6
care to the sick due to months ago and will be
Inadequate family finished with his treatment
resources. regimen come next month

2. Formulate family nursing diagnosis based from the priority needs

Family Family Nursing Diagnosis
Student A (Family Dela Cruz) Presence of Health Threats related to Unhealthy
lifestyle and personal habits/ practices; Inability to
recognize presence of problem due to lack of
adequate knowledge.
Student B (Family Katigbak) Presence of Health Threats related to poor home/
environmental conditions and sanitation; Inability
to provide a home environment conducive to health
and personal development due to Inadequate family
Student C (Family Cosa) Presence of Health Deficits related to Illness state,
regardless whether it is diagnosed or undiagnosed;
Inability to provide nursing care to the sick due to
Inadequate family resources.

3. Plan and create Health teaching plan based on each family priority needs

Goals and Content Teaching Time Allotment Persons Involved Resources Evaluation
Objectives Strategies

Facilitator: Jona Introduction: After 30 minutes of

Goal: Introduction: Introduction: Introduction: Joyce Junsay Visual Aids nursing
After 2weeks of Importance of Discussion ( 2 Minutes) regarding the intervention the
nursing healthy lifestyle topic with patient will be able
intervention: and healthy Main Topics: Main topics: pictures and to:
The family will pregnant mother Discussion ( 8- 10 Minutes) brochure
be able to Understood and
recognize Some ways on Main Topics: willing to apply
frequent how to be a Visual Aids the frequent
smoking of mother regarding the smoking of
cigarette as a topic with cigarette as a
Main Topics: pictures and problem and
problem and
decide an decide an
Causes and Discussion
appropriate effects of
appropriate health
health actions smoking and actions to correct
to correct them drinking alcohol them

Will be able to
Objectives: Kind of disease recite at least 5
After 2 weeks of that can get on On effective
nursing unhealthy Discussion healthy lifestyle
intervention the lifestyle
patient will be Evaluation Plan:
able to: Exercise Demonstrate
Question and
Cognitive: Sub-Topics: Answer regarding
Will be able to Effects of the the topic
understand and healthy lifestyle
as a pregnant Sample Questions:
recognize the
effects of 1. What are
frequent Health Benefits the
smoking and of healthy ( 6 Minutes ) eftective
mother to the healthy
its threats to
baby Discussion lifestyle?
health. 2. What are
Affective: one can
Will express or ( 5 Minutes ) obtain
suggest health from
concerns unhealthy
regarding lifestyle.
healthy lifestyle 3. What can
for pregnant you do to
women. gradually
( 5 Minutes ) stop?
some exercise
that can help her
lungs to be
healthy and her

Goals and Content Teaching Time Allotment Persons Involved Resources Evaluation
Objectives Strategies

Facilitator: Jona Introduction: After 30 minutes of

Goal: Introduction: Introduction: Introduction: Joyce Junsay Visual Aids nursing
After 2weeks of Importance of Discussion ( 2 Minutes) regarding the intervention the
nursing hygiene and topic with patient will be able
intervention: sanitation, Main Topics: Main topics: pictures and to:
The family will Presence of Discussion ( 8- 10 Minutes) brochure
be able to breeding site and Demonstration Understood and
effectively Proper Main Topics: willing to apply the
promote and Handwashing. Visual Aids preventive
maintain an regarding the measures in
environment Different topic with controlling pests as
conducive to households pests pictures and evidenced by the
health evidenced brochure result.
by showing Main Topics:
proper Will be able to
handwashing Causes and recite at least 5
effects Effective cleaning
occurrence in the factors.
Objectives: communit
After 2 weeks of Will suggest ways
nursing to reduce about
intervention the Kind of disease Discussion concerns
patient will be individuals
able to: might get from Evaluation Plan:
presence of pests
Question and
Cognitive: Ways to reduce Answer regarding
Will be able to and control pests the topic
understand in the
effective community Discussion Sample Questions:
cleaning, if not
sanitizing the 1. What are
different parts of Sub-Topics: the
the house Effects of the ( 6 Minutes ) eftective
poor environmen cleaning
Affective: sanitation and procedure
Will express or hygiene Discussion ?
suggest health 2. What are
concerns Health Benefits the
regarding of clean associated
saitation and environment disease
hygiene ( 5 Minutes ) one can
Proper obtain
Psychomotor: handwashing Demonstration from poor
Demonstrate environme
cleaning and nt
sanitation sanitation
techniques and
( 5 Minutes ) hygiene
3. What can
you do to

Goals and Content Teaching Time Allotment Persons Involved Resources Evaluation
Objectives Strategies

Facilitator: Jona Introduction: After 30 minutes of

Goal: Introduction: Introduction: Introduction: Joyce Junsay Visual Aids nursing
After 2weeks of Importance of Discussion ( 2 Minutes) regarding the intervention the
nursing hygiene and topic with patient will be able
intervention: sanitation, Main Topics: Main topics: pictures and to:
The family will Presence of Discussion ( 8- 10 Minutes) brochure
be able to breeding site and Demonstration Understood and
effectively Proper Main Topics: willing to aplly the
promote and Handwashing. Visual Aids preventive
maintain an regarding the measures in
environment Different topic with controlling pests as
households pests pictures and evidenced by the
brochure result.
Objectives: Main Topics:
After 2 weeks of Will be able to
nursing Causes and recite at least 5
intervention the effects Effective cleaning
patient will be occurrence in the factors.
able to: communit
Will suggest ways
to reduce about
Cognitive: Kind of disease Discussion concerns
Will be able to individuals
understand might get from Evaluation Plan:
effective presence of pests
cleaning, if not Question and
sanitizing the Ways to reduce Answer regarding
different parts of and control pests the topic
the house in the
community Discussion Sample Questions:
Will express or 1. What are
suggest health Sub-Topics: Visual Aids the
concerns Effects of the ( 6 Minutes ) regarding the eftective
regarding poor environmen topic with cleaning
saitation and sanitation and pictures and procedure
hygiene hygiene Discussion brochure ?
2. What are
Psychomotor: Health Benefits the
Demonstrate of clean associated
cleaning and environment disease
sanitation ( 5 Minutes ) Visual Aids one can
techniques Proper regarding the obtain
handwashing Demonstration topic with from poor
pictures and environme
brochure nt
( 5 Minutes ) Visual Aids hygiene
regarding the 3. What can
topic with you do to
pictures and gradually
brochure stop

4. Provide latest trends, related literature , reflections and recommendations

Latest Trends Student A: The use of tobacco products including
Swedish snus (moist snuff) in pregnancy may cause
adverse health outcomes. While smoking
prevalence has decreased among fertile women in
Norway, snus use has increased during the last
years. We investigated whether these trends were
reflected also during pregnancy in a population of
women in Southern Norway.

Student B: Current trends in Immunizations

Immunization is a highly effective Public Health
intervention,second only to availability of clean
water. In the US, we have made tremendous
progress in protecting our young
Children. Adolescent immunization rates are
increasing, but challenges remain. Recent
recommendations for Maternal Immunization offer
an exciting opportunity to protect mothers and
newborns. Innovative new vaccines for this
population are under development. Alternate
Immunization Sites are one tool that can be used to
increase access to underimmunized / underserved

Student C: It’s time to end TB in the Philippines

Tuberculosis is an airborne disease. About 1
million Filipinos have active TB disease. This is
the third highest prevalence rate in the world, after
South Africa and Lesotho. It is a highly curable
disease. Yet, it is the number one killer among all
infectious diseases. Every day more than 70 people
lose their lives to TB in the Philippines needlessly.
Many of these patients develop drug resistant
tuberculosis, which are more expensive and
difficult to treat.
Related Literature Student A: About 40% of pregnant women are
estimated to quit smoking spontaneously, primarily
out of concerns for fetal health but also, out of
concern for their own. Others may be encouraged
to quit smoking, through concerted counseling
about the risks of smoking to fetus and mother that
begins at the initiation of prenatal care [18]. On the
whole, pregnant women are receptive to
educational measures and health promotion [17]
and are more likely to consider smoking cessation
in the context of the frequent contact with health
professionals during prenatal care [9]. Accordingly,
the prenatal protocol of the Brazilian Health
Ministry [16] instructs that smoking pregnant
women be identified in prenatal medical visits,
advised to quit and offered support to achieve this
goal. As such, the findings of the study population
are worrying. It is likely that not all pregnant
women were appropriately counseled during their
medical visits. The high prevalence of smoking in
the study population shows that actions to address
prevention of tobacco use in general and,
particularly, during prenatal care, have been
inadequate in the study region.

Student B: Many reasons were found for not

vaccinating children or not completing the
vaccination schedule; firstly, this may have been
due to a lack of vaccination information among
parents or health care providers. Inadequate
information on vaccination status may lead to
inappropriately timed or missed immunizations,
resulting in decreased protection against diseases,
increased side effects, and increased costs [31,32].
Secondly, this may have been due to the
immunization card or clinical records not providing
a clear and complete immunization record. The
immunization card is very important for the
immunization provider to be able to determine
which vaccination is due on a child’s visit. In
addition, the immunization card is important for
parents to be able to determine or check their
child’s immunization status [30,32]

Student C: Abdulkareem FN, Merza MA, Salih

AM. First insight into latent tuberculosis infection
among household contacts of tuberculosis patients
in Duhok, Iraqi Kurdistan: using tuberculin skin
test and QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus test. Int J
Infect Dis 2020 (published online Mar 31)
Recognizing LTBI among close contacts and
identifying the potential risk factors of acquiring
the infection is paramount policy toward reducing
TB incidence as majority of TB cases result from
reactivation of such infections.
Reflections As a student and a teenager its hard as of now to
get pregnant because of not having work yet and
not in a stable life. I have learned that its not help
and not safe for the mother and the baby that kind
of situation. What we need is a stable life before
getting pregnant and I have learned the side effects
of smoker and drinking alcohol while pregnant.

As student its hard for me to see some people who

need help, the poorest like for todays issue the
covid 19. Some families need foods and water that
can support their daily needs, as of now its hard for
us to help each other because as of now the
spreading of coronavirus is on the fastest ways of

As student we need to take care illness patient even

in our home when someone need an help so what
we did is we take care of them as our responsibility
as a student nurse and educate them on what they
Recommendations Student A:
I recommend the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Dela
ccruz which is ana on the health care personnel as
to guide her and give her lesson regards on healthy
lifestyle. And recommend her on OB to check her
baby’s condition if it’s alright.

Student B:
I recommend the family to DSWD or any
government program that can help them on daily
lives and for the children immunization or health.

Student C:
I recommend the family to do a daily medications
and ask for some donations to help the family on
daily lives since the income is not enough to the
family and I recommend them to the DSWD to
takecare his/her children to focus on itself to
recoverd and to be well.

4. Create a program based on the the priority family who needs immediate nursing interventions.

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